[comp.sources.bugs] X11 driver for Postscript interpreter

rsalz@bbn.com (Rich Salz) (02/01/88)

This is forwarded by me
	From: Crispin Goswell <mcvax!vd.rl.ac.uk!caag@UUNET.UU.NET>
	Date: Fri, 18 Dec 87 18:20:01 gmt


I received this from Terry Weissman. It's a driver for my PostScript
Interpreter to enable it to run on X11. I'm posting it as is, to get
lots of people off the ground ASAP. It has some minor problems, but I
think these would be easy to fix.
Thanks Terry!

- Crispin Goswell

>From weissman%com.dec.decwrl@sonora.dec.com Wed Dec  2 09:03:15 1987
From: weissman@decwrl.dec.com

weissman = Terry Weissman of DEC.
caag = Crispin Goswell of RAL

Known bugs and limitations:

It displays white on black, rather than black on white.

[This only happens on machines where 1=Black, 0=White. It's OK on suns - caag.]

It doesn't seem to work on color displays, I'm not sure why.

It doesn't understand expose events.  If you obscure or iconify the
postscript window, that data won't ever be repainted.  This is
partially because I didn't see any straightforward way to put in an
event-handling loop, and mostly because I was too lazy.

[There *is* no straight-forward way of putting in an event-handling loop.
 PostScript is not designed to handle asynchronous input.
 I believe the only correct solution to this is to demand backing store
 from the X server. Some PostScript images take minutes or hours to
 compute. Requiring this to happen just because the user removes an
 obscuring window is just *wrong*. I think you've done the right
 thing by not attempting to fix this one. - caag]

It could be faster.  In particular, I used the canonical routines as
much as possible, and that makes things a bit inefficient.

To compile it:

- Add to the makefile something like:

XLIB= /usr/src/X11/lib/X/libX11.a

xps: $(OBJECTS) $(GRAPHICS) X11.o canon.a $(XLIB) makefile
	rm -f xps
	cc -o xps $(OBJECTS) $(GRAPHICS) X11.o canon.a -lm $(XLIB)

- And type "make xps".


- Terry

Here's X11.c:


#include "main.h"
#include "graphics.h"
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "canon.h"

char *str;
    fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", str);

static Display *dpy;

typedef struct _HardwareRec {
    Drawable w;
} HardwareRec, *Hardware;

#ifdef CANON
struct hardware
     * Each driver is expected to provide its own definition of this
     * structure.  It is only ever used as a pointer and is never dereferenced
     * outside the driver.
    int pad;
#endif CANON

 * This file describes the interface that PostScript requires to the graphics
 * system at Version 1.4.
 * ''Hardware'' in this context refers to a pointer to windows and/or bitmaps
 * and is the lowest level of access that PostScript is interested in. Any
 * Hardware parameter may be expected to be NULL.

/********************* CREATION OF WINDOWS AND BITMAPS *******************/

#define SCREEN 0		/* What to use as our screen number. */
#define MIN(x, y)	(((x) < (y)) ? (x) : (y))

static GC fillgc[16];

struct hardware *InitHardware ()
    XGCValues values;
    int i;
    if ((dpy = XOpenDisplay(dpy)) == NULL)
	Punt("Could not open display");
    InitTransfer(DisplayHeight(dpy, SCREEN) / 11);
    /* This defines our screen as being 11 inches high, no matter what its */
    /* real size.  What a hack. */
    values.foreground = AllPlanes;
    for (i=0 ; i<16 ; i++) {
	values.function = i;
	fillgc[i] = XCreateGC(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, SCREEN),
			      GCFunction | GCForeground, &values);
 * InitHardware () returns a default device which PostScript may use
 * immediately (or NULL if not appropriate).  Its size and shape are not
 * defined. Most typically the user will want to start up another device
 * before it is used anyway. No attempt will be made by PostScript to Destroy
 * the resulting device.

static struct hardware *NewHardware(width, height)
int width, height;
    struct hardware *to;
    Hardware hard;
    to = (struct hardware *) malloc(sizeof(struct hardware));
    hard = (Hardware) malloc(sizeof(HardwareRec));
    to->hard.addr = (char *) hard;
    to->flags = 0;
    to->aux = to->clip = NULL;
    to->extent = NewDevicePoint(width, height);
    hard->w = NULL;
    return to;

struct hardware *NewBitmapHardware (width, height)
int width, height;
    struct hardware *to = NewHardware(width, height);
    Hardware hard = (Hardware) to->hard.addr;
    to->flags = NULL;
    hard->w = XCreatePixmap(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, SCREEN), width, height,
			    DefaultDepth(dpy, SCREEN));
    XFillRectangle(dpy, hard->w, fillgc[GXclear], 0, 0, width, height);

