[comp.sources.bugs] conquer - patch 5

smile@mhuxd.UUCP (Edward Barlow) (03/21/88)

*** oldnpc.c	Fri Mar 18 17:27:18 1988
--- npc.c	Fri Mar 18 17:27:24 1988
*** 26,31
  	int armynum,price;
  	int x,y,i,z;

--- 26,32 -----
  	int armynum,price;
  	int x,y,i,z;
+ 	long zz, getmagic();
*** 108,114
  	else {
  		/*are they attacking or defending */
! 		for(x=0;x<MAXNTN;x++) if(ntn[country].dstatus[x]>HOSTILE){

--- 109,116 -----
  	else {
  		/*are they attacking or defending */
! 		if(ntn[country].tmil==0) defattr();
! 		else for(x=0;x<MAXNTN;x++) if(ntn[country].dstatus[x]>HOSTILE){
*** 162,170
  	for(armynum=1; armynum<num_powers(country); armynum++ ) price <<= 1;
  	if(ntn[country].jewels > 2 * price) {
! 		if((z=getmagic())!=0){
! 			fprintf(fnews,"2.\tnation %s gets magic power number %d\n",ntn[country].name,z);
! 			exenewmgk(z);
  		else if((z=getmagic())!=0){

--- 164,172 -----
  	for(armynum=1; armynum<num_powers(country); armynum++ ) price <<= 1;
  	if(ntn[country].jewels > 2 * price) {
! 		if((zz=getmagic())!=0){
! 			fprintf(fnews,"2.\tnation %s gets magic power number %d\n",ntn[country].name,zz);
! 			exenewmgk(zz);
  		else if((zz=getmagic())!=0){
*** 167,175
! 		else if((z=getmagic())!=0){
! 			fprintf(fnews,"2.\tnation %s gets magic power number %d\n",ntn[country].name,z);
! 			exenewmgk(z);
  		else if((z=getmagic())!=0){

--- 169,177 -----
! 		else if((zz=getmagic())!=0){
! 			fprintf(fnews,"2.\tnation %s gets magic power number %d\n",ntn[country].name,zz);
! 			exenewmgk(zz);
  		else if((zz=getmagic())!=0){
*** 172,180
! 		else if((z=getmagic())!=0){
! 			fprintf(fnews,"2.\tnation %s gets magic power number %d\n",ntn[country].name,z);
! 			exenewmgk(z);

--- 174,182 -----
! 		else if((zz=getmagic())!=0){
! 			fprintf(fnews,"2.\tnation %s gets magic power number %d\n",ntn[country].name,zz);
! 			exenewmgk(zz);
*** 214,219
  	||(sct[x][y].owner==NPIRATE)) attr[x][y]+=100;

--- 216,228 -----
  	||(sct[x][y].owner==NPIRATE)) attr[x][y]+=100;
+ 	for(x=0;x<MAPX;x++) for(y=0;y<MAPY;y++) if(sct[x][y].owner!=0){
+ 		if((ntn[country].dstatus[sct[x][y].owner]<WAR)
+ 		&&(abs(x-ntn[country].capx)>2)
+ 		&&(abs(y-ntn[country].capy)>2))
+ 			attr[x][y]=1;
+ 	}
*** 307,312
  			else if(sct[x][y].owner==nation) 

--- 316,330 -----
  			else if(sct[x][y].owner==nation) 
+ 	/* 1 if not aggressive and not within two of capital */
+ 	for(x=0;x<MAPX;x++) for(y=0;y<MAPY;y++) if(sct[x][y].owner!=0){
+ 		if((ntn[country].dstatus[sct[x][y].owner]<WAR)
+ 		&&(abs(x-ntn[country].capx)>2)
+ 		&&(abs(y-ntn[country].capy)>2))
+ 			attr[x][y]=1;
+ 	}
*** 409,414

--- 427,440 -----
+ 	/* 1 if not aggressive and not within two of capital */
+ 	for(x=0;x<MAPX;x++) for(y=0;y<MAPY;y++) if(sct[x][y].owner!=0){
+ 		if((ntn[country].dstatus[sct[x][y].owner]<WAR)
+ 		&&(abs(x-ntn[country].capx)>2)
+ 		&&(abs(y-ntn[country].capy)>2))
+ 			attr[x][y]=1;
+ 	}
*** 566,571
  	/*move nomads randomly until within 2 of city then attack*/
  	for(armynum=0;armynum<MAXARM;armynum++) if(ASOLD>0){

--- 592,599 -----
  	/*move nomads randomly until within 2 of city then attack*/
  	for(armynum=0;armynum<MAXARM;armynum++) if(ASOLD>0){
+ 		ASOLD *= 11;
+ 		ASOLD /= 10;
*** 590,596
  		if((rand()%4==0)&&(is_habitable(x,y))) {
! 			ASOLD=100+100*rand()%10;

--- 618,624 -----
  		if((rand()%4==0)&&(is_habitable(x,y))) {
! 			ASOLD=100+100*(rand()%10);
*** 595,600
  	fprintf(fnews,"2.\t%s are updated\n",ntn[NPIRATE].name);
  	/*if pirate fleet within 3 attack if outnumber any fleets */

--- 623,634 -----
+ 	country=NLIZARD;
+ 	for(armynum=0;armynum<MAXARM;armynum++) if(ASOLD>0){
+ 		ASOLD*=105;
+ 		ASOLD/=100;
+ 	}
+ 	country=NPIRATE;
  	fprintf(fnews,"2.\t%s are updated\n",ntn[NPIRATE].name);
  	/*if pirate fleet within 3 attack if outnumber any fleets */
*** 672,677
  	short x,y,armynum;
  	int i, free, done, ideal;
  	long diff;
  	/*make sure enough men in army 0 -- garrison duty in capital*/

--- 706,712 -----
  	short x,y,armynum;
  	int i, free, done, ideal;
  	long diff;
+ 	int ok;
  	/* code to check and move armies back if they are too far out */
  	for(armynum=1;armynum<MAXARM;armynum++) if(ASOLD>0){
*** 673,678
  	int i, free, done, ideal;
  	long diff;
  	/*make sure enough men in army 0 -- garrison duty in capital*/

