[news.lists] List of Active Newsgroups

usenet@gatech.UUCP (12/16/86)

[Most recent change: 10 December 1986 by spaf@gatech.edu]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
16 December 1986.  There are two basic subcategories of netwide 
newsgroups:  "world" and  "mod".  The "world" groups are divided into
seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc", "sci",
"comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized into
groups and subgroups according to topic.

The "comp" classification includes topics of interest to computer
professionals and hobbyists, including topics in computer science,
software source, and information on hardware and software systems.  The
"sci" newsgroups are intended to be technical in nature and relate to
the established sciences.  The "misc" groups address themes not easily
classified under any of the other headings or which incorporate themes
from multiple categories. The "soc" groups address social issues and
socializing.  The "talk" groups are largely debate-oriented, and tend
to feature long discussions without resolution and without appreciable
amounts of useful information.  The "news" groups concern the news
network and software itself.  The "rec" groups are recreation and
hobby-oriented groups.  An eventual goal is to include the current
"mod" groups into the same seven category naming scheme sometime in

The "world" and "mod" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the
entire USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

"mod" groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to a mod group
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the "mod"
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
"mod" groups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.

Some of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with
ARPA Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to
the digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while
articles submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to
the mailing list.  Most such gatewayed groups are done as "mod"
groups.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission addresses
and moderators is given in a companion posting.

"net" groups are remnants of the old naming scheme and they will soon
be deleted or merged into the "world" group structure.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	*comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@usc-isif.arpa
	*comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	*comp.mail.headers	header-people@mit-mc.arpa
	*comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	*comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	*comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	*sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.arpa
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	*rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	*rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	net.sources		unix-sources@brl.arpa

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Please notify me of any errors or additions to the list below.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
net.announce.arpa-internet	Announcements from the Arpa world
net.sources		For the posting of software packages & documentation.
	net.sources.bugs	For bug fixes and features discussion
 				   pertaining to items in net.sources
	net.sources.games	Postings of recreational software
	net.sources.mac		Software for the Apple Macintosh

mod.announce		General announcements of interest to all.
	mod.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users.
mod.ai			Discussions about Artificial Intelligence
mod.amiga		Commodore Amiga micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.amiga.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.amiga.sources	Public domain software in source code format.
mod.compilers		Discussion about compiler construction, theory, etc.
mod.computers		Discussion about various computers and related.
	mod.computers.68k		68000-based systems.
	mod.computers.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
	mod.computers.masscomp		The Masscomp line of computers.
	mod.computers.ibm-pc		The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT.
	mod.computers.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware and software.
	mod.computers.pyramid		Pyramid 90x computers.
	mod.computers.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
	mod.computers.sequent		Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000).
	mod.computers.sun		Sun "workstation" computers
	mod.computers.vax		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
	mod.computers.workstations	Various workstation-type computers.
mod.conferences		Calls for papers and conference announcements.
mod.comp-soc		Discussion on the impact of technology on society.
mod.graphics		Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc.
mod.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest.
mod.mac			Apple Macintosh micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.mac.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.mac.sources		Public domain software in source code format.
mod.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction and fantasy "magazine".
mod.map			Various maps, including UUCP maps
mod.music		Reviews and discussion of things musical
	mod.music.gaffa		Progressive music discussions (e.g., Kate Bush).
mod.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest to readers
mod.newslists		Postings of news-related statistics and lists
mod.os			Disussions about operating systems and related areas.
	mod.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
	mod.os.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs.
mod.philosophy		Discussion of philosphical issues and concepts.
	mod.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc
mod.politics		Discussions on political problems, systems, solutions.
	mod.politics.arms-d		Arms discussion digest.
mod.protocols		Various forms and types of FTP protocol discussions.
	mod.protocols.appletalk		Applebus hardware & software discussion.
	mod.protocols.kermit		Information about the Kermit package.
	mod.protocols.tcp-ip		TCP and IP network protocols.
mod.psi			Discussion of paranormal abilities and experiences.
mod.rec			Discussions on pastimes (not currently active)
	mod.rec.guns		Discussions about firearms
mod.recipes		A "distributed cookbook" of screened recipes.
mod.religion		Top-level group with no moderator (as of yet).
	mod.religion.christian	Discussions on Christianity and related topics.
mod.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users.
mod.sources		postings of public-domain sources.
	mod.sources.doc		Archived public-domain documentation.
	mod.sources.games	Postings of public-domain game sources
mod.std			Discussion about various standards
	mod.std.c		Discussion about C language standards
	mod.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps
	mod.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX
mod.techreports		Announcements and lists of technical reports.
mod.telecom		Telecommunications digest.
mod.vlsi		Very large scale integrated circuits.

comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.misc		General bug reports and fixes (includes V7 & uucp).
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing,
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards
comp.sys.amiga		Discussion about the Amiga micro.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers 
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett/Packard's.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.misc		Micro computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		Job announcements, requests, etc.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Reviews and discussions of movies.
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!)
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.
* UNIX is a Trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.UUCP (01/01/87)

[Most recent change: 31 December 1986 by spaf@gatech.edu]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
1 January 1987.  There are two basic subcategories of netwide 
newsgroups:  "world" and  "mod".  The "world" groups are divided into
seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc", "sci",
"comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized into
groups and subgroups according to topic.

The "comp" classification includes topics of interest to computer
professionals and hobbyists, including topics in computer science,
software source, and information on hardware and software systems.  The
"sci" newsgroups are intended to be technical in nature and relate to
the established sciences.  The "misc" groups address themes not easily
classified under any of the other headings or which incorporate themes
from multiple categories. The "soc" groups address social issues and
socializing.  The "talk" groups are largely debate-oriented, and tend
to feature long discussions without resolution and without appreciable
amounts of useful information.  The "news" groups concern the news
network and software itself.  The "rec" groups are recreation and
hobby-oriented groups.  An eventual goal is to include the current
"mod" groups into the same seven category naming scheme sometime in

The "world" and "mod" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the
entire USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

"mod" groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to a mod group
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the "mod"
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
"mod" groups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.

Some of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with
ARPA Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to
the digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while
articles submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to
the mailing list.  Most such gatewayed groups are done as "mod"
groups.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission addresses
and moderators is given in a companion posting.

"net" groups are remnants of the old naming scheme and they will soon
be deleted or merged into the "world" group structure.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	*comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@usc-isif.arpa
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	*comp.mail.headers	header-people@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	*sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.arpa
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	*rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	*rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	net.sources		unix-sources@brl.arpa

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Please notify me of any errors or additions to the list below.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
net.sources		For the posting of software packages & documentation.
	net.sources.bugs	For bug fixes and features discussion
 				   pertaining to items in net.sources
	net.sources.games	Postings of recreational software
	net.sources.mac		Software for the Apple Macintosh

mod.announce		General announcements of interest to all.
	mod.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users.
mod.ai			Discussions about Artificial Intelligence
mod.amiga		Commodore Amiga micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.amiga.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.amiga.sources	Public domain software in source code format.
mod.compilers		Discussion about compiler construction, theory, etc.
mod.computers		Discussion about various computers and related.
	mod.computers.68k		68000-based systems.
	mod.computers.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
	mod.computers.masscomp		The Masscomp line of computers.
	mod.computers.ibm-pc		The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT.
	mod.computers.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware and software.
	mod.computers.pyramid		Pyramid 90x computers.
	mod.computers.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
	mod.computers.sequent		Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000).
	mod.computers.sun		Sun "workstation" computers
	mod.computers.vax		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
	mod.computers.workstations	Various workstation-type computers.
mod.conferences		Calls for papers and conference announcements.
mod.comp-soc		Discussion on the impact of technology on society.
mod.graphics		Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc.
mod.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest.
mod.mac			Apple Macintosh micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.mac.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.mac.sources		Public domain software in source code format.
mod.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction and fantasy "magazine".
mod.map			Various maps, including UUCP maps
mod.music		Reviews and discussion of things musical
	mod.music.gaffa		Progressive music discussions (e.g., Kate Bush).
mod.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest to readers
mod.newslists		Postings of news-related statistics and lists
mod.os			Disussions about operating systems and related areas.
	mod.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
	mod.os.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs.
mod.philosophy		Discussion of philosphical issues and concepts.
	mod.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc
mod.politics		Discussions on political problems, systems, solutions.
	mod.politics.arms-d		Arms discussion digest.
mod.protocols		Various forms and types of FTP protocol discussions.
	mod.protocols.appletalk		Applebus hardware & software discussion.
	mod.protocols.kermit		Information about the Kermit package.
	mod.protocols.tcp-ip		TCP and IP network protocols.
mod.psi			Discussion of paranormal abilities and experiences.
mod.rec			Discussions on pastimes (not currently active)
	mod.rec.guns		Discussions about firearms
mod.recipes		Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff and text)
mod.religion		Top-level group with no moderator (as of yet).
	mod.religion.christian	Discussions on Christianity and related topics.
mod.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users.
mod.sources		postings of public-domain sources.
	mod.sources.doc		Archived public-domain documentation.
	mod.sources.games	Postings of public-domain game sources
mod.std			Discussion about various standards
	mod.std.c		Discussion about C language standards
	mod.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps
	mod.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX
mod.techreports		Announcements and lists of technical reports.
mod.telecom		Telecommunications digest.

comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.misc		General bug reports and fixes (includes V7 & uucp).
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing,
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards
comp.sys.amiga		Discussion about the Amiga micro.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers 
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett/Packard's.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.misc		Micro computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		Job announcements, requests, etc.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Reviews and discussions of movies.
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!)
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.
* UNIX is a Trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.UUCP (01/16/87)

[Most recent change: 14 January 1987 by spaf@gatech.edu]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
16 January 1987.  There are two basic subcategories of netwide 
newsgroups:  "world" and  "mod".  The "world" groups are divided into
seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc", "sci",
"comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized into
groups and subgroups according to topic.

The "comp" classification includes topics of interest to computer
professionals and hobbyists, including topics in computer science,
software source, and information on hardware and software systems.  The
"sci" newsgroups are intended to be technical in nature and relate to
the established sciences.  The "misc" groups address themes not easily
classified under any of the other headings or which incorporate themes
from multiple categories. The "soc" groups address social issues and
socializing.  The "talk" groups are largely debate-oriented, and tend
to feature long discussions without resolution and without appreciable
amounts of useful information.  The "news" groups concern the news
network and software itself.  The "rec" groups are recreation and
hobby-oriented groups.  An eventual goal is to include the current
"mod" groups into the same seven category naming scheme sometime in

The "world" and "mod" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the
entire USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

"mod" groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to a mod group
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the "mod"
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
"mod" groups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.

Some of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with
ARPA Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to
the digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while
articles submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to
the mailing list.  Most such gatewayed groups are done as "mod"
groups.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission addresses
and moderators is given in a companion posting.