/*    {
	static int y = 0;
	XSetWindowAttributes attributes;
	hard->w = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, SCREEN), 700, y,
				  width, height, 1, BlackPixel(dpy, SCREEN),
				  WhitePixel(dpy, SCREEN));
	attributes.override_redirect = TRUE;
	XChangeWindowAttributes(dpy, hard->w, CWOverrideRedirect, &attributes);
	XMapWindow(dpy, hard->w);
    return to;

struct hardware *NewWindowHardware (width, height)
int width, height;
    struct hardware *to = NewHardware(width, height);
    Hardware hard = (Hardware) to->hard.addr;
    XEvent event;
    to->flags = ISWIN;
    hard->w = XCreateSimpleWindow(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, SCREEN), 0, 0,
				  width, height, 1, BlackPixel(dpy, SCREEN),
    XSelectInput(dpy, hard->w, ExposureMask);
    XMapWindow(dpy, hard->w);
    XNextEvent(dpy, &event);
    XSelectInput(dpy, hard->w, 0);
    return to;
 * NewBitmapHardware () is expected to create a new bitmap. Only one plane
 * will be needed.
 * NewWindowHardware () is expected to create a window on the screen. On a
 * colour system this will be expected to support full colour.

#ifdef CANON
int IsWindowHardware (h)
struct hardware *h;
#endif CANON
 * IsWindowHardware () should return TRUE if the hardware is a window, FALSE
 * otherwise.  NULL is a window.

void DestroyHardware (h)
struct hardware *h;
    if (h) {
	Hardware hard = (Hardware) h->hard.addr;
	if (IsWindowHardware(h))
	    XDestroyWindow(dpy, hard->w);
	    XFreePixmap(dpy, hard->w);
 * DestroyHardware () should release the resources required by the hardware,
 * bitmap or window.  This should cause a window device to vanish. NULL is not
 * an error (does nothing).

#ifdef CANON
Matrix DeviceMatrix (width, height)
int width, height;
#endif CANON

 * DeviceMatrix () should return a matrix appropriate to a device of the given
 * height and width.  For a typical display with a graphics origin at the top
 * left of a window, an appropriate definition would be:
 * Matrix DeviceMatrix (width, height)
 * int width, height;
 * {
 *     return NewMatrix (PIXELS_PER_INCH / 72.0, 0.0, 0.0,
 * 		         -PIXELS_PER_INCH / 72.0, 0.0, (float) height);
 * }

#ifdef CANON
DevicePoint HardwareExtent (h)
struct hardware *h;
 * HardwareExtent () returns a DevicePoint describing the width and height of
 * the argument.  NULL has extent NewDevicePoint (0, 0).

/*************************** OUTPUT PRIMITIVES ******************************/	

void BitBlt (from, to, fromPoint, toPoint, extent, rop)
struct hardware *from, *to;
DevicePoint toPoint, fromPoint, extent;
int rop;
    Hardware fromhard, tohard;
    static int count = 0;
    if (to == NULL) return;
    tohard = (Hardware) to->hard.addr;
    if (from == NULL) {
	XFillRectangle(dpy, tohard->w, fillgc[rop], toPoint.dx, toPoint.dy,
		       extent.dx, extent.dy);
    } else {
	fromhard = (Hardware) from->hard.addr;
	XCopyArea(dpy, fromhard->w, tohard->w, fillgc[rop], fromPoint.dx,
		  fromPoint.dy, extent.dx, extent.dy, toPoint.dx, toPoint.dy);
    if (count++ % 50 == 0) XSync(dpy, 0);

#ifdef CANON
void Paint (from, to, fromPoint, toPoint, extent, colour)
struct hardware *from, *to;
DevicePoint toPoint, fromPoint, extent;
Colour colour;

 * BitBlt () is a full function RasterOp. The 'rop' argument will have values
 * as described in the header file hard.h. If the from argument is NULL it is
 * taken to be a bitmap full of ones the shape of the fromPoint and extent. If
 * the to argument is NULL, this is a no-op.
 * Paint () is an addition to BitBlt. Bits that are set in the source are
 * Painted into the destination in the given colour with a copying rasterop so
 * that they replace pixels previously there. If the machine does not support
 * colour windows, half-toning should be performed.  Colour values have hue,
 * saturation and brightness components. on a black and white or greyscale
 * system the brightness value will be a FP value between 0.0 (black) and 1.1
 * (white), which can be used as a grey level.
 * Paint is expected to mask with the clip mask. BitBlt is not,

