[news.lists] Arpanet List-of-Lists Part 1

spaf@gatech.EDU (Gene Spafford) (12/13/86)

What follows is part 1 (of 2) of the Arpanet List of Lists.  This list
is maintained by Rich Zellich and corresponds to the List of Active
Newsgroups which I maintain on the Usenet.  Many of the groups listed
herein are gatewayed into Usenet newsgroups.

Note that uucp-only sites are usually not able to receive these lists
except through gatewayed Usenet newsgroups.

Part 2 of the list is in a companion article.

Gene Spafford
12 December 1986

      Description updated;
      Archives location added;
      Coordinator name changed.
      New mailing list (discussion of a Canadian internet).
      New mailing list (communications discussion).
      Mailing lists reorganized.
      New mailing list (discussion of ergodic theory & dynamical systems).
      Moved to new host.
      New host name.
      Deleted mailing list.
      Deleted mailing list.
      New mailing list (discussion of brain-like networks and computing).
      Deleted mailing list.
      Added archive locations.


   PLEASE NOTE:  The general convention is that for administrivia about a list 
   (like getting added or deleted, asking about archive files, etc.) you write 
   to list-REQUEST@host (e.g., HEADER-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU).  This 
   gets you to the moderator, rather than to the membership of the entire 
   mailing list.  Please look carefully at the entry for each list you are 
   interested in, to see if a -REQUEST address has been provided.

   | ADA-SW                | INFO-HAMS              | NAMEDROPPERS           |
   | ADVISE-L              | INFO-HZ100             | NetMonth               |
   | AI-ED[ucation]        | INFO-IBMPC             | NEURON                 |
   | AILIST                | INFO-IDL               | NIHONGO                |
   | AMETHYST-USERS        | INFO-IRIS              | NL-KR                  |
   | APOLLO                | INFO-JAPAN             | NORTHSTAR-USERS        |
   | ARMS-D                | INFO-KERMIT            | NUKE-WINTER            |
   | ARPA-MHS              | INFO-LAPTOPS           | P4200                  |
   | ARPANET-BBOARDS       | INFO-LAW               | PACKET-RADIO           |
   | ASM370                | INFO-MAC               | PARSYM                 |
   | Astronomy Events      | INFO-MACFORTH          | PC-Token-Ring          |
   | AUDIO                 | INFO-MICRO             | PCIP (PC TCP/IP)       |
   | AVIATION              | INFO-MODULA-2          | PHILOSOPHY-OF-SCIENCE  |
   | BIZARRE-PEOPLE        | INFO-NETS              | PHYSICS                |

   | CA (cellular automata)| INFO-PASCAL            | POLI-SCI               |
   | CADinterest^          | INFO-PCNET             | PROLOG/PROLOG-HACKERS  |
   | CAN-INET              | INFO-POSTSCRIPT        | ProtocolS              |
   | CBMLIST               | INFO-PRINTERS          | Psychnet (see EPSYNET) |
   | CLUSTER               | INFO-PROTEON           | PUP-LOVERS             |
   | COMM-L                | INFO-PYRAMID           | RAILROAD               |
   | COMPOS01              | INFO-RIDGE             | REXX Forum             |
   | Computers and Society | INFO-RSTS              | RISKS                  |
   | CUBE-LOVERS           | INFO-SEQUENT           | SCHEME                 |
   | Cyber-L               | INFO-TERMS             | SCRIBE-HACKS           |
   | Dead-Heads            | INFO-TMODEM/BUG-TMODEM | SECURITY               |
   | DynSys-L              | INFO-V (V dist op sys) | SERVERS                |
   | EDITOR-PEOPLE         | INFO-VAX               | SF-CONS LIST           |
   | EPSYNET (Psychnet)    | INFO-VLSI              | SF-LOVERS              |

   | ESPERANTO             | INFO-XENIX310          | SKY-FANS               |
   | EVOLUTION             | INFO-XLISP             | SMAUG                  |
   | FANZINE               | INFO-XMODEM            | SOFT-ENG               |
   | FIGIL (FORTH Int Grp) | INTEREST-GROUPS LIST   | SPACE                  |
   | FIREARMS              | IRLIST                 | STD-UNIX               |
   | FRANZ-FRIENDS         | ISODE                  | SUN-SPOTS              |
   | FSFNET (fanzine)      | KILLER                 | SYMBOLIC MATH          |
   | GAMEMASTERS           | L-5                    | TCP-IP                 |
   | GOULDBUGS             | L-HCAP (handicapped)   | TECHNICAL RPTS REDIST'N|
   | HANDHELDS             | LAN-News               | TELECOM                |
   | HEADER-PEOPLE         | LASER-LOVERS           | TEXHAX                 |
   | HEALTH-NET            | LIST OF MAILING LISTS  | TheoryNet              |
   | HEATH-PEOPLE          | LOVE-HOUNDS            | TOPS-20                |
   | HORSE                 | Mail-Men               | UNIX-EMACS             |
   | HUMAN-NETS            | Mail-Zilog             | UNIX-SOURCES           |

   | HY(perchannel)-PEOPLE | mailjc                 | UNIX-SW                |
   | IBM-NETS              | MEDINF-L               | UNIX-TeX               |
   | ICON-GROUP            | MER.SIGBIG(supercomp's)| UNIX-WIZARDS           |
   | INFO-1100/BUG-1100    | MH-USERS               | VECTREX-PEOPLE         |
   | INFO-68K              | MH-WORKERS             | VIDEOTECH              |
   | INFO-ADA              | MHS (X.400) implement'n| VISION                 |
   | INFO-AMIGA            | MILSIM                 | VPLLIST                |
   | INFO-AOS              | MMM-PEOPLE             | WELDCOMP               |
   | INFO-APPLE            | MsgGroup(archives only)| WorkS[tations]         |
   | INFO-APPLEBUS         | MUS (Masscomp User Grp)| writers (SF)           |
   | INFO-ATARI[8/16]      | music-research         | XPERT                  |
   | INFO-BITGRAPH         | NA (numerical analysis)| XPORT                  |
   | INFO-BLIT             |                        |                        |
   | INFO-C                |                        |                        |

   | INFO-CPM              |                        |                        |
   | INFO-DEC-MICRO        |                        |                        |
   | INFO-FUTURES          |                        |                        |
   | INFO-GRAPHICS         |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |


   A mailing list for those who in accessing and contributing software to the 
   Ada Repository on SIMTEL20; it serves two purposes: to provide an 
   information exchange medium between the repository users and to mail 
   repository submissions to the Coordinator for inclusion in the archives.

   SIMTEL20 file PS:<ARCHIVES.ADA-SW>ADA-SW-ARCHIV.TXT contains all messages 
   passed over the ADA-SW mailing list.  New users on the list are invited to 
   get a copy of this file and scan it for background; older users may use it 
   for reference.  In either case, a WARNING: this is a BIG file!

   The Ada Repository is divided into several subdirectories.  These 
   directories are organized by topic, and their names and a brief overview of 
   their topics are contained in file PD:<ADA.GENERAL>DIRLIST.DOC.

   FILE                           CONTENTS

   PD:<ADA>*.*                    The top-level directory.  The names of the
                subdirectories (ADA.directory) can be seen here.  The listing
                of all files in all subdirectories (PD:<ADA>ADA.CRCLST) is
                stored here.  Also, file <ADA>FILEUSE.DOC, which contains a
                listing of all files in the repository, ordered by frequency
                of use (popularity), is contained here.

   PD:<ADA.GENERAL>AAREAD.ME      Overview of Repository
                   ADAREPOS.DOC   More Overview
                   FTP.DOC        How to Use FTP and Other Info
                   MLIST.DOC      About the ADA-SW Mailing List
                   DIRLIST.DOC    Summary of ADA Directories
                   TAPEDIST.DOC   Acquiring Magtape of Repository

   PD:<ADA.AI>*.*                 Artificial Intelligence programs
   PD:<ADA.ANSI-LRM>*.*           ANSI Ada Language Reference Manual (LRM)
   PD:<ADA.BENCHMARKS>*.*         Ada compiler benchmarks
   PD:<ADA.CM-Data>*.*            Files used in maintenance of Ada Repository
   PD:<ADA.COMPILATION-ORDER>*.*  Software for analysis of groups of programs
                                  to determine proper compilation order
   PD:<ADA.COMPONENTS>*.*         Software components subdirectory
   PD:<ADA.CROSS-REFERENCE>*.*    Tools to generate program XREF listings
   PD:<ADA.DDN>*.*                Components related to Defense Data Network
   PD:<ADA.EDITORS>*.*            Source code and documentation on text editors
   PD:<ADA.EDUCATION>*.*          Education subdirectory
   PD:<ADA.EXTERNAL-TOOLS>*.*     Miscellaneous tools helpful in developing
                                  Ada code but not written in Ada or
                                  pertaining to specific environments
   PD:<ADA.FORMGEN>*.*            Tools for generation of forms
   PD:<ADA.GKS>*.*                Graphical Kernel System routines
   PD:<ADA.MANAGEMENT-TOOLS>*.*   Software development project management tools
   PD:<ADA.MATH>*.*               Packages of Ada math routines
   PD:<ADA.MENU>*.*               Software used in the generation of menus

   PD:<ADA.MESSAGE-HANDLING>*.*   Tools for message handling and transfer
   PD:<ADA.METRICS>*.*            Tools for metrics analysis of Ada software
   PD:<ADA.TOOLS>*.*              Sources to various tools which do not fit
                                  into categories of the other subdirectories
   PD:<ADA.NOSC-TOOLS>*.*         Information about software tools submitted
                                  by the Naval Oceans Systems Center (NOSC)
   PD:<ADA.ONLINE-DOC>*.*         Supporting online documentation files
   PD:<ADA.PAGER>*.*              Tools to create and manipulated paged files
   PD:<ADA.POINTERS>*.*           Other sources of software and information
   PD:<ADA.PRETTY-PRINTERS>*.*    Pretty printers for Ada source programs
   PD:<ADA.STUBBER>*.*            Ada program body stubber tools
   PD:<ADA.SIMULATION>*.*         Simulation programs and tools
   PD:<ADA.SPELLER>*.*            Spelling checkers written in Ada
   PD:<ADA.STARTER-KIT>*.*        Tools for accessing repository software
   PD:<ADA.STYLE>*.*              Ada style checking tools
   PD:<ADA.VIRTERM>*.*            Tools for a virtual terminal package
   PD:<ADA.WIS-ADA-TOOLS>*.*      Information about the software tools paid
                                  for by WIS (WWMCCS Information Systems) and
                                  submitted by the Naval Oceans Systems Center

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ADA-SW-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Rick Conn <RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>


   Unmoderated mailing list intended for discussion among students who work 
   part-time at the various university computer centers.  It is particularly 
   intended for people who work as student advisors or consultants, although 
   others are welcome.  Another use of the list is to get help from others on 
   problems that might be encountered, or to let everyone know about new things
   such as new file servers, so that everyone can put the network to the best 
   possible use.

   Alternate paths/addresses: The list is served by 5 servers 
   MD4F@CMUCCVMA) which are peer linked so that anything sent to one will be 
   sent to the other two automatically.  ADVISE-L@NCSUVM is probably the 
   closest server to the WISCVM ARPANet gateway.

   To subscribe to the list:

      From a VM site on BITNET do:
      where Your_Full_Name is your real name (not your userid).

      From a VMS BITNET site use the SEND/REMOTE command.

      If you are at a site not on bitnet or where you cannot send interactive 
      messages you can send a message to 
      LISTSERV%CANADA01.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU where the first non-header line 
      consists of:
         SUBSCRIBE ADVISE-L Your_Full_Name

   Please refer any questions to the Coordinator.

   Coordinator: Scott Campbell <SCOTT%UTORONTO.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Discussions related to the application of artificial intelligence to 
   education.  This includes material on intelligent computer assisted 
   instruction (ICAI) or intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), interactive 
   encyclopedias, intelligent information retrieval for educational purposes, 
   and pychological and cognitive science models of learning, problem solving, 
   and teaching that can be applied to education.  Issues related to teaching 
   AI are welcome.  Topics may also include evaluation of tutoring systems, 
   commercialization of AI based instructional systems, description of actual 
   use of an ITS in a classroom setting, user-modeling, intelligent 
   user-interfaces, and the use of graphics or videodisk in ICAI.  
   Announcements of books, papers, conferences, new products, public domain 
   software tools, etc. are encouraged.

   If there are several people at one site that are interested, users should 
   try to form a local distribution system to lessen the load on SUMEX-AIM.

   Archives of messages are kept on host SUMEX-AIM in file: <BBOARD>AI-ED.TXT

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AI-Ed-Request@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Mark Richer <Richer@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>


   AIList is a major list for discussion of artificial intelligence and related

      Expert Systems                        AI Techniques
      Knowledge Representation              Knowledge Acquisition
      Problem Solving                       Hierarchical Inference
      Machine Learning                      Pattern Recognition
      Analogical Reasoning                  Data Analysis
      Cognitive Psychology                  Human Perception
      AI Languages and Systems              Machine Translation
      Theorem Proving                       Decision Theory
      Logic Programming                     Computer Science
      Automatic Programming                 Information Science

   Contributions may be anything from tutorials to rampant speculation.  In 
   particular, the following are sought:

      Abstracts                        Reviews
      Lab Descriptions                 Research Overviews
      Work Planned or in Progress      Half-Baked Ideas
      Conference Announcements         Conference Reports
      Bibliographies                   History of AI
      Puzzles and Unsolved Problems    Anecdotes, Jokes, and Poems
      Queries and Requests             Address Changes (Bindings)

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AIList-Request@SRI-AI.

   Coordinator: Dr. Kenneth I. Laws <Laws@SRI-AI>
                SRI International
                333 Ravenswood Ave.
                Menlo Park, CA  94025
                (415) 859-6467


   This list is intended for people who use Amethyst, a software package of 
   CP/M-80 programs: MINCE (an ersatz EMACS) and SCRIBBLE (an ersatz SCRIBE).

   Archives are kept on SIMTEL20 in files:
      PS:<ARCHIVES.AMETHYST>AMETHYST.ARCHIV.31013 (old archives)
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AMETHYST-USERS-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Frank Wancho <WANCHO@SIMTEL20.ARPA>


   Users of Apollo computers who are interested in sharing their experiences 
   about Apollos.  At least initially, the list will not be moderated or 
   digested; if the volume is sufficient, this may change.

   Mail to the list will be archived in some public place that will be 
   announced at a later date.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Apollo-Request@YALE.

   Coordinator: Nathaniel Mishkin <Mishkin@YALE>


   The ARMS-D digest is for various and sundry comments and questions on policy
   issues related to peace, war, national security, weapons, the arms race, and
   the like.

   Recent archives live in the file XX:<ARMS-D>ARCHIVE.CURRENT.  MIT-XX 
   supports the ANONYMOUS FTP login protocol: Connect to XX, login as 
   ANONYMOUS, use the password GUEST, and transfer the file.

   All administrative requests (e.g., additions to the list) should go to 
   ARMS-D-REQUEST@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU; complaints, praise and suggestions can be 
   directed to either ARMS-D or ARMS-D-REQUEST.

   Moderator: LIN@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU


   The purpose of the ARPA-MHS list is to discuss gatewaying of ARPA RFC920 
   addresses with MHS X.400 addresses; it is quite diversified, with several 
   representatives from BITNET, Mailnet, UUCP, ARPANET, and EAN.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ARPA-MHS-REQUEST@BRL.

   Coordinator: Einar Stefferud <ESTEFFERUD@USC-ECL>


   Redistribution address for all known BBoards on the ARPANET.  The guidelines
   for postings are somewhat loose.  The ostensible purpose of the list is to 
   distribute: (a) emergency notices ("Southern California just slid into the 
   Pacific, machines at ISI and UCSD will be down for a few days"), and (b) 
   notices of "academic interest", such as seminar and symposium announcements.
    Advertisements and for-profit notices are not appropriate (the DoD would 
   get upset, among other considerations).  A touchy borderline case is job 
   offerings.  The practice has been to accept postings from universities (the 
   research community) and the research oriented military installations (the 
   people paying for our hardware) but to refuse postings from private 
   companies.  The (shaky) rational behind this is that university and military
   job offerings are "research opportunities" as opposed to for-profit 
   advertisements (ie, joining the army or a university is not the way to get 

   Anyone is welcome to redistribute Arpanet-BBoards; it takes some of the 
   (considerable) load off of MC's mailer.  But please don't do it without 
   sending a message to the -Request address first.

   There are Archive copies of every message ever sent to the list but no 
   guarantee is made that they will be online or available at any particular 
   time.  The current archive file, such as it is, can be found as 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ARPANET-BBOARDS-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.



   Discussion of programming in IBM System/370 Assembly Language.  This is 
   primarily a working group designed to answer questions and help distribute 
   programs; however, any theoretical (are there such things?) discussions are 
   welcome too.

   All back-issue requests will be managed by:


Astronomy Events <koolish@BBN-UNIX>

   A mailing list for astronomical events and meeting announcements (mostly in 
   the Boston area).  Items to be sent to the list are sent to koolish@BBN-UNIX
   for forwarding.  An attempt is being made to keep it from becoming full of 
   trivial messages, but new readers and valid input are welcome.

   Coordinator: Dick Koolish <koolish@BBN-UNIX>

...seismo!UMASS.BITNET!audio  (UUCP)

   Moderated mailing list (digest) dealing with any aspect of audio - for 
   discussions ranging from product reviews, to questions on the technical side
   of audio equipment.

   This digest will *not* be archived.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to the Moderator.

   Moderator: Fidelis Orozco <Evol%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
                              Evol@UMASS  (Bitnet)
                              ...seismo!UMASS.BITNET!Evol  (UUCP)


   Aviation discusses topics of interest to pilots, including training systems,
   laws affecting availability or usability  of airports, planes, and 
   procedures, characteristics of aircraft and avionic products, comments on 
   commercial aviation, such as safety and convenience issues, occasional 
   advertisements for fly-ins or similar private pilot activities, historical 
   notes, whatever else the readership wants.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AVIATION-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Oded Feingold <AVIATION-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU>


   A forum for the discussion of recursive descent parsing and related methods.
    Emphasis on parsers for applicative languages.  (Actually, this group is a 
   front for an insidious international conspiracy dedicated to achieving 
   world-domination through the infiltration of all of the major computer 

   There is a mail archive, although God only knows why you would want it.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to BIZARRE-PEOPLE-REQUEST@PT.CS.CMU.EDU.

   Coordinator: Michael Browne <mcb@K.CS.CMU.EDU>


   See INFO-1100@SUMEX-AIM.


   Mailing-list for the exchange of information on all aspects of cellular 
   automata and their applications.

   Archived messages will be kept at Godot.Think.COM in the file:

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to CA-REQUEST@THINK.COM.

   Coordinator: Bruce Nemnich <bruce@THINK.COM>


   Distribution list for the purpose of discussing issues and exchanging ideas 
   pertaining to VLSI Computer Aided Design and Layout.  The list is intended 
   to encompass a broad range of topics including but not limited to:  VLSI 
   CAD/CAE/CAM hardware, software, layout, design, techniques, programming, 
   fracturing, PG, plotting, maintenance, vendors, bugs, workstations, DRC, 
   ERC, system management, peripheral equipment, design verification, testing, 
   benchmarking, archiving procedures, etc.

   The distribution list itself resides on the Xerox Ethernet.  Ethernet users 
   can send messages to CADinterest^.es.  Arpanet, Milnet, Usenet, and other 
   Internet users can send messages to CADinterest^.es@XEROX.

   Anyone on the Xerox Ethernet may add themselves using Maintain.  Arpanet, 
   Milnet, Usenet, and other Internet users should send a request to 

   Coordinator: Craig Anderson <ANDERSON.ES@XEROX.ARPA>


   Mailing list for anyone interested in the topic of a Canadian internet.  
   Issues to be addressed are:

      The organization of a domain name space and the delegation of authority
       within it;
      The selection of available protocol suites;
      The design of the subnet and available carriers;
      Internetworking with other countries and private networks;
      Anything else that might be considered relevant.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, questions, comments, 
   etc., should be sent to CAN-INET-REQUEST@ATHENA.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Philip Prindeville <philipp@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>


   This mailing list is for users of all 8-bit Commodore Computer users, 
   including users of the PET computers, CBM computers, B128, VIC-20, Commodore
   64, and Commodore 128.  It is for messages regarding any aspect of 
   programming, software, or anything else pertaining to Commodore computing.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, questions, comments, 
   etc., should be sent to MKimmel%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator:  Matt Kimmel <Matt%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Discussion of DARCOM Cluster Computers, and related issues.  List membership
   is restricted to DARCOM employees and selected contractors.

   Coordinator: Myra Hartwig <CLUSTER-REQUEST@BRL>


   Integration of voice, data, and video services on the same network is 
   creating a need for organizations that specialize in communications.  This 
   BitNet LISTSERV group is for discussion of both technical and non-technical 
   aspects of providing those services.  Topics could include management, 
   installation, acquisition, or monitoring  of communications networks.

   If you wish to join the list and you are on a BitNet host running CMS, just 
   enter the command:
      TELL LISTSERV AT UGA SUBscribe COMM-L your_name
   Where your_name is your real name.  Non-BitNet/CMS users may subscribe by 
   sending mail to LISTSERV%UGA.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU with the subscribe 
   command as the first line.

   Coordinators: Phil Benchoff <BENCHOFF%VTVM1.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
                 Harold Pritchett <HAROLD%UGA.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   The Composition Digest is a moderated weekly newsgroup for the study of 
   computers and writing, specifically writing instruction in computer-based 
   classrooms.  It is intended to be a forum for writing professionals (those 
   who must use computers for their writing) and computing professionals (those
   who design the hardware and software that writers depend upon) to meet and 
   discuss issues relevant to both fields, but notes are also welcome from 
   novice computer writers.  There is interest in articles pertaining to, but 
   not limited by, the following topics:

      Human/Factors research and writing environments
      Text editor design
      Natural Language adjuncts to writing instruction
      Writing without paper
      Psychological effects of computer writing/instruction
      Composition theory applied to computer-based instruction
      Anecdotal accounts of computer writing experiences
      Using the NET in the classroom
      Computer-based conferences
      Public domain software for the classroom
      Reviews of writing and editing packages
      Conference announcements and proceedings
      Telecommunications and its effects on language
      Computers and the soft sciences
      Computers and hearing impaired students
      Computers and learning disabled students
      Computers and basic writers
      Computers and humanists
      Computers and writing professionals

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to COMPOS01%ULKYVX.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Moderator: ??

Computers and Society Digest

   The Computers And Society mailing list was created to provide a forum for 
   discussion of various issues related to the impact of technology and 
   information on society.  Among the issues being discussed are:

      Computers and social responsibility
      Dealing with information overload 
      The classed society in the information age
      Public perceptions of computers 
      The value of information
      Dangers and advantages of reliance on machines
      Risks of technological dependence
      and other related topics

   This is a moderated group (but just about anything relevent will be included
   in the next digest), and both submissions and requests should be sent to 

   Coordinator: Dave Taylor <taylor@HPLABS.ARPA>


   The Rubik's Cube mailing-list.  Much of the information in the Scientific 
   American article was presented in Cube-Lovers first; also many mathematical 
   discussions have taken place as well as the development of a cube notation 
   and various transformations used to solve it.  Recently this list has been 
   very quiet.

      Messages are archived in the MIT-AI files
         ALAN;CUBE MAIL(0 1 2 ...)
      with the most recent messages in

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to CUBE-LOVERS-REQUEST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Alan Bawden <ALAN@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   Network digest for people who support and/or install Control Data (CDC) 
   systems.  In general, any topic which may be of general interest to people 
   who support and/or install CDC systems is relevant to the digest, including:

      Problem reports and solutions, including information from the 
        support system, SOLVER.
      Requests for help concerning problems on CDC systems.
      Announcements and reviews of new products or upgrades to products,
        including CDC supplied as well as site supplied products.
      Installation experiences/problems encountered when installing
        products:  things to watch out for; things to avoid.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Info%Bitnic.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator: ?? <Info%Bitnic.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   The Dead mailing lists have been reorganised, and DEAD-FLAMES now exchanges 
   messages with the usenet's net.music.gdead (soon to be rec.music.gdead or 
   something like that).  Here's how it all works:

   DEAD-HEADS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- Use this list for songlists and concert reviews,
   and for hotline info.

   LOCAL-DEAD-HEADS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- These are the east-coast and 
   LOCAL-DEAD-HEADS@SRI-AI.ARPA   -- west-coast parts of DEAD-HEADS.  If you 
   have a message which you think will only be of interest to people on one 
   half of the country, (say, you have extra room in your car for a ride to a 
   show) send it here.  Also good for this list are messages announcing Jerry 
   Band or other "sub-band" shows.

   DEAD-FLAMES@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- This includes all messages sent to any of 
   net.music.gdead           -- the lists above, plus anything anyone sends (or
   posts, in the case of net.music.gdead) directly, which can be anything to do
   with the Grateful Dead.

   Requests to be added to or deleted from any of the mailing lists should be 
   sent to the appropriate -REQUEST list (e.g. DEAD-FLAMES-REQUEST).

   Old messages to all of these lists are archived back through March '85.  
   Also online is an updated version of Dave Wilkins' lyrics list, and all 
   songlists sent to the network.  Send mail to DEAD-FLAMES-REQUEST if you're 

   Coordinators: Gregor Kiczales <Dead-Heads-Request@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
                 Paul Martin <Local-Dead-Heads-Request@SRI-AI.ARPA>
                 David Wallace <Dead-Flames-Request@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   Discussion group for sharing information on desktop publishing techniques 
   and new technologies used in small publishing projects.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to dtp-request%plaid@SUN.COM.

   Coordinator: Chuq Von Rospach <chuq@SUN.COM>


   The Dynamical System is a mailing list for the exchange of information among
   people working in ergodic theory and dynamical systems. Almost all kinds of 
   contributions are welcome, especially:

      Abstracts                      Illuminating comments
      Open problems                  Historical remarks
      News items                     Reviews
      Announcements of meetings      Conference reports
      Address changes                Bibliographies
      Examples                       Work planned or in progress
      Questions                      Anecdotes, jokes, puzzles.

