lfm@ukc.UUCP (04/20/84)
We discovered an interesting fact about the operation of the V7 shell whilst playing with our PERQ's. The Bourne shell detects the need to grab some more memory space by trapping the Segmentation Violation error caused by accessing out of bounds. However it assumes that after claiming more space it can restart the interrupted operation where it left off....... On the PERQ this doesnt happen!!! So you get weird truncations of long parameter lists. Anyone know of any other programs that could be affected by this problem?? Lindsay F. Marshall uucp : ...!{mcvax,vax135}!ukc!lfm ARPA : Lindsay_Marshall%NEWCASTLE@MIT-MULTICS post : Computing Laboratory, U of Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. +44 - 632 - 329233 xtn 212
fair@dual.UUCP (Erik E. Fair) (04/22/84)
UniSoft ran into just the same problem when they ported the Bourne Shell to the 68000 processor. They ended up making extensive changes to Bourne Shell to make it work in a sensible fashion, and, to the best of my knowledge, this is the only program which exhibited such behaviour. Erik E. Fair ucbvax!fair fair@ucb-arpa.ARPA dual!fair@Berkeley.ARPA {ihnp4,ucbvax,cbosgd,decwrl,amd70,fortune,zehntel}!dual!fair Dual Systems Corporation, Berkeley, California
gwyn@BRL-VLD.ARPA (04/23/84)
From: Doug Gwyn (VLD/VMB) <gwyn@BRL-VLD.ARPA> I hope that the PERQ doesn't grow the user stack by the same method that fails to extend the program break (inability to restart faulting instruction)! The only UNIX utility I know of that uses this incredibly kludgy method of memory allocation is the Bourne shell. Now that a good fast malloc() is supplied with UNIX (both 4.2BSD and SysVRel2), I would like to see the Bourne shell changed to do sensible memory allocation. Does anyone know whether the Korn shell is any better about this?