#ifdef CANON
void BitBltTrapezoid(to, lefttop, leftbottom, righttop, rightbottom,
		     top, bottom, rop)
struct hardware *to;
DevicePoint lefttop, leftbottom, righttop, rightbottom;
int top, bottom, rop;
#endif CANON

#ifdef CANON
void PaintTrapezoid (to, lefttop, leftbottom, righttop, rightbottom,
		     top, bottom, colour)
struct hardware *to;
DevicePoint lefttop, leftbottom, righttop, rightbottom;
int top, bottom;
Colour colour;
#endif CANON

 * BitBltTrapezoid () and PaintTrapezoid () render a complete trapezoidal
 * shape.  The corners of the trapezoid may lie far outside the range of
 * interesting scan-lines, but the slope of the line should be clipped by the
 * top and bottom. The coordinates are half-open.

void BitBltLine (h, fromPoint, toPoint, rop)
struct hardware *h;
DevicePoint fromPoint, toPoint;
int rop;
    if (h) {
	Hardware hard = (Hardware) h->hard.addr;
	XDrawLine(dpy, hard->w, fillgc[rop], fromPoint.dx, fromPoint.dy,
		  toPoint.dx, toPoint.dy);

#ifdef CANON
void PaintLine (h, fromPoint, toPoint, colour)
struct hardware *h;
DevicePoint fromPoint, toPoint;
Colour colour;
#endif CANON

 * 	BitBltLine () is expected to draw a line between the given points
 * 	with the given RasterOp and colour masking.
 * 	The line should be one pixel wide and half-open.
 * 	[Thicker lines are done with BitBlt.]
 * 	PaintLine () is expected to Paint a line by analogy with Paint
 * 	and BitBlt.

void BitBltBlob (to, top, height, left, right, rop)
struct hardware *to;
int top, height, *left, *right, rop;
    int i;
    DevicePoint p1, p2;
    for (i=0 ; i<height ; i++) {
	p1.dx = left[i];
	p2.dx = right[i];
	p1.dy = p2.dy = top + i;
	BitBltLine(to, p1, p2, rop);

  * BitBltBlob () takes a set of pixel coordinates and fills the trapezon
  * figure half open.

void RasterTile (from, to, toPoint, extent, rop)
struct hardware *from, *to;
DevicePoint toPoint, extent;
int rop;
    Hardware fromhard, tohard;
    DevicePoint p1, p2, p3;
    int x, y;
    if (to == NULL) return;
    if (from == NULL)
	Punt("Can only RasterTile from Hardware.");
    fromhard = (Hardware) from->hard.addr;
    tohard = (Hardware) to->hard.addr;
    p1.dx = p1.dy = 0;
    for (x=toPoint.dx ; x < toPoint.dx + extent.dx ; x+=from->extent.dx) {
	for (y=toPoint.dy ; y < toPoint.dy + extent.dy ; y+=from->extent.dy) {
	    p2.dx = x;
	    p2.dy = y;
	    p3.dx = MIN(toPoint.dx + extent.dx - x, from->extent.dx);
	    p3.dy = MIN(toPoint.dy + extent.dy - y, from->extent.dy);
	    BitBlt(from, to, p1, p2, p3, rop);

void RasterTile (from, to, toPoint, extent, rop)
struct hardware *from, *to;
DevicePoint toPoint, extent;
int rop;
    Hardware fromhard, tohard;
    static GC gc = NULL;
    XGCValues values;
    int valuemask;
    if (to == NULL) return;
    if (from == NULL || IsWindowHardware(from))
	Punt("Can only RasterTile from Bitmap.");
    fromhard = (Hardware) from->hard.addr;
    tohard = (Hardware) to->hard.addr;
    values.tile = fromhard->w;
    values.fill_style = FillTiled;
    values.function = rop;
    valuemask = GCFunction | GCTile | GCFillStyle;
    if (gc == NULL)
	gc = XCreateGC(dpy, RootWindow(dpy, SCREEN), valuemask, &values);
	XChangeGC(dpy, gc, valuemask, &values);
    XFillRectangle(dpy, tohard->w, gc, toPoint.dx, toPoint.dy,
		   extent.dx, extent.dy);

 * RasterTile () replicates the whole of ``from'' over ``to'', but clipped by
 * the rectangle bounded by ``toPoint'' and ``extent''.