   The list will be maintained by a list-server facility called NEWSERV, which 
   acts as a userid at the BitNet node UNCVM1.  To be added to or deleted from 
   this list, see the following directions, or send a message to one of the 

   BitNet users can use the ADD command to add their name to a list:

      For users at remote IBM/VM sites the following format is used:

      At UTSO use the VMSG command send to userid NEWSERV, node UNCVM1, and a 
      message of ADD DYNSYS-L username.

      VAX/VMS sites running jnet version 2 use the ADD command like this:

      BitNet users with other environments can contact their local user 
      services group for assistance.  Users without interactive messaging 
      capability,or non-BitNet users can send a request to ULTIMA@UNCVM1 or to 
      one of the list Coordinators to have their names added to the list.

   The DROP command is used to remove a name from a list:

      For remote IBM/VM sites, the DROP command is used like this:

      At UTSO use the VMSG command send to userid NEWSERV, node UNCVM1, and a 
      message of DROP DYNSYS-L.

      VAX/VMS sites with jnet version 2 can use this command:

   Coordinators: Karl Petersen <UNCKEP%UNC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
                 Doug Lind <lind@ENTROPY.MS.WASHINGTON.EDU>

ucbvax!editor-people    (USENET)

   Discussion of topics related to computerized text editing, display editors, 
   and human factors in man/machine interaction.  The theoretical discussion is
   catholic, but practical discussion focuses particularly on Tops-20 and Unix.
   The discussion also appears on the Unix USENET distributed bulletin board.
   ****This list is inactive (A/O Sep 86) and is in search of a new 
   Coordinator.  Volunteers should respond to the current Coordinator or to the
   -Request address.****

   An archive is on host SU-SCORE at

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to EDITOR-PEOPLE-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.

   Coordinator: J.Q. Johnson <jqj@CORNELL>

EPSYNET (see entry for Psychnet)


   A forum for people interested in the neutral international language 
   Esperanto.  Discussions about the language itself, the Esperanto movement, 
   publications, and news are encouraged.  Of course, discussion *in* Esperanto
   is especially encouraged, although English translations may be advisable 
   when the material is of interest to beginners or non-Esperantists.

   This list is identical to the USENET mailing list `mail.esperanto'.  The 
   forwarding addresses were installed on LLL-CRG by Andy Beals; ESPERANTO 
   forwards to the "real" mail.esperanto address trwrb!trwspp!spp2!esperanto 
   and ESPERANTO-REQUEST forwards to the Coordinator (trwrb!trwspp!spp2!urban).

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to to ESPERANTO-REQUEST@LLL-CRG.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Mike Urban <ESPERANTO-REQUEST@LLL-CRG.ARPA>


   This direct-distribution mailing list is organized to discuss consequences 
   of the theory of evolution, with emphasis on mathematics, on computer 
   simulations, and on literature.  While creationists in this group are 
   expected to be few in number, and while they may not reasonably expect to be
   taken seriously unless they can introduce radically better evidence than 
   creationists have in the past, we have no agreement to limit discussion of 
   contraversal topics.  The coordinator assumes no responsibility for opinions
   expressed in the group or for misuse.

   Archives are available only upon request to EVOLUTION-REQUEST@KESTREL.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to EVOLUTION-REQUEST@KESTREL.

   Coordinator: king@Kestrel


   This is the mailing list for OtherRealms, a Science Fiction and Fantasy 
   fanzine being published electronically.  This is not a moderated list or 
   digest, this is a full magazine, published on a monthly basis.

   Back issues are available.  All requests and administrivia should be send to

   Coordinator: Chuq Von Rospach <chuq%plaid@SUN.ARPA>


   The FORTH Interest Groups International List (FIGIL) is dedicated to any and
   all things connected directly or indirectly with the FORTH computer 
   language.  The list is not restricted to technical, professional levels; 
   novice FORTH'ers are encouraged to take part.  Also there is no particular 
   implementation, machine, or product emphasiszed.  Submissions are requested 
   to keep in mind the issue of portablility of any specific source code.  
   Follow a recognized standard when possible like Forth 79, Forth 83, or 
   FigForth.  Any submissions, letters, source listings, etc. will be resent to
   all subscribers.  Copyrighted material, of course, cannot be resent by this 
   list.  Public Domain code only!  Furthermore, Bitnet prohibits commercial 
   distribution or advertising.

   List submissions, as well as all requests to be added to or deleted from 
   this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to 

   Coordinator: Tamir Weiner <UMFORTH%WEIZMANN.BITNET@WISCVM-

FIREARMS <cbosgd!cbrma!firearms@seismo.CSS.GOV>

   This mailing list has been created to provide an environment in which 
   sportsmen can discuss issues of concern to them.  Topics include but are not
   limited to hunting, firearms safety, legal issues, reloading tips, 
   maintenance suggestions, target shooting, and dissemination of general info.
    The list is NOT intended to discuss the merits of gun control.

   Archives are maintained by the moderator.  As of 1 Jul 85, the list is 4 
   months old, having 11 back issues comprising approximately 160K of text.

   Moderator: Karl Kleinpaste <cbosgd!cbrma!karl@seismo.CSS.GOV>


   Discusses the Franz Lisp language.

   A sub-list, FRANZ-COMPOSERS@BERKELEY, is composed of people who are in 
   charge of maintaining Franz LISP.  The sub-list is used for sending bug 

   The archive of old messages is kept on MIT-MC, in the file:

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to FRANZ-FRIENDS-REQUEST@BERKELEY.

   Coordinator: John Foderaro <JKF@BERKELEY>


   An electronic version of the typical science fiction/fantasy 'fanzine'.  
   Issues are sent to network users approximately every two to six weeks, and 
   generally range in size from 500 to 1000 lines.  Typical issues primarily 
   contain amateur fiction by network authors from around the world (the 
   emphasis of the zine), although there are occasional movie and book reviews,
   discussions of featured authors, game reviews, or any one of an infinite 
   number of fantasy and science fiction related topics.  FSFnet tries to deal 
   with all aspects of science fiction and fantasy fiction fandom, while giving
   young authors the opportunity to interact with a real readership and improve
   their writing skills.

   If you are interested in writing or contributing to FSFnet, feel free to 
   discuss it with the editor; submissions of all kinds are always welcome.
   There is also the organized Dargon Project, where authors write about the 
   same area, borrowing characters and learning from one another, very similar 
   to Robert Lynn Asprin's Thieve's World project.  This makes for much more 
   interesting issues as well as improving the style of the writer, exposing 
   him to the public, and helping him meet other budding authors.  The Dargon 
   Project is an exciting and rewarding project, and has made for some 
   excellent fantasy fiction.  The project is open to all fantasy writers; 
   users who are interested in writing for the project should contact the 

   An index of back issues may be requested from the editor, and the BitNet 
   servers TCSSERVE@TCSVM and SILMARIL@FINHUTC both maintain complete FSFnet 
   libraries.  BitNet server CSNEWS@MAINE also maintains the most recent issue.
    DO NOT refer problems, questions, etc. to these servers.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to the editor.  The request should contain your userid 
   and node name, as well as your real name and, if you are a BitNet user, the 
   format in which you prefer issues to be sent (either DISK DUMP CLASS N, 

   Editor: David 'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE%MAINE.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Mailing list to serve as a forum for the discussion of adventure game 
   programming, including questions such as player interfaces, multi-player 
   possibilities, text vs. graphics games, etc.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to GAMEMASTERS-REQUEST@RINSO.LCS.MIT.EDU  or  

   Coordinator: Brad Sagarin <dragon@RINSO.LCS.MIT.EDU>
                     USENET:  seismo!mit-eddie!dragon


   A mailing list for reporting bugs and problems with the GOULD UTX/32 (UNIX) 
   operating system and software.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to gouldbugs-request@BRL.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Howard Walter <howard@BRL>


   Mailing list for those who are interested in handheld computers or 
   programmable calculators.  The mailing list can be used to distribute or 
   request programs.  Messages are not moderated at this time.

   SRI-STRIPE file PS:<HANDHELDS>HANDHELDS.TXT contains all the messages passed
   over the HANDHELDS mailing list.  Programs which have been uploaded will 
   also be stored in this directory.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HANDHELDS-REQUEST@SRI-STRIPE.  This address should 
   also be used to send large programs to be posted into the public directory.

   Coordinator: David Edwards <DLE@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA>


   Interest specifically in the format of message headers and related issues 
   such as inter-network mail formats/standards, etc.

   Recent messages are filed in MIT-MC (MC.LCS.MIT.EDU) file KSC;HEADER MINS, 
   while older archives are in KSC;HEADER MINS00 through MINS15.  These files 
   are accessible over the ARPANet via FTP.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HEADER-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Pandora B. Berman <CENT@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   Health-Net is a digest for the discussion and answering of Health related 
   topics. Subscribers may write with health related questions which will then 
   be answered by either the moderator (who is presently a Health Education 
   Graduate student at U.Mass., Amherst) or by other subscribers who are 
   themselves health professionals.  Beyond just being a source of answers to 
   health questions, Health-Net is a place for discussing areas of health 
   controversy in today's society especially those that apply to all of us.

   Letters of a personal or private nature should be sent to the Coordinator 
   for editing prior to posting to preserve confidentiality.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to RALPH%UMASS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator: Ralph G. Sbragia <Ralph%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Discussion of the construction, use, and modification of Heath terminals and
   computers, and related Zenith products.

   The archives of old messages are kept on MC.LCS.MIT.EDU, in files:
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL1   -Oldest Mail
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL2   -Next oldest
            etc.           -Up to 8 as of 26 August 86
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL    -Incoming mail is being added to this one

      These files are each stored in reverse time order (i.e. newer messages 
      come first in the file, older messages are later).  Each of the files is 
      between approx. 100K and 150K characters.  Copies of these files are 
      available via FTP with no login needed.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HEATH-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Michael A. Patton <MAP%MIT-AI.ARPA@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU>


   Discussion of things equestrian.  Horse enthusiasts of all disciplines and 
   levels of experience are welcome.  Articles are distributed periodically in 
   digest format.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HORSE-REQUEST@CCP.BBN.COM (or UUCP address 

   Coordinator: Ken Rossen <krossen@CCP.BBN.COM>


   Mailing list originally consisting of the combined memberships of 
   INFO-PCNET, HOME-SAT, and TELETEXT mailing lists.  Human-Nets has discussed 
   many topics, all of them related in some way to the theme of a world-wide 
   computer and telecommunications network usually called WorldNet.  The topics
   have ranged very widely, from something like tutorials, to state of the art 
   discussions, to rampant speculation about technology and its impact.  The 
   list is extremely large, making it necessary to batch messages sent to the 
   list and distributing them once each day during off peak periods to avoid 
   overloading the system.

   The permanent archives contain all of the material distributed to the list. 
   Due to size, this archive is broken down into several different files, 
   stored in reverse temporal order.  The files are currently stored on ARPANet
   host RU-BLUE in files RHYTHM:<PLEASANT.HUMAN-NETS>HUMNET.* (where "*" is a 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HUMAN-NETS-REQUEST@RUTGERS.

   Moderator: Charles McGrew <MCGREW@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>


   Mailing list for the discussion of hyperchannel networks within the context 
   of an IP network.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HY-PEOPLE-REQUEST@ORVILLE.ARPA.

   Coordinator: John Lekashman <lekash@ORVILLE.ARPA>

         <Ibm-Nets@BITNIC> (Bitnet)

   IBM-Nets is a forum for any discussions relating to IBM mainframes and 
   networking.  It is an immediate redistribution list with no filtering or 
   digesting.  Examples:

      Tcp/Ip and VM or MVS        Wisconsin Wiscnet
      Spartacus Knet              X.25
      Ethernet                    Pronet
      SNA                         Vnet
      Bitnet NJE protocols
      or anything else that is related to IBM mainframes and networking

   The system server Database@Bitnic.Bitnet contains a 6 month archive of all 
   IBM-Nets transactions.  In order to learn more on how to access these 
   archives via the Internet, send a valid piece of RFC822 mail to 
   Database%BITNIC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU with the first nonblank lines reading
   as follows:


      Note: If your mail header does not contain a proper "From:' or 
      "Reply-To:" field, in addition to being fully domain qualified (RFC920), 
      your mail will not be processed.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to:
      Bitnet:  Hank@BITNIC
   *Be sure to specify IBM-Nets*

   Coordinator: Henry Nussbacher <Hank@BITNIC>


   Discussion of topics related to the Icon programming language (a high-level,
   general-purpose programming language that emphasizes string and structure 
   processing).  Such topics include:  Programming Techniques, Theoretical 
   Aspects, Icon in relation to other languages, Applications of Icon, 
   Implementation Issues, Porting Icon, Bugs.  Items sent to the list are 
   immediately redistributed to all persons on the list.

   The list will be distributed via CSNET and as such will only be available to
   persons on ARPANET and CSNET; a Usenet gateway may be considered at some 
   point in the future.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Icon-Group-Request%Arizona.CSNET@CSNet-Relay.  
   Questions about obtaining Icon should be sent to 

   Coordinator: Bill Mitchell <whm%Arizona.CSNET@CSNet-Relay>


   These discussion lists focus on Xerox 1100 workstations (1100, 1108, 1132, 
   1185, 1186) and protocols.  Their purpose is to stimulate communication and 
   sharing between computer science research groups that are using or are 
   interested in these machines.

   Info-1100 is the "information channel" where messages such as announcements 
   of available lispusers packages may be made or for queries such as "Does 
   anybody know of a PUP file server implementation for the Sinclair ZX-80?".  
   It is intended to be a low-volume list suitable for the casual reader.  
   Bug-1100 is the "bug channel" where readers can warn others of Interlisp-D 
   bugs and/or suggest workarounds or solicit help or discussion; it is 
   expected to have greater volume than Info-1100, being for the hard-core 
   user.  Since hard-core users read both lists, Bug-1100 is a subset of 
   Info-1100 and there is never a need to send to both lists.

   Xerox PARC, SIS, and AIS people are included in the distribution list to 
   facilitate communication about new developments, bugs, performance issues, 
   etc..  Additionally, Info-1100 and Bug-1100 are automatically forwarded to 
   AISupport.pasa@Xerox, where bugs are noted and acted upon if appropriate. 
   Xerox AIS employees will not respond in Bug-1100 unless the reply is of 
   general interest or silence would mislead the readership.

   Archives of messages are kept on SUMEX-AIM in files:
      <BBOARD>INFO-1100.TXT      <BBOARD>BUG-1100.TXT
   Some net-contributed lispusers packages, updates, and patches are kept on 
   SUMEX-AIM in files:

   Requests to be added to or deleted from these lists, problems, questions, 
   etc. should be sent to Info-1100-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU or 

   Coordinator: Christopher Schmidt <SCHMIDT@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU>


   Mailing list for users of OS's capable of running on small 68000 systems, 
   primarly CP/M-68K.  Related systems (OS/9-68K, etc.) and topics welcome.

   Archives are kept on host SIMTEL20 in file:
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Info-68K-Request@UCBVAX.

   Coordinator: Mike Meyer <mwm%ucbopal@BERKELEY.EDU>


   Mailing list for announcements, questions and discussions of a technical 
   nature, requests for information, and just about anything else having to do 
   with the Ada programming language (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983).

   Archives of messages can be found in the files <INFO-ADA>ARCHIVE.* on 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, etc., 
   should be sent to INFO-ADA-REQUEST@USC-ISIF.

   Coordinator: Karl A. Nyberg <nyberg@USC-ISIF>


   Info-Amiga is intended as a forum of discussion and for exchanging of ideas 
   and programming tips for the new 68000 Amiga PC from Commodore Business 
   Machines.  This list has a gateway directly into and from the Usenet group 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-AMIGA-REQUEST@RED.RUTGERS.EDU.

   Coordinator: Eric Lavitsky <LAVITSKY@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>


   Information/interest group for users of Data General AOS/VS.  The 
   Coordinator's personal interests are focused upon networking software, the 
   Ada environment, typesetting and improved utilities for AOS/VS but every 
   topic of general interest is welcome.

   All requests to be added/deleted from this list, problems etc. should be 

   Coordinator: Michael Haberler <HABERLER@SU-SIERRA>


   APPLE user's mailing list.

   Info-apple archives are available on SIMTEL20.  Archives up to 10 Oct 83 are
   stored in:
   Archives from 11 Oct 83 are stored in:
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-APPLE-REQUEST@BRL.

   Moderator: Howard Walter <hwalt@BRL>


   List to facilitate communication between Applebus hardware and software 
   developers and other interested parties.  Applebus is Apple's networking 
   scheme, which is used for connecting personal computers and other devices 
   (laser printers, file servers, gateways to to other networks, etc.).

   There are subdistribution list coordinators all over the net; it is desired 
   that people interested in receiving info-applebus first check the file 
   <applebus>coordinators.txt on ARPANet host CMU-CS-C to see if a local list 
   exists for their organization.  For those not on the net, please send 

   Archives are available on CMU-CS-C in <APPLEBUS>ARCHIVE.TXT, and a limited 
   amount of public domain applebus software is available in the CMU-CS-C 
   <APPLEBUS.PROGRAMS> directory.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-APPLEBUS-REQUEST@C.CS.CMU.EDU.

   Coordinator: Ralph W. Hyre, Jr. <RALPHW@C.CS.CMU.EDU>


   16-bit Atari family user's mailing list (also see INFO-ATARI8).  There is a 
   mirror between the ARPANET/DDN mailing list and Usenet news group 

   INFO-ATARI archives are in <INFO-ATARI>ATARI.* on host SU-SCORE.  In 
   addition to being the archives, they can be read as a bboard by Score users.
    ATARI.TXT gets pruned automatically (to ATARI.date) whenever it gets too 
   large (over about 250 tops20 pages).  The contents of the archives A/O Jan 
   86 are:

      PS:<INFO-ATARI>  Bytes(SZ)

      ATARI.1981.1      62421(7)
           .1982A.1    289669(7)
           .1982B.1    524464(7)
           .1983.1     711452(7)
           .1984.1     598399(7)
           .1985.1    2480108(7)
           .APR-85.1   111435(7)
           .AUG-85.1    20427(7) 
           .DEC-85.1   633738(7)
           .FEB-85.1    42303(7) 
           .JAN-85.1    49069(7) 
           .JUL-85.1     7481(7)  
           .JUN-85.1    37291(7) 
           .MAR-85.1   125669(7)
           .MAY-85.1    83566(7) 
           .NOV-85.1   467815(7)
           .OCT-85.1   607148(7)
           .SEP-85.1   294156(7)
           .TXT.1      210296(7)

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-ATARI-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.

   Moderator: Marshall D. Abrams <abrams@MITRE.ARPA>
   Co-Moderator: Bob Hott <rhott@NSWC-G.ARPA>


   8-bit Atari family user's mailing list (also see INFO-ATARI16).  There is a 
   mirror between the ARPANET/DDN mailing list and Usenet news group 

   All INFO-ATARI archives are in <BBOARD>ATARI.* on host SU-SCORE; see 
   INFO-ATARI16 for details.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-ATARI-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.

   Moderator: Marshall D. Abrams <abrams@MITRE.ARPA>
   Co-Moderator: Bob Hott <rhott@NSWC-G.ARPA>


   Information/discussion list for the BB&N BitGraph terminal.

   Archive file is on MIT-MC at:

   Coordinator: David C. Plummer <DCP@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU>


   A list for the discussion of software for the AT&T Dot Mapped Display 
   Terminals (Model 5620 and the BLIT).

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-BLIT-REQUEST@BRL.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Ron Natalie <RON@BRL.ARPA>


   INFO-C is gatewayed with the net.lang.c newsgroup on USENET.  net.lang.c's 
   purpose is to carry on discussion of C programming and the C programming 
   language.  Appropriate topics are:

      Queries on how to write something in C
      Queries about why some C code behaves the way it does
      Suggestions for C modifications or extensions
      C coding "tricks"
      Compiler bugs
      Availability of compilers

   Recently-discussed topics include object-oriented extensions to C, 
   availability of a public-domain cpp for beta testing, the EQUEL 
   preprocessor, C compilers for the pdp11 (under RSX), IBM370 and PC, vagaries
   of typedef and sizeof, and some new changes to standard C (C++ from a 
   researcher at Bell Labs, and ANSI committee X3J11).  Plus the usual 
   discussions about C programming style.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to info-c-request@BRL.

   Coordinator: Mark Plotnick <info-c-request@BRL>


   Information and discussion on both 8 and 16-bit versions of the CP/M 
   microcomputer operating system.

   Archives of recent correspondence are kept on SIMTEL20 in several files:

      "PS:<ARCHIVES.CPM>CPM.ARCHIV.ymmdd"  is a group of files containing 
      correspondence going back several years.  The characters "ymmdd" in the 
      file names are actually digits giving the year, month and day of the last
      message in each particular file.  "PS:<ARCHIVES.CPM>CPM-ARCHIV.TXT" 
      contains a growing archive of current correspondence.

      Over 80 megabytes of public domain software (most of it CP/M) are kept in
      five program archives on SIMTEL20.  For a description of these archives, 
      request a copy of the "archive blurb" from INFO-CPM-REQUEST@AMSAA.  All 
      correspondence and program archives described here are available to 
      Internet users via FTP with user-name ANONYMOUS.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-CPM-REQUEST@AMSAA.

   Coordinator: David E. Towson <towson@AMSAA>


   A forum for users to ask questions and share answers about various topics 
   concerning DEC Microcomputers (ie Rainbow 100, MicroVax, Professional 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Info-DEC-Micro-request@SU-SCORE.

   Coordinator: Andrew Gideon <GIDEON@SU-SCORE>

      ...harvard!bu-cs!info-futures (UUCP)

   Digest to provide a speculative forum for analyzing current and likely 
   events in technology as they will affect our near future in computing and 
   related areas.  In broad terms, topics of interest include developments in 
   both computing research and industry which are likely to affect our decision
   making, particularly decisions we are probably grappling with right this 
   minute.  Technologies can change so rapidly that simply forecasting for 
   needs within any organization one or two years in advance can be extremely 
   difficult, frequently we are forced to provide foundations that effectively 
   lock us into a technology for longer periods of time. It is hoped the 
   information this list provides can help both the practitioner and researcher
   determine where best to expend resources.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-FUTURES-REQUEST%BU-CS@CSNet-Relay.ARPA.

   Moderator: Barry Shein <bzs%bostonu.csnet@CSNet-Relay.ARPA>


   Discussion of Graphics hardware, software, and any topic related to 
   graphics.  Basically a free-wheeling exchange of information, much like 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-GRAPHICS-REQUEST@ADS.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Andy Cromarty <andy@ADS.ARPA>


   A mailing list for Amateur Radio (not CB) operators.

   Archives are kept on host SIMTEL20 in the file:
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   INFO-HAMS is gatewayed to/from Usenet's net.ham-radio so Usenet people will 
   get it there.

   All Arpa/Milnet requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems,
   questions, etc., should be sent to INFO-HAMS-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Keith Petersen <KPETERSEN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>


   INFO-HZ100 is a forum for discussion concerning topics related to the Zenith
   Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of professional desktop computers.  Messages are 
   forwarded for immediate redistribution to the main list.  Distribution is 
   limited to one central mailbox per site.

   Periodically, useful knowledge and items generated from the list and other 
   random sources will be edited into a newsletter for distribution to both 
   network and non-network interested groups.  Any comments, suggestions, help,
   knowledge, software, ideas, etc., would be greatly appreciated.

   A Public Domain library of H/Z-100 software, newsletters, and other related 
   items is available by ANONYMOUS FTP in <INFO-IBMPC.HZ100>@USC-ISIB.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-HZ100-REQUEST@RADC-TOPS20.

   Coordinator: Gern <GERN@RADC-TOPS20>


   Info-IBMPC is a forum for technical discussion of the IBM Personal Computer 
   and compatible micro-computers, providing a way for interested members of 
   the ARPANET community to compare notes, ask questions, and share insights of
   a technical nature about these machines.  While it is not primarily a 
   consumer's guide to the IBM PC, the digest may also be useful for that 

   Messages are collected, edited into digests and distributed as the volume of
   mail dictates (generally twice a week).  All messages of a technical nature 
   about IBM PCs are welcomed; messages about other topics will not be run.  In
   addition, two topics are taboo and are routinely edited out: (1) self 
   promotion of products for sale, and (2) anything about copy protection.

   Recent digests are archived on USC-ISIC (C.ISI.EDU) in 
   <INFO-IBMPC>DIGESTS-85. Older digests are archived by quarter in the 
   following files:

      Q1-DIGESTS-85   ; V4 # 1-40 [too big for mm, use hermes]
      Q4-DIGESTS-84   ; V3 # 91-119
      Q3-DIGESTS-84   ; V3 # 70-90
      Q2-DIGESTS-84   ; V3 # 36-69
      Q1-DIGESTS-84   ; V3 # 1-35
      Q4-DIGESTS-83   ; V2 # 71-104
      Q3-DIGESTS-83   ; V2 # 40-70
      Q2-DIGESTS-83   ; V2 # 20-39
      Q1-DIGESTS-83   ; V2 # 1-19
      Q34-DIGESTS-82  ; V1 # 1-34

      These files can be read by MM, HERMES, and other TOPS20 mail systems. 
      KWIC-INDEX.TXT contains a key-word-in-context index to digest articles.  
      TOC.???85 contains a table of contents for the month ???. These files may
      be FTP'ed to any Arpanet/Milnet host from [USC-ISIC]<INFO-IBMPC> by 
      logging in within FTP using username ANONYMOUS, password GUEST.  If 
      you're not directly on the Arpanet the files can be mailed to you, 
      although there is a limit to the length of a message.

   A library of free software is maintained in [USC-ISIC]<INFO-IBMPC>.  The 
   list of available programs is in <INFO-IBMPC>PROGRAM-LIBRARY.LIST. Donations
   of source code are eagerly welcomed (even trivial programs). Donated 
   programs must be truly free, with no fee or contribution required or 
   requested.  To donate a program to the library, send a description of the 
   program along with a copy of the source code to INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-IBMPC-REQUEST@C.ISI.EDU.