--- 708,725 -----
  	long diff;
  	int ok;
+ 	/* code to check and move armies back if they are too far out */
+ 	for(armynum=1;armynum<MAXARM;armynum++) if(ASOLD>0){
+ 		ok = 0;
+ 		for(x=AXLOC-3;x<=AXLOC+3;x++) 
+ 			for(y=AYLOC-3;y<=AYLOC+3;y++) 
+ 				if((ONMAP)&&(sct[x][y].owner==country)) ok=1;
+ 		if(ok==0){
+ 			AXLOC=ntn[country].capx;
+ 			AYLOC=ntn[country].capy;
+ 		}
+ 	}
  	/*make sure enough men in army 0 -- garrison duty in capital*/
*** 827,829

--- 874,877 -----
*** oldreports.c	Fri Mar 18 17:27:18 1988
--- reports.c	Fri Mar 18 17:27:24 1988
*** 333,343
  		else if(sct[xsctr][ysctr].designation==DCITY)    incity+= sct[xsctr][ysctr].people;
! 	revfood *= TAXFOOD / 100;
! 	reviron *= TAXIRON / 100;
! 	revgold *= TAXGOLD / 100;
! 	revcap = (long) incap * TAXCAP / 100;
! 	revcity = (long) incity * TAXCITY / 100;
  	if( magic(country,ARCHITECT) ) {
  		revcap *= 2;
  		revcity *= 2;

--- 333,343 -----
  		else if(sct[xsctr][ysctr].designation==DCITY)    incity+= sct[xsctr][ysctr].people;
! 	revfood *= TAXFOOD / 100L;
! 	reviron *= TAXIRON / 100L;
! 	revgold *= TAXGOLD / 100L;
! 	revcap = (long) incap * TAXCAP / 100L;
! 	revcity = (long) incity * TAXCITY / 100L;
  	if( magic(country,ARCHITECT) ) {
  		revcap *= 2;
  		revcity *= 2;
*** 365,371
  	mvprintw(10,30,"%5d people in capital:   %8ld",incap,revcap);
  	mvprintw(11,30,"%5d people in cities:    %8ld",incity,revcity);
! 	mvprintw(12,30,"%5ld people TOTAL INCOME: %8ld",ntn[country].tciv,revfood+reviron+revgold+(incap*TAXCAP/100)+(incity*TAXCITY/100));

--- 365,371 -----
  	mvprintw(10,30,"%5d people in capital:   %8ld",incap,revcap);
  	mvprintw(11,30,"%5d people in cities:    %8ld",incity,revcity);
! 	mvprintw(12,30,"%5ld people TOTAL INCOME: %8ld",ntn[country].tciv,(long) revfood+reviron+revgold+(incap*TAXCAP/100L)+(incity*TAXCITY/100L));
*** 369,375
! 	mvprintw(14,30,"%5d troops:            %8d",nosold,expsold);
  	mvprintw(14,30,"%5d troops at     0 each:0",nosold);
  	mvprintw(15,30,"%5d ships at %5d each: %8d",expship,SHIPMAINT,expship*SHIPMAINT);

--- 369,375 -----
! 	mvprintw(14,30,"%5d troops:            %8ld",nosold,expsold);
  	mvprintw(14,30,"%5d troops at     0 each:0",nosold);
  	mvprintw(15,30,"%5d ships at %5d each: %8ld",expship,SHIPMAINT,expship*SHIPMAINT);
*** 372,378
  	mvprintw(14,30,"%5d troops:            %8d",nosold,expsold);
  	mvprintw(14,30,"%5d troops at     0 each:0",nosold);
! 	mvprintw(15,30,"%5d ships at %5d each: %8d",expship,SHIPMAINT,expship*SHIPMAINT);
  	mvprintw(16,30,"other expenses this turn:  %8ld",startgold-ntn[country].tgold);
  	if(magic(country,VAMPIRE)!=1) {

--- 372,378 -----
  	mvprintw(14,30,"%5d troops:            %8ld",nosold,expsold);
  	mvprintw(14,30,"%5d troops at     0 each:0",nosold);
! 	mvprintw(15,30,"%5d ships at %5d each: %8ld",expship,SHIPMAINT,expship*SHIPMAINT);
  	mvprintw(16,30,"other expenses this turn:  %8ld",startgold-ntn[country].tgold);
  	if(magic(country,VAMPIRE)!=1) {
*** 377,383
  	if(magic(country,VAMPIRE)!=1) {
  	mvprintw(17,30,"TOTAL EXPENSES:            %8ld",expsold+(expship*SHIPMAINT)+startgold-ntn[country].tgold);
! 	mvprintw(18,30,"NET INCOME:                %8ld",revfood+reviron+revgold+(incap*TAXCAP/100)+(incity*TAXCITY/100)-expsold-(expship*SHIPMAINT)-startgold+ntn[country].tgold);
  	} else {
  	mvprintw(17,30,"TOTAL EXPENSES:            %8ld",(expship*SHIPMAINT)+startgold-ntn[country].tgold);
  	mvprintw(18,30,"NET INCOME:                %8ld",revfood+reviron+revgold+(incap*TAXCAP/100)+(incity*TAXCITY/100)-(expship*SHIPMAINT)-startgold+ntn[country].tgold);