"net" groups are remnants of the old naming scheme and they will soon
be deleted or merged into the "world" group structure.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	*comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	*comp.mail.headers	header-people@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	*sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.arpa
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	*rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	net.sources		unix-sources@brl.arpa

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Please notify me of any errors or additions to the list below.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
net.sources		For the posting of software packages & documentation.
	net.sources.bugs	For bug fixes and features discussion
 				   pertaining to items in net.sources
	net.sources.games	Postings of recreational software
	net.sources.mac		Software for the Apple Macintosh

mod.announce		General announcements of interest to all.
	mod.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users.
mod.ai			Discussions about Artificial Intelligence
mod.amiga		Commodore Amiga micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.amiga.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.amiga.sources	Public domain software in source code format.
mod.compilers		Discussion about compiler construction, theory, etc.
mod.computers		Discussion about various computers and related.
	mod.computers.68k		68000-based systems.
	mod.computers.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
	mod.computers.masscomp		The Masscomp line of computers.
	mod.computers.ibm-pc		The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT.
	mod.computers.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware and software.
	mod.computers.pyramid		Pyramid 90x computers.
	mod.computers.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
	mod.computers.sequent		Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000).
	mod.computers.sun		Sun "workstation" computers
	mod.computers.vax		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
	mod.computers.workstations	Various workstation-type computers.
mod.conferences		Calls for papers and conference announcements.
mod.comp-soc		Discussion on the impact of technology on society.
mod.graphics		Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc.
mod.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest.
mod.mac			Apple Macintosh micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.mac.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.mac.sources		Public domain software in source code format.
mod.mag.fidonet		FidoNew digest, official newsletter of FidoNet Assoc.
mod.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction and fantasy "magazine".
mod.map			Various maps, including UUCP maps
mod.music		Reviews and discussion of things musical
	mod.music.gaffa		Progressive music discussions (e.g., Kate Bush).
mod.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest to readers
mod.newslists		Postings of news-related statistics and lists
mod.os			Disussions about operating systems and related areas.
	mod.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
	mod.os.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs.
mod.philosophy		Discussion of philosphical issues and concepts.
	mod.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc
mod.politics		Discussions on political problems, systems, solutions.
	mod.politics.arms-d		Arms discussion digest.
mod.protocols		Various forms and types of FTP protocol discussions.
	mod.protocols.appletalk		Applebus hardware & software discussion.
	mod.protocols.kermit		Information about the Kermit package.
	mod.protocols.tcp-ip		TCP and IP network protocols.
mod.psi			Discussion of paranormal abilities and experiences.
mod.rec			Discussions on pastimes (not currently active)
	mod.rec.guns		Discussions about firearms
mod.recipes		Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff and text)
mod.religion		Top-level group with no moderator (as of yet).
	mod.religion.christian	Discussions on Christianity and related topics.
mod.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users.
mod.sources		postings of public-domain sources.
	mod.sources.doc		Archived public-domain documentation.
	mod.sources.games	Postings of public-domain game sources
mod.std			Discussion about various standards
	mod.std.c		Discussion about C language standards
	mod.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps
	mod.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX
mod.techreports		Announcements and lists of technical reports.
mod.telecom		Telecommunications digest.

comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.misc		General bug reports and fixes (includes V7 & uucp).
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing,
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards
comp.sys.amiga		Discussion about the Amiga micro.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers 
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett/Packard's.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.misc		Micro computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		Job announcements, requests, etc.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Reviews and discussions of movies.
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!)
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.
* UNIX is a Trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.UUCP (01/16/87)

[Most recent change: 14 January 1987 by spaf@gatech.edu]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
16 January 1987.  There are two basic subcategories of netwide 
newsgroups:  "world" and  "mod".  The "world" groups are divided into
seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc", "sci",
"comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized into
groups and subgroups according to topic.

The "comp" classification includes topics of interest to computer
professionals and hobbyists, including topics in computer science,
software source, and information on hardware and software systems.  The
"sci" newsgroups are intended to be technical in nature and relate to
the established sciences.  The "misc" groups address themes not easily
classified under any of the other headings or which incorporate themes
from multiple categories. The "soc" groups address social issues and
socializing.  The "talk" groups are largely debate-oriented, and tend
to feature long discussions without resolution and without appreciable
amounts of useful information.  The "news" groups concern the news
network and software itself.  The "rec" groups are recreation and
hobby-oriented groups.  An eventual goal is to include the current
"mod" groups into the same seven category naming scheme sometime in

The "world" and "mod" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the
entire USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

"mod" groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to a mod group
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the "mod"
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
"mod" groups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.

Some of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with
ARPA Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to
the digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while
articles submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to
the mailing list.  Most such gatewayed groups are done as "mod"
groups.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission addresses
and moderators is given in a companion posting.

"net" groups are remnants of the old naming scheme and they will soon
be deleted or merged into the "world" group structure.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	*comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	*comp.mail.headers	header-people@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	*sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.arpa
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	*rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	net.sources		unix-sources@brl.arpa

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Please notify me of any errors or additions to the list below.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
net.sources		For the posting of software packages & documentation.
	net.sources.bugs	For bug fixes and features discussion
 				   pertaining to items in net.sources
	net.sources.games	Postings of recreational software
	net.sources.mac		Software for the Apple Macintosh

mod.announce		General announcements of interest to all.
	mod.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users.
mod.ai			Discussions about Artificial Intelligence
mod.amiga		Commodore Amiga micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.amiga.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.amiga.sources	Public domain software in source code format.
mod.compilers		Discussion about compiler construction, theory, etc.
mod.computers		Discussion about various computers and related.
	mod.computers.68k		68000-based systems.
	mod.computers.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
	mod.computers.masscomp		The Masscomp line of computers.
	mod.computers.ibm-pc		The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT.
	mod.computers.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware and software.
	mod.computers.pyramid		Pyramid 90x computers.
	mod.computers.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
	mod.computers.sequent		Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000).
	mod.computers.sun		Sun "workstation" computers
	mod.computers.vax		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
	mod.computers.workstations	Various workstation-type computers.
mod.conferences		Calls for papers and conference announcements.
mod.comp-soc		Discussion on the impact of technology on society.
mod.graphics		Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc.
mod.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest.
mod.mac			Apple Macintosh micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.mac.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.mac.sources		Public domain software in source code format.
mod.mag.fidonet		FidoNew digest, official newsletter of FidoNet Assoc.
mod.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction and fantasy "magazine".
mod.map			Various maps, including UUCP maps
mod.music		Reviews and discussion of things musical
	mod.music.gaffa		Progressive music discussions (e.g., Kate Bush).
mod.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest to readers
mod.newslists		Postings of news-related statistics and lists
mod.os			Disussions about operating systems and related areas.
	mod.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
	mod.os.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs.
mod.philosophy		Discussion of philosphical issues and concepts.
	mod.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc
mod.politics		Discussions on political problems, systems, solutions.
	mod.politics.arms-d		Arms discussion digest.
mod.protocols		Various forms and types of FTP protocol discussions.
	mod.protocols.appletalk		Applebus hardware & software discussion.
	mod.protocols.kermit		Information about the Kermit package.
	mod.protocols.tcp-ip		TCP and IP network protocols.
mod.psi			Discussion of paranormal abilities and experiences.
mod.rec			Discussions on pastimes (not currently active)
	mod.rec.guns		Discussions about firearms
mod.recipes		Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff and text)
mod.religion		Top-level group with no moderator (as of yet).
	mod.religion.christian	Discussions on Christianity and related topics.
mod.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users.
mod.sources		postings of public-domain sources.
	mod.sources.doc		Archived public-domain documentation.
	mod.sources.games	Postings of public-domain game sources
mod.std			Discussion about various standards
	mod.std.c		Discussion about C language standards
	mod.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps
	mod.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX
mod.techreports		Announcements and lists of technical reports.
mod.telecom		Telecommunications digest.

comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.misc		General bug reports and fixes (includes V7 & uucp).
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing,
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards
comp.sys.amiga		Discussion about the Amiga micro.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers 
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett/Packard's.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.misc		Micro computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		Job announcements, requests, etc.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Reviews and discussions of movies.
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!)
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.
* UNIX is a Trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digim computers & users.
mod.sources		postings of public-domain sources.
	mod.sources.doc		Archived public-domain documentation.

usenet@gatech.UUCP (02/01/87)

[Most recent change: 31 January 1987 by spaf@gatech.edu]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
1 February 1987.  There are two basic subcategories of netwide 
newsgroups:  "world" and  "mod".  The "world" groups are divided into
seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc", "sci",
"comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized into
groups and subgroups according to topic.

The "comp" classification includes topics of interest to computer
professionals and hobbyists, including topics in computer science,
software source, and information on hardware and software systems.  The
"sci" newsgroups are intended to be technical in nature and relate to
the established sciences.  The "misc" groups address themes not easily
classified under any of the other headings or which incorporate themes
from multiple categories. The "soc" groups address social issues and
socializing.  The "talk" groups are largely debate-oriented, and tend
to feature long discussions without resolution and without appreciable
amounts of useful information.  The "news" groups concern the news
network and software itself.  The "rec" groups are recreation and
hobby-oriented groups.  An eventual goal is to include the current
"mod" groups into the same seven category naming scheme sometime in

The "world" and "mod" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the
entire USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

"mod" groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to a mod group
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the "mod"
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
"mod" groups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.

Some of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with
ARPA Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to
the digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while
articles submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to
the mailing list.  Most such gatewayed groups are done as "mod"
groups.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission addresses
and moderators is given in a companion posting.