      Billy Brackenridge <BRACKENRIDGE@B.ISI-VENERA.ARPA>
      Eliot Moore        <Elmo@C.ISI.EDU>
      Richard Nelson     <Nelson@C.ISI.EDU>
      Koji Okazaki       <Koji@C.ISI.EDU>


   Discussion of issues relating to IDL (the Interface Description Language) 
   and IDL-like technologies.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-IDL-REQUEST@SEI.CMU.EDU.

   Coordinator: Don Stone (ds@SEI.CMU.EDU)


   This discussion list focuses on Silicon Graphics Iris workstations and 
   software.  Its purpose is to stimulate communication and sharing between 
   computer science research groups that are using or are interested in these 

   An archive of messages is kept on SUMEX-AIM in the file:

   Requests to be added to or deleted from these lists, problems, questions, 
   etc. should be sent to Info-Iris-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU.

   Coordinator: John Brugge <BRUGGE@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU>


   Intended for discussion of everything Japanese, EXCEPT the Japanese language
   (see the entry for the NIHONGO mailing list), including gossip about 
   Japanese technology, cultural events, politics, cuisine, anecdotes, movie 
   announcements, etc.

   The complete archives are publicly accessible by FTP from host MIT-MC, which
   uses the ITS operating system.  Case is not significant, but the space after
   "INFO" is.  The archives are in:  COMAIL;INFO JAPAN

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-JAPAN-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Steve Strassmann <straz@MEDIA-LAB.MIT.EDU>


   Kermit is a file transfer protocol for use primarily between micros and 
   mainframes over TTY lines, and is implemented on a wide variety of both. The
   Info-Kermit mailing list is a digest intended for people who maintain or 
   install Kermit at their sites, or who are (thinking about) working on a new 
   implementation, or who have bugs and/or fixes to report, or who are 
   interested in discussing the protocol; it is available on Internet, CSnet, 
   Mailnet, BITnet, Usenet, CCnet, and any other network gatewayed to the 

   All the Kermit files are on CU20B in the area "KER:" or "K2:".  The file 
   KER:AAAREAD.ME contains information on what files are in the Kermit 
   distribution area and how to find them.  One file worth checking from time 
   to time is KER:AAVNEW.HLP, a brief tabular listing of each existing version 
   of Kermit, showing the version number and date of the latest release of each
   version.  The file KER:AANETW.HLP lists in detail the procedures for 
   obtaining Kermit files via network.

   Kermit files, including program source and documentation, are available as 

      Internet: anonymous FTP from host CU20B, area KER: or K2:, 24 hours a 
      day, 7 days a week.

      BITnet: from the KERMSRV server at host CUVMA; type SMSG RSCS MSG CUVMA 
      KERMSRV HELP for further information.

      UUCP: from Oklahoma State University (host okstate) in Stillwater, OK. 
      Mail to uucp-support%okstate@CSNET-RELAY for further information. 
      Selected sources (usually Unix-related) are posted to net.sources from 
      time to time.

      CCNET: DECnet NFT from host CU20B.  Anonymous NFT connections are not 
      permitted from all hosts, so file transfers must be made by system 
      managers or programmers who have access to CU20B.

      U.S. Mail: send requests for information to:

         Kermit Distribution
         Columbia University Center for Computing Activities
         612 West 115 Street
         New York, NY  10025

   Info-Kermit mail was direct up until May 23, 1984, when it became a digest. 
   The pre-digest messages are in KER:MAIL.83A and KER:MAIL.84A.  Volume 1 of 
   the digest is in KER:MAIL.84B.  The current, active digest is in 
   KER:MAIL.TXT.  From time to time, active digests will be retired to files 
   with names like KER:MAIL.85A, KER:MAIL.85B, and so on.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-KERMIT-REQUEST@CU20B.  If your host does not 
   support long names in mail addesses, then just send to KERMIT@CU20B.

   Moderator: Frank da Cruz <SY.FDC@CU20B>


   This list is for owners of laptop portable computers, including the Model 
   100, Model 200, NEC, and others.  It focuses on the Model 100 but all others
   are welcome.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-LAPTOPS-REQUEST%MIT-OZ@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Andrew Moore <T.MOORE%MIT-EECS@MIT-EDDIE.MIT.EDU>


   Interest in computers and law.  Mail gets distributed after first being 
   manually screened.  Process may involve returning to author for 
   clarification and/or other sanitization.

   Archived messages are kept on SRI-CSL at: 
   newest messages:  <INFO-LAW>ARCHIVE.TXT
   older messages:   <INFO-LAW>ARCHIVE.001

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-LAW-REQUEST@BRL.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Mike Muuss  <INFO-LAW-REQUEST@BRL.ARPA>


   Network interest group for the Apple Macintosh computer. This list is 
   SUMEX's contribution to the community of research and instructional 
   developers and users of the Macintosh; all submissions of messages and 
   programs in this spirit are welcome.

   For those sites with FTP access to SUMEX-AIM, archives for INFO-MAC are kept
   under {SUMEX-AIM}<INFO-MAC>ARCHIVE.<month>, where month = 
   feb84,mar84,...jan85,...  Programs submitted to the bulletin board, along 
   with documentation files and other references are also stored in <INFO-MAC>.
   With FTP access as user "anonymous" and any password,you can bring these 
   files over to your host and download them to your Macintosh. "Usenet" and 
   some of the other networks that copy info-mac will see sources redistributed
   at the time they are mentioned in the digest distributions.  You can in 
   addition, purchase a dump tape of the directory; see the file 

   <INFO-MAC> is also the repository for the development tools and utilities 
   developed at SUMEX and at other universities. The "sumacc" cross compiler is
   also available on tape for a minimal charge: See the file 

   Messages to INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM are scanned to filter out any list requests, 
   questions previously answered, pure speculation or opinion, or message 
   obviously not in line with the stated purpose of the list.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM.

   Coordinator: John Mark Agosta <INFO-MAC-REQUEST@SUMEX-AIM>

ihnp4!harvard!info-macforth (UUCP)

   Mailing list dedicated to discussion of applications for, problems with and 
   questions relating to the MacFORTH programming environment by CSI, Inc.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-MACFORTH-REQUEST@HARVARD (ARPANET) or 
   ihnp4!harvard!info-macforth-request (UUCP).

   Coordinator: Stew Rubenstein <lhasa!stew@harvard>


   Information/discussion list on the general interest topic of microcomputers.

   Questions/discussions on a particular Operating System, such as CP/M, should
   be addressed to the specific list if one already exists (such as 
   INFO-CPM@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU (or @BRL) for this example).

   Archives of recent correspondence are kept on SIMTEL20 in several files:

      "PS:<ARCHIVES.MICRO>MICRO.ARCHIV.ymmdd"  is a group of files containing 
      correspondence going back several years.  The characters "ymmdd" in the 
      file names are actually digits giving the year, month and day of the last
      message in each particular file.  "PS:<ARCHIVES.MICRO>MICRO-ARCHIV.TXT" 
      contains a growing archive of current correspondence.

      Over 80 megabytes of public domain software (most of it CP/M) are kept in
      five program archives on SIMTEL20.  For a description of these archives, 
      request a copy of the "archive blurb" from INFO-CPM-REQUEST@AMSAA.  All 
      correspondence and program archives described here are available to 
      Internet users via FTP with user-name ANONYMOUS.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-MICRO-REQUEST@BRL.

   Coordinator: Ron Natalie <ron@BRL>


   A discussion list for the Modula-2 programming language.  Modula-2 is a 
   language by Niklaus Wirth which extends the Pascal foundation by providing 
   an updated statement syntax (generalized LOOP, EXIT, RETURN, no GOTO), 
   separate compilation with a module (compilation unit) broken into 
   specification and implementation parts with importing and exporting of 
   objects, controlled machine level access, and concurrent programming and 
   coroutines.  Modula-2 has most of the power of Ada but is small enough that 
   excellent full implementations exist for CP/M 80.

   Mail archives are stored on SIMTEL20 in file:
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-MODULA-2-REQUEST@ROCHESTER.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Ken Yap <ken%ur-seneca.local@ROCHESTER.ARPA>


   Mailing list to gather information on the bitnet, and other, networks.  The 
   list mostly concerns itself with specific questions about particular 
   networks; requests for specific information are accepted.

   The bitnet host table is being expanded to cover other networks; it will be 
   called "common; nets hosts" on MIT-MC and "<common>nets.hosttab" on MIT-OZ. 
   A domain-style addressing will be supported in the table.  Other files are 
   also maintained on both MIT-OZ and MIT-MC.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-NETS-REQUEST%MIT-OZ@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Robert L. Krawitz <rlk@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>


   This list is intended for people who are interested in the programming 
   language Pascal.  Discussions of any Pascal implementation (from mainframe 
   to micro) are welcome.

   Archives are kept on SIMTEL20 in the files:
      PS:<ARCHIVES.PASCAL>PASCAL-ARCHIV.TXT    (current archives)
      PS:<ARCHIVES.PASCAL>PASCAL.ARCHIV.ymmdd  (older archives)
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-PASCAL-REQUEST@BRL.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Frederick S. Brundick <fsbrn@BRL.ARPA>


   INFO-PCNET is a general mailing list to keep interested people advised of 
   major developments.

   PCNET is a volunteer effort creating a computer network for personal use. 
   Although meant to be device independent, the current design is oriented to 
   use through the telephone system, particularly by computers with automatic 
   dialing and receipt of calls.  PCNET will enable all computer users, whether
   part of a formal network organization or individual owners of personal 
   computers, to communicate with each other effectively.  PCNET is defining 
   communication protocols that assure that transmissions are correct 
   (retransmitting data that is lost or erroneous), and which allow multiple 
   logical data streams so that several programs can share a single hardware 
   communication link.  PCNET has defined a worldwide addressing standard that 
   permits automatic forwarding of messages and files without having to know 
   the topology of the network.

   PCNET is currently finising software on several machines (8080, 6502, 
   PDP-10) using several languages (Assembly language, LISP, C), and refining 
   the documentation; volunteer communications programmers are needed to 
   complete these tasks.

   The PCNET files are on SIMTEL20 in directory PD:<PCNET>.  SIMTEL20 supports 
   ANONYMOUS login within FTP them using any non-null password.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-PCNET-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   David Harris is the organizational leader and is in charge of releasing 
   documents to the public:
      David C. Harris <G.HARRIS@SU-SCORE>
      Palo Alto ABBS: (415) 493-7691 (300 baud - type a <CR>)

   Mailing-list maintainer: MAP@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU

glacier!info-postscript (UUCP)

   INFO-POSTSCRIPT is for discussion of the PostScript Page Description 
   language and related topics.  Messages are manually screened to weed out 
   list-maintenance requests and then individually remailed.

   Archives are maintained in SUSHI.STANFORD.EDU file:
   Archives are available via anonymous FTP from ARPANET sites only.  Please 
   DON'T do file transfers weekdays between 9am and 5pm (Pacific Time).

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   INFOPSR@STANFORD, UUCP glacier!info-postscript-request).

   Moderators: John Reuling <reuling@SUSHI.STANFORD.EDU>
               Bob Barcklay <barcklay@SUSHI.STANFORD.EDU>


   Information on printers.

   No recent archives exist.  Will some volunteer donate space for archives?

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-PRINTERS-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Eliot Moore <Elmo@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU>

{ihnp4,convex,seismo,pur-ee)!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!info-proteon  (UUCP)

   For discussions about Proteon network products: the P4200 IP level gateway, 
   protocol converters (DECnet <--> TCP/IP, etc), 80 Mbit hardware, etc.  
   Discussions about network topologies for making best use of Proteon rings 
   will be encouraged.  Other topics include vendor relations, source code 
   availability, implementation details, etc.

      [Also see mailing lists V2LNI-PEOPLE (Proteon ring interfaces)
       and P4200 (Proteon gateway products)]

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-PROTEON-REQUEST@UXC.CSO.UIUC.EDU or 
   {ihnp4,convex,seismo,pur-ee)!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!info-proteon-request (UUCP).

   Coordinator: Paul Pomes <paul@UIUCUXC.CSO.UIUC.EDU>
                    (UUCP) {ihnp4,seismo,pur-ee,convex}!uiucdcs!uiucuxc!paul
                   (CSNET)  paul%uxc@uiuc.csnet
                  (BITNET)  paul@uiucuxc


   List for the discussion of Pyramid (the manufacturer, not the shape) 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-PYRAMID-REQUEST@MARYLAND.

   [On CSNet and UseNet, "MARYLAND" is known as "umcp-cs".]

   Coordinator: Mark Weiser <mark@MARYLAND>.

Gene Spafford
Software Engineering Research Center (SERC), Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet:	Spaf @ GATech		ARPA:	Spaf@gatech.EDU
uucp:	...!{akgua,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf

spaf@gatech.EDU (Gene Spafford) (12/30/86)

What follows is part 1 (of 3) of the Arpanet List of Lists.  This list
is maintained by Rich Zellich and corresponds to the List of Active
Newsgroups which I maintain on the Usenet.  Many of the groups listed
herein are gatewayed into Usenet newsgroups.

Note that uucp-only sites are usually not able to receive these lists
except through gatewayed Usenet newsgroups.

Parts 2 and 3 of the list are in companion articles.

Gene Spafford
29 December 1986

      ADA-SW thru INFO-CPM;
      INFO-DEC-MICRO thru MHS_(X.400)_Implementation;
      MILSIM thru XPORT.
      New mailing list (AI related to human-computer interface design).
      Added second Coordinator name/address.
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      New Coordinator;
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      New mailing list (discussion of the IBM RT Computer).
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list instructions.
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      Changed host name to domain form;
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      Changed list and -Request host names;
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      New host name;
      New usenet newsgroup name;
      Added bitnet sub-list & Coordinator.
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.
      Added BitNet sub-distribution list subscription address.


   PLEASE NOTE:  The general convention is that for administrivia about a list 
   (like getting added or deleted, asking about archive files, etc.) you write 
   to list-REQUEST@host (e.g., HEADER-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU).  This 
   gets you to the moderator, rather than to the membership of the entire 
   mailing list.  Please look carefully at the entry for each list you are 
   interested in, to see if a -REQUEST address has been provided.

   | ADA-SW                | INFO-DEC-MICRO         | music-research         |
   | ADVISE-L              | INFO-FUTURES           | NA (numerical analysis)|
   | AI-CHI                | INFO-GRAPHICS          | NAMEDROPPERS           |
   | AI-ED[ucation]        | INFO-HAMS              | NetMonth               |
   | AILIST                | INFO-HZ100             | NEURON                 |
   | AMETHYST-USERS        | INFO-IBMPC             | NIHONGO                |
   | APOLLO                | INFO-IBMRT             | NL-KR                  |
   | ARMS-D                | INFO-IDL               | NORTHSTAR-USERS        |
   | ARPA-MHS              | INFO-IRIS              | NUKE-WINTER            |
   | ARPANET-BBOARDS       | INFO-JAPAN             | P4200                  |
   | ASM370                | INFO-KERMIT            | PACKET-RADIO           |
   | Astronomy Events      | INFO-LAPTOPS           | PARSYM                 |
   | AUDIO                 | INFO-LAW               | PC-Token-Ring          |
   | AVIATION              | INFO-MAC               | PCIP (PC TCP/IP)       |

   | CA (cellular automata)| INFO-MICRO             | PHYSICS                |
   | CADinterest^          | INFO-MODULA-2          | POLI-SCI               |
   | CAN-INET              | INFO-NETS              | PROLOG/PROLOG-HACKERS  |
   | CBMLIST               | INFO-PASCAL            | ProtocolS              |
   | CLUSTER               | INFO-PCNET             | Psychnet (see EPSYNET) |
   | COMM-L                | INFO-POSTSCRIPT        | PUP-LOVERS             |
   | COMPOS01              | INFO-PRINTERS          | RAILROAD               |
   | Computers and Society | INFO-PROTEON           | REXX Forum             |
   | CUBE-LOVERS           | INFO-PYRAMID           | RISKS                  |
   | Cyber-L               | INFO-RIDGE             | SCHEME                 |
   | Dead-Heads            | INFO-RSTS              | SCRIBE-HACKS           |
   | DESKTOP-PUBLISHING    | INFO-SEQUENT           | SECURITY               |
   | DynSys-L              | INFO-TERMS             | SELF-ORGANIZATION      |
   | EDITOR-PEOPLE         | INFO-/BUG-TI-EXPLORER  | SERVERS                |

   | EPSYNET (Psychnet)    | INFO-TMODEM/BUG-TMODEM | SF-CONS LIST           |
   | ESPERANTO             | INFO-UNIX              | SF-LOVERS              |
   | EVOLUTION             | INFO-V (V dist op sys) | SKY-FANS               |
   | FANZINE               | INFO-VAX               | SMAUG                  |
   | FIGIL (FORTH Int Grp) | INFO-VLSI              | SOFT-ENG               |
   | FIREARMS              | INFO-XENIX310          | SPACE                  |
   | FRANZ-FRIENDS         | INFO-XLISP             | STD-UNIX               |
   | FSFNET (fanzine)      | INFO-XMODEM            | SUN-SPOTS              |
   | GOULDBUGS             | IRLIST                 | TCP-IP                 |
   | HANDHELDS             | ISODE                  | TECHNICAL RPTS REDIST'N|
   | HEADER-PEOPLE         | KILLER                 | TELECOM                |
   | HEALTH-NET            | L-5                    | TEXHAX                 |
   | HEATH-PEOPLE          | L-HCAP (handicapped)   | TheoryNet              |
   | HORSE                 | LAN-News               | TOPS-20                |

   | HUMAN-NETS            | LASER-LOVERS           | UNIX-EMACS             |
   | HY(perchannel)-PEOPLE | LIST OF MAILING LISTS  | UNIX-SOURCES           |
   | IBM-NETS              | LOVE-HOUNDS            | UNIX-SW                |
   | ICON-GROUP            | Mail-Men               | UNIX-TeX               |
   | INFO-1100/BUG-1100    | Mail-Zilog             | UNIX-WIZARDS           |
   | INFO-68K              | mailjc                 | V2LNI-PEOPLE           |
   | INFO-ADA              | MEDINF-L               | VECTREX-PEOPLE         |
   | INFO-AMIGA            | MER.SIGBIG(supercomp's)| VIDEOTECH              |
   | INFO-AOS              | METAPHILOSOPHERS       | VISION                 |
   | INFO-APPLE            | MH-USERS               | VPLLIST                |
   | INFO-APPLEBUS         | MH-WORKERS             | WELDCOMP               |
   | INFO-ATARI[8/16]      | MHS (X.400) implement'n| WorkS[tations]         |
   | INFO-BITGRAPH         | MILSIM                 | writers (SF)           |
   | INFO-BLIT             | MMM-PEOPLE             | XPERT                  |
   | INFO-C                | MsgGroup(archives only)| XPORT                  |

   | INFO-CPM              | MUS (Masscomp User Grp)|                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |


   A mailing list for those who in accessing and contributing software to the 
   Ada Repository on SIMTEL20; it serves two purposes: to provide an 
   information exchange medium between the repository users and to mail 
   repository submissions to the Coordinator for inclusion in the archives.

   SIMTEL20 file PS:<ARCHIVES.ADA-SW>ADA-SW-ARCHIV.TXT contains all messages 
   passed over the ADA-SW mailing list.  New users on the list are invited to 
   get a copy of this file and scan it for background; older users may use it 
   for reference.  In either case, a WARNING: this is a BIG file!

   The Ada Repository is divided into several subdirectories.  These 
   directories are organized by topic, and their names and a brief overview of 
   their topics are contained in file PD:<ADA.GENERAL>DIRLIST.DOC.

   FILE                           CONTENTS

   PD:<ADA>*.*                    The top-level directory.  The names of the
                subdirectories (ADA.directory) can be seen here.  The listing
                of all files in all subdirectories (PD:<ADA>ADA.CRCLST) is
                stored here.  Also, file <ADA>FILEUSE.DOC, which contains a
                listing of all files in the repository, ordered by frequency
                of use (popularity), is contained here.

   PD:<ADA.GENERAL>AAREAD.ME      Overview of Repository
                   ADAREPOS.DOC   More Overview
                   FTP.DOC        How to Use FTP and Other Info
                   MLIST.DOC      About the ADA-SW Mailing List
                   DIRLIST.DOC    Summary of ADA Directories
                   TAPEDIST.DOC   Acquiring Magtape of Repository

   PD:<ADA.AI>*.*                 Artificial Intelligence programs
   PD:<ADA.ANSI-LRM>*.*           ANSI Ada Language Reference Manual (LRM)
   PD:<ADA.BENCHMARKS>*.*         Ada compiler benchmarks
   PD:<ADA.CM-Data>*.*            Files used in maintenance of Ada Repository
   PD:<ADA.COMPILATION-ORDER>*.*  Software for analysis of groups of programs
                                  to determine proper compilation order
   PD:<ADA.COMPONENTS>*.*         Software components subdirectory
   PD:<ADA.CROSS-REFERENCE>*.*    Tools to generate program XREF listings
   PD:<ADA.DDN>*.*                Components related to Defense Data Network
   PD:<ADA.EDITORS>*.*            Source code and documentation on text editors
   PD:<ADA.EDUCATION>*.*          Education subdirectory
   PD:<ADA.EXTERNAL-TOOLS>*.*     Miscellaneous tools helpful in developing
                                  Ada code but not written in Ada or
                                  pertaining to specific environments
   PD:<ADA.FORMGEN>*.*            Tools for generation of forms
   PD:<ADA.GKS>*.*                Graphical Kernel System routines
   PD:<ADA.MANAGEMENT-TOOLS>*.*   Software development project management tools
   PD:<ADA.MATH>*.*               Packages of Ada math routines
   PD:<ADA.MENU>*.*               Software used in the generation of menus

   PD:<ADA.MESSAGE-HANDLING>*.*   Tools for message handling and transfer
   PD:<ADA.METRICS>*.*            Tools for metrics analysis of Ada software
   PD:<ADA.TOOLS>*.*              Sources to various tools which do not fit
                                  into categories of the other subdirectories
   PD:<ADA.NOSC-TOOLS>*.*         Information about software tools submitted
                                  by the Naval Oceans Systems Center (NOSC)
   PD:<ADA.ONLINE-DOC>*.*         Supporting online documentation files
   PD:<ADA.PAGER>*.*              Tools to create and manipulated paged files
   PD:<ADA.POINTERS>*.*           Other sources of software and information
   PD:<ADA.PRETTY-PRINTERS>*.*    Pretty printers for Ada source programs
   PD:<ADA.STUBBER>*.*            Ada program body stubber tools
   PD:<ADA.SIMULATION>*.*         Simulation programs and tools
   PD:<ADA.SPELLER>*.*            Spelling checkers written in Ada
   PD:<ADA.STARTER-KIT>*.*        Tools for accessing repository software
   PD:<ADA.STYLE>*.*              Ada style checking tools
   PD:<ADA.VIRTERM>*.*            Tools for a virtual terminal package
   PD:<ADA.WIS-ADA-TOOLS>*.*      Information about the software tools paid
                                  for by WIS (WWMCCS Information Systems) and
                                  submitted by the Naval Oceans Systems Center

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ADA-SW-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Rick Conn <RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>


   Unmoderated mailing list intended for discussion among students who work 
   part-time at the various university computer centers.  It is particularly 
   intended for people who work as student advisors or consultants, although 
   others are welcome.  Another use of the list is to get help from others on 
   problems that might be encountered, or to let everyone know about new things
   such as new file servers, so that everyone can put the network to the best 
   possible use.

   Alternate paths/addresses: The list is served by 5 servers 
   MD4F@CMUCCVMA) which are peer linked so that anything sent to one will be 
   sent to the other two automatically.  ADVISE-L@NCSUVM is probably the 
   closest server to the WISCVM ARPANet gateway.

   To subscribe to the list:

      From a VM site on BITNET do:
      where Your_Full_Name is your real name (not your userid).

      From a VMS BITNET site use the SEND/REMOTE command.

      If you are at a site not on bitnet or where you cannot send interactive 
      messages you can send a message to 
      LISTSERV%CANADA01.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU where the first non-header line 
      consists of:
         SUBSCRIBE ADVISE-L Your_Full_Name

   Please refer any questions to the Coordinator.

   Coordinator: Scott Campbell <SCOTT%UTORONTO.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>

AI-CHI <wiley!ai-chi@lll-lcc.ARPA>

   Unmoderated mailing list intended for discussion on the subjects related to 
   AI applications to Human-Computer interface design.  This could include user
   modeling, self-adaptive interfaces, intelligent user agents, multi-modal I/O
   (Natural Language, graphics, speech), intelligent user-interface management 
   systems, intelligent on-line advising, task modelling, and any other related
   issues.  Announcements of books, papers, conferences, new products, public 
   domain software tools, etc. are also encouraged.

   A limited archive of the most recent messages is available by request from 

   Coordinator: Dr. Sherman Tyler <wiley!sherman@lll-lcc.ARPA>


   Discussions related to the application of artificial intelligence to 
   education.  This includes material on intelligent computer assisted 
   instruction (ICAI) or intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), interactive 
   encyclopedias, intelligent information retrieval for educational purposes, 
   and pychological and cognitive science models of learning, problem solving, 
   and teaching that can be applied to education.  Issues related to teaching 
   AI are welcome.  Topics may also include evaluation of tutoring systems, 
   commercialization of AI based instructional systems, description of actual 
   use of an ITS in a classroom setting, user-modeling, intelligent 
   user-interfaces, and the use of graphics or videodisk in ICAI.  
   Announcements of books, papers, conferences, new products, public domain 
   software tools, etc. are encouraged.

   If there are several people at one site that are interested, users should 
   try to form a local distribution system to lessen the load on SUMEX-AIM.