/******************* BRIGHTNESS TRANSFER FUNCTION ************************/

#ifdef CANON
int TransferSize ()
#endif CANON

#ifdef CANON
void SetTransfer (vec)
float *vec;
#endif CANON
 * TransferSize () and SetTransfer () control the mapping function between
 * user brightnesses and device brightnesses. The interface is expected to
 * perform this mapping of brightnesses to a sufficient resolution.
 * SetTransfer takes a table of floating point numbers between 0 and 1. User
 * brightnesses are scaled to the size of this table and mapped through it.
 * The argument table given to SetTransfer () will be deleted after use.
 * TransferSize () simply enquires the required size of the table.
 * It may be appropriate to half-tone on a grayscale or colour device to
 * improve rendering if it is not too expensive. TransferSize () returns the
 * size of the pattern table.

/********************** BITMAP CONVERSION ********************************/

char *StringFromHardware (h)
struct hardware *h;
    XImage *image;
    Hardware hard;
    unsigned char *result, *ptr, c;
    int x, y, i;
    if (h == NULL) return NULL;
    hard = (Hardware) h->hard.addr;
    image = XGetImage(dpy, hard->w, 0, 0, h->extent.dx, h->extent.dy,
		      AllPlanes, ZPixmap);
    result = (unsigned char *) malloc(((h->extent.dx + 7) / 8) * h->extent.dy);
    ptr = result;
    for (y=0 ; y<h->extent.dy ; y++) {
	for (x=0 ; x<h->extent.dx ; x+=8) {
	    c = 0;
	    for (i=0 ; i<8 ; i++) {
		c = c << 1;
		if (x+i < h->extent.dx)
		    c |= XGetPixel(image, x+i, y);
	*ptr++ = c;
    free((char *) image);
    return (char *) result;

struct hardware *HardwareFromString (s, width, height)
char *s;
int width, height;
    struct hardware *h = NewBitmapHardware(width, height);
    Hardware hard = (Hardware) h->hard.addr;
    XImage *image;
    if (s == NULL) Punt("HardwareFromString called with NULL string!");
    image = XCreateImage(dpy, DefaultVisual(dpy, SCREEN),
			 DefaultDepth(dpy, SCREEN), ZPixmap, 0, s,
			 width, height, 8, 0);
    image->bitmap_bit_order = MSBFirst;
    XPutImage(dpy, hard->w, fillgc[GXcopy], image, 0, 0, 0, 0, width, height);
    free((char *) image);
    return h;
 * StringFromHardware () produces a string from its argument which describes
 * the bitmap.  The bitmap is returned in row-major order with the leftmost
 * bit of each byte in the most significant position. Rows are padded to byte
 * boundaries. Only single plane bitmaps are used.
 * HardwareFromString () performs the inverse mapping, generating a bitmap
 * from a set of bits, given a width and height. Only single plane bitmaps are
 * used.

/************************* HALF-TONE SCREEN *******************************/

#ifdef CANON
int ScreenSize (freq, rotation)
float freq, rotation;
#endif CANON

#ifdef CANON
void BuildScreen (freq, rotation, x, y)
float freq, rotation, *x, *y;
#endif CANON

#ifdef CANON
void SetScreen (freq, rotation, thresh)
float freq, rotation, *thresh;
#endif CANON
 * ScreenSize () allows PostScript to determine how large an array of sample
 * points to expect.  It should return the length of the side of the sample
 * square.
 * BuildScreen () returns a set of sampling coordinates to PostScript to hand
 * to the users spot-function
 * SetScreen () allows PostScript to set the thresholds for each sample point
 * so that half-tone bitmaps can be made.

/************************* CLIPPING ******************************************/

#ifdef CANON
void SetClipHardware (h, clip)
struct hardware *h, *clip;
 * SetClipHardware sets hardware which is a clip mask for BitBlt. This mask
 * should be ANDed with any output operation. If clip is NULL, masking will
 * not be needed.

/************************ UPDATE CONTROLS **********************************/

void HardUpdate ()
    XFlush(dpy, 0);
 * HardUpdate is a hook to allow devices which do output buffering to flush
 * that buffering when appropriate.  This allows an interactive user to see
 * completed graphics between prompts (it is called as a side-effect of the
 * PostScript flush operator). Typically is is a no-op.

void UpdateControl (h, on)
struct hardware *h;
int on;
 * This call can be used to enable batching of output operations.
 * UpdateControl (h, FALSE) means ``start of batching'' UpdateControl (h,
 * TRUE) means ``end of batching''. It is used to improve performance on
 * machines where screen updates have a high locking overhead. It may be a
 * no-op.  The operation should nest if batching is already in progress: FALSE
 * increments a counter, TRUE decrements a counter. Display changes are
 * allowed when the counter is non-zero.