"net" groups are remnants of the old naming scheme and they will soon
be deleted or merged into the "world" group structure.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	*comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	*comp.mail.headers	header-people@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	*sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.arpa
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	*rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	net.sources		unix-sources@brl.arpa

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Please notify me of any errors or additions to the list below.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
net.sources		For the posting of software packages & documentation.
	net.sources.bugs	For bug fixes and features discussion
 				   pertaining to items in net.sources.
	net.sources.games	Postings of recreational software.
	net.sources.mac		Software for the Apple Macintosh.

mod.announce		General announcements of interest to all.
	mod.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users.
mod.ai			Discussions about Artificial Intelligence.
mod.amiga		Commodore Amiga micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.amiga.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.amiga.sources	Public domain software in source code format.
mod.compilers		Discussion about compiler construction, theory, etc.
mod.computers		Discussion about various computers and related.
	mod.computers.68k		68000-based systems.
	mod.computers.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
	mod.computers.masscomp		The Masscomp line of computers.
	mod.computers.ibm-pc		The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT.
	mod.computers.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware and software.
	mod.computers.pyramid		Pyramid 90x computers.
	mod.computers.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
	mod.computers.sequent		Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000).
	mod.computers.sun		Sun "workstation" computers.
	mod.computers.vax		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
	mod.computers.workstations	Various workstation-type computers.
mod.conferences		Calls for papers and conference announcements.
mod.comp-soc		Discussion on the impact of technology on society.
mod.graphics		Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc.
mod.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest.
mod.mac			Apple Macintosh micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.mac.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.mac.sources		Public domain software in source code format.
mod.mag.fidonet		FidoNew digest, official newsletter of FidoNet Assoc.
mod.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction and fantasy "magazine".
mod.map			Various maps, including UUCP maps.
mod.music		Reviews and discussion of things musical.
	mod.music.gaffa		Progressive music discussions (e.g., Kate Bush).
mod.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest to readers.
mod.newslists		Postings of news-related statistics and lists.
mod.os			Disussions about operating systems and related areas.
	mod.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
	mod.os.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs.
mod.philosophy		Discussion of philosphical issues and concepts.
	mod.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc.
mod.politics		Discussions on political problems, systems, solutions.
	mod.politics.arms-d		Arms discussion digest.
mod.protocols		Various forms and types of FTP protocol discussions.
	mod.protocols.appletalk		Applebus hardware & software discussion.
	mod.protocols.kermit		Information about the Kermit package.
	mod.protocols.tcp-ip		TCP and IP network protocols.
mod.psi			Discussion of paranormal abilities and experiences.
mod.rec			Discussions on pastimes (not currently active).
	mod.rec.guns		Discussions about firearms.
mod.recipes		Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff and text).
mod.religion		Top-level group with no moderator (as of yet).
	mod.religion.christian	Discussions on Christianity and related topics.
mod.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users.
mod.sources		postings of public-domain sources.
	mod.sources.doc		Archived public-domain documentation.
	mod.sources.games	Postings of public-domain game sources.
mod.std			Discussion about various standards.
	mod.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
	mod.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps.
	mod.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX.
mod.techreports		Announcements and lists of technical reports.
mod.telecom		Telecommunications digest.

comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.misc		General bug reports and fixes (includes V7 & uucp).
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.sys.amiga		Discussion about the Amiga micro.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.misc		Micro computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		Job announcements, requests, etc.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Reviews and discussions of movies.
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.
* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.UUCP (02/16/87)

[Most recent change: 11 February 1987 by spaf@gatech.edu]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
16 February 1987.  There are two basic subcategories of netwide 
newsgroups:  "world" and  "mod".  The "world" groups are divided into
seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc", "sci",
"comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized into
groups and subgroups according to topic.

The "comp" classification includes topics of interest to computer
professionals and hobbyists, including topics in computer science,
software source, and information on hardware and software systems.  The
"sci" newsgroups are intended to be technical in nature and relate to
the established sciences.  The "misc" groups address themes not easily
classified under any of the other headings or which incorporate themes
from multiple categories. The "soc" groups address social issues and
socializing.  The "talk" groups are largely debate-oriented, and tend
to feature long discussions without resolution and without appreciable
amounts of useful information.  The "news" groups concern the news
network and software itself.  The "rec" groups are recreation and
hobby-oriented groups.  An eventual goal is to include the current
"mod" groups into the same seven category naming scheme sometime in

The "world" and "mod" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the
entire USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

"mod" groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to a mod group
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the "mod"
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
"mod" groups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.

Some of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with
ARPA Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to
the digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while
articles submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to
the mailing list.  Most such gatewayed groups are done as "mod"
groups.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission addresses
and moderators is given in a companion posting.

"net" groups are remnants of the old naming scheme and they will soon
be deleted or merged into the "world" group structure.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	*comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	*comp.mail.headers	header-people@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	*sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.arpa
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	*rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	net.sources		unix-sources@brl.arpa

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Please notify me of any errors or additions to the list below.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
net.sources		For the posting of software packages & documentation.
	net.sources.bugs	For bug fixes and features discussion
 				   pertaining to items in net.sources.
	net.sources.games	Postings of recreational software.
	net.sources.mac		Software for the Apple Macintosh.

mod.announce		General announcements of interest to all.
	mod.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users.
mod.ai			Discussions about Artificial Intelligence.
mod.amiga		Commodore Amiga micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.amiga.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.amiga.sources	Public domain software in source code format.
mod.compilers		Discussion about compiler construction, theory, etc.
mod.computers		Discussion about various computers and related.
	mod.computers.68k		68000-based systems.
	mod.computers.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
	mod.computers.masscomp		The Masscomp line of computers.
	mod.computers.ibm-pc		The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT.
	mod.computers.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware and software.
	mod.computers.pyramid		Pyramid 90x computers.
	mod.computers.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
	mod.computers.sequent		Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000).
	mod.computers.sun		Sun "workstation" computers.
	mod.computers.vax		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
	mod.computers.workstations	Various workstation-type computers.
mod.conferences		Calls for papers and conference announcements.
mod.comp-soc		Discussion on the impact of technology on society.
mod.graphics		Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc.
mod.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest.
mod.mac			Apple Macintosh micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.mac.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.mac.sources		Public domain software in source code format.
mod.mag.fidonet		FidoNew digest, official newsletter of FidoNet Assoc.
mod.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction and fantasy "magazine".
mod.map			Various maps, including UUCP maps.
mod.music		Reviews and discussion of things musical.
	mod.music.gaffa		Progressive music discussions (e.g., Kate Bush).
mod.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest to readers.
mod.newslists		Postings of news-related statistics and lists.
mod.os			Disussions about operating systems and related areas.
	mod.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
	mod.os.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs.
mod.philosophy		Discussion of philosphical issues and concepts.
	mod.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc.
mod.politics		Discussions on political problems, systems, solutions.
	mod.politics.arms-d		Arms discussion digest.
mod.protocols		Various forms and types of FTP protocol discussions.
	mod.protocols.appletalk		Applebus hardware & software discussion.
	mod.protocols.kermit		Information about the Kermit package.
	mod.protocols.tcp-ip		TCP and IP network protocols.
mod.psi			Discussion of paranormal abilities and experiences.
mod.rec			Discussions on pastimes (not currently active).
	mod.rec.guns		Discussions about firearms.
mod.recipes		Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff and text).
mod.religion		Top-level group with no moderator (as of yet).
	mod.religion.christian	Discussions on Christianity and related topics.
mod.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users.
mod.sources		postings of public-domain sources.
	mod.sources.doc		Archived public-domain documentation.
	mod.sources.games	Postings of public-domain game sources.
mod.std			Discussion about various standards.
	mod.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
	mod.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps.
	mod.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX.
mod.techreports		Announcements and lists of technical reports.
mod.telecom		Telecommunications digest.

comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.misc		General bug reports and fixes (includes V7 & uucp).
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.sys.amiga		Discussion about the Amiga micro.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.misc		Micro computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		Job announcements, requests, etc.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Reviews and discussions of movies.
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.
* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.UUCP (03/01/87)

[Most recent change: 26 February 1987 by spaf@gatech.edu]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
1 March 1987.  There are two basic subcategories of netwide 
newsgroups:  "world" and  "mod".  The "world" groups are divided into
seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc", "sci",
"comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized into
groups and subgroups according to topic.

The "comp" classification includes topics of interest to computer
professionals and hobbyists, including topics in computer science,
software source, and information on hardware and software systems.  The
"sci" newsgroups are intended to be technical in nature and relate to
the established sciences.  The "misc" groups address themes not easily
classified under any of the other headings or which incorporate themes
from multiple categories. The "soc" groups address social issues and
socializing.  The "talk" groups are largely debate-oriented, and tend
to feature long discussions without resolution and without appreciable
amounts of useful information.  The "news" groups concern the news
network and software itself.  The "rec" groups are recreation and
hobby-oriented groups.  An eventual goal is to include the current
"mod" groups into the same seven category naming scheme sometime in

The "world" and "mod" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the
entire USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

"mod" groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to a mod group
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the "mod"
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
"mod" groups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.

Some of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with
ARPA Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to
the digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while
articles submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to
the mailing list.  Most such gatewayed groups are done as "mod"
groups.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission addresses
and moderators is given in a companion posting.

"net" groups are remnants of the old naming scheme and they will soon
be deleted or merged into the "world" group structure.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	*comp.mail.headers	header-people@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	*sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.arpa
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	*rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	net.sources		unix-sources@brl.arpa

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Please notify me of any errors or additions to the list below.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
net.sources		For the posting of software packages & documentation.
	net.sources.bugs	For bug fixes and features discussion
 				   pertaining to items in net.sources.
	net.sources.games	Postings of recreational software.
	net.sources.mac		Software for the Apple Macintosh.

mod.announce		General announcements of interest to all.
	mod.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users.
mod.ai			Discussions about Artificial Intelligence.
mod.amiga		Commodore Amiga micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.amiga.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.amiga.sources	Public domain software in source code format.
mod.compilers		Discussion about compiler construction, theory, etc.
mod.computers		Discussion about various computers and related.
	mod.computers.68k		68000-based systems.
	mod.computers.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
	mod.computers.masscomp		The Masscomp line of computers.
	mod.computers.ibm-pc		The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT.
	mod.computers.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware and software.
	mod.computers.pyramid		Pyramid 90x computers.
	mod.computers.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
	mod.computers.sequent		Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000).
	mod.computers.sun		Sun "workstation" computers.
	mod.computers.vax		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
	mod.computers.workstations	Various workstation-type computers.
mod.conferences		Calls for papers and conference announcements.
mod.comp-soc		Discussion on the impact of technology on society.
mod.graphics		Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc.
mod.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest.
mod.mac			Apple Macintosh micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.mac.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.mac.sources		Public domain software in source code format.
mod.mag.fidonet		FidoNew digest, official newsletter of FidoNet Assoc.
mod.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction and fantasy "magazine".
mod.map			Various maps, including UUCP maps.
mod.music		Reviews and discussion of things musical.
	mod.music.gaffa		Progressive music discussions (e.g., Kate Bush).
mod.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest to readers.
mod.newslists		Postings of news-related statistics and lists.
mod.os			Disussions about operating systems and related areas.
	mod.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
	mod.os.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs.
mod.philosophy		Discussion of philosphical issues and concepts.
	mod.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc.
mod.politics		Discussions on political problems, systems, solutions.
	mod.politics.arms-d		Arms discussion digest.
mod.protocols		Various forms and types of FTP protocol discussions.
	mod.protocols.appletalk		Applebus hardware & software discussion.
	mod.protocols.kermit		Information about the Kermit package.
	mod.protocols.tcp-ip		TCP and IP network protocols.
mod.psi			Discussion of paranormal abilities and experiences.
mod.rec			Discussions on pastimes (not currently active).
	mod.rec.guns		Discussions about firearms.
mod.recipes		Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff and text).
mod.religion		Top-level group with no moderator (as of yet).
	mod.religion.christian	Discussions on Christianity and related topics.
mod.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users.
mod.sources		postings of public-domain sources.
	mod.sources.doc		Archived public-domain documentation.
	mod.sources.games	Postings of public-domain game sources.
mod.std			Discussion about various standards.
	mod.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
	mod.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps.
	mod.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX.
mod.techreports		Announcements and lists of technical reports.
mod.telecom		Telecommunications digest.

comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.misc		General bug reports and fixes (includes V7 & uucp).
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.sys.amiga		Discussion about the Amiga micro.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.misc		Micro computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		Job announcements, requests, etc.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Reviews and discussions of movies.
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.
* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.EDU (03/16/87)

[Most recent change: 15 March 1987 by forys@boulder.colorado.edu]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
16 March 1987.  There are two basic subcategories of netwide 
newsgroups:  "world" and  "mod".  The "world" groups are divided into
seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc", "sci",
"comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized into
groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

"mod"	Groups held-over from when moderated groups had to have
	this prefix; an eventual goal is to include the current "mod"
	groups into the above seven categories sometime in 1987.