   Archives of messages are kept on host SUMEX-AIM in file: <BBOARD>AI-ED.TXT

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AI-Ed-Request@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Mark Richer <Richer@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>


   AIList is a major list for discussion of artificial intelligence and related

      Expert Systems                        AI Techniques
      Knowledge Representation              Knowledge Acquisition
      Problem Solving                       Hierarchical Inference
      Machine Learning                      Pattern Recognition
      Analogical Reasoning                  Data Analysis
      Cognitive Psychology                  Human Perception
      AI Languages and Systems              Machine Translation
      Theorem Proving                       Decision Theory
      Logic Programming                     Computer Science
      Automatic Programming                 Information Science

   Contributions may be anything from tutorials to rampant speculation.  In 
   particular, the following are sought:

      Abstracts                        Reviews
      Lab Descriptions                 Research Overviews
      Work Planned or in Progress      Half-Baked Ideas
      Conference Announcements         Conference Reports
      Bibliographies                   History of AI
      Puzzles and Unsolved Problems    Anecdotes, Jokes, and Poems
      Queries and Requests             Address Changes (Bindings)

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AIList-Request@SRI-AI.

   Coordinator: Dr. Kenneth I. Laws <Laws@SRI-AI>
                SRI International
                333 Ravenswood Ave.
                Menlo Park, CA  94025
                (415) 859-6467


   This list is intended for people who use Amethyst, a software package of 
   CP/M-80 programs: MINCE (an ersatz EMACS) and SCRIBBLE (an ersatz SCRIBE).

   Archives are kept on SIMTEL20 in files:
      PS:<ARCHIVES.AMETHYST>AMETHYST.ARCHIV.31013 (old archives)
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AMETHYST-USERS-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Frank Wancho <WANCHO@SIMTEL20.ARPA>


   Users of Apollo computers who are interested in sharing their experiences 
   about Apollos.  At least initially, the list will not be moderated or 
   digested; if the volume is sufficient, this may change.

   Mail to the list will be archived in some public place that will be 
   announced at a later date.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Apollo-Request@YALE.

   Coordinator: Nathaniel Mishkin <Mishkin@YALE>


   The ARMS-D digest is for various and sundry comments and questions on policy
   issues related to peace, war, national security, weapons, the arms race, and
   the like.

   Recent archives live in the file XX:<ARMS-D>ARCHIVE.CURRENT.  MIT-XX 
   supports the ANONYMOUS FTP login protocol: Connect to XX, login as 
   ANONYMOUS, use the password GUEST, and transfer the file.

   All administrative requests (e.g., additions to the list) should go to 
   ARMS-D-REQUEST@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU; complaints, praise and suggestions can be 
   directed to either ARMS-D or ARMS-D-REQUEST.

   Moderator: LIN@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU


   The purpose of the ARPA-MHS list is to discuss gatewaying of ARPA RFC920 
   addresses with MHS X.400 addresses; it is quite diversified, with several 
   representatives from BITNET, Mailnet, UUCP, ARPANET, and EAN.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ARPA-MHS-REQUEST@BRL.

   Coordinator: Einar Stefferud <ESTEFFERUD@USC-ECL>


   Redistribution address for all known BBoards on the ARPANET.  The guidelines
   for postings are somewhat loose.  The ostensible purpose of the list is to 
   distribute: (a) emergency notices ("Southern California just slid into the 
   Pacific, machines at ISI and UCSD will be down for a few days"), and (b) 
   notices of "academic interest", such as seminar and symposium announcements.
    Advertisements and for-profit notices are not appropriate (the DoD would 
   get upset, among other considerations).  A touchy borderline case is job 
   offerings.  The practice has been to accept postings from universities (the 
   research community) and the research oriented military installations (the 
   people paying for our hardware) but to refuse postings from private 
   companies.  The (shaky) rational behind this is that university and military
   job offerings are "research opportunities" as opposed to for-profit 
   advertisements (ie, joining the army or a university is not the way to get 

   Anyone is welcome to redistribute Arpanet-BBoards; it takes some of the 
   (considerable) load off of MC's mailer.  But please don't do it without 
   sending a message to the -Request address first.

   There are Archive copies of every message ever sent to the list but no 
   guarantee is made that they will be online or available at any particular 
   time.  The current archive file, such as it is, can be found as 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ARPANET-BBOARDS-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.



   Discussion of programming in IBM System/370 Assembly Language.  This is 
   primarily a working group designed to answer questions and help distribute 
   programs; however, any theoretical (are there such things?) discussions are 
   welcome too.

   All back-issue requests will be managed by:


Astronomy Events <koolish@BBN-UNIX>

   A mailing list for astronomical events and meeting announcements (mostly in 
   the Boston area).  Items to be sent to the list are sent to koolish@BBN-UNIX
   for forwarding.  An attempt is being made to keep it from becoming full of 
   trivial messages, but new readers and valid input are welcome.

   Coordinator: Dick Koolish <koolish@BBN-UNIX>

...seismo!UMASS.BITNET!audio  (UUCP)

   Moderated mailing list (digest) dealing with any aspect of audio - for 
   discussions ranging from product reviews, to questions on the technical side
   of audio equipment.

   This digest will *not* be archived.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to the Moderator.

   Moderator: Fidelis Orozco <Evol%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
                              Evol@UMASS  (Bitnet)
                              ...seismo!UMASS.BITNET!Evol  (UUCP)


   Aviation discusses topics of interest to pilots, including training systems,
   laws affecting availability or usability  of airports, planes, and 
   procedures, characteristics of aircraft and avionic products, comments on 
   commercial aviation, such as safety and convenience issues, occasional 
   advertisements for fly-ins or similar private pilot activities, historical 
   notes, whatever else the readership wants.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AVIATION-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Oded Feingold <OAF%OZ.AI.MIT.EDU@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>
                Gaylord Miyata <MPSG.MIYATA@OZ.AI.MIT.EDU>


   A forum for the discussion of recursive descent parsing and related methods.
    Emphasis on parsers for applicative languages.  (Actually, this group is a 
   front for an insidious international conspiracy dedicated to achieving 
   world-domination through the infiltration of all of the major computer 

   There is a mail archive, although God only knows why you would want it.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to BIZARRE-PEOPLE-REQUEST@PT.CS.CMU.EDU.

   Coordinator: Michael Browne <mcb@K.CS.CMU.EDU>


   See INFO-1100@SUMEX-AIM.


   Mailing-list for the exchange of information on all aspects of cellular 
   automata and their applications.

   Archived messages will be kept at Godot.Think.COM in the file:

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to CA-REQUEST@THINK.COM.

   Coordinator: Bruce Nemnich <bruce@THINK.COM>


   Distribution list for the purpose of discussing issues and exchanging ideas 
   pertaining to VLSI Computer Aided Design and Layout.  The list is intended 
   to encompass a broad range of topics including but not limited to:  VLSI 
   CAD/CAE/CAM hardware, software, layout, design, techniques, programming, 
   fracturing, PG, plotting, maintenance, vendors, bugs, workstations, DRC, 
   ERC, system management, peripheral equipment, design verification, testing, 
   benchmarking, archiving procedures, etc.

   The distribution list itself resides on the Xerox Ethernet.  Ethernet users 
   can send messages to CADinterest^.es.  Arpanet, Milnet, Usenet, and other 
   Internet users can send messages to CADinterest^.es@XEROX.

   Anyone on the Xerox Ethernet may add themselves using Maintain.  Arpanet, 
   Milnet, Usenet, and other Internet users should send a request to 

   Coordinator: Craig Anderson <ANDERSON.ES@XEROX.ARPA>


   Mailing list for anyone interested in the topic of a Canadian internet.  
   Issues to be addressed are:

      The organization of a domain name space and the delegation of authority
       within it;
      The selection of available protocol suites;
      The design of the subnet and available carriers;
      Internetworking with other countries and private networks;
      Anything else that might be considered relevant.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, questions, comments, 
   etc., should be sent to CAN-INET-REQUEST@ATHENA.MIT.EDU.

   There is a BitNet sub-distribution list, NNMAIL-L@CANADA01; BitNet 
   subscribers can join by sending the SUB command with your name.
      For example, SEND LISTSERV@CANADA01 SUB NNMAIL-L Jon Doe
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@CANADA01 SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Philip Prindeville <philipp@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>


   This mailing list is for users of all 8-bit Commodore Computer users, 
   including users of the PET computers, CBM computers, B128, VIC-20, Commodore
   64, and Commodore 128.  It is for messages regarding any aspect of 
   programming, software, or anything else pertaining to Commodore computing.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, questions, comments, 
   etc., should be sent to MKimmel%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator:  Matt Kimmel <Matt%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Discussion of DARCOM Cluster Computers, and related issues.  List membership
   is restricted to DARCOM employees and selected contractors.

   Coordinator: Myra Hartwig <CLUSTER-REQUEST@BRL>


   Integration of voice, data, and video services on the same network is 
   creating a need for organizations that specialize in communications.  This 
   BitNet LISTSERV group is for discussion of both technical and non-technical 
   aspects of providing those services.  Topics could include management, 
   installation, acquisition, or monitoring  of communications networks.

   If you wish to join the list and you are on a BitNet host running CMS, just 
   enter the command:
      TELL LISTSERV AT UGA SUBscribe COMM-L your_name
   Where your_name is your real name.  Non-BitNet/CMS users may subscribe by 
   sending mail to LISTSERV%UGA.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU with the subscribe 
   command as the first line.

   Coordinators: Phil Benchoff <BENCHOFF%VTVM1.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
                 Harold Pritchett <HAROLD%UGA.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   The Composition Digest is a moderated weekly newsgroup for the study of 
   computers and writing, specifically writing instruction in computer-based 
   classrooms.  It is intended to be a forum for writing professionals (those 
   who must use computers for their writing) and computing professionals (those
   who design the hardware and software that writers depend upon) to meet and 
   discuss issues relevant to both fields, but notes are also welcome from 
   novice computer writers.  There is interest in articles pertaining to, but 
   not limited by, the following topics:

      Human/Factors research and writing environments
      Text editor design
      Natural Language adjuncts to writing instruction
      Writing without paper
      Psychological effects of computer writing/instruction
      Composition theory applied to computer-based instruction
      Anecdotal accounts of computer writing experiences
      Using the NET in the classroom
      Computer-based conferences
      Public domain software for the classroom
      Reviews of writing and editing packages
      Conference announcements and proceedings
      Telecommunications and its effects on language
      Computers and the soft sciences
      Computers and hearing impaired students
      Computers and learning disabled students
      Computers and basic writers
      Computers and humanists
      Computers and writing professionals

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to COMPOS01%ULKYVX.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Moderator: ??

Computers and Society Digest

   The Computers And Society mailing list was created to provide a forum for 
   discussion of various issues related to the impact of technology and 
   information on society.  Among the issues being discussed are:

      Computers and social responsibility
      Dealing with information overload 
      The classed society in the information age
      Public perceptions of computers 
      The value of information
      Dangers and advantages of reliance on machines
      Risks of technological dependence
      and other related topics

   This is a moderated group (but just about anything relevent will be included
   in the next digest), and both submissions and requests should be sent to 

   Coordinator: Dave Taylor <taylor@HPLABS.ARPA>


   The Rubik's Cube mailing-list.  Much of the information in the Scientific 
   American article was presented in Cube-Lovers first; also many mathematical 
   discussions have taken place as well as the development of a cube notation 
   and various transformations used to solve it.  Recently this list has been 
   very quiet.

      Messages are archived in the MIT-AI files
         ALAN;CUBE MAIL(0 1 2 ...)
      with the most recent messages in

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to CUBE-LOVERS-REQUEST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Alan Bawden <ALAN@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   Network digest for people who support and/or install Control Data (CDC) 
   systems.  In general, any topic which may be of general interest to people 
   who support and/or install CDC systems is relevant to the digest, including:

      Problem reports and solutions, including information from the 
        support system, SOLVER.
      Requests for help concerning problems on CDC systems.
      Announcements and reviews of new products or upgrades to products,
        including CDC supplied as well as site supplied products.
      Installation experiences/problems encountered when installing
        products:  things to watch out for; things to avoid.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Info%Bitnic.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator: ?? <Info%Bitnic.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   The Dead mailing lists have been reorganised, and DEAD-FLAMES now exchanges 
   messages with the usenet's net.music.gdead (soon to be rec.music.gdead or 
   something like that).  Here's how it all works:

   DEAD-HEADS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- Use this list for songlists and concert reviews,
   and for hotline info.

   LOCAL-DEAD-HEADS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- These are the east-coast and 
   LOCAL-DEAD-HEADS@SRI-AI.ARPA   -- west-coast parts of DEAD-HEADS.  If you 
   have a message which you think will only be of interest to people on one 
   half of the country, (say, you have extra room in your car for a ride to a 
   show) send it here.  Also good for this list are messages announcing Jerry 
   Band or other "sub-band" shows.

   DEAD-FLAMES@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- This includes all messages sent to any of 
   net.music.gdead           -- the lists above, plus anything anyone sends (or
   posts, in the case of net.music.gdead) directly, which can be anything to do
   with the Grateful Dead.

   Requests to be added to or deleted from any of the mailing lists should be 
   sent to the appropriate -REQUEST list (e.g. DEAD-FLAMES-REQUEST).

   Old messages to all of these lists are archived back through March '85.  
   Also online is an updated version of Dave Wilkins' lyrics list, and all 
   songlists sent to the network.  Send mail to DEAD-FLAMES-REQUEST if you're 

   Coordinators: Gregor Kiczales <Dead-Heads-Request@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
                 Paul Martin <Local-Dead-Heads-Request@SRI-AI.ARPA>
                 David Wallace <Dead-Flames-Request@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   Discussion group for sharing information on desktop publishing techniques 
   and new technologies used in small publishing projects.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to dtp-request%plaid@SUN.COM.

   Coordinator: Chuq Von Rospach <chuq@SUN.COM>


   The Dynamical System is a mailing list for the exchange of information among
   people working in ergodic theory and dynamical systems. Almost all kinds of 
   contributions are welcome, especially:

      Abstracts                      Illuminating comments
      Open problems                  Historical remarks
      News items                     Reviews
      Announcements of meetings      Conference reports
      Address changes                Bibliographies
      Examples                       Work planned or in progress
      Questions                      Anecdotes, jokes, puzzles.

   The list will be maintained by a list-server facility called NEWSERV, which 
   acts as a userid at the BitNet node UNCVM1.  To be added to or deleted from 
   this list, see the following directions, or send a message to one of the 

   BitNet users can use the ADD command to add their name to a list:

      For users at remote IBM/VM sites the following format is used:

      At UTSO use the VMSG command send to userid NEWSERV, node UNCVM1, and a 
      message of ADD DYNSYS-L username.

      VAX/VMS sites running jnet version 2 use the ADD command like this:

      BitNet users with other environments can contact their local user 
      services group for assistance.  Users without interactive messaging 
      capability,or non-BitNet users can send a request to ULTIMA@UNCVM1 or to 
      one of the list Coordinators to have their names added to the list.

   The DROP command is used to remove a name from a list:

      For remote IBM/VM sites, the DROP command is used like this:

      At UTSO use the VMSG command send to userid NEWSERV, node UNCVM1, and a 
      message of DROP DYNSYS-L.

      VAX/VMS sites with jnet version 2 can use this command:

   Coordinators: Karl Petersen <UNCKEP%UNC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
                 Doug Lind <lind@ENTROPY.MS.WASHINGTON.EDU>

ucbvax!editor-people    (USENET)

   Discussion of topics related to computerized text editing, display editors, 
   and human factors in man/machine interaction.  The theoretical discussion is
   catholic, but practical discussion focuses particularly on Tops-20 and Unix.
   The discussion also appears on the Unix USENET distributed bulletin board.
   ****This list is inactive (A/O Sep 86) and is in search of a new 
   Coordinator.  Volunteers should respond to the current Coordinator or to the
   -Request address.****

   An archive is on host SU-SCORE at

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to EDITOR-PEOPLE-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.

   Coordinator: J.Q. Johnson <jqj@CORNELL>

EPSYNET (see entry for Psychnet)


   A forum for people interested in the neutral international language 
   Esperanto.  Discussions about the language itself, the Esperanto movement, 
   publications, and news are encouraged.  Of course, discussion *in* Esperanto
   is especially encouraged, although English translations may be advisable 
   when the material is of interest to beginners or non-Esperantists.

   This list is identical to the USENET mailing list `mail.esperanto'.  The 
   forwarding addresses were installed on LLL-CRG by Andy Beals; ESPERANTO 
   forwards to the "real" mail.esperanto address trwrb!trwspp!spp2!esperanto 
   and ESPERANTO-REQUEST forwards to the Coordinator (trwrb!trwspp!spp2!urban).

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to to ESPERANTO-REQUEST@LLL-CRG.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Mike Urban <ESPERANTO-REQUEST@LLL-CRG.ARPA>


   This direct-distribution mailing list is organized to discuss consequences 
   of the theory of evolution, with emphasis on mathematics, on computer 
   simulations, and on literature.  While creationists in this group are 
   expected to be few in number, and while they may not reasonably expect to be
   taken seriously unless they can introduce radically better evidence than 
   creationists have in the past, we have no agreement to limit discussion of 
   contraversal topics.  The coordinator assumes no responsibility for opinions
   expressed in the group or for misuse.

   Archives are available only upon request to EVOLUTION-REQUEST@KESTREL.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to EVOLUTION-REQUEST@KESTREL.

   Coordinator: king@Kestrel


   This is the mailing list for OtherRealms, a Science Fiction and Fantasy 
   fanzine being published electronically.  This is not a moderated list or 
   digest, this is a full magazine, published on a monthly basis.

   Back issues are available.  All requests and administrivia should be send to

   Coordinator: Chuq Von Rospach <chuq%plaid@SUN.ARPA>


   The FORTH Interest Groups International List (FIGIL) is dedicated to any and
   all things connected directly or indirectly with the FORTH computer 
   language.  The list is not restricted to technical, professional levels; 
   novice FORTH'ers are encouraged to take part.  Also there is no particular 
   implementation, machine, or product emphasiszed.  Submissions are requested 
   to keep in mind the issue of portablility of any specific source code.  
   Follow a recognized standard when possible like Forth 79, Forth 83, or 
   FigForth.  Any submissions, letters, source listings, etc. will be resent to
   all subscribers.  Copyrighted material, of course, cannot be resent by this 
   list.  Public Domain code only!  Furthermore, Bitnet prohibits commercial 
   distribution or advertising.

   List submissions, as well as all requests to be added to or deleted from 
   this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to 

   Coordinator: Tamir Weiner <UMFORTH%WEIZMANN.BITNET@WISCVM-

FIREARMS <cbosgd!cbrma!firearms@seismo.CSS.GOV>

   This mailing list has been created to provide an environment in which 
   sportsmen can discuss issues of concern to them.  Topics include but are not
   limited to hunting, firearms safety, legal issues, reloading tips, 
   maintenance suggestions, target shooting, and dissemination of general info.
    The list is NOT intended to discuss the merits of gun control.

   Archives are maintained by the moderator.  As of 1 Jul 85, the list is 4 
   months old, having 11 back issues comprising approximately 160K of text.

   Moderator: Karl Kleinpaste <cbosgd!cbrma!karl@seismo.CSS.GOV>


   Discusses the Franz Lisp language.

   A sub-list, FRANZ-COMPOSERS@BERKELEY, is composed of people who are in 
   charge of maintaining Franz LISP.  The sub-list is used for sending bug 

   The archive of old messages is kept on MIT-MC, in the file:

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to FRANZ-FRIENDS-REQUEST@BERKELEY.

   Coordinator: John Foderaro <JKF@BERKELEY>


   An electronic version of the typical science fiction/fantasy 'fanzine'.  
   Issues are sent to network users approximately every two to six weeks, and 
   generally range in size from 500 to 1000 lines.  Typical issues primarily 
   contain amateur fiction by network authors from around the world (the 
   emphasis of the zine), although there are occasional movie and book reviews,
   discussions of featured authors, game reviews, or any one of an infinite 
   number of fantasy and science fiction related topics.  FSFnet tries to deal 
   with all aspects of science fiction and fantasy fiction fandom, while giving
   young authors the opportunity to interact with a real readership and improve
   their writing skills.

   If you are interested in writing or contributing to FSFnet, feel free to 
   discuss it with the editor; submissions of all kinds are always welcome.
   There is also the organized Dargon Project, where authors write about the 
   same area, borrowing characters and learning from one another, very similar 
   to Robert Lynn Asprin's Thieve's World project.  This makes for much more 
   interesting issues as well as improving the style of the writer, exposing 
   him to the public, and helping him meet other budding authors.  The Dargon 
   Project is an exciting and rewarding project, and has made for some 
   excellent fantasy fiction.  The project is open to all fantasy writers; 
   users who are interested in writing for the project should contact the 

   An index of back issues may be requested from the editor, and the BitNet 
   servers TCSSERVE@TCSVM and SILMARIL@FINHUTC both maintain complete FSFnet 
   libraries.  BitNet server CSNEWS@MAINE also maintains the most recent issue.
    DO NOT refer problems, questions, etc. to these servers.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to the editor.  The request should contain your userid 
   and node name, as well as your real name and, if you are a BitNet user, the 
   format in which you prefer issues to be sent (either DISK DUMP CLASS N, 

   Editor: David 'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE%MAINE.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Mailing list to serve as a forum for the discussion of adventure game 
   programming, including questions such as player interfaces, multi-player 
   possibilities, text vs. graphics games, etc.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to GAMEMASTERS-REQUEST@RINSO.LCS.MIT.EDU  or  

   There is a BitNet sub-distribution list, GMAST-L@UTCVM; BitNet subscribers 
   can join by sending the SUB command with your name.
      For example, SEND LISTSERV@UTCVM SUB GMAST-L Jon Doe
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@UTCVM SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Brad Sagarin <dragon@RINSO.LCS.MIT.EDU>
                     USENET:  seismo!mit-eddie!dragon


   A mailing list for reporting bugs and problems with the GOULD UTX/32 (UNIX) 
   operating system and software.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to gouldbugs-request@BRL.ARPA.

   There is a BitNet sub-distribution list, GOULDBUG@CLVM; BitNet subscribers 
   can join by sending the SUB command with your name.
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@CLVM SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Howard Walter <howard@BRL>


   Mailing list for those who are interested in handheld computers or 
   programmable calculators.  The mailing list can be used to distribute or 
   request programs.  Messages are not moderated at this time.

   SRI-STRIPE file PS:<HANDHELDS>HANDHELDS.TXT contains all the messages passed
   over the HANDHELDS mailing list.  Programs which have been uploaded will 
   also be stored in this directory.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HANDHELDS-REQUEST@SRI-STRIPE.  This address should 
   also be used to send large programs to be posted into the public directory.

   Coordinator: David Edwards <DLE@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA>


   Interest specifically in the format of message headers and related issues 
   such as inter-network mail formats/standards, etc.

   Recent messages are filed in MIT-MC (MC.LCS.MIT.EDU) file KSC;HEADER MINS, 
   while older archives are in KSC;HEADER MINS00 through MINS15.  These files 
   are accessible over the ARPANet via FTP.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HEADER-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Pandora B. Berman <CENT@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   Health-Net is a digest for the discussion and answering of Health related 
   topics. Subscribers may write with health related questions which will then 
   be answered by either the moderator (who is presently a Health Education 
   Graduate student at U.Mass., Amherst) or by other subscribers who are 
   themselves health professionals.  Beyond just being a source of answers to 
   health questions, Health-Net is a place for discussing areas of health 
   controversy in today's society especially those that apply to all of us.

   Letters of a personal or private nature should be sent to the Coordinator 
   for editing prior to posting to preserve confidentiality.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to RALPH%UMASS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator: Ralph G. Sbragia <Ralph%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Discussion of the construction, use, and modification of Heath terminals and
   computers, and related Zenith products.

   The archives of old messages are kept on MC.LCS.MIT.EDU, in files:
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL1   -Oldest Mail
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL2   -Next oldest
            etc.           -Up to 8 as of 26 August 86
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL    -Incoming mail is being added to this one

      These files are each stored in reverse time order (i.e. newer messages 
      come first in the file, older messages are later).  Each of the files is 
      between approx. 100K and 150K characters.  Copies of these files are 
      available via FTP with no login needed.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HEATH-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Michael A. Patton <MAP%MIT-AI.ARPA@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU>


   Discussion of things equestrian.  Horse enthusiasts of all disciplines and 
   levels of experience are welcome.  Articles are distributed periodically in 
   digest format.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HORSE-REQUEST@CCP.BBN.COM (or UUCP address 

   Coordinator: Ken Rossen <krossen@CCP.BBN.COM>


   Mailing list originally consisting of the combined memberships of 
   INFO-PCNET, HOME-SAT, and TELETEXT mailing lists.  Human-Nets has discussed 
   many topics, all of them related in some way to the theme of a world-wide 
   computer and telecommunications network usually called WorldNet.  The topics
   have ranged very widely, from something like tutorials, to state of the art 
   discussions, to rampant speculation about technology and its impact.  The 
   list is extremely large, making it necessary to batch messages sent to the 
   list and distributing them once each day during off peak periods to avoid 
   overloading the system.

   The permanent archives contain all of the material distributed to the list. 
   Due to size, this archive is broken down into several different files, 
   stored in reverse temporal order.  The files are currently stored on ARPANet
   host RU-BLUE in files RHYTHM:<PLEASANT.HUMAN-NETS>HUMNET.* (where "*" is a 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HUMAN-NETS-REQUEST@RUTGERS.

   Moderator: Charles McGrew <MCGREW@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>


   Mailing list for the discussion of hyperchannel networks within the context 
   of an IP network.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HY-PEOPLE-REQUEST@ORVILLE.ARPA.