--- 377,383 -----
  	if(magic(country,VAMPIRE)!=1) {
  	mvprintw(17,30,"TOTAL EXPENSES:            %8ld",expsold+(expship*SHIPMAINT)+startgold-ntn[country].tgold);
! 	mvprintw(18,30,"NET INCOME:                %8ld",(long) revfood+reviron+revgold+(incap*TAXCAP/100L)+(incity*TAXCITY/100L)-expsold-(expship*SHIPMAINT)-startgold+ntn[country].tgold);
  	} else {
  	mvprintw(17,30,"TOTAL EXPENSES:            %8ld",(expship*SHIPMAINT)+startgold-ntn[country].tgold);
  	mvprintw(18,30,"NET INCOME:                %8ld",(long) revfood+reviron+revgold+(incap*TAXCAP/100L)+(incity*TAXCITY/100L)-(expship*SHIPMAINT)-startgold+ntn[country].tgold);
*** 380,386
  	mvprintw(18,30,"NET INCOME:                %8ld",revfood+reviron+revgold+(incap*TAXCAP/100)+(incity*TAXCITY/100)-expsold-(expship*SHIPMAINT)-startgold+ntn[country].tgold);
  	} else {
  	mvprintw(17,30,"TOTAL EXPENSES:            %8ld",(expship*SHIPMAINT)+startgold-ntn[country].tgold);
! 	mvprintw(18,30,"NET INCOME:                %8ld",revfood+reviron+revgold+(incap*TAXCAP/100)+(incity*TAXCITY/100)-(expship*SHIPMAINT)-startgold+ntn[country].tgold);
  	mvaddstr(20,(COLS/2)-13,"HIT 'P' TO SEE PRODUCTION STATS");

--- 380,386 -----
  	mvprintw(18,30,"NET INCOME:                %8ld",(long) revfood+reviron+revgold+(incap*TAXCAP/100L)+(incity*TAXCITY/100L)-expsold-(expship*SHIPMAINT)-startgold+ntn[country].tgold);
  	} else {
  	mvprintw(17,30,"TOTAL EXPENSES:            %8ld",(expship*SHIPMAINT)+startgold-ntn[country].tgold);
! 	mvprintw(18,30,"NET INCOME:                %8ld",(long) revfood+reviron+revgold+(incap*TAXCAP/100L)+(incity*TAXCITY/100L)-(expship*SHIPMAINT)-startgold+ntn[country].tgold);
  	mvaddstr(20,(COLS/2)-13,"HIT 'P' TO SEE PRODUCTION STATS");
*** oldmisc.c	Fri Mar 18 17:26:48 1988
--- misc.c	Fri Mar 18 17:27:24 1988
*** 7,13
  char    *memset();
! int	powers[] = {

--- 7,13 -----
  char    *memset();
! long	powers[] = {
*** 83,89
  	register int		country;
  	struct army	*a;
! 	for( country = 0; country < 32; country++ ) {
  		nptr = &ntn[country];
  		if( nptr->tiron < 0.0 ) {

--- 83,89 -----
  	register int		country;
  	struct army	*a;
! 	for( country = 0; country < NTOTAL; country++ ) {
  		nptr = &ntn[country];
  		if( nptr->tiron < 0.0 ) {
*** 87,93
  		nptr = &ntn[country];
  		if( nptr->tiron < 0.0 ) {
! 			fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: ntn[%d].tiron = %ld\n",
  				__file__, __line__, country, nptr->tiron );

--- 87,93 -----
  		nptr = &ntn[country];
  		if( nptr->tiron < 0.0 ) {
! 			fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: nation[%d] iron = %ld\n",
  				__file__, __line__, country, nptr->tiron );
*** 92,98
  		if( nptr->jewels < 0 ) {
! 			fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: ntn[%d].jewels = %ld\n",
  				__file__, __line__, country, nptr->jewels );

--- 92,98 -----
  		if( nptr->jewels < 0 ) {
! 			fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: nation[%d] jewels = %ld\n",
  				__file__, __line__, country, nptr->jewels );
*** 99,105
  		for( i = 0; i < MAXARM; i++ ) {
  			a = &nptr->arm[i];
  			if( a->sold < 0 ) {
! 				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: ntn[%d].arm[%d].sold = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->arm[i].sold );
  				nptr->arm[i].sold = 0;

--- 99,105 -----
  		for( i = 0; i < MAXARM; i++ ) {
  			a = &nptr->arm[i];
  			if( a->sold < 0 ) {
! 				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: nation[%d] army[%d] sold = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->arm[i].sold );
  				nptr->arm[i].sold = 0;
*** 104,110
  				nptr->arm[i].sold = 0;
  			if( a->xloc < 0 || a->xloc >= MAPX ) {
! 				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: ntn[%d].arm[%d].xloc = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->arm[i].xloc );
  				nptr->arm[i].xloc = 0;

--- 104,110 -----
  				nptr->arm[i].sold = 0;
  			if( a->xloc < 0 || a->xloc >= MAPX ) {
! 				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: nation[%d] army[%d] xlocation = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->arm[i].xloc );
  				nptr->arm[i].xloc = 0;
*** 109,115
  				nptr->arm[i].xloc = 0;
  			if( a->yloc < 0 || a->yloc >= MAPY ) {
! 				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: ntn[%d].arm[%d].yloc = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->arm[i].yloc );
  				nptr->arm[i].yloc = 0;

--- 109,115 -----
  				nptr->arm[i].xloc = 0;
  			if( a->yloc < 0 || a->yloc >= MAPY ) {
! 				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: nation[%d] army[%d] ylocation = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->arm[i].yloc );
  				nptr->arm[i].yloc = 0;
*** 115,121
  		} /* for */
! 		for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) {
  			if( nptr->dstatus[i] > JIHAD ) {
  				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: ntn[%d].dstatus[%d] = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->dstatus[i] );

--- 115,121 -----
  		} /* for */
! 		for( i = 0; i < NTOTAL; i++ ) {
  			if( nptr->dstatus[i] > JIHAD ) {
  				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: nation[%d] diplomatic status with %d = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->dstatus[i] );
*** 117,123
  		for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ ) {
  			if( nptr->dstatus[i] > JIHAD ) {
! 				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: ntn[%d].dstatus[%d] = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->dstatus[i] );
  				nptr->dstatus[i] = WAR;

--- 117,123 -----
  		for( i = 0; i < NTOTAL; i++ ) {
  			if( nptr->dstatus[i] > JIHAD ) {
! 				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: nation[%d] diplomatic status with %d = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->dstatus[i] );
  				nptr->dstatus[i] = WAR;
*** 122,128
  				nptr->dstatus[i] = WAR;
  			if( nptr->dstatus[i] < UNMET ) {
! 				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: ntn[%d].dstatus[%d] = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->dstatus[i] );
  				nptr->dstatus[i] = UNMET;

