[rec.music.synth] Where do I find a list/review of soft/hardware for a Mac II?

burd@hydra.unm.edu (Stephen Burd ASM) (02/06/91)

A friend of a friend is a piano teacher and composer who is about to
get a Mac II.  She's new to computer everything and has asked me what
software and hardware are available for this machine.  I thinks she's
looking primarily at notation/scoring software in the short term with
a possible foray into the MIDI world further down the road.

Would anyone out there point me to a book(s) or some magazine articles
that might help?  I have some back issues of Electronic Musician
and Keyboard but my collection is limited and incomplete.  Please
respond by email.  I'll post a summary if interest warrants it.

Thanks in advance!

FROM:      Stephen D. Burd			AT&T:      (505)-277-6418
USNAIL:    Anderson School of Management
           University of New Mexico		INTERNET:  burd@hydra.unm.edu
           Albuquerque, NM  87131