   Coordinator: John Lekashman <lekash@ORVILLE.ARPA>

         <Ibm-Nets@BITNIC> (Bitnet)

   IBM-Nets is a forum for any discussions relating to IBM mainframes and 
   networking.  It is an immediate redistribution list with no filtering or 
   digesting.  Examples:

      Tcp/Ip and VM or MVS        Wisconsin Wiscnet
      Spartacus Knet              X.25
      Ethernet                    Pronet
      SNA                         Vnet
      Bitnet NJE protocols
      or anything else that is related to IBM mainframes and networking

   The system server Database@Bitnic.Bitnet contains a 6 month archive of all 
   IBM-Nets transactions.  In order to learn more on how to access these 
   archives via the Internet, send a valid piece of RFC822 mail to 
   Database%BITNIC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU with the first nonblank lines reading
   as follows:


      Note: If your mail header does not contain a proper "From:' or 
      "Reply-To:" field, in addition to being fully domain qualified (RFC920), 
      your mail will not be processed.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to:
      Bitnet:  Hank@BITNIC
   *Be sure to specify IBM-Nets*

   Coordinator: Henry Nussbacher <Hank@BITNIC>


   Discussion of topics related to the Icon programming language (a high-level,
   general-purpose programming language that emphasizes string and structure 
   processing).  Such topics include:  Programming Techniques, Theoretical 
   Aspects, Icon in relation to other languages, Applications of Icon, 
   Implementation Issues, Porting Icon, Bugs.  Items sent to the list are 
   immediately redistributed to all persons on the list.

   The list will be distributed via CSNET and as such will only be available to
   persons on ARPANET and CSNET; a Usenet gateway may be considered at some 
   point in the future.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Icon-Group-Request%Arizona.CSNET@CSNet-Relay.  
   Questions about obtaining Icon should be sent to 

   Coordinator: Bill Mitchell <whm%Arizona.CSNET@CSNet-Relay>


   These discussion lists focus on Xerox 1100 workstations (1100, 1108, 1132, 
   1185, 1186) and protocols.  Their purpose is to stimulate communication and 
   sharing between computer science research groups that are using or are 
   interested in these machines.

   Info-1100 is the "information channel" where messages such as announcements 
   of available lispusers packages may be made or for queries such as "Does 
   anybody know of a PUP file server implementation for the Sinclair ZX-80?".  
   It is intended to be a low-volume list suitable for the casual reader.  
   Bug-1100 is the "bug channel" where readers can warn others of Interlisp-D 
   bugs and/or suggest workarounds or solicit help or discussion; it is 
   expected to have greater volume than Info-1100, being for the hard-core 
   user.  Since hard-core users read both lists, Bug-1100 is a subset of 
   Info-1100 and there is never a need to send to both lists.

   Xerox PARC, SIS, and AIS people are included in the distribution list to 
   facilitate communication about new developments, bugs, performance issues, 
   etc..  Additionally, Info-1100 and Bug-1100 are automatically forwarded to 
   AISupport.pasa@Xerox, where bugs are noted and acted upon if appropriate. 
   Xerox AIS employees will not respond in Bug-1100 unless the reply is of 
   general interest or silence would mislead the readership.

   Archives of messages are kept on SUMEX-AIM in files:
      <BBOARD>INFO-1100.TXT      <BBOARD>BUG-1100.TXT
   Some net-contributed lispusers packages, updates, and patches are kept on 
   SUMEX-AIM in files:

   Requests to be added to or deleted from these lists, problems, questions, 
   etc. should be sent to Info-1100-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU or 

   Coordinator: Christopher Schmidt <SCHMIDT@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU>


   Mailing list for users of OS's capable of running on small 68000 systems, 
   primarly CP/M-68K.  Related systems (OS/9-68K, etc.) and topics welcome.

   Archives are kept on host SIMTEL20 in file:
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Info-68K-Request@UCBVAX.

   Coordinator: Mike Meyer <mwm%ucbopal@BERKELEY.EDU>


   Mailing list for announcements, questions and discussions of a technical 
   nature, requests for information, and just about anything else having to do 
   with the Ada programming language (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983).

   Archives of messages can be found in the files <INFO-ADA>ARCHIVE.* on 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, etc., 
   should be sent to INFO-ADA-REQUEST@USC-ISIF.

   Coordinator: Karl A. Nyberg <nyberg@USC-ISIF>


   Info-Amiga is intended as a forum of discussion and for exchanging of ideas 
   and programming tips for the new 68000 Amiga PC from Commodore Business 
   Machines.  This list has a gateway directly into and from the Usenet group 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-AMIGA-REQUEST@RED.RUTGERS.EDU.

   There are BitNet sub-distribution lists (I-AMIGA@CANADA01, I-AMIGA@CLVM, 
   subscribers can join by sending the SUB command with your name.and to the 
   nearest LISTSERV node.
      For example, SEND LISTSERV@CLVM SUB I-AMIGA Jon Doe
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@CLVM SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Eliot Lear <Lear@RUTGERS.RUTGERS.EDU>


   Information/interest group for users of Data General AOS/VS.  The 
   Coordinator's personal interests are focused upon networking software, the 
   Ada environment, typesetting and improved utilities for AOS/VS but every 
   topic of general interest is welcome.

   All requests to be added/deleted from this list, problems etc. should be 

   Coordinator: Michael Haberler <HABERLER@SU-SIERRA>


   APPLE user's mailing list.

   Info-apple archives are available on SIMTEL20.  Archives up to 10 Oct 83 are
   stored in:
   Archives from 11 Oct 83 are stored in:
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-APPLE-REQUEST@BRL.

   Moderator: Howard Walter <hwalt@BRL>


   List to facilitate communication between Applebus hardware and software 
   developers and other interested parties.  Applebus is Apple's networking 
   scheme, which is used for connecting personal computers and other devices 
   (laser printers, file servers, gateways to to other networks, etc.).

   There are subdistribution list coordinators all over the net; it is desired 
   that people interested in receiving info-applebus first check the file 
   <applebus>coordinators.txt on ARPANet host CMU-CS-C to see if a local list 
   exists for their organization.  For those not on the net, please send 

   Archives are available on CMU-CS-C in <APPLEBUS>ARCHIVE.TXT, and a limited 
   amount of public domain applebus software is available in the CMU-CS-C 
   <APPLEBUS.PROGRAMS> directory.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-APPLEBUS-REQUEST@C.CS.CMU.EDU.

   Coordinator: Ralph W. Hyre, Jr. <RALPHW@C.CS.CMU.EDU>


   16-bit Atari family user's mailing list (also see INFO-ATARI8).  There is a 
   mirror between the ARPANET/DDN mailing list and Usenet news group 

   INFO-ATARI archives are in <INFO-ATARI>ATARI.* on host SU-SCORE.  In 
   addition to being the archives, they can be read as a bboard by Score users.
    ATARI.TXT gets pruned automatically (to ATARI.date) whenever it gets too 
   large (over about 250 tops20 pages).  The contents of the archives A/O Jan 
   86 are:

      PS:<INFO-ATARI>  Bytes(SZ)

      ATARI.1981.1      62421(7)
           .1982A.1    289669(7)
           .1982B.1    524464(7)
           .1983.1     711452(7)
           .1984.1     598399(7)
           .1985.1    2480108(7)
           .APR-85.1   111435(7)
           .AUG-85.1    20427(7) 
           .DEC-85.1   633738(7)
           .FEB-85.1    42303(7) 
           .JAN-85.1    49069(7) 
           .JUL-85.1     7481(7)  
           .JUN-85.1    37291(7) 
           .MAR-85.1   125669(7)
           .MAY-85.1    83566(7) 
           .NOV-85.1   467815(7)
           .OCT-85.1   607148(7)
           .SEP-85.1   294156(7)
           .TXT.1      210296(7)

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-ATARI-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.

   Moderator: Marshall D. Abrams <abrams@MITRE.ARPA>
   Co-Moderator: Bob Hott <rhott@NSWC-G.ARPA>


   8-bit Atari family user's mailing list (also see INFO-ATARI16).  There is a 
   mirror between the ARPANET/DDN mailing list and Usenet news group 

   All INFO-ATARI archives are in <BBOARD>ATARI.* on host SU-SCORE; see 
   INFO-ATARI16 for details.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-ATARI-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.

   Moderator: Marshall D. Abrams <abrams@MITRE.ARPA>
   Co-Moderator: Bob Hott <rhott@NSWC-G.ARPA>


   Information/discussion list for the BB&N BitGraph terminal.

   Archive file is on MIT-MC at:

   Coordinator: David C. Plummer <DCP@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU>


   A list for the discussion of software for the AT&T Dot Mapped Display 
   Terminals (Model 5620 and the BLIT).

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-BLIT-REQUEST@BRL.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Ron Natalie <RON@BRL.ARPA>


   INFO-C is gatewayed with the net.lang.c newsgroup on USENET.  net.lang.c's 
   purpose is to carry on discussion of C programming and the C programming 
   language.  Appropriate topics are:

      Queries on how to write something in C
      Queries about why some C code behaves the way it does
      Suggestions for C modifications or extensions
      C coding "tricks"
      Compiler bugs
      Availability of compilers

   Recently-discussed topics include object-oriented extensions to C, 
   availability of a public-domain cpp for beta testing, the EQUEL 
   preprocessor, C compilers for the pdp11 (under RSX), IBM370 and PC, vagaries
   of typedef and sizeof, and some new changes to standard C (C++ from a 
   researcher at Bell Labs, and ANSI committee X3J11).  Plus the usual 
   discussions about C programming style.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to info-c-request@BRL.

   Coordinator: Mark Plotnick <info-c-request@BRL>


   Information and discussion on both 8 and 16-bit versions of the CP/M 
   microcomputer operating system.

   Archives of recent correspondence are kept on SIMTEL20 in several files:

      "PS:<ARCHIVES.CPM>CPM.ARCHIV.ymmdd"  is a group of files containing 
      correspondence going back several years.  The characters "ymmdd" in the 
      file names are actually digits giving the year, month and day of the last
      message in each particular file.  "PS:<ARCHIVES.CPM>CPM-ARCHIV.TXT" 
      contains a growing archive of current correspondence.

      Over 80 megabytes of public domain software (most of it CP/M) are kept in
      five program archives on SIMTEL20.  For a description of these archives, 
      request a copy of the "archive blurb" from INFO-CPM-REQUEST@AMSAA.  All 
      correspondence and program archives described here are available to 
      Internet users via FTP with user-name ANONYMOUS.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-CPM-REQUEST@AMSAA.

   Coordinator: David E. Towson <towson@AMSAA>
Gene Spafford
Software Engineering Research Center (SERC), Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet:	Spaf @ GATech		ARPA:	Spaf@gatech.EDU
uucp:	...!{akgua,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf

spaf@gatech.UUCP (01/24/87)

What follows is part 1 (of 3) of the Arpanet List of Lists.  This list
is maintained by Rich Zellich and corresponds to the List of Active
Newsgroups which I maintain on the Usenet.  Many of the groups listed
herein are gatewayed into Usenet newsgroups.

Note that uucp-only sites are usually not able to receive these lists
except through gatewayed Usenet newsgroups.

Parts 2 and 3 of the list are in companion articles.

Gene Spafford
24 January 1987

      New mailing list (discussion of the Automated AUTODIN Interface system).
      Deleted mailing list.
      Moved to new host;
      Archives location added.
      Added list address;
      Added "delete-me" information.
      Added firearms-request administrivia address.
      Host renamed.
      Changed related Usenet newsgroup name.
      Changed related Usenet newsgroup name.
      Changed related Usenet newsgroup name.
      Changed related Usenet newsgroup name.
      New mailing list (discussion focusing on the ISO protocol stack);
      Related to the ISODE mailing list.
      Added longer list description;
      Added archive-availability statement.
      New mailing list (discussion of the Network/extensible Window System).
      Deleted mailing list.
      Changed host name to latest domain form (still same host);
      Updated archive information.
      Updated archives information;
      Added BitNet subscription information
   Symbolic Math
      Changed related Usenet newsgroup name.
      Changed archives location.
      New mailing list (disc. of the Transputer and Transputer based systems).
      Changed related Usenet newsgroup name.
      Changed host name to latest domain form (still same host);
      Updated list description;
      Added bitnet subscription info.


   PLEASE NOTE:  The general convention is that for administrivia about a list 
   (like getting added or deleted, asking about archive files, etc.) you write 
   to list-REQUEST@host (e.g., HEADER-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU).  This 
   gets you to the moderator, rather than to the membership of the entire 
   mailing list.  Please look carefully at the entry for each list you are 
   interested in, to see if a -REQUEST address has been provided.

   | AAI                   | INFO-DEC-MICRO         | music-research         |
   | ADA-SW                | INFO-FUTURES           | NA (numerical analysis)|
   | ADVISE-L              | INFO-GRAPHICS          | NAMEDROPPERS           |
   | AI-CHI                | INFO-HAMS              | NetMonth               |
   | AI-ED[ucation]        | INFO-HZ100             | NEURON                 |
   | AILIST                | INFO-IBMPC             | NeWS-makers            |
   | AMETHYST-USERS        | INFO-IBMRT             | NIHONGO                |
   | APOLLO                | INFO-IDL               | NL-KR                  |
   | ARMS-D                | INFO-IRIS              | NORTHSTAR-USERS        |
   | ARPA-MHS              | INFO-JAPAN             | P4200                  |
   | ARPANET-BBOARDS       | INFO-KERMIT            | PACKET-RADIO           |
   | ASM370                | INFO-LAPTOPS           | PARSYM                 |
   | Astronomy Events      | INFO-LAW               | PC-Token-Ring          |
   | AUDIO                 | INFO-MAC               | PCIP (PC TCP/IP)       |

   | AVIATION              | INFO-MACFORTH          | PHILOSOPHY-OF-SCIENCE  |
   | CA (cellular automata)| INFO-MICRO             | PHYSICS                |
   | CADinterest^          | INFO-MODULA-2          | POLI-SCI               |
   | CAN-INET              | INFO-NETS              | PROLOG/PROLOG-HACKERS  |
   | CBMLIST               | INFO-PASCAL            | ProtocolS              |
   | CLUSTER               | INFO-PCNET             | Psychnet (see EPSYNET) |
   | COMM-L                | INFO-POSTSCRIPT        | PUP-LOVERS             |
   | COMPOS01              | INFO-PRINTERS          | RAILROAD               |
   | Computers and Society | INFO-PROTEON           | REXX Forum             |
   | CUBE-LOVERS           | INFO-PYRAMID           | RISKS                  |
   | Cyber-L               | INFO-RIDGE             | SCHEME                 |
   | Dead-Heads            | INFO-RSTS              | SCRIBE-HACKS           |
   | DESKTOP-PUBLISHING    | INFO-SEQUENT           | SECURITY               |
   | DynSys-L              | INFO-TERMS             | SELF-ORGANIZATION      |
   | EDITOR-PEOPLE         | INFO-/BUG-TI-EXPLORER  | SERVERS                |

   | EPSYNET (Psychnet)    | INFO-TMODEM/BUG-TMODEM | SF-CONS LIST           |
   | ESPERANTO             | INFO-UNIX              | SF-LOVERS              |
   | EVOLUTION             | INFO-V (V dist op sys) | SKY-FANS               |
   | FANZINE               | INFO-VAX               | SMAUG                  |
   | FIGIL (FORTH Int Grp) | INFO-VLSI              | SOFT-ENG               |
   | FIREARMS              | INFO-XENIX310          | SPACE                  |
   | FRANZ-FRIENDS         | INFO-XLISP             | STD-UNIX               |
   | FSFNET (fanzine)      | INFO-XMODEM            | SUN-SPOTS              |
   | GOULDBUGS             | IRLIST                 | TCP-IP                 |
   | HANDHELDS             | ISO                    | TECHNICAL RPTS REDIST'N|
   | HEADER-PEOPLE         | ISODE                  | TELECOM                |
   | HEALTH-NET            | KILLER                 | TEXHAX                 |
   | HEATH-PEOPLE          | L-5                    | TheoryNet              |
   | HORSE                 | L-HCAP (handicapped)   | TOPS-20                |

   | HUMAN-NETS            | LAN-News               | TRANSPUTER             |
   | HY(perchannel)-PEOPLE | LASER-LOVERS           | UNIX-EMACS             |
   | IBM-NETS              | LIST OF MAILING LISTS  | UNIX-SOURCES           |
   | ICON-GROUP            | LOVE-HOUNDS            | UNIX-SW                |
   | INFO-1100/BUG-1100    | Mail-Men               | UNIX-TeX               |
   | INFO-68K              | Mail-Zilog             | UNIX-WIZARDS           |
   | INFO-ADA              | mailjc                 | V2LNI-PEOPLE           |
   | INFO-AMIGA            | MEDINF-L               | VECTREX-PEOPLE         |
   | INFO-AOS              | MER.SIGBIG(supercomp's)| VIDEOTECH              |
   | INFO-APPLE            | METAPHILOSOPHERS       | VISION                 |
   | INFO-APPLEBUS         | MH-USERS               | VPLLIST                |
   | INFO-ATARI[8/16]      | MH-WORKERS             | WELDCOMP               |
   | INFO-BITGRAPH         | MHS (X.400) implement'n| WorkS[tations]         |
   | INFO-BLIT             | MILSIM                 | writers (SF)           |
   | INFO-C                | MMM-PEOPLE             | XPERT                  |

   | INFO-CPM              | MsgGroup(archives only)| XPORT                  |
   |                       | MUS (Masscomp User Grp)|                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |


   Digest for discussion of the Automated AUTODIN Interface system.  The AAI 
   system is a series of programs that interface a data processing installation
   (DPI) with an AUTODIN switching center.  This digest will provide 
   information to the user community and other personnel interested in the 
   developments/enhancements and implementation thereof.

   The AAI-Digests (and past AAI-Digest files contained in the Archive 
   directory) are organized by Volume # and Issue #.  Information was 
   informally disseminated prior to the initiation of the AAI digest, and those
   newsletters stored in the aai account Archive directory can be requested by 
   reference to month and year.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to aaireq@ALMSA-1.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Jo Ann M. Bohnenstiehl <jb1742@ALMSA-1.ARPA>
                Bob Savacool <cool@ALMSA-1.ARPA>


   A mailing list for those who in accessing and contributing software to the 
   Ada Repository on SIMTEL20; it serves two purposes: to provide an 
   information exchange medium between the repository users and to mail 
   repository submissions to the Coordinator for inclusion in the archives.

   SIMTEL20 file PS:<ARCHIVES.ADA-SW>ADA-SW-ARCHIV.TXT contains all messages 
   passed over the ADA-SW mailing list.  New users on the list are invited to 
   get a copy of this file and scan it for background; older users may use it 
   for reference.  In either case, a WARNING: this is a BIG file!

   The Ada Repository is divided into several subdirectories.  These 
   directories are organized by topic, and their names and a brief overview of 
   their topics are contained in file PD:<ADA.GENERAL>DIRLIST.DOC.

   FILE                           CONTENTS

   PD:<ADA>*.*                    The top-level directory.  The names of the
                subdirectories (ADA.directory) can be seen here.  The listing
                of all files in all subdirectories (PD:<ADA>ADA.CRCLST) is
                stored here.  Also, file <ADA>FILEUSE.DOC, which contains a
                listing of all files in the repository, ordered by frequency
                of use (popularity), is contained here.

   PD:<ADA.GENERAL>AAREAD.ME      Overview of Repository
                   ADAREPOS.DOC   More Overview
                   FTP.DOC        How to Use FTP and Other Info
                   MLIST.DOC      About the ADA-SW Mailing List
                   DIRLIST.DOC    Summary of ADA Directories
                   TAPEDIST.DOC   Acquiring Magtape of Repository

   PD:<ADA.AI>*.*                 Artificial Intelligence programs
   PD:<ADA.ANSI-LRM>*.*           ANSI Ada Language Reference Manual (LRM)
   PD:<ADA.BENCHMARKS>*.*         Ada compiler benchmarks
   PD:<ADA.CM-Data>*.*            Files used in maintenance of Ada Repository
   PD:<ADA.COMPILATION-ORDER>*.*  Software for analysis of groups of programs
                                  to determine proper compilation order
   PD:<ADA.COMPONENTS>*.*         Software components subdirectory
   PD:<ADA.CROSS-REFERENCE>*.*    Tools to generate program XREF listings
   PD:<ADA.DDN>*.*                Components related to Defense Data Network
   PD:<ADA.EDITORS>*.*            Source code and documentation on text editors
   PD:<ADA.EDUCATION>*.*          Education subdirectory
   PD:<ADA.EXTERNAL-TOOLS>*.*     Miscellaneous tools helpful in developing
                                  Ada code but not written in Ada or
                                  pertaining to specific environments
   PD:<ADA.FORMGEN>*.*            Tools for generation of forms
   PD:<ADA.GKS>*.*                Graphical Kernel System routines
   PD:<ADA.MANAGEMENT-TOOLS>*.*   Software development project management tools
   PD:<ADA.MATH>*.*               Packages of Ada math routines
   PD:<ADA.MENU>*.*               Software used in the generation of menus

   PD:<ADA.MESSAGE-HANDLING>*.*   Tools for message handling and transfer
   PD:<ADA.METRICS>*.*            Tools for metrics analysis of Ada software
   PD:<ADA.TOOLS>*.*              Sources to various tools which do not fit
                                  into categories of the other subdirectories
   PD:<ADA.NOSC-TOOLS>*.*         Information about software tools submitted
                                  by the Naval Oceans Systems Center (NOSC)
   PD:<ADA.ONLINE-DOC>*.*         Supporting online documentation files
   PD:<ADA.PAGER>*.*              Tools to create and manipulated paged files
   PD:<ADA.POINTERS>*.*           Other sources of software and information
   PD:<ADA.PRETTY-PRINTERS>*.*    Pretty printers for Ada source programs
   PD:<ADA.STUBBER>*.*            Ada program body stubber tools
   PD:<ADA.SIMULATION>*.*         Simulation programs and tools
   PD:<ADA.SPELLER>*.*            Spelling checkers written in Ada
   PD:<ADA.STARTER-KIT>*.*        Tools for accessing repository software
   PD:<ADA.STYLE>*.*              Ada style checking tools
   PD:<ADA.VIRTERM>*.*            Tools for a virtual terminal package
   PD:<ADA.WIS-ADA-TOOLS>*.*      Information about the software tools paid
                                  for by WIS (WWMCCS Information Systems) and
                                  submitted by the Naval Oceans Systems Center

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ADA-SW-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Rick Conn <RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>


   Unmoderated mailing list intended for discussion among students who work 
   part-time at the various university computer centers.  It is particularly 
   intended for people who work as student advisors or consultants, although 
   others are welcome.  Another use of the list is to get help from others on 
   problems that might be encountered, or to let everyone know about new things
   such as new file servers, so that everyone can put the network to the best 
   possible use.

   Alternate paths/addresses: The list is served by 5 servers 
   MD4F@CMUCCVMA) which are peer linked so that anything sent to one will be 
   sent to the other two automatically.  ADVISE-L@NCSUVM is probably the 
   closest server to the WISCVM ARPANet gateway.

   To subscribe to the list:

      From a VM site on BITNET do:
      where Your_Full_Name is your real name (not your userid).

      From a VMS BITNET site use the SEND/REMOTE command.

      If you are at a site not on bitnet or where you cannot send interactive 
      messages you can send a message to 
      LISTSERV%CANADA01.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU where the first non-header line 
      consists of:
         SUBSCRIBE ADVISE-L Your_Full_Name

   Please refer any questions to the Coordinator.

   Coordinator: Scott Campbell <SCOTT%UTORONTO.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>

AI-CHI <wiley!ai-chi@lll-lcc.ARPA>

   Unmoderated mailing list intended for discussion on the subjects related to 
   AI applications to Human-Computer interface design.  This could include user
   modeling, self-adaptive interfaces, intelligent user agents, multi-modal I/O
   (Natural Language, graphics, speech), intelligent user-interface management 
   systems, intelligent on-line advising, task modelling, and any other related
   issues.  Announcements of books, papers, conferences, new products, public 
   domain software tools, etc. are also encouraged.

   A limited archive of the most recent messages is available by request from 

   Coordinator: Dr. Sherman Tyler <wiley!sherman@lll-lcc.ARPA>


   Discussions related to the application of artificial intelligence to 
   education.  This includes material on intelligent computer assisted 
   instruction (ICAI) or intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), interactive 
   encyclopedias, intelligent information retrieval for educational purposes, 
   and pychological and cognitive science models of learning, problem solving, 
   and teaching that can be applied to education.  Issues related to teaching 
   AI are welcome.  Topics may also include evaluation of tutoring systems, 
   commercialization of AI based instructional systems, description of actual 
   use of an ITS in a classroom setting, user-modeling, intelligent 
   user-interfaces, and the use of graphics or videodisk in ICAI.  
   Announcements of books, papers, conferences, new products, public domain 
   software tools, etc. are encouraged.

   If there are several people at one site that are interested, users should 
   try to form a local distribution system to lessen the load on SUMEX-AIM.

   Archives of messages are kept on host SUMEX-AIM in file: <BBOARD>AI-ED.TXT

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AI-Ed-Request@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Mark Richer <Richer@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>


   AIList is a major list for discussion of artificial intelligence and related

      Expert Systems                        AI Techniques
      Knowledge Representation              Knowledge Acquisition
      Problem Solving                       Hierarchical Inference
      Machine Learning                      Pattern Recognition
      Analogical Reasoning                  Data Analysis
      Cognitive Psychology                  Human Perception
      AI Languages and Systems              Machine Translation
      Theorem Proving                       Decision Theory
      Logic Programming                     Computer Science
      Automatic Programming                 Information Science

   Contributions may be anything from tutorials to rampant speculation.  In 
   particular, the following are sought:

      Abstracts                        Reviews
      Lab Descriptions                 Research Overviews
      Work Planned or in Progress      Half-Baked Ideas
      Conference Announcements         Conference Reports
      Bibliographies                   History of AI
      Puzzles and Unsolved Problems    Anecdotes, Jokes, and Poems
      Queries and Requests             Address Changes (Bindings)

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AIList-Request@SRI-AI.

   Coordinator: Dr. Kenneth I. Laws <Laws@SRI-AI>
                SRI International
                333 Ravenswood Ave.
                Menlo Park, CA  94025
                (415) 859-6467


   This list is intended for people who use Amethyst, a software package of 
   CP/M-80 programs: MINCE (an ersatz EMACS) and SCRIBBLE (an ersatz SCRIBE).

