[rec.music.synth] Need SixTrak patches

jbritt@shumv1.ncsu.edu (Joe Britt) (09/11/90)

Hi there,

I need some help.  I have a Sequential SixTrak that has lost all memory
of the factory patches.  The lithium battery finally gave up the ghost,
and (surprise surprise) all the patches went bye-bye.  I changed the
battery, but of course the patches are still all gone.  I called Wine
Country...they had 2 suggestions:  Retype all the patches from the
owner's manual OR buy a "diagnostic ROM" from them for $49!

Needless to say, neither of these sound too attractive.  So, I come to
the net with a plea for help!

I have access to patch librarians for the Mac.  If anyone out there has
a SixTrak and could dump all the patches to some machine and send me the
file, I'd be super-duper grateful!  I have a PD librarian for the Mac I
can send to anyone who has a SixTrak & Mac but no librarian program.

I also have access to an EPROM burner.  If anyone out there HAS this ROM
& could send me a dump of it, I could make a ROM to reload the synth.

Many many thanks in advance!

-joe b. :-)

|   jbritt@shumv1.ncsu.edu   ||    Give me a free Mac II.  Please?    |