In the July 1990 issue of Electronic musician an article about unusual
MIDI applications for the Mac ("Programming for the rest of us") discussed a
public domain program called _Megalomania_, written by Eric Huffman. The
article stated that the program was in the public domain and available via
ftp from (
I was not able to locate the program either in their directories or in their
help files which list all programs available. If anyone can offer a tip as to
where this program can be obtained (or how), please let me know.
Respond via email to
Many thanks!
St. Olaf may or may not have nothing | M M | M M M | M M | M M M | M M |
do with the things I talk about. | M M | M M M | M M | M M M | M M |
| M M | M M M | M M | M M M | M M |
Dave Brown: | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
"I _like_ programming the DX-7!" |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|