The "world" and "mod" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the
entire USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

"mod" groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to a mod group
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the "mod"
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
"mod" groups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.

Some of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with
ARPA Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to
the digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while
articles submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to
the mailing list.  Most such gatewayed groups are done as "mod"
groups.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission addresses
and moderators is given in a companion posting.

"net" groups are remnants of the old naming scheme and they will soon
be deleted or merged into the "world" group structure.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	*comp.mail.headers	header-people@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	*sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	*rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	net.sources		unix-sources@brl.arpa

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Please notify me of any errors or additions to the list below.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
net.sources		For the posting of software packages & documentation.
	net.sources.bugs	For bug fixes and features discussion
 				   pertaining to items in net.sources.
	net.sources.games	Postings of recreational software.
	net.sources.mac		Software for the Apple Macintosh.

mod.announce		General announcements of interest to all.
	mod.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users.
mod.ai			Discussions about Artificial Intelligence.
mod.amiga		Commodore Amiga micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.amiga.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.amiga.sources	Public domain software in source code format.
mod.compilers		Discussion about compiler construction, theory, etc.
mod.computers		Discussion about various computers and related.
	mod.computers.68k		68000-based systems.
	mod.computers.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
	mod.computers.masscomp		The Masscomp line of computers.
	mod.computers.ibm-pc		The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT.
	mod.computers.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware and software.
	mod.computers.pyramid		Pyramid 90x computers.
	mod.computers.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
	mod.computers.sequent		Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000).
	mod.computers.sun		Sun "workstation" computers.
	mod.computers.vax		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
	mod.computers.workstations	Various workstation-type computers.
mod.conferences		Calls for papers and conference announcements.
mod.comp-soc		Discussion on the impact of technology on society.
mod.graphics		Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc.
mod.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest.
mod.mac			Apple Macintosh micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.mac.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.mac.sources		Public domain software in source code format.
mod.mag.fidonet		FidoNew digest, official newsletter of FidoNet Assoc.
mod.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction and fantasy "magazine".
mod.map			Various maps, including UUCP maps.
mod.music		Reviews and discussion of things musical.
	mod.music.gaffa		Progressive music discussions (e.g., Kate Bush).
mod.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest to readers.
mod.newslists		Postings of news-related statistics and lists.
mod.os			Disussions about operating systems and related areas.
	mod.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
	mod.os.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs.
mod.philosophy		Discussion of philosphical issues and concepts.
	mod.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc.
mod.politics		Discussions on political problems, systems, solutions.
	mod.politics.arms-d		Arms discussion digest.
mod.protocols		Various forms and types of FTP protocol discussions.
	mod.protocols.appletalk		Applebus hardware & software discussion.
	mod.protocols.kermit		Information about the Kermit package.
	mod.protocols.tcp-ip		TCP and IP network protocols.
mod.psi			Discussion of paranormal abilities and experiences.
mod.rec			Discussions on pastimes (not currently active).
	mod.rec.guns		Discussions about firearms.
mod.recipes		Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff and text).
mod.religion		Top-level group with no moderator (as of yet).
	mod.religion.christian	Discussions on Christianity and related topics.
mod.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users.
mod.sources		postings of public-domain sources.
	mod.sources.doc		Archived public-domain documentation.
	mod.sources.games	Postings of public-domain game sources.
mod.std			Discussion about various standards.
	mod.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
	mod.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps.
	mod.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX.
mod.techreports		Announcements and lists of technical reports.
mod.telecom		Telecommunications digest.

comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.misc		General bug reports and fixes (includes V7 & uucp).
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.sys.amiga		Discussion about the Amiga micro.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.misc		Micro computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		Job announcements, requests, etc.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.
* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.UUCP (04/01/87)

[Most recent change: 31 March 1987 by forys@boulder.colorado.edu]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
1 April 1987.  There are two basic subcategories of netwide 
newsgroups:  "world" and  "mod".  The "world" groups are divided into
seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc", "sci",
"comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized into
groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

"mod"	Groups held-over from when moderated groups had to have
	this prefix; an eventual goal is to include the current "mod"
	groups into the above seven categories sometime in 1987.

The "world" and "mod" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the
entire USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

"mod" groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to a mod group
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the "mod"
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
"mod" groups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.

Some of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with
ARPA Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to
the digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while
articles submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to
the mailing list.  Most such gatewayed groups are done as "mod"
groups.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission addresses
and moderators is given in a companion posting.

"net" groups are remnants of the old naming scheme and they will soon
be deleted or merged into the "world" group structure.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	*sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	*rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	net.sources		unix-sources@brl.arpa

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Please notify me of any errors or additions to the list below.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
net.sources		For the posting of software packages & documentation.
	net.sources.bugs	For bug fixes and features discussion
 				   pertaining to items in net.sources.
	net.sources.games	Postings of recreational software.
	net.sources.mac		Software for the Apple Macintosh.

mod.announce		General announcements of interest to all.
	mod.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users.
mod.ai			Discussions about Artificial Intelligence.
mod.amiga		Commodore Amiga micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.amiga.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.amiga.sources	Public domain software in source code format.
mod.compilers		Discussion about compiler construction, theory, etc.
mod.computers		Discussion about various computers and related.
	mod.computers.68k		68000-based systems.
	mod.computers.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
	mod.computers.masscomp		The Masscomp line of computers.
	mod.computers.ibm-pc		The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT.
	mod.computers.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware and software.
	mod.computers.pyramid		Pyramid 90x computers.
	mod.computers.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS.
	mod.computers.sequent		Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000).
	mod.computers.sun		Sun "workstation" computers.
	mod.computers.vax		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
	mod.computers.workstations	Various workstation-type computers.
mod.conferences		Calls for papers and conference announcements.
mod.comp-soc		Discussion on the impact of technology on society.
mod.graphics		Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc.
mod.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest.
mod.mac			Apple Macintosh micros -- info, uses, but no programs.
	mod.mac.binaries	Encoded public domain programs in binary form.
	mod.mac.sources		Public domain software in source code format.
mod.mag.fidonet		FidoNew digest, official newsletter of FidoNet Assoc.
mod.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction and fantasy "magazine".
mod.map			Various maps, including UUCP maps.
mod.music		Reviews and discussion of things musical.
	mod.music.gaffa		Progressive music discussions (e.g., Kate Bush).
mod.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest to readers.
mod.newslists		Postings of news-related statistics and lists.
mod.os			Disussions about operating systems and related areas.
	mod.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
	mod.os.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs.
mod.philosophy		Discussion of philosphical issues and concepts.
	mod.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc.
mod.politics		Discussions on political problems, systems, solutions.
	mod.politics.arms-d		Arms discussion digest.
mod.protocols		Various forms and types of FTP protocol discussions.
	mod.protocols.appletalk		Applebus hardware & software discussion.
	mod.protocols.kermit		Information about the Kermit package.
	mod.protocols.tcp-ip		TCP and IP network protocols.
mod.psi			Discussion of paranormal abilities and experiences.
mod.rec			Discussions on pastimes (not currently active).
	mod.rec.guns		Discussions about firearms.
mod.recipes		Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff and text).
mod.religion		Top-level group with no moderator (as of yet).
	mod.religion.christian	Discussions on Christianity and related topics.
mod.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users.
mod.sources		postings of public-domain sources.
	mod.sources.doc		Archived public-domain documentation.
	mod.sources.games	Postings of public-domain game sources.
mod.std			Discussion about various standards.
	mod.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
	mod.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps.
	mod.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX.
mod.techreports		Announcements and lists of technical reports.
mod.telecom		Telecommunications digest.

comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.misc		General bug reports and fixes (includes V7 & uucp).
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX.
comp.sys.amiga		Discussion about the Amiga micro.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.misc		Micro computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		Job announcements, requests, etc.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.
* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.edu (05/03/87)

[Most recent change: 1 May 1987 by spaf@gatech.edu]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
3 May 1987.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	*sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	*rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General bug reports and fixes (includes V7 & uucp).
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system.  (Moderated)
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	For bug fixes and features discussion
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of public-domain sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		Job announcements, requests, etc.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

net.sources		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
net.sources.bugs	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
net.sources.games	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
net.sources.mac		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.announce		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.announce.newusers	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.ai			Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.amiga		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.compilers		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.computers		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.computers.68k	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.computers.apollo	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.computers.masscomp	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.computers.ibm-pc	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.computers.laser-printers		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.computers.pyramid	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.computers.ridge	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.computers.sun	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.computers.vax	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.computers.workstations	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.conferences		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.comp-soc		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.graphics		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.human-nets		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.mac			Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.mac.binaries	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.mac.sources		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.mag.fidonet		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.mag.otherrealms	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.map			Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.music		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.music.gaffa		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.newprod		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.newslists		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.os			Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.os.os9		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.os.unix		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.philosophy		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.philosophy.tech	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.politics		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.politics.arms-d	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.protocols		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.protocols.appletalk	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.protocols.kermit	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.protocols.tcp-ip	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.psi			Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.rec			Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.rec.guns		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.recipes		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.religion		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.religion.christian	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.risks		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.sources		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.sources.doc		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.sources.games	Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.std			Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.std.c		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.std.mumps		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.std.unix		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.techreports		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.
mod.telecom		Obsolete -- to be deleted in May 1987.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.edu (05/18/87)

[Most recent change: 16 May 1987 by gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
17 May 1987.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system.  (Moderated)
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of public-domain sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		(defunct -- soon to be removed)
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.edu (06/01/87)

[Most recent change: 16 May 1987 by gnu@hoptoad.uucp (John Gilmore)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
1 June 1987.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system.  (Moderated)
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of public-domain sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs		(defunct -- soon to be removed)
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.edu (06/18/87)

[Most recent change: 17 June 1987 by spaf@gatech.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
18 June 1987.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system.  (Moderated)
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of public-domain sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS -- treatment, consequences, etc. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

usenet@gatech.edu (07/01/87)

[Most recent change: 17 June 1987 by spaf@gatech.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
1 July 1987.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system.  (Moderated)
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of public-domain sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS -- treatment, consequences, etc. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

spaf@arthur.cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford) (09/15/87)

