[rec.music.synth] Atari ST Music Software For Sale

glennd@athena.arc.nasa.gov (Glenn Deardorff - GDP) (05/18/91)

I'm spring-cleaning my software closet and would like to sell the

1) Master Tracks Pro sequencer (v2.5) from Passport Designs  $100
   for Atari ST

   This contains everything that the latest version of Master Tracks
   for the ST has (v3.?), except for SMPTE support.  It has a nice
   graphical interface and is very intuitive.  It is recommended that
   it be run with TOS 1.0, although I ran it OK with TOS 1.4 (you lose
   the double click capability with TOS 1.4).

2) Hybrid Arts' CZ-Android  $40

   This is a nice ed/lib for the CZ101.  This version only works with
   TOS 1.0.

Contact:	Glenn Deardorff
		via Email (glennd@athena.arc.nasa.gov)
		or (408) 425-0699

		I will pay shipping charges.