   Archives are kept on SIMTEL20 in files:
      PS:<ARCHIVES.AMETHYST>AMETHYST.ARCHIV.31013 (old archives)
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AMETHYST-USERS-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Frank Wancho <WANCHO@SIMTEL20.ARPA>


   Users of Apollo computers who are interested in sharing their experiences 
   about Apollos.  At least initially, the list will not be moderated or 
   digested; if the volume is sufficient, this may change.

   Mail to the list will be archived in some public place that will be 
   announced at a later date.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Apollo-Request@YALE.

   Coordinator: Nathaniel Mishkin <Mishkin@YALE>


   The ARMS-D digest is for various and sundry comments and questions on policy
   issues related to peace, war, national security, weapons, the arms race, and
   the like.

   Recent archives live in the file XX:<ARMS-D>ARCHIVE.CURRENT.  MIT-XX 
   supports the ANONYMOUS FTP login protocol: Connect to XX, login as 
   ANONYMOUS, use the password GUEST, and transfer the file.

   All administrative requests (e.g., additions to the list) should go to 
   ARMS-D-REQUEST@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU; complaints, praise and suggestions can be 
   directed to either ARMS-D or ARMS-D-REQUEST.

   Moderator: LIN@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU


   The purpose of the ARPA-MHS list is to discuss gatewaying of ARPA RFC920 
   addresses with MHS X.400 addresses; it is quite diversified, with several 
   representatives from BITNET, Mailnet, UUCP, ARPANET, and EAN.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ARPA-MHS-REQUEST@BRL.

   Coordinator: Einar Stefferud <ESTEFFERUD@USC-ECL>


   Redistribution address for all known BBoards on the ARPANET.  The guidelines
   for postings are somewhat loose.  The ostensible purpose of the list is to 
   distribute: (a) emergency notices ("Southern California just slid into the 
   Pacific, machines at ISI and UCSD will be down for a few days"), and (b) 
   notices of "academic interest", such as seminar and symposium announcements.
    Advertisements and for-profit notices are not appropriate (the DoD would 
   get upset, among other considerations).  A touchy borderline case is job 
   offerings.  The practice has been to accept postings from universities (the 
   research community) and the research oriented military installations (the 
   people paying for our hardware) but to refuse postings from private 
   companies.  The (shaky) rational behind this is that university and military
   job offerings are "research opportunities" as opposed to for-profit 
   advertisements (ie, joining the army or a university is not the way to get 

   Anyone is welcome to redistribute Arpanet-BBoards; it takes some of the 
   (considerable) load off of MC's mailer.  But please don't do it without 
   sending a message to the -Request address first.

   There are Archive copies of every message ever sent to the list but no 
   guarantee is made that they will be online or available at any particular 
   time.  The current archive file, such as it is, can be found as 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ARPANET-BBOARDS-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.



   Discussion of programming in IBM System/370 Assembly Language.  This is 
   primarily a working group designed to answer questions and help distribute 
   programs; however, any theoretical (are there such things?) discussions are 
   welcome too.

   All back-issue requests will be managed by:


Astronomy Events <koolish@BBN-UNIX>

   A mailing list for astronomical events and meeting announcements (mostly in 
   the Boston area).  Items to be sent to the list are sent to koolish@BBN-UNIX
   for forwarding.  An attempt is being made to keep it from becoming full of 
   trivial messages, but new readers and valid input are welcome.

   Coordinator: Dick Koolish <koolish@BBN-UNIX>

...seismo!UMASS.BITNET!audio  (UUCP)

   Moderated mailing list (digest) dealing with any aspect of audio - for 
   discussions ranging from product reviews, to questions on the technical side
   of audio equipment.

   This digest will *not* be archived.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to the Moderator.

   Moderator: Fidelis Orozco <Evol%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
                              Evol@UMASS  (Bitnet)
                              ...seismo!UMASS.BITNET!Evol  (UUCP)


   Aviation discusses topics of interest to pilots, including training systems,
   laws affecting availability or usability  of airports, planes, and 
   procedures, characteristics of aircraft and avionic products, comments on 
   commercial aviation, such as safety and convenience issues, occasional 
   advertisements for fly-ins or similar private pilot activities, historical 
   notes, whatever else the readership wants.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AVIATION-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Oded Feingold <OAF%OZ.AI.MIT.EDU@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>
                Gaylord Miyata <MPSG.MIYATA@OZ.AI.MIT.EDU>


   See INFO-1100@SUMEX-AIM.


   Mailing-list for the exchange of information on all aspects of cellular 
   automata and their applications.

   Archived messages will be kept at Godot.Think.COM in the file:

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to CA-REQUEST@THINK.COM.

   Coordinator: Bruce Nemnich <bruce@THINK.COM>


   Distribution list for the purpose of discussing issues and exchanging ideas 
   pertaining to VLSI Computer Aided Design and Layout.  The list is intended 
   to encompass a broad range of topics including but not limited to:  VLSI 
   CAD/CAE/CAM hardware, software, layout, design, techniques, programming, 
   fracturing, PG, plotting, maintenance, vendors, bugs, workstations, DRC, 
   ERC, system management, peripheral equipment, design verification, testing, 
   benchmarking, archiving procedures, etc.

   The distribution list itself resides on the Xerox Ethernet.  Ethernet users 
   can send messages to CADinterest^.es.  Arpanet, Milnet, Usenet, and other 
   Internet users can send messages to CADinterest^.es@XEROX.

   Anyone on the Xerox Ethernet may add themselves using Maintain.  Arpanet, 
   Milnet, Usenet, and other Internet users should send a request to 

   Coordinator: Craig Anderson <ANDERSON.ES@XEROX.ARPA>


   Mailing list for anyone interested in the topic of a Canadian internet.  
   Issues to be addressed are:

      The organization of a domain name space and the delegation of authority
       within it;
      The selection of available protocol suites;
      The design of the subnet and available carriers;
      Internetworking with other countries and private networks;
      Anything else that might be considered relevant.

   Archives are available on MC.LCS.MIT.EDU, under anonymous/ftp, in the 
   directory "MC:COMAIL;CAN ARCHIV" (quotes are significant in FTP because of 
   the spaces imbedded in the name).

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, questions, comments, 
   etc., should be sent to CAN-INET-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   There is a BitNet sub-distribution list, NNMAIL-L@CANADA01; BitNet 
   subscribers can join by sending the SUB command with your name.
      For example, SEND LISTSERV@CANADA01 SUB NNMAIL-L Jon Doe
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@CANADA01 SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Philip Prindeville <philipp@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>


   This mailing list is for users of all 8-bit Commodore Computer users, 
   including users of the PET computers, CBM computers, B128, VIC-20, Commodore
   64, and Commodore 128.  It is for messages regarding any aspect of 
   programming, software, or anything else pertaining to Commodore computing.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, questions, comments, 
   etc., should be sent to MKimmel%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator:  Matt Kimmel <Matt%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Discussion of DARCOM Cluster Computers, and related issues.  List membership
   is restricted to DARCOM employees and selected contractors.

   Coordinator: Myra Hartwig <CLUSTER-REQUEST@BRL>


   Integration of voice, data, and video services on the same network is 
   creating a need for organizations that specialize in communications.  This 
   BitNet LISTSERV group is for discussion of both technical and non-technical 
   aspects of providing those services.  Topics could include management, 
   installation, acquisition, or monitoring  of communications networks.

   If you wish to join the list and you are on a BitNet host running CMS, just 
   enter the command:
   where your_name is your real name.  Non-BitNet/CMS users may subscribe by 
   command as the first line.  Removing yourself from the list may be done with
   the command:

   Coordinators: Phil Benchoff <BENCHOFF%VTVM1.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
                 Harold Pritchett <HAROLD%UGA.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   The Composition Digest is a moderated weekly newsgroup for the study of 
   computers and writing, specifically writing instruction in computer-based 
   classrooms.  It is intended to be a forum for writing professionals (those 
   who must use computers for their writing) and computing professionals (those
   who design the hardware and software that writers depend upon) to meet and 
   discuss issues relevant to both fields, but notes are also welcome from 
   novice computer writers.  There is interest in articles pertaining to, but 
   not limited by, the following topics:

      Human/Factors research and writing environments
      Text editor design
      Natural Language adjuncts to writing instruction
      Writing without paper
      Psychological effects of computer writing/instruction
      Composition theory applied to computer-based instruction
      Anecdotal accounts of computer writing experiences
      Using the NET in the classroom
      Computer-based conferences
      Public domain software for the classroom
      Reviews of writing and editing packages
      Conference announcements and proceedings
      Telecommunications and its effects on language
      Computers and the soft sciences
      Computers and hearing impaired students
      Computers and learning disabled students
      Computers and basic writers
      Computers and humanists
      Computers and writing professionals

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to COMPOS01%ULKYVX.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Moderator: ??

Computers and Society Digest

   The Computers And Society mailing list was created to provide a forum for 
   discussion of various issues related to the impact of technology and 
   information on society.  Among the issues being discussed are:

      Computers and social responsibility
      Dealing with information overload 
      The classed society in the information age
      Public perceptions of computers 
      The value of information
      Dangers and advantages of reliance on machines
      Risks of technological dependence
      and other related topics

   This is a moderated group (but just about anything relevent will be included
   in the next digest), and both submissions and requests should be sent to 

   Coordinator: Dave Taylor <taylor@HPLABS.ARPA>


   The Rubik's Cube mailing-list.  Much of the information in the Scientific 
   American article was presented in Cube-Lovers first; also many mathematical 
   discussions have taken place as well as the development of a cube notation 
   and various transformations used to solve it.  Recently this list has been 
   very quiet.

      Messages are archived in the MIT-AI files
         ALAN;CUBE MAIL(0 1 2 ...)
      with the most recent messages in

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to CUBE-LOVERS-REQUEST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Alan Bawden <ALAN@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   Network digest for people who support and/or install Control Data (CDC) 
   systems.  In general, any topic which may be of general interest to people 
   who support and/or install CDC systems is relevant to the digest, including:

      Problem reports and solutions, including information from the 
        support system, SOLVER.
      Requests for help concerning problems on CDC systems.
      Announcements and reviews of new products or upgrades to products,
        including CDC supplied as well as site supplied products.
      Installation experiences/problems encountered when installing
        products:  things to watch out for; things to avoid.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Info%Bitnic.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator: ?? <Info%Bitnic.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   The Dead mailing lists have been reorganised, and DEAD-FLAMES now exchanges 
   messages with the usenet's net.music.gdead (soon to be rec.music.gdead or 
   something like that).  Here's how it all works:

   DEAD-HEADS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- Use this list for songlists and concert reviews,
   and for hotline info.

   LOCAL-DEAD-HEADS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- These are the east-coast and 
   LOCAL-DEAD-HEADS@SRI-AI.ARPA   -- west-coast parts of DEAD-HEADS.  If you 
   have a message which you think will only be of interest to people on one 
   half of the country, (say, you have extra room in your car for a ride to a 
   show) send it here.  Also good for this list are messages announcing Jerry 
   Band or other "sub-band" shows.

   DEAD-FLAMES@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- This includes all messages sent to any of 
   net.music.gdead           -- the lists above, plus anything anyone sends (or
   posts, in the case of net.music.gdead) directly, which can be anything to do
   with the Grateful Dead.

   Requests to be added to or deleted from any of the mailing lists should be 
   sent to the appropriate -REQUEST list (e.g. DEAD-FLAMES-REQUEST).

   Old messages to all of these lists are archived back through March '85.  
   Also online is an updated version of Dave Wilkins' lyrics list, and all 
   songlists sent to the network.  Send mail to DEAD-FLAMES-REQUEST if you're 

   Coordinators: Gregor Kiczales <Dead-Heads-Request@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
                 Paul Martin <Local-Dead-Heads-Request@SRI-AI.ARPA>
                 David Wallace <Dead-Flames-Request@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   Discussion group for sharing information on desktop publishing techniques 
   and new technologies used in small publishing projects.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to dtp-request%plaid@SUN.COM.

   Coordinator: Chuq Von Rospach <chuq@SUN.COM>


   The Dynamical System is a mailing list for the exchange of information among
   people working in ergodic theory and dynamical systems. Almost all kinds of 
   contributions are welcome, especially:

      Abstracts                      Illuminating comments
      Open problems                  Historical remarks
      News items                     Reviews
      Announcements of meetings      Conference reports
      Address changes                Bibliographies
      Examples                       Work planned or in progress
      Questions                      Anecdotes, jokes, puzzles.

   The list will be maintained by a list-server facility called NEWSERV, which 
   acts as a userid at the BitNet node UNCVM1.  To be added to or deleted from 
   this list, see the following directions, or send a message to one of the 

   BitNet users can use the ADD command to add their name to a list:

      For users at remote IBM/VM sites the following format is used:

      At UTSO use the VMSG command send to userid NEWSERV, node UNCVM1, and a 
      message of ADD DYNSYS-L username.

      VAX/VMS sites running jnet version 2 use the ADD command like this:

      BitNet users with other environments can contact their local user 
      services group for assistance.  Users without interactive messaging 
      capability,or non-BitNet users can send a request to ULTIMA@UNCVM1 or to 
      one of the list Coordinators to have their names added to the list.

   The DROP command is used to remove a name from a list:

      For remote IBM/VM sites, the DROP command is used like this:

      At UTSO use the VMSG command send to userid NEWSERV, node UNCVM1, and a 
      message of DROP DYNSYS-L.

      VAX/VMS sites with jnet version 2 can use this command:

   Coordinators: Karl Petersen <UNCKEP%UNC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
                 Doug Lind <lind@ENTROPY.MS.WASHINGTON.EDU>

ucbvax!editor-people    (USENET)

   Discussion of topics related to computerized text editing, display editors, 
   and human factors in man/machine interaction.  The theoretical discussion is
   catholic, but practical discussion focuses particularly on Tops-20 and Unix.
   The discussion also appears on the Unix USENET distributed bulletin board.
   ****This list is inactive (A/O Sep 86) and is in search of a new 
   Coordinator.  Volunteers should respond to the current Coordinator or to the
   -Request address.****

   An archive is on host SU-SCORE at

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to EDITOR-PEOPLE-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.

   Coordinator: J.Q. Johnson <jqj@CORNELL>

EPSYNET (see entry for Psychnet)


   A forum for people interested in the neutral international language 
   Esperanto.  Discussions about the language itself, the Esperanto movement, 
   publications, and news are encouraged.  Of course, discussion *in* Esperanto
   is especially encouraged, although English translations may be advisable 
   when the material is of interest to beginners or non-Esperantists.

   This list is identical to the USENET mailing list `mail.esperanto'.  The 
   forwarding addresses were installed on LLL-CRG by Andy Beals; ESPERANTO 
   forwards to the "real" mail.esperanto address trwrb!trwspp!spp2!esperanto 
   and ESPERANTO-REQUEST forwards to the Coordinator (trwrb!trwspp!spp2!urban).

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to to ESPERANTO-REQUEST@LLL-CRG.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Mike Urban <ESPERANTO-REQUEST@LLL-CRG.ARPA>


   This direct-distribution mailing list is organized to discuss consequences 
   of the theory of evolution, with emphasis on mathematics, on computer 
   simulations, and on literature.  While creationists in this group are 
   expected to be few in number, and while they may not reasonably expect to be
   taken seriously unless they can introduce radically better evidence than 
   creationists have in the past, we have no agreement to limit discussion of 
   contraversal topics.  The coordinator assumes no responsibility for opinions
   expressed in the group or for misuse.

   Archives are available only upon request to EVOLUTION-REQUEST@KESTREL.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to EVOLUTION-REQUEST@KESTREL.

   Coordinator: king@Kestrel


   This is the mailing list for OtherRealms, a Science Fiction and Fantasy 
   fanzine being published electronically.  This is not a moderated list or 
   digest, this is a full magazine, published on a monthly basis.

   Back issues are available.  All requests and administrivia should be send to

   Coordinator: Chuq Von Rospach <chuq%plaid@SUN.ARPA>


   The FORTH Interest Groups International List (FIGIL) is dedicated to any and
   all things connected directly or indirectly with the FORTH computer 
   language.  The list is not restricted to technical, professional levels; 
   novice FORTH'ers are encouraged to take part.  Also there is no particular 
   implementation, machine, or product emphasiszed.  Submissions are requested 
   to keep in mind the issue of portablility of any specific source code.  
   Follow a recognized standard when possible like Forth 79, Forth 83, or 
   FigForth.  Any submissions, letters, source listings, etc. will be resent to
   all subscribers.  Copyrighted material, of course, cannot be resent by this 
   list.  Public Domain code only!  Furthermore, Bitnet prohibits commercial 
   distribution or advertising.

   List submissions, as well as all requests to be added to or deleted from 
   this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to 

   Coordinator: Tamir Weiner <UMFORTH%WEIZMANN.BITNET@WISCVM-

FIREARMS <cbosgd!cbrma!firearms@seismo.CSS.GOV>

   This mailing list has been created to provide an environment in which 
   sportsmen can discuss issues of concern to them.  Topics include but are not
   limited to hunting, firearms safety, legal issues, reloading tips, 
   maintenance suggestions, target shooting, and dissemination of general info.
    The list is NOT intended to discuss the merits of gun control.

   Archives are maintained by the moderator.  As of 1 Jul 85, the list is 4 
   months old, having 11 back issues comprising approximately 160K of text.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to cbosgd!cbrma!firearms-request@seismo.CSS.GOV.

   Moderator: Karl Kleinpaste <cbosgd!cbrma!karl@seismo.CSS.GOV>


   Discusses the Franz Lisp language.

   A sub-list, FRANZ-COMPOSERS@BERKELEY, is composed of people who are in 
   charge of maintaining Franz LISP.  The sub-list is used for sending bug 

   The archive of old messages is kept on MIT-MC, in the file:

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to FRANZ-FRIENDS-REQUEST@BERKELEY.

   Coordinator: John Foderaro <JKF@BERKELEY>


   An electronic version of the typical science fiction/fantasy 'fanzine'.  
   Issues are sent to network users approximately every two to six weeks, and 
   generally range in size from 500 to 1000 lines.  Typical issues primarily 
   contain amateur fiction by network authors from around the world (the 
   emphasis of the zine), although there are occasional movie and book reviews,
   discussions of featured authors, game reviews, or any one of an infinite 
   number of fantasy and science fiction related topics.  FSFnet tries to deal 
   with all aspects of science fiction and fantasy fiction fandom, while giving
   young authors the opportunity to interact with a real readership and improve
   their writing skills.

   If you are interested in writing or contributing to FSFnet, feel free to 
   discuss it with the editor; submissions of all kinds are always welcome.
   There is also the organized Dargon Project, where authors write about the 
   same area, borrowing characters and learning from one another, very similar 
   to Robert Lynn Asprin's Thieve's World project.  This makes for much more 
   interesting issues as well as improving the style of the writer, exposing 
   him to the public, and helping him meet other budding authors.  The Dargon 
   Project is an exciting and rewarding project, and has made for some 
   excellent fantasy fiction.  The project is open to all fantasy writers; 
   users who are interested in writing for the project should contact the 

   An index of back issues may be requested from the editor, and the BitNet 
   servers TCSSERVE@TCSVM and SILMARIL@FINHUTC both maintain complete FSFnet 
   libraries.  BitNet server CSNEWS@MAINE also maintains the most recent issue.
    DO NOT refer problems, questions, etc. to these servers.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to the editor.  The request should contain your userid 
   and node name, as well as your real name and, if you are a BitNet user, the 
   format in which you prefer issues to be sent (either DISK DUMP CLASS N, 

   Editor: David 'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE%MAINE.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Mailing list to serve as a forum for the discussion of adventure game 
   programming, including questions such as player interfaces, multi-player 
   possibilities, text vs. graphics games, etc.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to GAMEMASTERS-REQUEST@RINSO.LCS.MIT.EDU  or  

   There is a BitNet sub-distribution list, GMAST-L@UTCVM; BitNet subscribers 
   can join by sending the SUB command with your name.
      For example, SEND LISTSERV@UTCVM SUB GMAST-L Jon Doe
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@UTCVM SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Brad Sagarin <dragon@RINSO.LCS.MIT.EDU>
                     USENET:  seismo!mit-eddie!dragon


   A mailing list for reporting bugs and problems with the GOULD UTX/32 (UNIX) 
   operating system and software.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to gouldbugs-request@BRL.ARPA.

   There is a BitNet sub-distribution list, GOULDBUG@CLVM; BitNet subscribers 
   can join by sending the SUB command with your name.
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@CLVM SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Howard Walter <howard@BRL>


   Mailing list for those who are interested in handheld computers or 
   programmable calculators.  The mailing list can be used to distribute or 
   request programs.  Messages are not moderated at this time.

   SRI-STRIPE file PS:<HANDHELDS>HANDHELDS.TXT contains all the messages passed
   over the HANDHELDS mailing list.  Programs which have been uploaded will 
   also be stored in this directory.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HANDHELDS-REQUEST@SRI-STRIPE.  This address should 
   also be used to send large programs to be posted into the public directory.

   Coordinator: David Edwards <DLE@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA>


   Interest specifically in the format of message headers and related issues 
   such as inter-network mail formats/standards, etc.

   Recent messages are filed in MIT-MC (MC.LCS.MIT.EDU) file KSC;HEADER MINS, 
   while older archives are in KSC;HEADER MINS00 through MINS15.  These files 
   are accessible over the ARPANet via FTP.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HEADER-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Pandora B. Berman <CENT@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   Health-Net is a digest for the discussion and answering of Health related 
   topics. Subscribers may write with health related questions which will then 
   be answered by either the moderator (who is presently a Health Education 
   Graduate student at U.Mass., Amherst) or by other subscribers who are 
   themselves health professionals.  Beyond just being a source of answers to 
   health questions, Health-Net is a place for discussing areas of health 
   controversy in today's society especially those that apply to all of us.

   Letters of a personal or private nature should be sent to the Coordinator 
   for editing prior to posting to preserve confidentiality.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to RALPH%UMASS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator: Ralph G. Sbragia <Ralph%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Discussion of the construction, use, and modification of Heath terminals and
   computers, and related Zenith products.

   The archives of old messages are kept on MC.LCS.MIT.EDU, in files:
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL1   -Oldest Mail
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL2   -Next oldest
            etc.           -Up to 8 as of 26 August 86
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL    -Incoming mail is being added to this one

      These files are each stored in reverse time order (i.e. newer messages 
      come first in the file, older messages are later).  Each of the files is 
      between approx. 100K and 150K characters.  Copies of these files are 
      available via FTP with no login needed.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HEATH-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Michael A. Patton <MAP%MIT-AI.ARPA@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU>


   Discussion of things equestrian.  Horse enthusiasts of all disciplines and 
   levels of experience are welcome.  Articles are distributed periodically in 
   digest format.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HORSE-REQUEST@CCP.BBN.COM (or UUCP address 

   Coordinator: Ken Rossen <krossen@CCP.BBN.COM>


   Mailing list originally consisting of the combined memberships of 
   INFO-PCNET, HOME-SAT, and TELETEXT mailing lists.  Human-Nets has discussed 
   many topics, all of them related in some way to the theme of a world-wide 
   computer and telecommunications network usually called WorldNet.  The topics
   have ranged very widely, from something like tutorials, to state of the art 
   discussions, to rampant speculation about technology and its impact.  The 
   list is extremely large, making it necessary to batch messages sent to the 
   list and distributing them once each day during off peak periods to avoid 
   overloading the system.

   The permanent archives contain all of the material distributed to the list. 
   Due to size, this archive is broken down into several different files, 
   stored in reverse temporal order.  The files are currently stored on ARPANet
   host RU-BLUE in files RHYTHM:<PLEASANT.HUMAN-NETS>HUMNET.* (where "*" is a 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HUMAN-NETS-REQUEST@RUTGERS.

   Moderator: Charles McGrew <MCGREW@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>


   Mailing list for the discussion of hyperchannel networks within the context 
   of an IP network.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HY-PEOPLE-REQUEST@ORVILLE.ARPA.

   Coordinator: John Lekashman <lekash@ORVILLE.ARPA>

         <Ibm-Nets@BITNIC> (Bitnet)

   IBM-Nets is a forum for any discussions relating to IBM mainframes and 
   networking.  It is an immediate redistribution list with no filtering or 
   digesting.  Examples:

      Tcp/Ip and VM or MVS        Wisconsin Wiscnet
      Spartacus Knet              X.25
      Ethernet                    Pronet
      SNA                         Vnet
      Bitnet NJE protocols
      or anything else that is related to IBM mainframes and networking

   The system server Database@Bitnic.Bitnet contains a 6 month archive of all 
   IBM-Nets transactions.  In order to learn more on how to access these 
   archives via the Internet, send a valid piece of RFC822 mail to 
   Database%BITNIC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU with the first nonblank lines reading
   as follows:


      Note: If your mail header does not contain a proper "From:' or 
      "Reply-To:" field, in addition to being fully domain qualified (RFC920), 
      your mail will not be processed.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to:
      Bitnet:  Hank@BITNIC
   *Be sure to specify IBM-Nets*

   Coordinator: Henry Nussbacher <Hank@BITNIC>


   Discussion of topics related to the Icon programming language (a high-level,
   general-purpose programming language that emphasizes string and structure 
   processing).  Such topics include:  Programming Techniques, Theoretical 
   Aspects, Icon in relation to other languages, Applications of Icon, 
   Implementation Issues, Porting Icon, Bugs.  Items sent to the list are 
   immediately redistributed to all persons on the list.

   The list will be distributed via CSNET and as such will only be available to
   persons on ARPANET and CSNET; a Usenet gateway may be considered at some 
   point in the future.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Icon-Group-Request%Arizona.CSNET@CSNet-Relay.  
   Questions about obtaining Icon should be sent to 

   Coordinator: Bill Mitchell <whm%Arizona.CSNET@CSNet-Relay>


   These discussion lists focus on Xerox 1100 workstations (1100, 1108, 1132, 
   1185, 1186) and protocols.  Their purpose is to stimulate communication and 
   sharing between computer science research groups that are using or are 
   interested in these machines.