--- 122,128 -----
  				nptr->dstatus[i] = WAR;
  			if( nptr->dstatus[i] < UNMET ) {
! 				fprintf( stderr, "file %s: line %d: nation[%d] diplomatic status with %d = %d\n",
  					__file__, __line__, country, i, nptr->dstatus[i] );
  				nptr->dstatus[i] = UNMET;
*** 565,571
  /* miner */	{ 0,    0,    5,    0,    10,   10,   1,    5 },
! int
  score_one( country )
  int	country;

--- 565,571 -----
  /* miner */	{ 0,    0,    5,    0,    10,   10,   1,    5 },
! long
  score_one( country )
  int	country;
*** oldrandevent.c	Fri Mar 18 17:26:58 1988
--- randevent.c	Fri Mar 18 17:27:24 1988
*** 65,71
! ntn[newntn].score=0;

--- 65,71 -----
! ntn[newntn].score=0L;
*** 192,198
! int count, totalscore=0, event, newnation, i, j, armynum;
  int done;	/*if 1 then event happened */
  int newpower;

--- 192,199 -----
! long totalscore=0;
! int count, event, newnation, i, j, armynum;
  int done;	/*if 1 then event happened */
  long newpower, getmagic();
*** 194,200
  int count, totalscore=0, event, newnation, i, j, armynum;
  int done;	/*if 1 then event happened */
! int newpower;
  for(country=0;country<MAXNTN;country++) if ( ntn[country].active != 0 )

--- 195,201 -----
  long totalscore=0;
  int count, event, newnation, i, j, armynum;
  int done;	/*if 1 then event happened */
! long newpower, getmagic();
  for(country=0;country<MAXNTN;country++) if ( ntn[country].active != 0 )
*** 203,209
  /* decide what nations get random event */
  	if (( ntn[country].active != 0 )
! 	&&(ntn[country].score > 20)
  	&&((rand()%totalscore) < NORANDEVENTS * ntn[country].score)){
  	event = rand()%(MAXRANEVENT+1);

--- 204,210 -----
  /* decide what nations get random event */
  	if (( ntn[country].active != 0 )
! 	&&(ntn[country].score > 20L)
  	&&((rand()%totalscore) < NORANDEVENTS * ntn[country].score)){
  	event = rand()%(MAXRANEVENT+1);
*** 344,350
  		else if((is_habitable(i,j)) && ( sct[i][j].owner == country)) {
   			ntn[NNOMAD].arm[armynum].xloc =i;
   			ntn[NNOMAD].arm[armynum].yloc =j;
! 			ntn[NNOMAD].arm[armynum].sold =300+200*rand()%10;
  			ntn[NNOMAD].arm[armynum].unittyp = A_CAVALRY;
  			ntn[NNOMAD].arm[armynum].stat =ATTACK;
  			count += 100;

--- 345,351 -----
  		else if((is_habitable(i,j)) && ( sct[i][j].owner == country)) {
   			ntn[NNOMAD].arm[armynum].xloc =i;
   			ntn[NNOMAD].arm[armynum].yloc =j;
! 			ntn[NNOMAD].arm[armynum].sold =300+200*(rand()%10);
  			ntn[NNOMAD].arm[armynum].unittyp = A_CAVALRY;
  			ntn[NNOMAD].arm[armynum].stat =ATTACK;
  			count += 100;
*** 387,394
  	case 31: /*new magic item + RANDOM POWER*/
  		/*buy new powers and/or new weapons*/
! 			printf("\tnation %s gets magic power number %d\n",ntn[country].name,newpower);
! 			fprintf(fnews,"1. \tevent in %s -> gets magic power number %d\n", ntn[country].name,newpower);
  		else done=0;

--- 388,395 -----
  	case 31: /*new magic item + RANDOM POWER*/
  		/*buy new powers and/or new weapons*/
! 			printf("\tnation %s gets magic power number %ld\n",ntn[country].name,newpower);
! 			fprintf(fnews,"1. \tevent in %s -> gets magic power number %ld\n", ntn[country].name,newpower);
  		else done=0;
*** 459,464
  				ASOLD *= (8);
  				ASOLD /= (10);
  		printf("error condition -- illegal random event\n");

--- 460,466 -----
  				ASOLD *= (8);
  				ASOLD /= (10);
+ 		break;
  		printf("error condition -- illegal random event\n");
*** oldheader.h	Fri Mar 18 17:27:18 1988
--- header.h	Fri Mar 18 17:27:24 1988
*** 17,22
  			562 Clubhouse Dr,
  			Middletown NJ 07748
  	5) you agree to use your best efforts to see that any user
  		of conquer complies with the terms and conditions stated above.
  	6) The above copyright notice will not be tampered with in any form.

--- 17,24 -----
  			562 Clubhouse Dr,
  			Middletown NJ 07748
+ 		My home phone is 201-671-2896.  Use it sparingly and call
+ 		before 11PM if it is important.
  	5) you agree to use your best efforts to see that any user
  		of conquer complies with the terms and conditions stated above.
  	6) The above copyright notice will not be tampered with in any form.
*** 34,40
  /*-------------------MODIFICATION IS OPTIONAL ON THE FOLLOWING-------------*/
! #define VERSION "version 2.1"     /*version number of the game*/
  #define SYSV 		/*comment this line out if on a BSD machine*/
  #define PWATER 45 	/*percentage of water in the world*/
  #define MAPX 48    	/*Number of X Sectors on Map (divisible by 8)*/

--- 36,42 -----
  /*-------------------MODIFICATION IS OPTIONAL ON THE FOLLOWING-------------*/
! #define VERSION "version 2.2"     /*version number of the game*/
  #define SYSV 		/*comment this line out if on a BSD machine*/
  #define PWATER 45 	/*percentage of water in the world*/
  #define MAPX 48    	/*Number of X Sectors on Map (divisible by 8)*/
*** 39,44
  #define PWATER 45 	/*percentage of water in the world*/
  #define MAPX 48    	/*Number of X Sectors on Map (divisible by 8)*/
  #define MAPY 48		/*Number of Y Sectors on Map (divisible by 8)*/
  #define MAXNTN 28	/*number of nations (including player & npc ntns)*/
  			/*but not including pirates...*/
  #define MAXPTS    	40 	/*points to buy stuff in beginning with*/

