[comp.sources.bugs] MicroEmacs and PC-NFS

sch@oce.nl.UUCP (Jakob Schripsema) (01/01/88)

I'm using MicroEmacs (3.7, 3.8, 3.9) on an IBM compatible in combination
with Sun's PC-NFS. MicroEmacs has been compiled with MSC 4.00.
Writing a file from Emacs to a network disk is a disaster, it takes
minutes to write it out. After some digging I discovered why :

1. PC-NFS has a lousy performance when used with unbuffered IO
   (Try redirecting screen output to a file on the virtual disk)

2. When fputc encounters a \n the output buffer is flushed. This
   is fine for output to the screen, but when writing to a file
   it has no use. I don't know if libraries from other compilers
   act the same.

The solution is simple : output files should be opened in binary mode.
This requires minimal changes to ffwopen and ffputline (both in fileio.c).

JaKob Schripsema (sch@oce)
Oce Nederland B.V.
PO box 101
5900MA Venlo
The Netherlands

This note does not necessarily represent the position
of Oce-Nederland B.V. Therefore no liability or
responsibility for whatever will be accepted.

-------fileio.c--from 3.9----cut here------
 * The routines in this file read and write ASCII files from the disk. All of
 * the knowledge about files are here.

#include        <stdio.h>
#include	"estruct.h"
#include        "edef.h"

FILE	*ffp;		/* File pointer, all functions. */
int eofflag;		/* end-of-file flag */

 * Open a file for reading.
char    *fn;
        if ((ffp=fopen(fn, "r")) == NULL)
                return (FIOFNF);
	eofflag = FALSE;
        return (FIOSUC);

 * Open a file for writing. Return TRUE if all is well, and FALSE on error
 * (cannot create).
char    *fn;
#if     VMS
        register int    fd;

        if ((fd=creat(fn, 0666, "rfm=var", "rat=cr")) < 0
        || (ffp=fdopen(fd, "w")) == NULL) {
        if ((ffp=fopen(fn, "wb")) == NULL) {
        if ((ffp=fopen(fn, "w")) == NULL) {
                mlwrite("Cannot open file for writing");
                return (FIOERR);
        return (FIOSUC);

 * Close a file. Should look at the status in all systems.
	/* free this since we do not need it anymore */
	if (fline) {
		fline = NULL;

	fputc(26, ffp);		/* add a ^Z at the end of the file */
#if     V7 | USG | BSD | (MSDOS & (LATTICE | MSC | TURBO)) | (ST520 & MWC)
        if (fclose(ffp) != FALSE) {
                mlwrite("Error closing file");
        return (FIOSUC);

 * Write a line to the already opened file. The "buf" points to the buffer,
 * and the "nbuf" is its length, less the free newline. Return the status.
 * Check only at the newline.
ffputline(buf, nbuf)
char    buf[];
        register int    i;
	char c;		/* character to translate */

	if (cryptflag) {
	        for (i = 0; i < nbuf; ++i) {
			c = buf[i] & 0xff;
			crypt(&c, 1);
			fputc(c, ffp);
	} else
	        for (i = 0; i < nbuf; ++i)
        	        fputc(buf[i]&0xFF, ffp);
        for (i = 0; i < nbuf; ++i)
                fputc(buf[i]&0xFF, ffp);

#if	(ST520 & ADDCR) | MSDOS
        fputc('\r', ffp);
        fputc('\n', ffp);

        if (ferror(ffp)) {
                mlwrite("Write I/O error");
                return (FIOERR);

        return (FIOSUC);

 * Read a line from a file, and store the bytes in the supplied buffer. The
 * "nbuf" is the length of the buffer. Complain about long lines and lines
 * at the end of the file that don't have a newline present. Check for I/O
 * errors too. Return status.

        register int c;		/* current character read */
        register int i;		/* current index into fline */
	register char *tmpline;	/* temp storage for expanding line */

	/* if we are at the end...return it */
	if (eofflag)

	/* dump fline if it ended up too big */
	if (flen > NSTRING) {
		fline = NULL;

	/* if we don't have an fline, allocate one */
	if (fline == NULL)
		if ((fline = malloc(flen = NSTRING)) == NULL)

	/* read the line in */
        i = 0;
        while ((c = fgetc(ffp)) != EOF && c != '\n') {
                fline[i++] = c;
		/* if it's longer, get more room */
                if (i >= flen) {
                	if ((tmpline = malloc(flen+NSTRING)) == NULL)
                	strncpy(tmpline, fline, flen);
                	flen += NSTRING;
                	fline = tmpline;

#if	ST520
	if(fline[i-1] == '\r')

	/* test for any errors that may have occured */
        if (c == EOF) {
                if (ferror(ffp)) {
                        mlwrite("File read error");

                if (i != 0)
			eofflag = TRUE;

	/* terminate and decrypt the string */
        fline[i] = 0;
	if (cryptflag)
		crypt(fline, strlen(fline));

int fexist(fname)	/* does <fname> exist on disk? */

char *fname;		/* file to check for existance */

	FILE *fp;

	/* try to open the file for reading */
	fp = fopen(fname, "r");

	/* if it fails, just return false! */
	if (fp == NULL)

	/* otherwise, close it and report true */

#undef	fgetc
/*	a1getc:		Get an ascii char from the file input stream
			but DO NOT strip the high bit

int a1getc(fp)

FILE *fp;

	int c;		/* translated character */

	c = getc(fp);	/* get the character */

	/* if its a <LF> char, throw it out  */
	while (c == 10)
		c = getc(fp);

	/* if its a <RETURN> char, change it to a LF */
	if (c == '\r')
		c = '\n';

	/* if its a ^Z, its an EOF */
	if (c == 26)
		c = EOF;