[Most recent change: 7 September 1987 by spaf@purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
15 September 1987.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ada20.isi.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celtics (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!pu   	e sra,

spaf@arthur.cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford) (10/01/87)

[Most recent change: 30 September 1987 by spaf@purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
1 October 1987.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@arthur.cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford) (10/16/87)

[Most recent change: 13 October 1987 by spaf@purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
16 October 1987.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer 	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV show and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@arthur.cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford) (11/03/87)

[Most recent change: 31 October 1987 by spaf@purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
2 November 1987.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B news software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@uther.cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford) (11/16/87)

[Most recent change: 16 November 1987 by spaf@purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.railroad		railroad@rochester.arpa
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		The funnies, old and new.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (12/02/87)

[Most recent change: 29 November 1987 by spaf@purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
2 December 1987.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (12/17/87)

[Most recent change: 12 December 1987 by spaf@purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
16 December 1987.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (01/02/88)

[Most recent change: 28 December 1987 by spaf@purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
1 January 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (esp. Balance 8000). (Moderated)
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.recipes	Recipes from the USENET Cookbook (troff & text). (Moderated)
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (01/16/88)

[Most recent change: 11 January 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
16 January 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ai.ai.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (02/04/88)

[Most recent change: 21 January 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
3 February 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lsc.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.humor.spc		The Stupid People's Court! (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (03/02/88)

[Most recent change: 29 February 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
1 March 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.hypercube		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (03/17/88)

[Most recent change: 11 March 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
17 March 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards. (Moderated)
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, shapes, and sizes.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (04/04/88)

[Most recent change: 2 April 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
3 April 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
sites (Eunet) take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@red.rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Computer typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (05/09/88)

[Most recent change: 28 April 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
8 May 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@cc5.bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.hypercard	Binary-only postings of Macintosh HyperCard stacks. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News and discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system. (Moderated)
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (05/17/88)

[Most recent change: 15 May 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
17 May 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@su-score.arpa
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@su-score.arpa
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mit-mc.arpa
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@mit-xx.arpa
	sci.physics		physics@sri-unix.arpa
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.hypercard	Binary-only postings of Macintosh HyperCard stacks. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News and discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (06/01/88)

[Most recent change: 31 May 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
1 June 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.hypercard	Binary-only postings of Macintosh HyperCard stacks. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News and discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel systems: hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		The CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, Sperry 7000 computer series.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Topics related to Information Retrieval. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not necessarily computer related. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.stargate		Discussion about satellite transmission of news.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal competitions involving autos.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Group for discussion about Jewish culture & religion.
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (07/27/88)

[Most recent change: 26 July 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
26 July 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-modula-2@cs.rochester.edu
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.hypercard	Binary-only Macintosh HyperCard stacks. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.psi		Paranormal abilities and experiences. (Moderated)
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (08/18/88)

[Most recent change: 7 August 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
17 August 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.hypercard	Binary-only Macintosh HyperCard stacks. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (09/12/88)

[Most recent change: 7 August 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
11 September 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.hypercard	Binary-only Macintosh HyperCard stacks. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (10/11/88)

[Most recent change: 11 September 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
10 October 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.hypercard	Binary-only Macintosh HyperCard stacks. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System prototcol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (11/13/88)

[Most recent change: 12 November 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
12 November 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	*comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	comp.sys.xerox		info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.next		Discussion about the new NeXT computer.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.ms		Window systems under MS/DOS.

comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd		Music on Compact Discs.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (12/04/88)

[Most recent change: 3 December 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
3 December 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@amsaa.arpa
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	*comp.sys.misc		info-micro@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	comp.sys.xerox		info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.archives		Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.sigplan	Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.next		Discussion about the new NeXT computer.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.ms		Window systems under MS/DOS.

comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd		CDs -- availability and other discussions.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (12/31/88)

[Most recent change: 30 December 1988 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
30 December 1988.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.dcom.modems	info-modems@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.misc		info-micro@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	comp.sys.xerox		info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
	>comp.text		texhax@cs.washington.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
        rec.ham-radio           info-hams@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
        rec.ham-radio.packet    packet-radio@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.video               videotech@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.archives		Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.eiffel	The object-oriented Eiffel language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.sigplan	Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.ieee		Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Disucussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.next		Discussion about the new NeXT computer.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technolgy & techniques of desktop publishing. (Moderated)
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.ms		Window systems under MS/DOS.

comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.misc		Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd		CDs -- availability and other discussions.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.military		Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Women's rights, discrimination, etc.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (01/30/89)

[Most recent change: 29 January 1989 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
30 January 1989.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.dcom.modems	info-modems@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
   	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
 	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
        comp.protocols.nfs      nfs@tmc.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.misc		info-micro@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	comp.sys.xerox		info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
	>comp.text		texhax@cs.washington.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@athena.mit.edu
        rec.ham-radio           info-hams@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
        rec.ham-radio.packet    packet-radio@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.video               videotech@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.archives		Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.eiffel	The object-oriented Eiffel language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.sigplan	Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.ieee		Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Discussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.next		Discussion about the new NeXT computer.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.ms		Window systems under MS/DOS.

comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.misc		Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.backcountry		Activities in the Great Outdoors.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd		CDs -- availability and other discussions.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.dementia	Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.environment		Discussions about the environment and ecology.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.military		Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (03/07/89)

[Most recent change: 6 March 1989 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
6 March 1989.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.dcom.modems	info-modems@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
   	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
 	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
        comp.protocols.nfs      nfs@tmc.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.misc		info-micro@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	comp.sys.xerox		info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
	>comp.text		texhax@cs.washington.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.ham-radio           info-hams@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
        rec.ham-radio.packet    packet-radio@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.video               videotech@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.archives		Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.eiffel	The object-oriented Eiffel language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.sigplan	Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.ieee		Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Discussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.next		Discussion about the new NeXT computer.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.i386		Versions of Unix running on Intel 80386-based boxes.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix. (Moderated)
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.ms		Window systems under MS/DOS.

comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.misc		Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.backcountry		Activities in the Great Outdoors.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd		CDs -- availability and other discussions.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.dementia	Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.environment		Discussions about the environment and ecology.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.military		Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.couples		Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles).
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.culture.turkish	Discussion about things Turkish.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (04/09/89)

[Most recent change: 9 April 1989 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)>]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
8 April 1989.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.dcom.modems	info-modems@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
   	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
 	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.protocols.kerberos	kerberos@athena.mit.edu
        comp.protocols.nfs      nfs@tmc.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.misc		info-micro@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.sys.sun		sun-spots@rice.edu
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	comp.sys.xerox		info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
	>comp.text		texhax@cs.washington.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.ham-radio           info-hams@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
        rec.ham-radio.packet    packet-radio@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.video               videotech@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.shells		Artificial intelligence applied to shells. (Moderated)
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.archives		Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.eiffel	The object-oriented Eiffel language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.sigplan	Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.ieee		Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kerberos	The Kerberos authentification server.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.sun	Software for Sun workstations. (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Discussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.next		Discussion about the new NeXT computer.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.i386		Versions of Unix running on Intel 80386-based boxes.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.ms		Window systems under MS/DOS.

comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.misc		Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.backcountry		Activities in the Great Outdoors.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.ham-radio.swap	Offers to trade and swap radio equipment.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd		CDs -- availability and other discussions.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.dementia	Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.chem		Chemistry and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.edu			Science education.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.environment		Discussions about the environment and ecology.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.military		Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.couples		Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles).
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.culture.turkish	Discussion about things Turkish.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.guns	The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (05/15/89)

[Most recent change: 14 May 1989 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)>]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
14 May 1989.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.dcom.modems	info-modems@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
   	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
 	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.protocols.kerberos	kerberos@athena.mit.edu
        comp.protocols.nfs      nfs@tmc.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.misc		info-micro@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.sys.sun		sun-spots@rice.edu
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	comp.sys.xerox		info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
	>comp.text		texhax@cs.washington.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.ham-radio           info-hams@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
        rec.ham-radio.packet    packet-radio@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.video               videotech@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.shells		Artificial intelligence applied to shells. (Moderated)
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.archives		Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.eiffel	The object-oriented Eiffel language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.sigplan	Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.mush		The Mail User's Shell (MUSH).
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.ieee		Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kerberos	The Kerberos authentification server.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.realtime		Issues related to real-time computing.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.sun	Software for Sun workstations. (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sw.components	Software components and related technology.
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Discussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.isis		The ISIS distributed system from Cornell.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.next		Discussion about the new NeXT computer.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.i386		Versions of Unix running on Intel 80386-based boxes.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.ms		Window systems under MS/DOS.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.virus		Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.misc		Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.backcountry		Activities in the Great Outdoors.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.ham-radio.swap	Offers to trade and swap radio equipment.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd		CDs -- availability and other discussions.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.dementia	Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.chem		Chemistry and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.edu			Science education.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.environment		Discussions about the environment and ecology.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.military		Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.couples		Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles).
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.asian.american	Issues & discussion by Asian-americans.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.culture.turkish	Discussion about things Turkish.
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.guns	The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (06/20/89)

[Most recent change: 19 June 1989 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
19 June 1989.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.dcom.modems	info-modems@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
   	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
 	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.protocols.kerberos	kerberos@athena.mit.edu
        comp.protocols.nfs      nfs@tmc.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.misc		info-micro@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.sys.sun		sun-spots@rice.edu
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	comp.sys.xerox		info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
	>comp.text		texhax@cs.washington.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.ham-radio           info-hams@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
        rec.ham-radio.packet    packet-radio@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.video               videotech@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.shells		Artificial intelligence applied to shells. (Moderated)
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.archives		Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.eiffel	The object-oriented Eiffel language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.sigplan	Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.mush		The Mail User's Shell (MUSH).
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.ieee		Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kerberos	The Kerberos authentification server.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.realtime		Issues related to real-time computing.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.sun	Software for Sun workstations. (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sw.components	Software components and related technology.
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Discussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.isis		The ISIS distributed system from Cornell.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.next		Discussion about the new NeXT computer.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.i386		Versions of Unix running on Intel 80386-based boxes.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.ms		Window systems under MS/DOS.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NewS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.virus		Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.misc		Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.backcountry		Activities in the Great Outdoors.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.ham-radio.swap	Offers to trade and swap radio equipment.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd		CDs -- availability and other discussions.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.dementia	Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.newage	"New Age" music discussions.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in snow skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.chem		Chemistry and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.edu			Science education.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.environment		Discussions about the environment and ecology.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.med.physics		Issues of physics in medical testing/care.
sci.military		Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.physics.fusion	Info on fusion, esp. "cold" fusion.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.couples		Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles).
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.asian.american	Issues & discussion about Asian-Americans.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.culture.turkish	Discussion about things Turkish.
soc.feminism		Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. (Moderated)
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.guns	The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (07/22/89)