   Info-1100 is the "information channel" where messages such as announcements 
   of available lispusers packages may be made or for queries such as "Does 
   anybody know of a PUP file server implementation for the Sinclair ZX-80?".  
   It is intended to be a low-volume list suitable for the casual reader.  
   Bug-1100 is the "bug channel" where readers can warn others of Interlisp-D 
   bugs and/or suggest workarounds or solicit help or discussion; it is 
   expected to have greater volume than Info-1100, being for the hard-core 
   user.  Since hard-core users read both lists, Bug-1100 is a subset of 
   Info-1100 and there is never a need to send to both lists.

   Xerox PARC, SIS, and AIS people are included in the distribution list to 
   facilitate communication about new developments, bugs, performance issues, 
   etc..  Additionally, Info-1100 and Bug-1100 are automatically forwarded to 
   AISupport.pasa@Xerox, where bugs are noted and acted upon if appropriate. 
   Xerox AIS employees will not respond in Bug-1100 unless the reply is of 
   general interest or silence would mislead the readership.

   Archives of messages are kept on SUMEX-AIM in files:
      <BBOARD>INFO-1100.TXT      <BBOARD>BUG-1100.TXT
   Some net-contributed lispusers packages, updates, and patches are kept on 
   SUMEX-AIM in files:

   Requests to be added to or deleted from these lists, problems, questions, 
   etc. should be sent to Info-1100-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU or 

   Coordinator: Christopher Schmidt <SCHMIDT@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU>


   Mailing list for users of OS's capable of running on small 68000 systems, 
   primarly CP/M-68K.  Related systems (OS/9-68K, etc.) and topics welcome.

   Archives are kept on host SIMTEL20 in file:
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Info-68K-Request@UCBVAX.

   Coordinator: Mike Meyer <mwm%ucbopal@BERKELEY.EDU>


   Mailing list for announcements, questions and discussions of a technical 
   nature, requests for information, and just about anything else having to do 
   with the Ada programming language (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983).

   Archives of messages can be found in the files <INFO-ADA>ARCHIVE.* on 
   ADA20.ISI.EDU, and are available to DDN users via ANONYMOUS FTP.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, etc., 
   should be sent to INFO-ADA-REQUEST@ADA20.ISI.EDU.

   Coordinator: Karl A. Nyberg <nyberg@ADA20.ISI.EDU>


   Info-Amiga is intended as a forum of discussion and for exchanging of ideas 
   and programming tips for the new 68000 Amiga PC from Commodore Business 
   Machines.  This list has a gateway directly into and from the Usenet group 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-AMIGA-REQUEST@RED.RUTGERS.EDU.

   There are BitNet sub-distribution lists (I-AMIGA@CANADA01, I-AMIGA@CLVM, 
   subscribers can join by sending the SUB command with your name.and to the 
   nearest LISTSERV node.
      For example, SEND LISTSERV@CLVM SUB I-AMIGA Jon Doe
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@CLVM SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Eliot Lear <Lear@RUTGERS.RUTGERS.EDU>


   Information/interest group for users of Data General AOS/VS.  The 
   Coordinator's personal interests are focused upon networking software, the 
   Ada environment, typesetting and improved utilities for AOS/VS but every 
   topic of general interest is welcome.

   All requests to be added/deleted from this list, problems etc. should be 

   Coordinator: Michael Haberler <HABERLER@SU-SIERRA>


   APPLE user's mailing list.

   Info-apple archives are available on SIMTEL20.  Archives up to 10 Oct 83 are
   stored in:
   Archives from 11 Oct 83 are stored in:
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-APPLE-REQUEST@BRL.

   Moderator: Howard Walter <hwalt@BRL>


   List to facilitate communication between Applebus hardware and software 
   developers and other interested parties.  Applebus is Apple's networking 
   scheme, which is used for connecting personal computers and other devices 
   (laser printers, file servers, gateways to to other networks, etc.).

   There are subdistribution list coordinators all over the net; it is desired 
   that people interested in receiving info-applebus first check the file 
   <applebus>coordinators.txt on ARPANet host CMU-CS-C to see if a local list 
   exists for their organization.  For those not on the net, please send 

   Archives are available on CMU-CS-C in <APPLEBUS>ARCHIVE.TXT, and a limited 
   amount of public domain applebus software is available in the CMU-CS-C 
   <APPLEBUS.PROGRAMS> directory.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-APPLEBUS-REQUEST@C.CS.CMU.EDU.

   Coordinator: Ralph W. Hyre, Jr. <RALPHW@C.CS.CMU.EDU>

Gene Spafford
Software Engineering Research Center (SERC), Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet:	Spaf @ GATech		ARPA:	Spaf@gatech.EDU
uucp:	...!{akgua,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf

spaf@gatech.UUCP (02/28/87)

What follows is part 1 (of 3) of the Arpanet List of Lists.  This list
is maintained by Rich Zellich and corresponds to the List of Active
Newsgroups which I maintain on the Usenet.  Many of the groups listed
herein are gatewayed into Usenet newsgroups.

Note that uucp-only sites are usually not able to receive these lists
except through gatewayed Usenet newsgroups.

Parts 2 and 3 of the list are in companion articles.

Gene Spafford
27 February 1987

      List moved to new host.
      BitNet LISTSERVer added.
      Mailing list deleted.
      Mailing list merged into Info-1100.
      Mailing list deleted.
   COMP-SOC (Computers and Society)
      Archives location added.
      New mailing list (color research and vision research contact network).
      BitNet archives information added.
      New mailing list (discussion of interest to modem users).
      New mailing list (discussion of Prime computers).
      Mailing list deleted.
      New mailing list (SIMULA user/language-interest forum).
      New Moderator (previous Moderator returns).
      Archives location/access information updated.


   PLEASE NOTE:  The general convention is that for administrivia about a list 
   (like getting added or deleted, asking about archive files, etc.) you write 
   to list-REQUEST@host (e.g., HEADER-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU).  This 
   gets you to the moderator, rather than to the membership of the entire 
   mailing list.  Please look carefully at the entry for each list you are 
   interested in, to see if a -REQUEST address has been provided.

   | AAI                   | INFO-DEC-MICRO         | music-research         |
   | ADA-SW                | INFO-FUTURES           | NA (numerical analysis)|
   | ADVISE-L              | INFO-GRAPHICS          | NAMEDROPPERS           |
   | AI-CHI                | INFO-HAMS              | NetMonth               |
   | AI-ED[ucation]        | INFO-HZ100             | NEURON                 |
   | AILIST                | INFO-IBMPC             | NeWS-makers            |
   | AMETHYST-USERS        | INFO-IBMRT             | NIHONGO                |
   | APOLLO                | INFO-IDL               | NL-KR                  |
   | ARMS-D                | INFO-IRIS              | NORTHSTAR-USERS        |
   | ARPA-MHS              | INFO-JAPAN             | P4200                  |
   | ARPANET-BBOARDS       | INFO-KERMIT            | PACKET-RADIO           |
   | ASM370                | INFO-LAPTOPS           | PARSYM                 |
   | Astronomy Events      | INFO-LAW               | PC-Token-Ring          |
   | AVIATION              | INFO-MAC               | PCIP (PC TCP/IP)       |

   | CA (cellular automata)| INFO-MACFORTH          | PHILOSOPHY-OF-SCIENCE  |
   | CADinterest^          | INFO-MICRO             | PHYSICS                |
   | CAN-INET              | INFO-MODEMS            | POLI-SCI               |
   | CBMLIST               | INFO-MODULA-2          | PROLOG/PROLOG-HACKERS  |
   | CLUSTER               | INFO-NETS              | ProtocolS              |
   | COMM-L                | INFO-PASCAL            | Psychnet (see EPSYNET) |
   | COMPOS01              | INFO-PCNET             | PUP-LOVERS             |
   | COMP-SOC(Comp&Society)| INFO-POSTSCRIPT        | RAILROAD               |
   | CUBE-LOVERS           | INFO-PRIME             | REXX Forum             |
   | CVNET                 | INFO-PRINTERS          | RISKS                  |
   | Cyber-L               | INFO-PROTEON           | SCHEME                 |
   | Dead-Heads            | INFO-PYRAMID           | SCRIBE-HACKS           |
   | DESKTOP-PUBLISHING    | INFO-RIDGE             | SECURITY               |
   | DynSys-L              | INFO-RSTS              | SELF-ORGANIZATION      |
   | EDITOR-PEOPLE         | INFO-SEQUENT           | SERVERS                |

   | EPSYNET (Psychnet)    | INFO-TERMS             | SF-CONS LIST           |
   | ESPERANTO             | INFO-/BUG-TI-EXPLORER  | SF-LOVERS              |
   | EVOLUTION             | INFO-TMODEM/BUG-TMODEM | SIMULA                 |
   | FANZINE               | INFO-UNIX              | SKY-FANS               |
   | FIGIL (FORTH Int Grp) | INFO-V (V dist op sys) | SMAUG                  |
   | FIREARMS              | INFO-VAX               | SOFT-ENG               |
   | FRANZ-FRIENDS         | INFO-VLSI              | SPACE                  |
   | FSFNET (fanzine)      | INFO-XENIX310          | STD-UNIX               |
   | GAMEMASTERS           | INFO-XLISP             | SUN-SPOTS              |
   | GOULDBUGS             | INFO-XMODEM            | SYMBOLIC MATH          |
   | HANDHELDS             | INTEREST-GROUPS LIST   | TCP-IP                 |
   | HEADER-PEOPLE         | IRLIST                 | TECHNICAL RPTS REDIST'N|
   | HEALTH-NET            | ISO                    | TELECOM                |
   | HEATH-PEOPLE          | ISODE                  | TEXHAX                 |
   | HORSE                 | KILLER                 | TheoryNet              |

   | HUMAN-NETS            | L-5                    | TOPS-20                |
   | HY(perchannel)-PEOPLE | L-HCAP (handicapped)   | TRANSPUTER             |
   | IBM-NETS              | LASER-LOVERS           | UNIX-EMACS             |
   | ICON-GROUP            | LIST OF MAILING LISTS  | UNIX-SOURCES           |
   | INFO-1100             | LOVE-HOUNDS            | UNIX-SW                |
   | INFO-68K              | Mail-Men               | UNIX-TeX               |
   | INFO-ADA              | Mail-Zilog             | UNIX-WIZARDS           |
   | INFO-AMIGA            | mailjc                 | V2LNI-PEOPLE           |
   | INFO-AOS              | MEDINF-L               | VECTREX-PEOPLE         |
   | INFO-APPLE            | MER.SIGBIG(supercomp's)| VIDEOTECH              |
   | INFO-APPLEBUS         | METAPHILOSOPHERS       | VISION                 |
   | INFO-ATARI16          | MH-USERS               | VPLLIST                |
   | INFO-ATARI8           | MH-WORKERS             | WELDCOMP               |
   | INFO-BITGRAPH         | MHS (X.400) implement'n| WorkS[tations]         |
   | INFO-BLIT             | MILSIM                 | writers (SF)           |

   | INFO-C                | MMM-PEOPLE             | XPERT                  |
   | INFO-CPM              | MsgGroup(archives only)| XPORT                  |
   |                       | MUS (Masscomp User Grp)|                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |
   |                       |                        |                        |


   Digest for discussion of the Automated AUTODIN Interface system.  The AAI 
   system is a series of programs that interface a data processing installation
   (DPI) with an AUTODIN switching center.  This digest will provide 
   information to the user community and other personnel interested in the 
   developments/enhancements and implementation thereof.

   The AAI-Digests (and past AAI-Digest files contained in the Archive 
   directory) are organized by Volume # and Issue #.  Information was 
   informally disseminated prior to the initiation of the AAI digest, and those
   newsletters stored in the aai account Archive directory can be requested by 
   reference to month and year.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to aaireq@ALMSA-1.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Jo Ann M. Bohnenstiehl <jb1742@ALMSA-1.ARPA>
                Bob Savacool <cool@ALMSA-1.ARPA>


   A mailing list for those who in accessing and contributing software to the 
   Ada Repository on SIMTEL20; it serves two purposes: to provide an 
   information exchange medium between the repository users and to mail 
   repository submissions to the Coordinator for inclusion in the archives.

   SIMTEL20 file PS:<ARCHIVES.ADA-SW>ADA-SW-ARCHIV.TXT contains all messages 
   passed over the ADA-SW mailing list.  New users on the list are invited to 
   get a copy of this file and scan it for background; older users may use it 
   for reference.  In either case, a WARNING: this is a BIG file!

   The Ada Repository is divided into several subdirectories.  These 
   directories are organized by topic, and their names and a brief overview of 
   their topics are contained in file PD:<ADA.GENERAL>DIRLIST.DOC.

   FILE                           CONTENTS

   PD:<ADA>*.*                    The top-level directory.  The names of the
                subdirectories (ADA.directory) can be seen here.  The listing
                of all files in all subdirectories (PD:<ADA>ADA.CRCLST) is
                stored here.  Also, file <ADA>FILEUSE.DOC, which contains a
                listing of all files in the repository, ordered by frequency
                of use (popularity), is contained here.

   PD:<ADA.GENERAL>AAREAD.ME      Overview of Repository
                   ADAREPOS.DOC   More Overview
                   FTP.DOC        How to Use FTP and Other Info
                   MLIST.DOC      About the ADA-SW Mailing List
                   DIRLIST.DOC    Summary of ADA Directories
                   TAPEDIST.DOC   Acquiring Magtape of Repository

   PD:<ADA.AI>*.*                 Artificial Intelligence programs
   PD:<ADA.ANSI-LRM>*.*           ANSI Ada Language Reference Manual (LRM)
   PD:<ADA.BENCHMARKS>*.*         Ada compiler benchmarks
   PD:<ADA.CM-Data>*.*            Files used in maintenance of Ada Repository
   PD:<ADA.COMPILATION-ORDER>*.*  Software for analysis of groups of programs
                                  to determine proper compilation order
   PD:<ADA.COMPONENTS>*.*         Software components subdirectory
   PD:<ADA.CROSS-REFERENCE>*.*    Tools to generate program XREF listings
   PD:<ADA.DDN>*.*                Components related to Defense Data Network
   PD:<ADA.EDITORS>*.*            Source code and documentation on text editors
   PD:<ADA.EDUCATION>*.*          Education subdirectory
   PD:<ADA.EXTERNAL-TOOLS>*.*     Miscellaneous tools helpful in developing
                                  Ada code but not written in Ada or
                                  pertaining to specific environments
   PD:<ADA.FORMGEN>*.*            Tools for generation of forms
   PD:<ADA.GKS>*.*                Graphical Kernel System routines
   PD:<ADA.MANAGEMENT-TOOLS>*.*   Software development project management tools
   PD:<ADA.MATH>*.*               Packages of Ada math routines
   PD:<ADA.MENU>*.*               Software used in the generation of menus

   PD:<ADA.MESSAGE-HANDLING>*.*   Tools for message handling and transfer
   PD:<ADA.METRICS>*.*            Tools for metrics analysis of Ada software
   PD:<ADA.TOOLS>*.*              Sources to various tools which do not fit
                                  into categories of the other subdirectories
   PD:<ADA.NOSC-TOOLS>*.*         Information about software tools submitted
                                  by the Naval Oceans Systems Center (NOSC)
   PD:<ADA.ONLINE-DOC>*.*         Supporting online documentation files
   PD:<ADA.PAGER>*.*              Tools to create and manipulated paged files
   PD:<ADA.POINTERS>*.*           Other sources of software and information
   PD:<ADA.PRETTY-PRINTERS>*.*    Pretty printers for Ada source programs
   PD:<ADA.STUBBER>*.*            Ada program body stubber tools
   PD:<ADA.SIMULATION>*.*         Simulation programs and tools
   PD:<ADA.SPELLER>*.*            Spelling checkers written in Ada
   PD:<ADA.STARTER-KIT>*.*        Tools for accessing repository software
   PD:<ADA.STYLE>*.*              Ada style checking tools
   PD:<ADA.VIRTERM>*.*            Tools for a virtual terminal package
   PD:<ADA.WIS-ADA-TOOLS>*.*      Information about the software tools paid
                                  for by WIS (WWMCCS Information Systems) and
                                  submitted by the Naval Oceans Systems Center

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ADA-SW-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Rick Conn <RCONN@SIMTEL20.ARPA>


   Unmoderated mailing list intended for discussion among students who work 
   part-time at the various university computer centers.  It is particularly 
   intended for people who work as student advisors or consultants, although 
   others are welcome.  Another use of the list is to get help from others on 
   problems that might be encountered, or to let everyone know about new things
   such as new file servers, so that everyone can put the network to the best 
   possible use.

   Alternate paths/addresses: The list is served by 5 servers 
   MD4F@CMUCCVMA) which are peer linked so that anything sent to one will be 
   sent to the other two automatically.  ADVISE-L@NCSUVM is probably the 
   closest server to the WISCVM ARPANet gateway.

   To subscribe to the list:

      From a VM site on BITNET do:
      where Your_Full_Name is your real name (not your userid).

      From a VMS BITNET site use the SEND/REMOTE command.

      If you are at a site not on bitnet or where you cannot send interactive 
      messages you can send a message to 
      LISTSERV%CANADA01.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU where the first non-header line 
      consists of:
         SUBSCRIBE ADVISE-L Your_Full_Name

   Please refer any questions to the Coordinator.

   Coordinator: Scott Campbell <SCOTT%UTORONTO.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>

AI-CHI <wiley!ai-chi@lll-lcc.ARPA>

   Unmoderated mailing list intended for discussion on the subjects related to 
   AI applications to Human-Computer interface design.  This could include user
   modeling, self-adaptive interfaces, intelligent user agents, multi-modal I/O
   (Natural Language, graphics, speech), intelligent user-interface management 
   systems, intelligent on-line advising, task modelling, and any other related
   issues.  Announcements of books, papers, conferences, new products, public 
   domain software tools, etc. are also encouraged.

   A limited archive of the most recent messages is available by request from 

   Coordinator: Dr. Sherman Tyler <wiley!sherman@lll-lcc.ARPA>


   Discussions related to the application of artificial intelligence to 
   education.  This includes material on intelligent computer assisted 
   instruction (ICAI) or intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), interactive 
   encyclopedias, intelligent information retrieval for educational purposes, 
   and pychological and cognitive science models of learning, problem solving, 
   and teaching that can be applied to education.  Issues related to teaching 
   AI are welcome.  Topics may also include evaluation of tutoring systems, 
   commercialization of AI based instructional systems, description of actual 
   use of an ITS in a classroom setting, user-modeling, intelligent 
   user-interfaces, and the use of graphics or videodisk in ICAI.  
   Announcements of books, papers, conferences, new products, public domain 
   software tools, etc. are encouraged.

   If there are several people at one site that are interested, users should 
   try to form a local distribution system to lessen the load on SUMEX-AIM.

   Archives of messages are kept on host SUMEX-AIM in file: <BBOARD>AI-ED.TXT

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AI-Ed-Request@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Mark Richer <Richer@SUMEX-AIM.ARPA>


   AIList is a major list for discussion of artificial intelligence and related

      Expert Systems                        AI Techniques
      Knowledge Representation              Knowledge Acquisition
      Problem Solving                       Hierarchical Inference
      Machine Learning                      Pattern Recognition
      Analogical Reasoning                  Data Analysis
      Cognitive Psychology                  Human Perception
      AI Languages and Systems              Machine Translation
      Theorem Proving                       Decision Theory
      Logic Programming                     Computer Science
      Automatic Programming                 Information Science

   Contributions may be anything from tutorials to rampant speculation.  In 
   particular, the following are sought:

      Abstracts                        Reviews
      Lab Descriptions                 Research Overviews
      Work Planned or in Progress      Half-Baked Ideas
      Conference Announcements         Conference Reports
      Bibliographies                   History of AI
      Puzzles and Unsolved Problems    Anecdotes, Jokes, and Poems
      Queries and Requests             Address Changes (Bindings)

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AIList-Request@SRI-AI.

   Coordinator: Dr. Kenneth I. Laws <Laws@SRI-AI>
                SRI International
                333 Ravenswood Ave.
                Menlo Park, CA  94025
                (415) 859-6467


   This list is intended for people who use Amethyst, a software package of 
   CP/M-80 programs: MINCE (an ersatz EMACS) and SCRIBBLE (an ersatz SCRIBE).

   Archives are kept on SIMTEL20 in files:
      PS:<ARCHIVES.AMETHYST>AMETHYST.ARCHIV.31013 (old archives)
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AMETHYST-USERS-REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Frank Wancho <WANCHO@SIMTEL20.ARPA>


   Users of Apollo computers who are interested in sharing their experiences 
   about Apollos.  At least initially, the list will not be moderated or 
   digested; if the volume is sufficient, this may change.

   Mail to the list will be archived in some public place that will be 
   announced at a later date.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Apollo-Request@YALE.

   Coordinator: Nathaniel Mishkin <Mishkin@YALE>


   The ARMS-D digest is for various and sundry comments and questions on policy
   issues related to peace, war, national security, weapons, the arms race, and
   the like.

   Recent archives live in the file XX:<ARMS-D>ARCHIVE.CURRENT.  MIT-XX 
   supports the ANONYMOUS FTP login protocol: Connect to XX, login as 
   ANONYMOUS, use the password GUEST, and transfer the file.

   All administrative requests (e.g., additions to the list) should go to 
   ARMS-D-REQUEST@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU; complaints, praise and suggestions can be 
   directed to either ARMS-D or ARMS-D-REQUEST.

   Moderator: LIN@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU


   The purpose of the ARPA-MHS list is to discuss gatewaying of ARPA RFC920 
   addresses with MHS X.400 addresses; it is quite diversified, with several 
   representatives from BITNET, Mailnet, UUCP, ARPANET, and EAN.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ARPA-MHS-REQUEST@NRTC.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Einar Stefferud <stef@NRTC-GREMLIN.ARPA>


   Redistribution address for all known BBoards on the ARPANET.  The guidelines
   for postings are somewhat loose.  The ostensible purpose of the list is to 
   distribute: (a) emergency notices ("Southern California just slid into the 
   Pacific, machines at ISI and UCSD will be down for a few days"), and (b) 
   notices of "academic interest", such as seminar and symposium announcements.
    Advertisements and for-profit notices are not appropriate (the DoD would 
   get upset, among other considerations).  A touchy borderline case is job 
   offerings.  The practice has been to accept postings from universities (the 
   research community) and the research oriented military installations (the 
   people paying for our hardware) but to refuse postings from private 
   companies.  The (shaky) rational behind this is that university and military
   job offerings are "research opportunities" as opposed to for-profit 
   advertisements (ie, joining the army or a university is not the way to get 

   Anyone is welcome to redistribute Arpanet-BBoards; it takes some of the 
   (considerable) load off of MC's mailer.  But please don't do it without 
   sending a message to the -Request address first.

   There are Archive copies of every message ever sent to the list but no 
   guarantee is made that they will be online or available at any particular 
   time.  The current archive file, such as it is, can be found as 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to ARPANET-BBOARDS-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.  There is a 
   BitNet LISTSERVer:  ARPABBS on LISTSERV@RUTVM1.  Any problems concerning the
   BitNet side of things should be sent to NetMgr%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.



   Discussion of programming in IBM System/370 Assembly Language.  This is 
   primarily a working group designed to answer questions and help distribute 
   programs; however, any theoretical (are there such things?) discussions are 
   welcome too.

   All back-issue requests will be managed by:


Astronomy Events <koolish@BBN-UNIX>

   A mailing list for astronomical events and meeting announcements (mostly in 
   the Boston area).  Items to be sent to the list are sent to koolish@BBN-UNIX
   for forwarding.  An attempt is being made to keep it from becoming full of 
   trivial messages, but new readers and valid input are welcome.

   Coordinator: Dick Koolish <koolish@BBN-UNIX>


   Aviation discusses topics of interest to pilots, including training systems,
   laws affecting availability or usability  of airports, planes, and 
   procedures, characteristics of aircraft and avionic products, comments on 
   commercial aviation, such as safety and convenience issues, occasional 
   advertisements for fly-ins or similar private pilot activities, historical 
   notes, whatever else the readership wants.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to AVIATION-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Oded Feingold <OAF%OZ.AI.MIT.EDU@XX.LCS.MIT.EDU>
                Gaylord Miyata <MPSG.MIYATA@OZ.AI.MIT.EDU>


   See INFO-1100@SUMEX-AIM.


   Mailing-list for the exchange of information on all aspects of cellular 
   automata and their applications.

   Archived messages will be kept at Godot.Think.COM in the file:

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to CA-REQUEST@THINK.COM.

   Coordinator: Bruce Nemnich <bruce@THINK.COM>


   Distribution list for the purpose of discussing issues and exchanging ideas 
   pertaining to VLSI Computer Aided Design and Layout.  The list is intended 
   to encompass a broad range of topics including but not limited to:  VLSI 
   CAD/CAE/CAM hardware, software, layout, design, techniques, programming, 
   fracturing, PG, plotting, maintenance, vendors, bugs, workstations, DRC, 
   ERC, system management, peripheral equipment, design verification, testing, 
   benchmarking, archiving procedures, etc.

   The distribution list itself resides on the Xerox Ethernet.  Ethernet users 
   can send messages to CADinterest^.es.  Arpanet, Milnet, Usenet, and other 
   Internet users can send messages to CADinterest^.es@XEROX.

   Anyone on the Xerox Ethernet may add themselves using Maintain.  Arpanet, 
   Milnet, Usenet, and other Internet users should send a request to 

   Coordinator: Craig Anderson <ANDERSON.ES@XEROX.ARPA>


   Mailing list for anyone interested in the topic of a Canadian internet.  
   Issues to be addressed are:

      The organization of a domain name space and the delegation of authority
       within it;
      The selection of available protocol suites;
      The design of the subnet and available carriers;
      Internetworking with other countries and private networks;
      Anything else that might be considered relevant.

