[rec.music.synth] Computer/Music research efforts

deke@ee.rochester.edu (Dikran Kassabian) (08/02/90)

I like to keep at least loose track of research efforts in computers-in-music
within the USA.  I try to read the Computer Music Journal when I can, and have
a copy of _Computing in Musicology, A Directory of Research_ (1989) sitting
in front of me right now.  And of course, I read comp.music and rec.music.synth

Still, I imagine that some of the less recently published research efforts have
escaped my less-than-rigorous search.  Could we get together and try to list
university research efforts and degree granting programs in computer/music
research?  I know I could benefit from such a list in general.  In particular,
I would be interested to learn of such research efforts in and around Chicago
and St. Louis. 

Here's a start to the list, in no particular order:

	MIT Media labs, Mass.
	Various UC branches, California
	Stanford CCRMA, California
	Princeton, New Jersey
	University of Rochester, New York
	SUNY Binghampton, New York
	Northwestern University, Illinois.
	University of Ottawa, Canada  (yes, I know, not part of the USA :-)

I don't mean to leave anyone out.  I know that there are lots more. 
Please, post your favorites!

Thanks in advance,

      ^Deke Kassabian,   deke@ee.rochester.edu   or   ur-valhalla!deke
   Univ of Rochester, Dept of EE, Rochester, NY 14627     (+1 716-275-3106)