[Most recent change: 21 Jul 1989 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
21 July 1989.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.dcom.modems	info-modems@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
   	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
 	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.protocols.kerberos	kerberos@athena.mit.edu
        comp.protocols.nfs      nfs@tmc.edu
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.misc		info-micro@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.sys.sun		sun-spots@rice.edu
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	comp.sys.xerox		info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
	>comp.text		texhax@cs.washington.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.ham-radio           info-hams@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
        rec.ham-radio.packet    packet-radio@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.video               videotech@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
	*rec.ham-radio		info-hams@simtel20.arpa
	rec.ham-radio.packet	packet-radio@eddie.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	*rec.video		videotech@simtel20.arpa
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.shells		Artificial intelligence applied to shells. (Moderated)
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.archives		Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.eiffel	The object-oriented Eiffel language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.sigplan	Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.mush		The Mail User's Shell (MUSH).
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.ieee		Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kerberos	The Kerberos authentification server.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.realtime		Issues related to real-time computing.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.sun	Software for Sun workstations. (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sw.components	Software components and related technology.
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Discussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.isis		The ISIS distributed system from Cornell.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mips		Systems based on MIPS chips.
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.next		Discussion about the new NeXT computer.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.i386		Versions of Unix running on Intel 80386-based boxes.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.ms		Window systems under MS/DOS.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NeWS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.virus		Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.software.anu	VMS B-news software from Australian National Univ.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.misc		Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.tv.uk		Discussions of telly shows from the UK.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.backcountry		Activities in the Great Outdoors.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.ham-radio.swap	Offers to trade and swap radio equipment.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd		CDs -- availability and other discussions.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.dementia	Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.newage	"New Age" music discussions.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in snow skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.chem		Chemistry and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.edu			Science education.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.energy		Discussions about energy, science & technology.
sci.environment		Discussions about the environment and ecology.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.med.physics		Issues of physics in medical testing/care.
sci.military		Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.physics.fusion	Info on fusion, esp. "cold" fusion.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.couples		Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles).
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.asian.american	Issues & discussion about Asian-Americans.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.culture.nordic	Discussion about culture up north.
soc.culture.turkish	Discussion about things Turkish.
soc.feminism		Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. (Moderated)
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.guns	The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.rape		Discussions on stopping rape; not to be crossposted.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (09/04/89)

[Most recent change: 2  Sep 1989 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
3 September 1989.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.dcom.modems	info-modems@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
   	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
 	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.protocols.kerberos	kerberos@athena.mit.edu
        comp.protocols.nfs      nfs@tmc.edu
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.misc		info-micro@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.sys.sun		sun-spots@rice.edu
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	comp.sys.xerox		info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	>comp.text		texhax@cs.washington.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
        rec.ham-radio           info-hams@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
        rec.ham-radio.packet    packet-radio@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.video               videotech@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.shells		Artificial intelligence applied to shells. (Moderated)
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.archives		Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.eiffel	The object-oriented Eiffel language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.sigplan	Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.mush		The Mail User's Shell (MUSH).
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.ieee		Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.mach		The MACH OS from CMU & other places.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kerberos	The Kerberos authentification server.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.realtime		Issues related to real-time computing.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.sun	Software for Sun workstations. (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sw.components	Software components and related technology.
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Discussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.isis		The ISIS distributed system from Cornell.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mips		Systems based on MIPS chips.
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.next		Discussion about the new NeXT computer.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.i386		Versions of Unix running on Intel 80386-based boxes.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.ms		Window systems under MS/DOS.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NeWS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.virus		Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.emerg-services	Forum for paramedics & other first responders.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.headlines.unitex	International news from the UN & related. (Moderated)
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newgroups	Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.newusers.questions	Q & A for users new to the Usenet.
news.software.anu	VMS B-news software from Australian National Univ.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.misc		Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.tv.uk		Discussions of telly shows from the UK.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.backcountry		Activities in the Great Outdoors.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.ham-radio.swap	Offers to trade and swap radio equipment.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd		CDs -- availability and other discussions.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.dementia	Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
rec.music.dylan		Discussion of Bob's works & music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.newage	"New Age" music discussions.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in snow skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.aeronautics		The science of aeronautics & related technology.
sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.chem		Chemistry and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.edu			Science education.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.energy		Discussions about energy, science & technology.
sci.environment		Discussions about the environment and ecology.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.med.physics		Issues of physics in medical testing/care.
sci.military		Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.physics.fusion	Info on fusion, esp. "cold" fusion.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.skeptic		Skeptics discussing psuedo-science.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.couples		Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles).
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.asian.american	Issues & discussion about Asian-Americans.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.hongkong	Discussions pertaining to Hong Kong.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.culture.nordic	Discussion about culture up north.
soc.culture.taiwan	Discussion about things Taiwanese.
soc.culture.turkish	Discussion about things Turkish.
soc.feminism		Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. (Moderated)
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.rights.human	Human rights & activism (e.g., Amnesty International).
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.guns	The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.rape		Discussions on stopping rape; not to be crossposted.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf

spaf@cs.purdue.EDU (Gene Spafford) (10/17/89)

[Most recent change: 16 Oct 1989 by spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford)]

The following is a list of currently active USENET newsgroups as of
17 October 1989.  The groups distributed worldwide are divided 
into seven broad classifications:  "news", "soc", "talk", "misc",
"sci", "comp" and "rec".  Each of these classifications is organized
into groups and subgroups according to topic.

"comp"  Topics of interest to both computer professionals and
	hobbyists, including topics in computer science, software
	source, and information on hardware and software systems.

"sci"   Discussions intended as technical in nature and relating
	to the established sciences.

"misc"  Groups addressing themes not easily classified under any of the
	other headings or which incorporate themes from multiple

"soc"	Groups primarily addressing social issues and socializing.

"talk"	Groups largely debate-oriented and tending to feature long
	discussions without resolution and without appreciable amounts
	of generally useful information.

"news"	Groups concerned with the news network and software themselves.

"rec"	Groups oriented towards hobbies and recreational activities.

These "world" newsgroups are (usually) circulated around the entire
USENET -- this implies world-wide distribution.  Not all groups
actually enjoy such wide distribution, however.  The European Usenet
and Eunet sites take only a selected subset of the more "technical"
groups, and controversial "noise" groups are often not carried by many
sites in the US and Canada (these groups are primarily under the "talk"
and "soc" classifications).  Many sites do not carry some or all of
the comp.binaries groups.

There are groups in other subcategories, but they are local: to
institutions, to geographic regions, etc. and they are not listed
here.  Note that these distribution categories can be used to restrict
the propagation of news articles.  Currently, distributions include:
	world		worldwide distribution (default)
	att		limited to AT&T
	can		limited to Canada
	eunet		limited to European sites
	na		limited to North America
	usa		limited to the United States
There may be other regional and local distribution categories available
at your site.  Most US states have distribution categories named after
the two letter abbreviation for that state or category (e.g., "ga" for
Georgia, "nj" for New Jersey). Please use an appropriate distribution
category if your article is not likely to be of interest to USENET
readers worldwide.

Some groups are moderated or are monitored mailing lists.  They can
only be posted to by mailing submissions to the coordinator (provided
in a companion posting).  Some selected sites provide automatic
remailing in support of 2.11 news -- posting to one of these groups
automatically mails the article for the poster. Some of the moderated
groups are gatewayed to USENET from the ARPA Internet and appear as
newsgroups to facilitate distribution and posting from the Usenet.
Other of the "world" groups are bidirectionally gatewayed with ARPA
Internet mailing lists; items submitted from the ARPA side to the
digest are split up and submitted to the USENET group, while articles
submitted on the USENET side are bundled up and submitted to the
mailing list.  A complete list of moderated newsgroups, submission
addresses and moderators is given in a companion posting.

The following "world" groups have been gatewayed with the listed
Arpa Internet lists.  Some of them may not still be gatewayed due to
broken software and/or gateways; such groups are marked with an
asterisk ("*") in the list below.  Please contact me if you should know
of their current status.  Also note that the group "comp.lang.forth" is
gatewayed with the Bitnet discussion list "umforth@weizmann.bitnet", and
rec.railroad is run from "railroad@queens.bitnet".
Some of these lists are gated one-way into Usenet groups; those groups
have been marked with a ">" symbol in the list below.

If you are reading this article from a site not on the Usenet, you may
subscribe to Arpa Internet lists by writing to the request address.
You form such an address by putting "-request" before the "@" symbol,
as in "unix-emacs-request@bbn.com".  This gets your message directly to
the list maintainer instead of broadcasting it to all the readers of
the list.

Also note that moderators of Usenet groups may not be in charge of the
corresponding mailing list or gateway.  For example, the moderator of
comp.sources.unix does not have anything to do with the unix-sources
mailing list; matters concerning the mailing list should be addressed
to unix-sources-request@brl.arpa

	Usenet Group		Arpa Internet list
	------------		----------------
	comp.dcom.modems	info-modems@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.emacs		unix-emacs@bbn.com
   	>comp.emacs		info-gnu-emacs@prep.ai.mit.edu
	*comp.lang.ada		info-ada@ajpo.sei.cmu.edu
	comp.lang.c		info-c@brl.arpa
 	>comp.lang.c++		info-g++@prep.ai.mit.edu
	comp.lang.modula2	info-m2@ucf1vm.bitnet
	*comp.lang.pascal	info-pascal@brl.arpa
	*comp.lang.prolog	prolog@score.stanford.edu
	comp.os.cpm		info-cpm@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.os.minix		info-minix@udel.edu
	comp.protocols.kerberos	kerberos@athena.mit.edu
        comp.protocols.nfs      nfs@tmc.edu
	comp.sources.misc	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sources.unix	unix-sources@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.apple		info-apple@brl.arpa
	comp.sys.atari.8bit	info-atari8@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.atari.st	info-atari16@score.stanford.edu
	comp.sys.misc		info-micro@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	comp.sys.sun		sun-spots@rice.edu
	comp.sys.tahoe		info-tahoe@csd1.milw.wisc.edu
	comp.sys.xerox		info-1100@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu
	*comp.terminals		info-terms@mc.lcs.mit.edu
	>comp.text		texhax@cs.washington.edu
	comp.unix.questions	info-unix@brl.arpa
	comp.unix.wizards	unix-wizards@brl.arpa
	comp.windows.x		xpert@expo.lcs.mit.edu
	rec.arts.sf-lovers	sf-lovers@rutgers.edu
	rec.equestrian		horse@bbn.com
        rec.ham-radio           info-hams@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
        rec.ham-radio.packet    packet-radio@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	rec.music.gdead		dead-flames@ms.lcs.mit.edu
        rec.video               videotech@wsmr-simtel20.army.mil
	*sci.astro		sky-fans@xx.lcs.mit.edu
	sci.physics		physics@unix.sri.com
	*sci.space		space@angband.s1.gov
	*talk.origins		evolution@kestrel.arpa

Please notify me of any errors or changes to this article.