   Archives are available on MC.LCS.MIT.EDU, under anonymous/ftp, in the 
   directory "MC:COMAIL;CAN ARCHIV" (quotes are significant in FTP because of 
   the spaces imbedded in the name).

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, questions, comments, 
   etc., should be sent to CAN-INET-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   There is a BitNet sub-distribution list, NNMAIL-L@CANADA01; BitNet 
   subscribers can join by sending the SUB command with your name.
      For example, SEND LISTSERV@CANADA01 SUB NNMAIL-L Jon Doe
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@CANADA01 SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Philip Prindeville <philipp@ATHENA.MIT.EDU>


   Discussion of DARCOM Cluster Computers, and related issues.  List membership
   is restricted to DARCOM employees and selected contractors.

   Coordinator: Myra Hartwig <CLUSTER-REQUEST@BRL>


   Integration of voice, data, and video services on the same network is 
   creating a need for organizations that specialize in communications.  This 
   BitNet LISTSERV group is for discussion of both technical and non-technical 
   aspects of providing those services.  Topics could include management, 
   installation, acquisition, or monitoring  of communications networks.

   If you wish to join the list and you are on a BitNet host running CMS, just 
   enter the command:
   where your_name is your real name.  Non-BitNet/CMS users may subscribe by 
   command as the first line.  Removing yourself from the list may be done with
   the command:

   Coordinators: Phil Benchoff <BENCHOFF%VTVM1.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
                 Harold Pritchett <HAROLD%UGA.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   The Composition Digest is a moderated weekly newsgroup for the study of 
   computers and writing, specifically writing instruction in computer-based 
   classrooms.  It is intended to be a forum for writing professionals (those 
   who must use computers for their writing) and computing professionals (those
   who design the hardware and software that writers depend upon) to meet and 
   discuss issues relevant to both fields, but notes are also welcome from 
   novice computer writers.  There is interest in articles pertaining to, but 
   not limited by, the following topics:

      Human/Factors research and writing environments
      Text editor design
      Natural Language adjuncts to writing instruction
      Writing without paper
      Psychological effects of computer writing/instruction
      Composition theory applied to computer-based instruction
      Anecdotal accounts of computer writing experiences
      Using the NET in the classroom
      Computer-based conferences
      Public domain software for the classroom
      Reviews of writing and editing packages
      Conference announcements and proceedings
      Telecommunications and its effects on language
      Computers and the soft sciences
      Computers and hearing impaired students
      Computers and learning disabled students
      Computers and basic writers
      Computers and humanists
      Computers and writing professionals

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to COMPOS01%ULKYVX.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Moderator: ??

..hplabs!comp-soc  (UUCP)

   The Computers And Society mailing list was created to provide a forum for 
   discussion of various issues related to the impact of technology and 
   information on society.  Among the issues being discussed are:

      Computers and social responsibility
      Dealing with information overload 
      The classed society in the information age
      Public perceptions of computers 
      The value of information
      Dangers and advantages of reliance on machines
      Risks of technological dependence
      and other related topics

   This is a moderated group (but just about anything relevent will be included
   in the next digest), and both submissions and requests should be sent to 

   The archives for Computers and Society mailing list reside on host SRI-NIC 
   in files:
   where xx is the issue number of the individual digest.  The files may be 
   FTP'd by anonymous login.

   Coordinator: Dave Taylor <taylor@HPLABS.ARPA>


   The Rubik's Cube mailing-list.  Much of the information in the Scientific 
   American article was presented in Cube-Lovers first; also many mathematical 
   discussions have taken place as well as the development of a cube notation 
   and various transformations used to solve it.  Recently this list has been 
   very quiet.

      Messages are archived in the MIT-AI files
         ALAN;CUBE MAIL(0 1 2 ...)
      with the most recent messages in

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to CUBE-LOVERS-REQUEST@AI.AI.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Alan Bawden <ALAN@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   The Color and Vision Network; the purpose is to make people in vision 
   research and in color research who utilize e-mail communication known to 
   each other.  Mass mailing can also be easily done, so announcements supplied
   to CVNET@YORKVM1 get distributed to the subscriber list.  Another activity 
   is the compilation of a key word list that describes the activities of those

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to CVNET%YORKVM1.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator: Peter K. Kaiser <pkaiser%YORKVM1.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Network digest for people who support and/or install Control Data (CDC) 
   systems.  In general, any topic which may be of general interest to people 
   who support and/or install CDC systems is relevant to the digest, including:

      Problem reports and solutions, including information from the 
        support system, SOLVER.
      Requests for help concerning problems on CDC systems.
      Announcements and reviews of new products or upgrades to products,
        including CDC supplied as well as site supplied products.
      Installation experiences/problems encountered when installing
        products:  things to watch out for; things to avoid.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Info%Bitnic.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator: ?? <Info%Bitnic.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   The Dead mailing lists have been reorganised, and DEAD-FLAMES now exchanges 
   messages with the usenet's net.music.gdead (soon to be rec.music.gdead or 
   something like that).  Here's how it all works:

   DEAD-HEADS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- Use this list for songlists and concert reviews,
   and for hotline info.

   LOCAL-DEAD-HEADS@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- These are the east-coast and 
   LOCAL-DEAD-HEADS@SRI-AI.ARPA   -- west-coast parts of DEAD-HEADS.  If you 
   have a message which you think will only be of interest to people on one 
   half of the country, (say, you have extra room in your car for a ride to a 
   show) send it here.  Also good for this list are messages announcing Jerry 
   Band or other "sub-band" shows.

   DEAD-FLAMES@AI.AI.MIT.EDU -- This includes all messages sent to any of 
   net.music.gdead           -- the lists above, plus anything anyone sends (or
   posts, in the case of net.music.gdead) directly, which can be anything to do
   with the Grateful Dead.

   Requests to be added to or deleted from any of the mailing lists should be 
   sent to the appropriate -REQUEST list (e.g. DEAD-FLAMES-REQUEST).

   Old messages to all of these lists are archived back through March '85.  
   Also online is an updated version of Dave Wilkins' lyrics list, and all 
   songlists sent to the network.  Send mail to DEAD-FLAMES-REQUEST if you're 

   Coordinators: Gregor Kiczales <Dead-Heads-Request@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>
                 Paul Martin <Local-Dead-Heads-Request@SRI-AI.ARPA>
                 David Wallace <Dead-Flames-Request@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   Discussion group for sharing information on desktop publishing techniques 
   and new technologies used in small publishing projects.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to dtp-request%plaid@SUN.COM.

   Coordinator: Chuq Von Rospach <chuq@SUN.COM>


   The Dynamical System is a mailing list for the exchange of information among
   people working in ergodic theory and dynamical systems. Almost all kinds of 
   contributions are welcome, especially:

      Abstracts                      Illuminating comments
      Open problems                  Historical remarks
      News items                     Reviews
      Announcements of meetings      Conference reports
      Address changes                Bibliographies
      Examples                       Work planned or in progress
      Questions                      Anecdotes, jokes, puzzles.

   The list will be maintained by a list-server facility called NEWSERV, which 
   acts as a userid at the BitNet node UNCVM1.  To be added to or deleted from 
   this list, see the following directions, or send a message to one of the 

   BitNet users can use the ADD command to add their name to a list:

      For users at remote IBM/VM sites the following format is used:

      At UTSO use the VMSG command send to userid NEWSERV, node UNCVM1, and a 
      message of ADD DYNSYS-L username.

      VAX/VMS sites running jnet version 2 use the ADD command like this:

      BitNet users with other environments can contact their local user 
      services group for assistance.  Users without interactive messaging 
      capability,or non-BitNet users can send a request to ULTIMA@UNCVM1 or to 
      one of the list Coordinators to have their names added to the list.

   The DROP command is used to remove a name from a list:

      For remote IBM/VM sites, the DROP command is used like this:

      At UTSO use the VMSG command send to userid NEWSERV, node UNCVM1, and a 
      message of DROP DYNSYS-L.

      VAX/VMS sites with jnet version 2 can use this command:

   Coordinators: Karl Petersen <UNCKEP%UNC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>
                 Doug Lind <lind@ENTROPY.MS.WASHINGTON.EDU>

ucbvax!editor-people    (USENET)

   Discussion of topics related to computerized text editing, display editors, 
   and human factors in man/machine interaction.  The theoretical discussion is
   catholic, but practical discussion focuses particularly on Tops-20 and Unix.
   The discussion also appears on the Unix USENET distributed bulletin board.
   ****This list is inactive (A/O Sep 86) and is in search of a new 
   Coordinator.  Volunteers should respond to the current Coordinator or to the
   -Request address.****

   An archive is on host SU-SCORE at

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to EDITOR-PEOPLE-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.

   Coordinator: J.Q. Johnson <jqj@CORNELL>

EPSYNET (see entry for Psychnet)


   A forum for people interested in the neutral international language 
   Esperanto.  Discussions about the language itself, the Esperanto movement, 
   publications, and news are encouraged.  Of course, discussion *in* Esperanto
   is especially encouraged, although English translations may be advisable 
   when the material is of interest to beginners or non-Esperantists.

   This list is identical to the USENET mailing list `mail.esperanto'.  The 
   forwarding addresses were installed on LLL-CRG by Andy Beals; ESPERANTO 
   forwards to the "real" mail.esperanto address trwrb!trwspp!spp2!esperanto 
   and ESPERANTO-REQUEST forwards to the Coordinator (trwrb!trwspp!spp2!urban).

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to to ESPERANTO-REQUEST@LLL-CRG.ARPA.

   Coordinator: Mike Urban <ESPERANTO-REQUEST@LLL-CRG.ARPA>


   This direct-distribution mailing list is organized to discuss consequences 
   of the theory of evolution, with emphasis on mathematics, on computer 
   simulations, and on literature.  While creationists in this group are 
   expected to be few in number, and while they may not reasonably expect to be
   taken seriously unless they can introduce radically better evidence than 
   creationists have in the past, we have no agreement to limit discussion of 
   contraversal topics.  The coordinator assumes no responsibility for opinions
   expressed in the group or for misuse.

   Archives are available only upon request to EVOLUTION-REQUEST@KESTREL.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to EVOLUTION-REQUEST@KESTREL.

   Coordinator: king@Kestrel


   This is the mailing list for OtherRealms, a Science Fiction and Fantasy 
   fanzine being published electronically.  This is not a moderated list or 
   digest, this is a full magazine, published on a monthly basis.

   Back issues are available.  All requests and administrivia should be send to

   Coordinator: Chuq Von Rospach <chuq%plaid@SUN.ARPA>


   The FORTH Interest Groups International List (FIGIL) is dedicated to any and
   all things connected directly or indirectly with the FORTH computer 
   language.  The list is not restricted to technical, professional levels; 
   novice FORTH'ers are encouraged to take part.  Also there is no particular 
   implementation, machine, or product emphasiszed.  Submissions are requested 
   to keep in mind the issue of portablility of any specific source code.  
   Follow a recognized standard when possible like Forth 79, Forth 83, or 
   FigForth.  Any submissions, letters, source listings, etc. will be resent to
   all subscribers.  Copyrighted material, of course, cannot be resent by this 
   list.  Public Domain code only!  Furthermore, Bitnet prohibits commercial 
   distribution or advertising.

   List submissions, as well as all requests to be added to or deleted from 
   this list, problems, questions, etc., should be sent to 

   Coordinator: Tamir Weiner <UMFORTH%WEIZMANN.BITNET@WISCVM-

FIREARMS <cbosgd!cbrma!firearms@seismo.CSS.GOV>

   This mailing list has been created to provide an environment in which 
   sportsmen can discuss issues of concern to them.  Topics include but are not
   limited to hunting, firearms safety, legal issues, reloading tips, 
   maintenance suggestions, target shooting, and dissemination of general info.
    The list is NOT intended to discuss the merits of gun control.

   Archives are maintained by the moderator.  As of 1 Jul 85, the list is 4 
   months old, having 11 back issues comprising approximately 160K of text.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to cbosgd!cbrma!firearms-request@seismo.CSS.GOV.

   Moderator: Karl Kleinpaste <cbosgd!cbrma!karl@seismo.CSS.GOV>


   Discusses the Franz Lisp language.

   A sub-list, FRANZ-COMPOSERS@BERKELEY, is composed of people who are in 
   charge of maintaining Franz LISP.  The sub-list is used for sending bug 

   The archive of old messages is kept on MIT-MC, in the file:

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to FRANZ-FRIENDS-REQUEST@BERKELEY.

   Coordinator: John Foderaro <JKF@BERKELEY>


   An electronic version of the typical science fiction/fantasy 'fanzine'.  
   Issues are sent to network users approximately every two to six weeks, and 
   generally range in size from 500 to 1000 lines.  Typical issues primarily 
   contain amateur fiction by network authors from around the world (the 
   emphasis of the zine), although there are occasional movie and book reviews,
   discussions of featured authors, game reviews, or any one of an infinite 
   number of fantasy and science fiction related topics.  FSFnet tries to deal 
   with all aspects of science fiction and fantasy fiction fandom, while giving
   young authors the opportunity to interact with a real readership and improve
   their writing skills.

   If you are interested in writing or contributing to FSFnet, feel free to 
   discuss it with the editor; submissions of all kinds are always welcome.
   There is also the organized Dargon Project, where authors write about the 
   same area, borrowing characters and learning from one another, very similar 
   to Robert Lynn Asprin's Thieve's World project.  This makes for much more 
   interesting issues as well as improving the style of the writer, exposing 
   him to the public, and helping him meet other budding authors.  The Dargon 
   Project is an exciting and rewarding project, and has made for some 
   excellent fantasy fiction.  The project is open to all fantasy writers; 
   users who are interested in writing for the project should contact the 

   An index of back issues may be requested from the editor, and the BitNet 
   servers TCSSERVE@TCSVM and SILMARIL@FINHUTC both maintain complete FSFnet 
   libraries.  BitNet server CSNEWS@MAINE also maintains the most recent issue.
    DO NOT refer problems, questions, etc. to these servers.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to the editor.  The request should contain your userid 
   and node name, as well as your real name and, if you are a BitNet user, the 
   format in which you prefer issues to be sent (either DISK DUMP CLASS N, 

   Editor: David 'Orny' Liscomb <CSDAVE%MAINE.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Mailing list to serve as a forum for the discussion of adventure game 
   programming, including questions such as player interfaces, multi-player 
   possibilities, text vs. graphics games, etc.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to GAMEMASTERS-REQUEST@RINSO.LCS.MIT.EDU  or  

   There is a BitNet sub-distribution list, GMAST-L@UTCVM; BitNet subscribers 
   can join by sending the SUB command with your name.
      For example, SEND LISTSERV@UTCVM SUB GMAST-L Jon Doe
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@UTCVM SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Brad Sagarin <dragon@RINSO.LCS.MIT.EDU>
                     USENET:  seismo!mit-eddie!dragon


   A mailing list for reporting bugs and problems with the GOULD UTX/32 (UNIX) 
   operating system and software.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to gouldbugs-request@BRL.ARPA.

   There is a BitNet sub-distribution list, GOULDBUG@CLVM; BitNet subscribers 
   can join by sending the SUB command with your name.
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@CLVM SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Howard Walter <howard@BRL>


   Mailing list for those who are interested in handheld computers or 
   programmable calculators.  The mailing list can be used to distribute or 
   request programs.  Messages are not moderated at this time.

   SRI-STRIPE file PS:<HANDHELDS>HANDHELDS.TXT contains all the messages passed
   over the HANDHELDS mailing list.  Programs which have been uploaded will 
   also be stored in this directory.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HANDHELDS-REQUEST@SRI-STRIPE.  This address should 
   also be used to send large programs to be posted into the public directory.

   Coordinator: David Edwards <DLE@SRI-STRIPE.ARPA>


   Interest specifically in the format of message headers and related issues 
   such as inter-network mail formats/standards, etc.

   Recent messages are filed in MIT-MC (MC.LCS.MIT.EDU) file KSC;HEADER MINS, 
   while older archives are in KSC;HEADER MINS00 through MINS15.  These files 
   are accessible over the ARPANet via FTP.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HEADER-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Pandora B. Berman <CENT@AI.AI.MIT.EDU>


   Health-Net is a digest for the discussion and answering of Health related 
   topics. Subscribers may write with health related questions which will then 
   be answered by either the moderator (who is presently a Health Education 
   Graduate student at U.Mass., Amherst) or by other subscribers who are 
   themselves health professionals.  Beyond just being a source of answers to 
   health questions, Health-Net is a place for discussing areas of health 
   controversy in today's society especially those that apply to all of us.

   Letters of a personal or private nature should be sent to the Coordinator 
   for editing prior to posting to preserve confidentiality.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to RALPH%UMASS.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU.

   Coordinator: Ralph G. Sbragia <Ralph%UMass.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU>


   Discussion of the construction, use, and modification of Heath terminals and
   computers, and related Zenith products.

   The archives of old messages are kept on MC.LCS.MIT.EDU, in files:
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL1   -Oldest Mail
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL2   -Next oldest
            etc.           -Up to 8 as of 26 August 86
      COMAIL;HEATH MAIL    -Incoming mail is being added to this one

      These files are each stored in reverse time order (i.e. newer messages 
      come first in the file, older messages are later).  Each of the files is 
      between approx. 100K and 150K characters.  Copies of these files are 
      available via FTP with no login needed.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HEATH-PEOPLE-REQUEST@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU.

   Coordinator: Michael A. Patton <MAP%MIT-AI.ARPA@MC.LCS.MIT.EDU>


   Discussion of things equestrian.  Horse enthusiasts of all disciplines and 
   levels of experience are welcome.  Articles are distributed periodically in 
   digest format.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HORSE-REQUEST@CCP.BBN.COM (or UUCP address 

   Coordinator: Ken Rossen <krossen@CCP.BBN.COM>


   Mailing list originally consisting of the combined memberships of 
   INFO-PCNET, HOME-SAT, and TELETEXT mailing lists.  Human-Nets has discussed 
   many topics, all of them related in some way to the theme of a world-wide 
   computer and telecommunications network usually called WorldNet.  The topics
   have ranged very widely, from something like tutorials, to state of the art 
   discussions, to rampant speculation about technology and its impact.  The 
   list is extremely large, making it necessary to batch messages sent to the 
   list and distributing them once each day during off peak periods to avoid 
   overloading the system.

   The permanent archives contain all of the material distributed to the list. 
   Due to size, this archive is broken down into several different files, 
   stored in reverse temporal order.  The files are currently stored on ARPANet
   host RU-BLUE in files RHYTHM:<PLEASANT.HUMAN-NETS>HUMNET.* (where "*" is a 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HUMAN-NETS-REQUEST@RUTGERS.

   Moderator: Charles McGrew <MCGREW@RED.RUTGERS.EDU>


   Mailing list for the discussion of hyperchannel networks within the context 
   of an IP network.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to HY-PEOPLE-REQUEST@ORVILLE.ARPA.

   Coordinator: John Lekashman <lekash@ORVILLE.ARPA>

         <Ibm-Nets@BITNIC> (Bitnet)

   IBM-Nets is a forum for any discussions relating to IBM mainframes and 
   networking.  It is an immediate redistribution list with no filtering or 
   digesting.  Examples:

      Tcp/Ip and VM or MVS        Wisconsin Wiscnet
      Spartacus Knet              X.25
      Ethernet                    Pronet
      SNA                         Vnet
      Bitnet NJE protocols
      or anything else that is related to IBM mainframes and networking

   The system server Database@Bitnic.Bitnet contains a 6 month archive of all 
   IBM-Nets transactions.  In order to learn more on how to access these 
   archives via the Internet, send a valid piece of RFC822 mail to 
   Database%BITNIC.BITNET@WISCVM.WISC.EDU with the first nonblank lines reading
   as follows:


      Note: If your mail header does not contain a proper "From:' or 
      "Reply-To:" field, in addition to being fully domain qualified (RFC920), 
      your mail will not be processed.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to:
      Bitnet:  Hank@BITNIC
   *Be sure to specify IBM-Nets*

   Coordinator: Henry Nussbacher <Hank@BITNIC>


   Discussion of topics related to the Icon programming language (a high-level,
   general-purpose programming language that emphasizes string and structure 
   processing).  Such topics include:  Programming Techniques, Theoretical 
   Aspects, Icon in relation to other languages, Applications of Icon, 
   Implementation Issues, Porting Icon, Bugs.  Items sent to the list are 
   immediately redistributed to all persons on the list.

   The list will be distributed via CSNET and as such will only be available to
   persons on ARPANET and CSNET; a Usenet gateway may be considered at some 
   point in the future.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Icon-Group-Request%Arizona.CSNET@CSNet-Relay.  
   Questions about obtaining Icon should be sent to 

   Coordinator: Bill Mitchell <whm%Arizona.CSNET@CSNet-Relay>


   This discussion list focuses on Xerox 1100 workstations (1100, 1108, 1121, 
   1132, 1185, 1186) and protocols.  Its purpose is to stimulate communication 
   and sharing between computer science research groups that use or are 
   interested in these machines.

   The list may be used for messages such as announcements of available 
   lispusers packages or for queries such as "Does anybody know of a PUP file 
   server implementation for the Sinclair ZX-80?" or to warn others of 
   Interlisp-D bugs and/or suggest workarounds or to solicit help or 

   Xerox PARC, SIS, and AIS people are included in the distribution to 
   facilitate communication about new developments, bugs, performance issues, 
   etc.  Additionally, Info-1100 is automatically forwarded to 
   AISupport.pasa@Xerox.COM, where bugs are noted and acted upon if 
   appropriate.  Xerox AIS employees will not respond in Info-1100 unless the 
   reply is of general interest or silence would mislead the readership.

   Archives of messages are kept on SUMEX-AIM in directory <BBOARD> in files:
      INFO-1100.84-12-31 (182960 bytes)   INFO-1100.86-06-30 (265975 bytes)
      INFO-1100.85-06-30 (160812 bytes)   INFO-1100.86-09-30 (156640 bytes)
      INFO-1100.85-09-30 (218595 bytes)   INFO-1100.86-12-31 (261764 bytes)
      INFO-1100.85-12-31 (280095 bytes)
      INFO-1100.86-03-31 (267301 bytes)   INFO-1100.TXT
   Some net-contributed lispusers packages, updates, and patches are filed in: 

   Requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, etc.
   should be sent to Info-1100-Request@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU.

   Coordinator: Christopher Schmidt <Schmidt@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU>


   Mailing list for users of OS's capable of running on small 68000 systems, 
   primarly CP/M-68K.  Related systems (OS/9-68K, etc.) and topics welcome.

   Archives are kept on host SIMTEL20 in file:
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to Info-68K-Request@UCBVAX.

   Coordinator: Mike Meyer <mwm%ucbopal@BERKELEY.EDU>


   Mailing list for announcements, questions and discussions of a technical 
   nature, requests for information, and just about anything else having to do 
   with the Ada programming language (ANSI/MIL-STD-1815A-1983).

   Archives of messages can be found in the files <INFO-ADA>ARCHIVE.* on 
   ADA20.ISI.EDU, and are available to DDN users via ANONYMOUS FTP.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, etc., 
   should be sent to INFO-ADA-REQUEST@ADA20.ISI.EDU.

   Coordinator: Karl A. Nyberg <nyberg@ADA20.ISI.EDU>


   Info-Amiga is intended as a forum of discussion and for exchanging of ideas 
   and programming tips for the new 68000 Amiga PC from Commodore Business 
   Machines.  This list has a gateway directly into and from the Usenet group 

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-AMIGA-REQUEST@RED.RUTGERS.EDU.

   There are BitNet sub-distribution lists (I-AMIGA@CANADA01, I-AMIGA@CLVM, 
   subscribers can join by sending the SUB command with your name.and to the 
   nearest LISTSERV node.
      For example, SEND LISTSERV@CLVM SUB I-AMIGA Jon Doe
   To be removed from the list, SEND LISTSERV@CLVM SIGNOFF.
   To make contributions to the list, BitNet subscribers should send mail to 
   the ARPANet list name, NOT to the BITNET list name.

   Coordinator: Eliot Lear <Lear@RUTGERS.RUTGERS.EDU>


   Information/interest group for users of Data General AOS/VS.  The 
   Coordinator's personal interests are focused upon networking software, the 
   Ada environment, typesetting and improved utilities for AOS/VS but every 
   topic of general interest is welcome.

   All requests to be added/deleted from this list, problems etc. should be 

   Coordinator: Michael Haberler <HABERLER@SU-SIERRA>


   APPLE user's mailing list.

   Info-apple archives are available on SIMTEL20.  Archives up to 10 Oct 83 are
   stored in:
   Archives from 11 Oct 83 are stored in:
   They are available via ANONYMOUS FTP from SIMTEL20 for those with TCP/IP 
   access to the Internet.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-APPLE-REQUEST@BRL.

   Moderator: Howard Walter <hwalt@BRL>


   List to facilitate communication between Applebus hardware and software 
   developers and other interested parties.  Applebus is Apple's networking 
   scheme, which is used for connecting personal computers and other devices 
   (laser printers, file servers, gateways to to other networks, etc.).

   There are subdistribution list coordinators all over the net; it is desired 
   that people interested in receiving info-applebus first check the file 
   <applebus>coordinators.txt on ARPANet host CMU-CS-C to see if a local list 
   exists for their organization.  For those not on the net, please send 

   Archives are available on CMU-CS-C in <APPLEBUS>ARCHIVE.TXT, and a limited 
   amount of public domain applebus software is available in the CMU-CS-C 
   <APPLEBUS.PROGRAMS> directory.

   All requests to be added to or deleted from this list, problems, questions, 
   etc., should be sent to INFO-APPLEBUS-REQUEST@C.CS.CMU.EDU.

   Coordinator: Ralph W. Hyre, Jr. <RALPHW@C.CS.CMU.EDU>

Gene Spafford
Software Engineering Research Center (SERC), Georgia Tech, Atlanta GA 30332
CSNet:	Spaf @ GATech		ARPA:	Spaf@gatech.EDU
uucp:	...!{akgua,decvax,hplabs,ihnp4,linus,seismo,ulysses}!gatech!spaf