--- 41,47 -----
  #define PWATER 45 	/*percentage of water in the world*/
  #define MAPX 48    	/*Number of X Sectors on Map (divisible by 8)*/
  #define MAPY 48		/*Number of Y Sectors on Map (divisible by 8)*/
+ 			/*MAPX and MAPY must be >= 24*/
  #define MAXNTN 28	/*number of nations (including player & npc ntns)*/
  			/*but not including pirates...*/
  #define MAXPTS    	40 	/*points to buy stuff in beginning with*/
*** 68,76
  /*Below taxation rates are in thousand dollars (US 1985) per 100 humans per 
   *point of whatever -- ie 1 person in veg of 9 means produce $70x9=630K
   *thousand dollars */
! #define TAXFOOD		100
! #define TAXIRON		100
! #define TAXGOLD		100
  /*city and capital tax rates based on people only (no multipleier)*/
  #define TAXCAP		1000
  #define TAXCITY		750

--- 71,79 -----
  /*Below taxation rates are in thousand dollars (US 1985) per 100 humans per 
   *point of whatever -- ie 1 person in veg of 9 means produce $70x9=630K
   *thousand dollars */
! #define TAXFOOD		100L
! #define TAXIRON		100L
! #define TAXGOLD		100L
  /*city and capital tax rates based on people only (no multipleier)*/
  #define TAXCAP		1000L
  #define TAXCITY		750L
*** 72,79
  #define TAXIRON		100
  #define TAXGOLD		100
  /*city and capital tax rates based on people only (no multipleier)*/
! #define TAXCAP		1000
! #define TAXCITY		750
  #define SHIPMAINT 	1000	/*ship mainatinance cost*/

--- 75,82 -----
  #define TAXIRON		100L
  #define TAXGOLD		100L
  /*city and capital tax rates based on people only (no multipleier)*/
! #define TAXCAP		1000L
! #define TAXCITY		750L
  #define SHIPMAINT 	1000L	/*ship mainatinance cost*/
*** 75,81
  #define TAXCAP		1000
  #define TAXCITY		750
! #define SHIPMAINT 	1000	/*ship mainatinance cost*/
  #define DESCOST		300L	/*cost to redesignatie*/
  				/*this is also the iron cost for cities*/

--- 78,84 -----
  #define TAXCAP		1000L
  #define TAXCITY		750L
! #define SHIPMAINT 	1000L	/*ship mainatinance cost*/
  #define DESCOST		300L	/*cost to redesignatie*/
  				/*this is also the iron cost for cities*/
*** 79,87
  #define DESCOST		300L	/*cost to redesignatie*/
  				/*this is also the iron cost for cities*/
! #define FORTCOST	1000	/*cost to build a fort point*/
! #define WARSHPCOST 	10000	/*cost to build one warship*/
! #define MERSHPCOST 	20000	/*cost to build one merchant*/
  #define SHIPHOLD  	300	/*number of humans a merchant can hold*/
  #define CITYLIMIT 	8	/*% of ntns people in sector before => city*/
  #define MILRATIO 	5	/*ratio mil:civ for non player countries*/

--- 82,90 -----
  #define DESCOST		300L	/*cost to redesignatie*/
  				/*this is also the iron cost for cities*/
! #define FORTCOST	1000L	/*cost to build a fort point*/
! #define WARSHPCOST 	10000L	/*cost to build one warship*/
! #define MERSHPCOST 	20000L	/*cost to build one merchant*/
  #define SHIPHOLD  	300	/*number of humans a merchant can hold*/
  #define CITYLIMIT 	8	/*% of ntns people in sector before => city*/
  #define MILRATIO 	5	/*ratio mil:civ for non player countries*/
*** olddata.h	Fri Mar 18 17:27:19 1988
--- data.h	Fri Mar 18 17:27:24 1988
*** 92,101
  #define NAMELTH 9     /*one less than the characters in the name*/
  #define LEADERLTH 9   /*one less than the characters in the leader*/
- *units could include cavalry, militia, navies, armies, garrisons, and leaders
- *struct unit */
  struct navy
  	short warships;

--- 92,97 -----
  #define NAMELTH 9     /*one less than the characters in the name*/
  #define LEADERLTH 9   /*one less than the characters in the leader*/
  struct navy
  	short warships;
*** 103,108
  	short xloc;
  	short yloc;
  	short smove;
  #define A_MILITIA	0

--- 99,107 -----
  	short xloc;
  	short yloc;
  	short smove;
+ 	short unittyp;		/* for future usage */
+ 	short crew;		/* for future usage */
+ 	short soldiers;		/* for future usage */
  #define A_MILITIA	0
*** 156,162
      	short  dplus;	/* attack plus of all soldiers*/
      	short  maxmove;	/* maximum movement of soldiers*/
      	short  repro;	/* reproduction rate of nation*/
!     	short  score;	/* score */
      	long   tgold;	/* gold in treasury */
      	long   jewels;	/* raw amount of gold in treasury */
      	long   tmil;	/* total military */

--- 155,161 -----
      	short  dplus;	/* attack plus of all soldiers*/
      	short  maxmove;	/* maximum movement of soldiers*/
      	short  repro;	/* reproduction rate of nation*/
!     	long   score;	/* score */
      	long   tgold;	/* gold in treasury */
      	long   jewels;	/* raw amount of gold in treasury */
      	long   tmil;	/* total military */
*** 234,240
  #define DESTRY 25
  #define DESTROY fprintf(fexe,"DESTROY \t%d \t%d \t%hd \t0 \t0 \t%s\n",DESTRY,save,country,"null")
! #define CHGMGK fprintf(fexe,"L_MAGIC \t%d \t%hd \t%ld \t%d \t0 \t%s\n",CHG_MGK,country,ntn[country].powers,x,"null")
  #define I_APLUS fprintf(fexe,"INC_APLUS \t%d \t%hd \t0 \t0 \t0 \t%s\n",INCAPLUS,country,"null")
  #define I_DPLUS fprintf(fexe,"INC_DPLUS \t%d \t%hd \t0 \t0 \t0 \t%s\n",INCDPLUS,country,"null")
  #define AADJSTAT fprintf(fexe,"A_STAT \t%d \t%hd \t%d \t%d \t0 \t%s\n",XASTAT,country,armynum,ntn[country].arm[armynum].stat,"null")