Gene Spafford
Newsgroup		Description
comp.ai			Artificial intelligence discussions.
comp.ai.shells		Artificial intelligence applied to shells. (Moderated)
comp.ai.digest		Artificial Intelligence discussions. (Moderated)
comp.ai.neural-nets	All aspects of neural networks.
comp.ai.nlang-know-rep	Natural Language and Knowledge Representation. (Moderated)
comp.arch		Computer architecture.
comp.archives		Descriptions of public access archives. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.amiga	Encoded public domain programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.apple2	Binary-only postings for the Apple II computer.
comp.binaries.atari.st	Binary-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc	Binary-only postings for IBM PC/MS-DOS. (Moderated)
comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d	Discussions about IBM/PC binary postings.
comp.binaries.mac	Encoded Macintosh programs in binary. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.2bsd		Reports of UNIX* version 2BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd		Reports of UNIX version 4BSD related bugs.
comp.bugs.4bsd.ucb-fixes	Bug reports/fixes for BSD Unix. (Moderated)
comp.bugs.misc		General UNIX bug reports and fixes (incl V7, uucp)
comp.bugs.sys5		Reports of USG (System III, V, etc.) bugs.
comp.cog-eng		Cognitive engineering.
comp.compilers		Compiler construction, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.databases		Database and data management issues and theory.
comp.dcom.lans		Local area network hardware and software.
comp.dcom.modems	Data communications hardware and software.
comp.dcom.telecom	Telecommunications digest. (Moderated)
comp.doc		Archived public-domain documentation. (Moderated)
comp.doc.techreports	Lists of technical reports. (Moderated)
comp.dsp		Digital Signal Processing using computers.
comp.edu		Computer science education.
comp.emacs		EMACS editors of different flavors.
comp.fonts		Typefonts -- design, conversion, use, etc.
comp.graphics		Computer graphics, art, animation, image processing.
comp.graphics.digest	Graphics software, hardware, theory, etc. (Moderated)
comp.ivideodisc		Interactive videodiscs -- uses, potential, etc.
comp.lang.ada		Discussion about Ada*.
comp.lang.apl		Discussion about APL.
comp.lang.c		Discussion about C.
comp.lang.c++		The object-oriented C++ language.
comp.lang.eiffel	The object-oriented Eiffel language.
comp.lang.forth		Discussion about Forth.
comp.lang.fortran	Discussion about FORTRAN.
comp.lang.lisp		Discussion about LISP.
comp.lang.misc		Different computer languages not specifically listed.
comp.lang.modula2	Discussion about Modula-2.
comp.lang.pascal	Discussion about Pascal.
comp.lang.postscript	The PostScript Page Description Language.
comp.lang.prolog	Discussion about PROLOG.
comp.lang.scheme	The Scheme Programming language.
comp.lang.sigplan	Info & announcements from ACM SIGPLAN. (Moderated)
comp.lang.smalltalk	Discussion about Smalltalk 80.
comp.laser-printers	Laser printers, hardware & software. (Moderated)
comp.lsi		Large scale integrated circuits.
comp.mail.elm		Discussion and fixes for ELM mail system. 
comp.mail.headers	Gatewayed from the ARPA header-people list.
comp.mail.maps		Various maps, including UUCP maps. (Moderated)
comp.mail.mh		The UCI version of the Rand Message Handling system.
comp.mail.misc		General discussions about computer mail.
comp.mail.mush		The Mail User's Shell (MUSH).
comp.mail.sendmail	Configuring and using the BSD sendmail agent.
comp.mail.uucp		Mail in the uucp network environment.
comp.misc		General topics about computers not covered elsewhere.
comp.newprod		Announcements of new products of interest. (Moderated)
comp.object		Object-oriented programming and languages.
comp.org.decus		DEC* Users' Society newsgroup.
comp.org.fidonet	FidoNews digest, official news of FidoNet Assoc. (Moderated)
comp.org.ieee		Issues and announcements about the IEEE & its members.
comp.org.usenix		USENIX Association events and announcements.
comp.org.usrgroup	News/discussion about/from the /usr/group organization.
comp.os.cpm		Discussion about the CP/M operating system.
comp.os.eunice		The SRI Eunice system.
comp.os.mach		The MACH OS from CMU & other places.
comp.os.minix		Discussion of Tanenbaum's MINIX system.
comp.os.misc		General OS-oriented discussion not carried elsewhere.
comp.os.os9		Discussions about the os9 operating system.
comp.os.research	Operating systems and related areas. (Moderated)
comp.os.vms		DEC's VAX* line of computers & VMS.
comp.os.xinu		The XINU operating system from Purdue (D. Comer).
comp.parallel		Massively parallel hardware/software. (Moderated)
comp.periphs		Peripheral devices.
comp.protocols.appletalk	Applebus hardware & software.
comp.protocols.ibm	Networking with IBM mainframes.
comp.protocols.iso	The ISO protocol stack.
comp.protocols.kerberos	The Kerberos authentification server.
comp.protocols.kermit	Info about the Kermit package. (Moderated)
comp.protocols.misc	Various forms and types of FTP protocol.
comp.protocols.nfs	Discussion about the Network File System protocol.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip	TCP and IP network protocols.
comp.protocols.tcp-ip.ibmpc	TCP/IP for IBM(-like) personal computers.
comp.realtime		Issues related to real-time computing.
comp.risks		Risks to the public from computers & users. (Moderated)
comp.simulation		Simulation methods, problems, uses. (Moderated)
comp.society		The impact of technology on society. (Moderated)
comp.society.futures	Events in technology affecting future computing.
comp.society.women	Women's roles and problems in computing (Moderated)
comp.software-eng	Software Engineering and related topics.
comp.sources.amiga	Source code-only postings for the Amiga. (Moderated)
comp.sources.atari.st	Source code-only postings for the Atari ST. (Moderated)
comp.sources.bugs	Bug reports, fixes, discussion for posted sources
comp.sources.d		For any discussion of source postings.
comp.sources.games	Postings of recreational software. (Moderated)
comp.sources.games.bugs	Bug reports and fixes for posted game software.
comp.sources.mac	Software for the Apple Macintosh. (Moderated)
comp.sources.misc	Posting of software . (Moderated)
comp.sources.sun	Software for Sun workstations. (Moderated)
comp.sources.unix	Postings of complete, UNIX-oriented sources. (Moderated)
comp.sources.wanted	Requests for software and fixes.
comp.sources.x		Software for the X windows system. (Moderated)
comp.std.c		Discussion about C language standards.
comp.std.internat	Discussion about international standards.
comp.std.misc		Discussion about various standards.
comp.std.mumps		Discussion for the X11.1 committee on Mumps. (Moderated)
comp.std.unix		Discussion for the P1003 committee on UNIX. (Moderated)
comp.sw.components	Software components and related technology.
comp.sys.amiga		Commodore Amiga: info&uses, but no programs.
comp.sys.amiga.tech	Technical discussion about the Amiga.
comp.sys.apollo		Apollo computer systems.
comp.sys.apple		Discussion about Apple micros.
comp.sys.atari.8bit	Discussion about 8 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.atari.st	Discussion about 16 bit Atari micros.
comp.sys.att		Discussions about AT&T microcomputers.
comp.sys.cbm		Discussion about Commodore micros.
comp.sys.celerity	Celerity Computers
comp.sys.dec		Discussions about DEC computer systems.
comp.sys.dec.micro	DEC Micros (Rainbow, Professional 350/380)
comp.sys.encore		Encore's MultiMax computers.
comp.sys.hp		Discussion about Hewlett-Packard equipment.
comp.sys.ibm.pc		Discussion about IBM personal computers.
comp.sys.ibm.pc.digest	The IBM PC, PC-XT, and PC-AT. (Moderated)
comp.sys.ibm.pc.rt	Topics related to IBM's RT computer.
comp.sys.intel		Discussions about Intel systems and parts.
comp.sys.isis		The ISIS distributed system from Cornell.
comp.sys.m6809		Discussion about 6809's.
comp.sys.m68k		Discussion about 68k's.
comp.sys.m68k.pc	Discussion about 68k-based PCs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac		Discussions about the Apple Macintosh & Lisa.
comp.sys.mac.digest	Apple Macintosh: info&uses, but no programs. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mac.hardware	Macintosh hardware issues & discussions.
comp.sys.mac.hypercard	The Macintosh Hypercard: info & uses.
comp.sys.mac.programmer	Discussion by people programming the Apple Macintosh.
comp.sys.masscomp	The Masscomp line of computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.mips		Systems based on MIPS chips.
comp.sys.misc		Discussion about computers of all kinds.
comp.sys.next		Discussion about the new NeXT computer.
comp.sys.nsc.32k	National Semiconductor 32000 series chips.
comp.sys.proteon	Proteon gateway products.
comp.sys.pyramid	Pyramid 90x computers.
comp.sys.ridge		Ridge 32 computers and ROS. 
comp.sys.sequent	Sequent systems, (Balance and Symmetry).
comp.sys.sgi		Silicon Graphics's Iris workstations and software.
comp.sys.sun		Sun "workstation" computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.tahoe		CCI 6/32, Harris HCX/7, & Sperry 7000 computers.
comp.sys.tandy		Discussion about TRS-80's.
comp.sys.ti		Discussion about Texas Instruments.
comp.sys.transputer	The Transputer computer and OCCAM language.
comp.sys.workstations	Various workstation-type computers. (Moderated)
comp.sys.xerox		Xerox 1100 workstations and protocols.
comp.sys.zenith.z100	The Zenith Z-100 (Heath H-100) family of computers.
comp.terminals		All sorts of terminals.
comp.text		Text processing issues and methods.
comp.text.desktop	Technology & techniques of desktop publishing.
comp.theory.info-retrieval	Information Retrieval topics. (Moderated)
comp.unix		Discussion of UNIX* features and bugs. (Moderated)
comp.unix.aix		IBM's version of UNIX.
comp.unix.aux		The version of UNIX for Apple Macintosh II computers.
comp.unix.i386		Versions of Unix running on Intel 80386-based boxes.
comp.unix.microport	Discussion of Microport's UNIX.
comp.unix.questions	UNIX neophytes group.
comp.unix.ultrix	Discussions about DEC's Ultrix.
comp.unix.wizards	Discussions, bug reports, and fixes on and for UNIX.
comp.unix.xenix		Discussion about the Xenix OS.
comp.windows.misc	Various issues about windowing systems.
comp.windows.ms		Window systems under MS/DOS.
comp.windows.news	Sun Microsystems' NeWS window system.
comp.windows.x		Discussion about the X Window System.
comp.virus		Computer viruses & security. (Moderated)

misc.consumers		Consumer interests, product reviews, etc.
misc.consumers.house	Discussion about owning and maintaining a house.
misc.emerg-services	Forum for paramedics & other first responders.
misc.forsale		Short, tasteful postings about items for sale.
misc.handicap		Items of interest for/about the handicapped. (Moderated)
misc.headlines		Current interest: drug testing, terrorism, etc.
misc.headlines.unitex	International news from the UN & related. (Moderated)
misc.invest		Investments and the handling of money.
misc.jobs.misc		Discussion about employment, workplaces, careers.
misc.jobs.offered	Announcements of positions available.
misc.jobs.resumes	Postings of resumes and "situation wanted" articles.
misc.kids		Children, their behavior and activities.
misc.legal		Legalities and the ethics of law.
misc.misc		Various discussions not fitting in any other group.
misc.rural		Devoted to issues concerning rural living.
misc.security		Security in general, not just computers. (Moderated)
misc.taxes		Tax laws and advice.
misc.test		For testing of network software.  Very boring.
misc.wanted		Requests for things that are needed (NOT software).