/********************************** CANONICAL IMPLEMENTATION LIBRARY

 * Some parts of the above interface can be supported by a canonical library.
 * This library contains:





 * As the driver matures, the user may provide his own versions of the
 * canonical routines.  This leaves the following for implementation by 
 * the user.


 * There is a pedagogical implementation in null.c
 * There are a number of interface issues concerning the canonical driver.
 * Firstly, a canonical struct hardware is defined, which contains a union of
 * a char * and an int handle. The remainder are expected to use this to store
 * device specific information.
 * InitTransfer() should be called during InitHardware with the number of 
 * pixels per inch on the display as an argument.

/* I tacked this lot on the end to avoid altering canon.c - CAAG */

int pixels_per_inch;

int single_rop [] =

Matrix DeviceMatrix (width, height) int width, height;
 	return NewMatrix (pixels_per_inch / 72.0, 0.0, 0.0, -pixels_per_inch / 72.0, 0.0, (float) height);

int IsWindowHardware (h) struct hardware *h;
 	return h->flags & ISWIN;

#define IsWindowHardware(h) ((h)->flags & ISWIN)

DevicePoint HardwareExtent (h) struct hardware *h;
 	if (h)
 		return h->extent;
 		return NewDevicePoint (0, 0);

void SetClipHardware (h, clip) struct hardware *h, *clip;
 	if (h)
		h->clip = clip;

For comp.sources.unix stuff, mail to sources@uunet.uu.net.

weissman@decwrl.dec.com (Terry Weissman) (02/02/88)

There is one bug here; one line seems to have been lost somewhere.
I don't think it will link as posted.  Anyway, the missing line is

static void Punt(str)

It should be inserted just before the first line that says

char *str;

(By the way, I'm slightly distressed that this has apparently been
sitting on Rich Salz's desk for a month now.  I had noted the display,
but I had thought it was because Crispin Goswell was in the process of
making major enhancements.  It's not great code, but I know people
could have used it earlier.  Next time, maybe I'll just post things

- Terry Weissman	weissman@decwrl.dec.com		...!decwrl!weissman

weissman@decwrl.dec.com (Terry Weissman) (02/02/88)

In my previous posting, the word "display" should be "delay", of
course.  Clearly, I've been working with X too long.

- Terry Weissman	weissman@decwrl.dec.com		...!decwrl!weissman

ambar@athena.mit.edu (Jean Marie Diaz) (02/03/88)

[These quotes are from an article posted to comp.sources.bugs.  I'm
crossposting to comp.windows.x because I'd like feedback from there as

   weissman = Terry Weissman of DEC. (weissman@decwrl.dec.com)
   caag = Crispin Goswell of RAL (caag@vd.rl.ac.uk)

   [My X11 driver] doesn't understand expose events.  If you obscure or
   iconify the postscript window, that data won't ever be repainted.  This
   is partially because I didn't see any straightforward way to put in an
   event-handling loop, and mostly because I was too lazy.  - Weismann

   [There *is* no straight-forward way of putting in an event-handling loop.
    PostScript is not designed to handle asynchronous input.
    I believe the only correct solution to this is to demand backing store
    from the X server. Some PostScript images take minutes or hours to
    compute. Requiring this to happen just because the user removes an
    obscuring window is just *wrong*. I think you've done the right
    thing by not attempting to fix this one. - caag]

Well, I wouldn't call it straightforward, but there is a way, which is
used by the X11 version of gnuplot (done by Paul Rubin here at Athena).
Gnuplot, in its interactive mode, is similar to xps (for lack of a
better abbreviation) in that it has an interpreter whose output goes to
a different ("output-only") window.

Paul's method is as follows:
1) Set up a signal handler which will send us a SIGIO interrupt when data
appears on the X server socket.
2) When we get this signal, disable the interrupts (because we're going to
start doing Xlib calls, which are not necessarily reentrant).
3) Update the screen.
4) Turn the handler back on.

This method works beautifully in gnuplot, which simply replots its
equation(s) over the exposed portion of screen.  Since this won't work
very well for xps, we have one final wrinkle: a call to
NewWindowHardware() creates both a Window, and a Pixmap the size and
color of the window.  Thereafter, whenever the window is written into,
the same operation is performed on the pixmap.  When we need to refresh,
we just copy from the appropriate area on the pixmap.