--- 233,239 -----
  #define DESTRY 25
  #define DESTROY fprintf(fexe,"DESTROY \t%d \t%d \t%hd \t0 \t0 \t%s\n",DESTRY,save,country,"null")
! #define CHGMGK fprintf(fexe,"L_MAGIC \t%d \t%hd \t%ld \t%ld \t0 \t%s\n",CHG_MGK,country,ntn[country].powers,x,"null")
  #define I_APLUS fprintf(fexe,"INC_APLUS \t%d \t%hd \t0 \t0 \t0 \t%s\n",INCAPLUS,country,"null")
  #define I_DPLUS fprintf(fexe,"INC_DPLUS \t%d \t%hd \t0 \t0 \t0 \t%s\n",INCDPLUS,country,"null")
  #define AADJSTAT fprintf(fexe,"A_STAT \t%d \t%hd \t%d \t%d \t0 \t%s\n",XASTAT,country,armynum,ntn[country].arm[armynum].stat,"null")
*** 254,280
  #define SADJOWN  fprintf(fexe,"S_AOWN \t%d \t%hd \t0 \t%d \t%d \t%s\n",XSAOWN ,country,xcurs+xoffset,ycurs+yoffset,"null")
  #define EADJDIP  fprintf(fexe,"E_ADJ \t%d \t%hd \t%d \t%d \t0 \t%s\n",EDADJ,country,nation,ntn[country].dstatus[nation],"null")
! #define	WARRIOR		0x000001
! #define	CAPTAIN		0x000002
! #define	WARLORD		0x000004
! #define	MI_MONST	0x000008
! #define	AV_MONST	0x000010
! #define	MA_MONST	0x000020
! #define	SPY		0x000040
! #define	KNOWALL		0x000080
! #define	DERVISH		0x000100
! #define	DESTROYER	0x000200
! #define	HIDDEN		0x000400
! #define	THE_VOID	0x000800
! #define	ARCHITECT	0x001000
! #define	VAMPIRE		0x002000
! #define	HEALER		0x004000
! #define MINER		0x008000
! #define URBAN		0x010000
! #define STEEL		0x020000
! #define ARCHER		0x040000
! #define CAVALRY		0x080000
! #define BREEDER		0x100000
  #define MAXPOWER	21 /* number of powers */

--- 253,279 -----
  #define SADJOWN  fprintf(fexe,"S_AOWN \t%d \t%hd \t0 \t%d \t%d \t%s\n",XSAOWN ,country,xcurs+xoffset,ycurs+yoffset,"null")
  #define EADJDIP  fprintf(fexe,"E_ADJ \t%d \t%hd \t%d \t%d \t0 \t%s\n",EDADJ,country,nation,ntn[country].dstatus[nation],"null")
! #define	WARRIOR		0x000001L
! #define	CAPTAIN		0x000002L
! #define	WARLORD		0x000004L
! #define	MI_MONST	0x000008L
! #define	AV_MONST	0x000010L
! #define	MA_MONST	0x000020L
! #define	SPY		0x000040L
! #define	KNOWALL		0x000080L
! #define	DERVISH		0x000100L
! #define	DESTROYER	0x000200L
! #define	HIDDEN		0x000400L
! #define	THE_VOID	0x000800L
! #define	ARCHITECT	0x001000L
! #define	VAMPIRE		0x002000L
! #define	HEALER		0x004000L
! #define MINER		0x008000L
! #define URBAN		0x010000L
! #define STEEL		0x020000L
! #define ARCHER		0x040000L
! #define CAVALRY		0x080000L
! #define BREEDER		0x100000L
  #define MAXPOWER	21 /* number of powers */
*** oldnations	Fri Mar 18 17:26:53 1988
--- nations	Fri Mar 18 17:27:25 1988
*** oldMakefile	Fri Mar 18 17:27:20 1988
--- Makefile	Fri Mar 18 17:27:25 1988
*** 3,8
  MAKE	= /bin/make
  CC	= /bin/cc
  #	This directory is where nations & help will be stored.  It is also
  #	the default directory = where players will play if they do not use
  #	the -d option.

--- 3,10 -----
  MAKE	= /bin/make
  CC	= /bin/cc
+ #	This should be installed by "games" or "root"
  #	This directory is where nations & help will be stored.  It is also
  #	the default directory = where players will play if they do not use
  #	the -d option.
*** 6,12
  #	This directory is where nations & help will be stored.  It is also
  #	the default directory = where players will play if they do not use
  #	the -d option.
! DEFAULT = /d7/c7913/smile/game/default
  #CFLAGS	= -O

--- 8,14 -----
  #	This directory is where nations & help will be stored.  It is also
  #	the default directory = where players will play if they do not use
  #	the -d option.
! DEFAULT = /c28/smile/game/default
  #CFLAGS	= -O
*** 22,28
  #	This directory is where the executable should be stored
! EXECUTABLE = /d7/c7913/smile/game/runv
  #	This directory is where individual Conquer game data will be stored.
  #	Multiple games are now supported.  Each should have its own directory.

--- 24,30 -----
  #	This directory is where the executable should be stored
! EXECUTABLE = /c28/smile/game/runv
  #	This directory is where individual Conquer game data will be stored.
  #	Multiple games are now supported.  Each should have its own directory.
*** 26,32
  #	This directory is where individual Conquer game data will be stored.
  #	Multiple games are now supported.  Each should have its own directory.
! DATA = /d7/c7913/smile/game/runv/lib
  OBJ=combat.o commands.o cexecute.o forms.o io.o main.o makeworld.o move.o newlogin.o update.o magic.o npc.o reports.o misc.o randevent.o 
  FILS=combat.c commands.c cexecute.c forms.c io.c main.c makeworld.c move.c newlogin.c update.c magic.c npc.c reports.c misc.c randevent.c 

--- 28,34 -----
  #	This directory is where individual Conquer game data will be stored.
  #	Multiple games are now supported.  Each should have its own directory.
! DATA = /c28/smile/game/runv/lib
  OBJ= combat.o commands.o cexecute.o forms.o io.o main.o makeworld.o move.o \
  newlogin.o update.o magic.o npc.o reports.o misc.o randevent.o 
*** 28,35
  #	Multiple games are now supported.  Each should have its own directory.
  DATA = /d7/c7913/smile/game/runv/lib
! OBJ=combat.o commands.o cexecute.o forms.o io.o main.o makeworld.o move.o newlogin.o update.o magic.o npc.o reports.o misc.o randevent.o 
! FILS=combat.c commands.c cexecute.c forms.c io.c main.c makeworld.c move.c newlogin.c update.c magic.c npc.c reports.c misc.c randevent.c 
  HEADERS=header.h data.h
  SUPT1=nations Makefile help README run man.page
  SUPT2=execute messages news

--- 30,39 -----
  #	Multiple games are now supported.  Each should have its own directory.
  DATA = /c28/smile/game/runv/lib
! OBJ= combat.o commands.o cexecute.o forms.o io.o main.o makeworld.o move.o \
! newlogin.o update.o magic.o npc.o reports.o misc.o randevent.o 
! FILS=combat.c commands.c cexecute.c forms.c io.c main.c makeworld.c move.c \
! newlogin.c update.c magic.c npc.c reports.c misc.c randevent.c 
  HEADERS=header.h data.h
  SUPT1=nations Makefile help README run man.page
  SUPT2=execute messages news
*** 36,41
  all: $(OBJ) 
  	@echo phew... 
  	@echo if the next command does not compile you might also need -ltermcap
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(EXECUTABLE)/conquer $(OBJ) $(LIBRARIES)
  	@echo YAY!  make install if this is your !first! time.  This will set up

--- 40,46 -----
  all: $(OBJ) 
  	@echo phew... 
+ 	- mkdir $(EXECUTABLE)
  	@echo if the next command does not compile you might also need -ltermcap
  	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $(EXECUTABLE)/conquer $(OBJ) $(LIBRARIES)
  	@echo YAY!  make install if this is your !first! time.  This will set up
*** 55,79
  	$(RM) shar1 shar2 shar3 *.o core
! install:
! 	-if test -d $(EXECUTABLE) ; \
! 	then echo "EXECUTABLE DIRECTORY OK" ; \
! 	else mkdir $(EXECUTABLE) ; \
! 	fi 
! 	-if test -d $(DATA) ; \
! 	then echo "DATA DIRECTORY OK" ; \
! 	else mkdir $(DATA) ; \
! 	fi 
! 	-if test -d $(DEFAULT) ; \
! 	then echo "DEFAULT DIRECTORY OK" ; \
! 	else mkdir $(DEFAULT) ; \
! 	fi 
! 	cp help $(DEFAULT)/help
! 	cp nations $(DEFAULT)/nations
! 	cp help $(DATA)/help
! 	cp nations $(DATA)/nations
! 	cp run $(DATA)/run
! 	chmod 0777 $(EXECUTABLE) $(DATA) $(EXECUTABLE)/conquer
  	$(EXECUTABLE)/conquer -d$(DATA) -m
  	chmod 0700 $(DATA)/run
  	chmod 0644 $(DATA)/help $(DATA)/news 

--- 60,74 -----
  	$(RM) shar1 shar2 shar3 *.o core
! install: all
! 	chmod 4755 $(EXECUTABLE)/conquer
! 	chmod 0700 run
! 	chmod 0644 help run
! 	- mkdir $(DATA)
! 	chmod 777 $(DATA) $(EXECUTABLE)
! 	cp help nations run $(DATA)
! 	- mkdir $(DEFAULT) 
! 	cp help nations $(DEFAULT)
  	$(EXECUTABLE)/conquer -d$(DATA) -m
*** 75,82
  	cp run $(DATA)/run
  	chmod 0777 $(EXECUTABLE) $(DATA) $(EXECUTABLE)/conquer
  	$(EXECUTABLE)/conquer -d$(DATA) -m
- 	chmod 0700 $(DATA)/run
- 	chmod 0644 $(DATA)/help $(DATA)/news 
  	lint -u $(FILS) 

--- 70,75 -----
  	- mkdir $(DEFAULT) 
  	cp help nations $(DEFAULT)
  	$(EXECUTABLE)/conquer -d$(DATA) -m
  	lint -hvac $(FILS)	 
*** 79,85
  	chmod 0644 $(DATA)/help $(DATA)/news 
! 	lint -u $(FILS) 
  	sed -e "s/^END//g" help | pr

--- 72,78 -----
  	$(EXECUTABLE)/conquer -d$(DATA) -m
! 	lint -hvac $(FILS)	 
  	sed -e "s/^END//g" help | pr
*** 85,91
  	sed -e "s/^END//g" help | pr
! 	$(RM) core
  	find . -name '*[CrpsEech]' -print | cpio -ocBv > cpiosv
  shar:	$(FILS)

--- 78,84 -----
  	sed -e "s/^END//g" help | pr
! 	- $(RM) core
  	find . -name '*[CrpsEech]' -print | cpio -ocBv > cpiosv
  shar:	$(FILS)
*** 101,109
  	mv shar.out shar5
! 	$(RM) shar1
! 	$(RM) shar2
! 	$(RM) shar3
! 	$(RM) shar4
! 	$(RM) shar5

--- 94,101 -----
  	mv shar.out shar5
! 	- $(RM) shar1
! 	- $(RM) shar2
! 	- $(RM) shar3
! 	- $(RM) shar4
! 	- $(RM) shar5
*** oldhelp	Fri Mar 18 17:27:20 1988
--- help	Fri Mar 18 17:27:25 1988
*** 79,85
                  10% reproduction ceiling). Orcs are lousy fighters and are 
                  led by minor monsters (they start with MINOR MONSTER power).
  ELF       'E'   Great at defense and quick, but few in numbers.  They start 
!                 with VOID power, which is perhaps the most potent power in the 
                  game, but which costs them an extra distribution point.  
  DWARF     'D'   Dwarves are good at combat, but slow and few in numbers.  They
                  start with MINER power, which allows them to quickly mine 

--- 79,85 -----
                  10% reproduction ceiling). Orcs are lousy fighters and are 
                  led by minor monsters (they start with MINOR MONSTER power).
  ELF       'E'   Great at defense and quick, but few in numbers.  They start 
!                 with VOID power, which is perhaps the most potent power in the
                  game, but which costs them an extra distribution point.  
  DWARF     'D'   Dwarves are good at combat, but slow and few in numbers.  They
                  start with MINER power, which allows them to quickly mine 
*** 171,177
  Note that NPCS only have infantry and garrisons.
! 				SHIPS
  Ships have crews - which can melee and fight.  To sail at all,
  a fleet must have 50 men per warship.  Merchants are assumed to be manned

--- 171,177 -----
  Note that NPCS only have infantry and garrisons.
  Ships have crews - which can melee and fight.  To sail at all,
  a fleet must have 50 men per warship.  Merchants are assumed to be manned
*** 269,275
  The only method to take an occupied City or Capitol is to be the the only
          army in the sector when the combat is *over*.
! Ships are more powerful than you might expect.  They permit rapid relocation of
  	armies & civilians to strategic points.  Their movement is 3x that of
          a land army and they pay 1 move point per sector (coast lands) and
  	4 move points in deep water. Naval combat has not been play tested.

--- 269,275 -----
  The only method to take an occupied City or Capitol is to be the the only
          army in the sector when the combat is *over*.
! Ships are more powerful than you might expect. They permit rapid relocation of
  	armies & civilians to strategic points.  Their movement is 3x that of
          a land army and they pay 1 move point per sector (coast lands) and
  	4 move points in deep water. Naval combat has not been play tested.
*** 309,315
          is converted to gold talons at a rate of 1 per food point.
  IRON:      You need to have iron to draft new military, as per the unit types 
  	section.  One person produces one iron per point of mineral in 
!         the sector per turn.  An amount of Iron (based on the number of troops 
          you have) can be used to buy +1% in your nations attack or defense.
  JEWELS:    You can have a maximum of 10 talons debt for every jewel
          point that you mined.  After that point, you undergo a TAX REVOLT,

--- 309,315 -----
          is converted to gold talons at a rate of 1 per food point.
  IRON:      You need to have iron to draft new military, as per the unit types 
  	section.  One person produces one iron per point of mineral in 
!         the sector per turn.  An amount of Iron (based on the number of troops
          you have) can be used to buy +1% in your nations attack or defense.
  JEWELS:    You can have a maximum of 10 talons debt for every jewel
          point that you mined.  After that point, you undergo a TAX REVOLT,
*** 323,329
                                  MAGIC POWERS   
  WARRIOR/CAPTAIN/WARLORD: +10% each in combat, 1/2 Enlistment cost
  (MINOR/AVERAGE/MAJOR) MONSTER: (ORCS ONLY) Army 0 fights at +20% per level.
!             Monsters have a chance to takeover ORC NPCs at a cost 100K jewels.  
  SPY         All enemy troop/civilian strength is shown exactly (even voids)
  KNOWALL     Know all troop strengths and see the whole map (except voids)
  DERVISH     Desert/ICE sectors => 1 move point, vegetation 6, +30% combat in

--- 323,329 -----
                                  MAGIC POWERS   
  WARRIOR/CAPTAIN/WARLORD: +10% each in combat, 1/2 Enlistment cost
  (MINOR/AVERAGE/MAJOR) MONSTER: (ORCS ONLY) Army 0 fights at +20% per level.
!             Monsters have a chance to takeover ORC NPCs at a cost 100K jewels.
  SPY         All enemy troop/civilian strength is shown exactly (even voids)
  KNOWALL     Know all troop strengths and see the whole map (except voids)
  DERVISH     Desert/ICE sectors => 1 move point, vegetation 6, +30% combat in
*** 351,357
                       relative values of the materials.
  'f': fleet report:   Report on the status of your fleets.
  'm': move unit:      move selected unit. The unit will stop when it runs out 
!                      of move points or runs into an army larger than it.       
  'p': pick item:      allows you to select the next army or navy in the
                       sector.  Other commands will operate on that unit.
  'r': redesignate:    you can change habitable sectors you own to other

--- 351,357 -----
                       relative values of the materials.
  'f': fleet report:   Report on the status of your fleets.
  'm': move unit:      move selected unit. The unit will stop when it runs out 
!                      of move points or runs into an army larger than it.
  'p': pick item:      allows you to select the next army or navy in the
                       sector.  Other commands will operate on that unit.
  'r': redesignate:    you can change habitable sectors you own to other
*** 381,387
  'N': newspaper:    Briefs you on world happenings.  Note the News has 4 pages.
  'P': production:   ESTIMATE your nations production statistics
! 'S': diplomacy:    Alloy you to see and alter your diplomatic status.          
  'Q': quit:         Save your move and quit the game.  Note there is no
                     means supported to quit without saving your moves.
  'R': read mail:    Read mail messages

--- 381,387 -----
  'N': newspaper:    Briefs you on world happenings.  Note the News has 4 pages.
  'P': production:   ESTIMATE your nations production statistics
! 'S': diplomacy:    Allow you to see and alter your diplomatic status.
  'Q': quit:         Save your move and quit the game.  Note there is no
                     means supported to quit without saving your moves.
  'R': read mail:    Read mail messages
*** oldREADME	Fri Mar 18 17:26:44 1988
--- README	Fri Mar 18 17:27:25 1988
*** oldrun	Fri Mar 18 17:26:47 1988
--- run	Fri Mar 18 17:27:25 1988