news.admin		Comments directed to news administrators.
news.announce.conferences	Calls for papers and conference announcements. (Moderated)
news.announce.important	General announcements of interest to all. (Moderated)
news.announce.newgroups	Calls for newgroups & announcements of same. (Moderated)
news.announce.newusers	Explanatory postings for new users. (Moderated)
news.config		Postings of system down times and interruptions.
news.groups		Discussions and lists of newsgroups.
news.lists		News-related statistics and lists. (Moderated)
news.misc		Discussions of USENET itself.
news.newsites		Postings of new site announcements.
news.newusers.questions	Q & A for users new to the Usenet.
news.software.anu-news	VMS B-news software from Australian National Univ.
news.software.b		Discussion about B-news-compatible software.
news.software.notes	Notesfile software from the Univ. of Illinois.
news.sysadmin		Comments directed to system administrators.

rec.arts.anime		Japanese animation fen discussion.
rec.arts.books		Books of all genres, and the publishing industry.
rec.arts.comics		Comic books and strips, graphic novels, sequential art.
rec.arts.drwho		Discussion about Dr. Who.
rec.arts.int-fiction	Discussions about interactive fiction.
rec.arts.misc		Discussions about the arts not in other groups.
rec.arts.movies		Discussions of movies and movie making.
rec.arts.movies.reviews	Reviews of movies. (Moderated)
rec.arts.poems		For the posting of poems.
rec.arts.sf-lovers	Science fiction lovers' newsgroup.
rec.arts.startrek	Star Trek, the TV shows and the movies.
rec.arts.tv		The boob tube, its history, and past and current shows.
rec.arts.tv.soaps	Postings about soap operas.
rec.arts.tv.uk		Discussions of telly shows from the UK.
rec.arts.wobegon	"A Prairie Home Companion" radio show discussion.
rec.audio		High fidelity audio.
rec.autos		Automobiles, automotive products and laws.
rec.autos.sport		Discussion of organized, legal auto competitions.
rec.autos.tech		Technical aspects of automobiles, et. al.
rec.aviation		Aviation rules, means, and methods.
rec.backcountry		Activities in the Great Outdoors.
rec.bicycles		Bicycles, related products and laws.
rec.birds		Hobbyists interested in bird watching.
rec.boats		Hobbyists interested in boating.
rec.equestrian		Discussion of things equestrian.
rec.folk-dancing	Folk dances, dancers, and dancing.
rec.food.cooking	Food, cooking, cookbooks, and recipes.
rec.food.drink		Wines and spirits.
rec.food.veg		Vegetarians.
rec.gambling		Articles on games of chance & betting.
rec.games.board		Discussion and hints on board games.
rec.games.bridge	Hobbyists interested in bridge.
rec.games.chess		Chess & computer chess.
rec.games.empire	Discussion and hints about Empire.
rec.games.frp		Discussion about Fantasy Role Playing games.
rec.games.go		Discussion about Go.
rec.games.hack		Discussion, hints, etc. about the Hack game.
rec.games.misc		Games and computer games.
rec.games.moria		Comments, hints, and info about the Moria game.
rec.games.pbm		Discussion about Play by Mail games.
rec.games.programmer	Discussion of adventure game programming.
rec.games.rogue		Discussion and hints about Rogue.
rec.games.trivia	Discussion about trivia.
rec.games.video		Discussion about video games.
rec.gardens		Gardening, methods and results.
rec.guns		Discussions about firearms. (Moderated)
rec.ham-radio		Amateur Radio practices, contests, events, rules, etc.
rec.ham-radio.packet	Discussion about packet radio setups.
rec.ham-radio.swap	Offers to trade and swap radio equipment.
rec.humor		Jokes and the like.  May be somewhat offensive.
rec.humor.d		Discussions on the content of rec.humor articles.
rec.humor.funny		Jokes that are funny (in the moderator's opinion).  (Moderated)
rec.mag			Magazine summaries, tables of contents, etc.
rec.mag.otherrealms	Edited science fiction & fantasy "magazine". (Moderated)
rec.misc		General topics about recreational/participant sports.
rec.models.rc		Radio-controlled models for hobbyists.
rec.motorcycles		Motorcycles and related products and laws.
rec.music.beatles	Postings about the Fab Four & their music.
rec.music.bluenote	Discussion of jazz, blues, and related types of music.
rec.music.cd		CDs -- availability and other discussions.
rec.music.classical	Discussion about classical music.
rec.music.dementia	Discussion of comedy and novelty music.
rec.music.dylan		Discussion of Bob's works & music.
rec.music.folk		Folks discussing folk music of various sorts.
rec.music.gaffa		Progressive music (e.g., Kate Bush). (Moderated)
rec.music.gdead		A group for (Grateful) Dead-heads.
rec.music.makers	For performers and their discussions.
rec.music.misc		Music lovers' group.
rec.music.newage	"New Age" music discussions.
rec.music.synth		Synthesizers and computer music.
rec.nude		Hobbyists interested in naturist/nudist activities.
rec.pets		Pets, pet care, and household animals in general.
rec.photo		Hobbyists interested in photography.
rec.puzzles		Puzzles, problems, and quizzes.
rec.railroad		Real and model train fans' newsgroup.
rec.scuba		Hobbyists interested in SCUBA diving.
rec.skiing		Hobbyists interested in snow skiing.
rec.skydiving		Hobbyists interested in skydiving.
rec.sport.baseball	Discussion about baseball.
rec.sport.basketball	Discussion about basketball.
rec.sport.football	Discussion about football.
rec.sport.hockey	Discussion about hockey.
rec.sport.misc		Spectator sports.
rec.travel		Traveling all over the world.
rec.video		Video and video components.
rec.woodworking		Hobbyists interested in woodworking.

sci.aeronautics		The science of aeronautics & related technology.
sci.astro		Astronomy discussions and information.
sci.bio			Biology and related sciences.
sci.chem		Chemistry and related sciences.
sci.crypt		Different methods of data en/decryption.
sci.econ		The science of economics.
sci.edu			Science education.
sci.electronics		Circuits, theory, electrons and discussions.
sci.energy		Discussions about energy, science & technology.
sci.environment		Discussions about the environment and ecology.
sci.lang		Natural languages, communication, etc.
sci.lang.japan		The Japanese language, both spoken and written.
sci.logic		Logic -- math, philosophy & computational aspects.
sci.math		Mathematical discussions and pursuits.
sci.math.stat		Statistics discussion.
sci.math.symbolic	Symbolic algebra discussion.
sci.med			Medicine and its related products and regulations.
sci.med.aids		AIDS: treatment, pathology/biology of HIV, prevention. (Moderated)
sci.med.physics		Issues of physics in medical testing/care.
sci.military		Discussion about science & the military. (Moderated)
sci.misc		Short-lived discussions on subjects in the sciences.
sci.nanotech		Self-reproducing molecular-scale machines. (Moderated)
sci.philosophy.tech	Technical philosophy: math, science, logic, etc. 
sci.physics		Physical laws, properties, etc.
sci.physics.fusion	Info on fusion, esp. "cold" fusion.
sci.psychology		Topics related to psychology.
sci.research		Research methods, funding, ethics, and whatever.
sci.skeptic		Skeptics discussing psuedo-science.
sci.space		Space, space programs, space related research, etc.
sci.space.shuttle	The space shuttle and the STS program.

soc.college		College, college activities, campus life, etc.
soc.couples		Discussions for couples (cf. soc.singles).
soc.culture.african	Discussions about Africa & things African.
soc.culture.arabic	Technological & cultural issues, *not* politics.
soc.culture.asian.american	Issues & discussion about Asian-Americans.
soc.culture.china	About China and Chinese culture.
soc.culture.celtic	Group about Celts (*not* basketball!).
soc.culture.greek	Group about Greeks.
soc.culture.hongkong	Discussions pertaining to Hong Kong.
soc.culture.indian	Group for discussion about India & things Indian.
soc.culture.japan	Everything Japanese, except the Japanese language.
soc.culture.jewish	Jewish culture & religion. (cf. talk.politics.mideast)
soc.culture.misc	Group for discussion about other cultures.
soc.culture.nordic	Discussion about culture up north.
soc.culture.sri-lanka	Things & people from Sri Lanka.
soc.culture.taiwan	Discussion about things Taiwanese.
soc.culture.turkish	Discussion about things Turkish.
soc.feminism		Discussion of feminism & feminist issues. (Moderated)
soc.human-nets		Computer aided communications digest. (Moderated)
soc.men			Issues related to men, their problems & relationships.
soc.misc		Socially-oriented topics not in other groups.
soc.motss		Issues pertaining to homosexuality.
soc.net-people		Announcements, requests, etc. about people on the net.
soc.politics		Political problems, systems, solutions. (Moderated)
soc.politics.arms-d	Arms discussion digest. (Moderated)
soc.religion.christian	Christianity and related topics. (Moderated)
soc.rights.human	Human rights & activism (e.g., Amnesty International).
soc.roots		Genealogical matters.
soc.singles		Newsgroup for single people, their activities, etc.
soc.women		Issues related to women, their problems & relationships.

talk.abortion		All sorts of discussions and arguments on abortion.
talk.bizarre		The unusual, bizarre, curious, and often stupid.
talk.origins		Evolution versus creationism (sometimes hot!).
talk.philosophy.misc	Philosophical musings on all topics.
talk.politics.guns	The politics of firearm ownership and (mis)use.
talk.politics.mideast	Discussion & debate over Middle Eastern events.
talk.politics.misc	Political discussions and ravings of all kinds.
talk.politics.soviet	Discussion of Soviet politics, domestic and foreign.
talk.politics.theory	Theory of politics and political systems.
talk.rape		Discussions on stopping rape; not to be crossposted.
talk.religion.misc	Religious, ethical, & moral implications.
talk.religion.newage	Esoteric and minority religions & philosophies.
talk.rumors		For the posting of rumors.

* UNIX is a registered Trademark of AT&T.
* DEC and Ultrix are Trademarks of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* VAX is a Trademark of the Digital Equipment Corporation.
* Ada is a registered Trademark of the Ada Joint Program Office of the
   United States Department of Defense.

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf