[comp.sources.bugs] mp fix to allow printing of news articles

david@infopro.UUCP (David Fiedler) (12/09/88)

I love the mp program! After feeding a few news articles through it, I
found it didn't handle news headers well, so came up with the following
fix which seems compatible with mail also:

          case DOHEADER  : if (EQUAL("From") || EQUAL("Date") || EQUAL("Path") \
	 			 || EQUAL("Subject"))

The change to make it sense a news article, and thus print "News for ____"
in the header (rather than "Mail for ____"), is left to those with more
free time than I have!
David Fiedler {ames,attmail,hoptoad,pyramid}!infopro!david
USMail: InfoPro Systems, PO Box 220, Rescue CA 95672 Phone: 916/677-5870
"I can't answer the door, my wife is taking a bath in the sink."

daveg@roxanne.StPaul.GOV (Dave Glowacki) (12/15/88)

Here's a patch to get mp to print news articles.  This patch adds the
following features:

	* Instead of "Mail for user" in the heading, it prints
	  "Article from newsgroup".  It guesses that it's processing
	  a news article via the presence of either a "Newsgroups: "
	  or an "Article " header field.

	* A "-d" option has been added, to handle digests (each separate
	  article on a new page with its subject at the bottom.)

	* Identification of header fields has (hopefully) been tightened
	  up.  This was done by making sure appropriate header fields were
	  followed by colon/space.  This patch also assumes that mail
	  "From " header fields are of the form "From user [Sun-Sat] ..."
	  which will hopefully cut down on the number of falsely
	  identified lines beginning with "From".

If someone REALLY wanted to get carried away, it'd probably be nice to
have a way to specify which header fields to print and which to leave
out (being a rigid domainist, I left out the "Path:" field patch from
Mr. Feidler, which motivated this whole thing :-)
*** mp.c.orig	Tue Dec 13 16:14:53 1988
--- mp.c	Tue Dec 13 16:37:19 1988
*** 12,17 ****
--- 12,18 ----
  #include <sys/file.h>
  #include <string.h>
  #include <time.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
  #define  PATCHLEVEL   2
*** 35,40 ****
--- 36,43 ----
  time_t time() ;
  struct tm *localtime() ;
  char *asctime(), *getlogin(), *gets() ;
+ int newsarticle = 0;       /* =1 if this is a news article */
+ char titleobj[MAXLINE];    /* User name/Newsgroup name for this message */
  char subject[MAXLINE] ;    /* Subject line for this message. */
  FILE *fopen(), *pf ;
*** 58,63 ****
--- 61,67 ----
    int state ;                /* State of message processing automation. */
    long clock ;               /* Used by the localtime function call. */
    struct tm *tm ;            /* Used by the localtime and asctime calls. */
+   int digest = 0;            /* =1 if we're processing a digest */
    char *progname = *argv ;                        /* This programs name. */
    STRCPY(prologue, "/usr/local/lib/mp.pro.ps") ;  /* Set up default values. */
*** 77,82 ****
--- 81,90 ----
                  exit(1) ;
+         else if (strcmp(*args, "-d") == 0)
+           {
+             digest = 1;
+           }
              FPRINTF(stderr,"%s: Unknown option %s\n",progname,*args) ;
*** 91,97 ****
    while (fgets(nextline,MAXLINE,pf) != NULL) PRINTF("%s",nextline) ;
!   defwrite("loginname",username) ;
    clock = time((time_t *) 0) ;
    tm = localtime(&clock) ;
    defwrite("timenow",asctime(tm)) ;
--- 99,105 ----
    while (fgets(nextline,MAXLINE,pf) != NULL) PRINTF("%s",nextline) ;
!   defwrite("titleobj",username) ;
    clock = time((time_t *) 0) ;
    tm = localtime(&clock) ;
    defwrite("timenow",asctime(tm)) ;
*** 116,133 ****
        switch (state)
!           case FROMLINE  : if (EQUAL("From"))
                                 boldshow(nextline) ;
                                 state = DOHEADER ;
                             break ;
!           case DOHEADER  : if (EQUAL("From") || EQUAL("Date") || EQUAL("Subject"))
                                 mixedshow(nextline) ;
                                 maybe_more = 0 ;
!                            else if (EQUAL("To") || EQUAL("Cc"))
                                 mixedshow(nextline) ;
                                 maybe_more = 1 ;
--- 124,152 ----
        switch (state)
!           case FROMLINE  : if (EQUAL("From ") && realfrom(nextline))
                                 boldshow(nextline) ;
                                 state = DOHEADER ;
+                            else if (EQUAL("From: "))
+                              {
+                                mixedshow(nextline);
+                                state = DOHEADER;
+                              }
+                            else if (EQUAL("Article "))
+                              {
+                                boldshow(nextline);
+                                getnewsgroup(nextline);
+                                state = DOHEADER;
+                              }
                             break ;
!           case DOHEADER  : if (EQUAL("From: ") || EQUAL("Date: ") || EQUAL("Subject: ") || EQUAL("Message-ID: ") || EQUAL("References: "))
                                 mixedshow(nextline) ;
                                 maybe_more = 0 ;
!                            else if (EQUAL("To: ") || EQUAL("Cc: "))
                                 mixedshow(nextline) ;
                                 maybe_more = 1 ;
*** 140,155 ****
                                 PRINTF("Courier\n") ;
                                 PRINTF("() showline\n") ;
                             else maybe_more = 0 ;
                             break ;
!           case DOMESSAGE : if (EQUAL("From"))
! 			       linect = PAGELENGTH ;
                                 useline() ;
                                 boldshow(nextline) ;
                                 state = DOHEADER ;
! 	                   else textshow(nextline) ;
                             break ;
--- 159,195 ----
                                 PRINTF("Courier\n") ;
                                 PRINTF("() showline\n") ;
+                            else if (EQUAL("Newsgroups: "))
+                              {
+                                mixedshow(nextline) ;
+                                if (!newsarticle)
+                                  getnewsgroup(nextline);
+                              }
                             else maybe_more = 0 ;
                             break ;
!           case DOMESSAGE : if (EQUAL("From ") && realfrom(nextline))
!                                linect = PAGELENGTH ;
                                 useline() ;
                                 boldshow(nextline) ;
                                 state = DOHEADER ;
!                            else if (digest && (EQUAL("Date: ") || EQUAL("From: ")))
!                              {
!                                linect = PAGELENGTH ;
!                                useline() ;
!                                mixedshow(nextline) ;
!                                state = DOHEADER ;
!                              }
!                            else if (EQUAL("Article "))
!                              {
!                                linect = PAGELENGTH ;
!                                useline() ;
!                                boldshow(nextline);
!                                getnewsgroup(nextline);
!                                state = DOHEADER;
!                              }
!                          else textshow(nextline) ;
                             break ;
*** 159,164 ****
--- 199,245 ----
+ getnewsgroup(s)
+ char *s;
+ {
+   char *n;
+   for (n = &s[strlen(s) - 1]; (n != s) && !isspace(*n); n--)
+     ;
+   if (n == s)
+     *titleobj = '\0';
+   else
+     for (n++, s = titleobj; *n && (*n != ':') && (*n != ','); )
+       *s++ = *n++;
+   *s = '\0';
+   PRINTF("/titleobj (") ;
+   expand(titleobj) ;
+   PRINTF(") def\n") ;
+   newsarticle = 1;
+   PRINTF("/newsarticle true def\n");
+ }
+ static char days[] = "SunMonTueWedThuFriSat";
+ realfrom(s)
+ char *s;
+ {
+   int i;
+   s += 5;
+   while (*s && isspace(*s))
+     s++;
+   while (*s && !isspace(*s))
+     s++;
+   while (*s && isspace(*s))
+     s++;
+   for (i = 0; i < 21; i += 3)
+     if ((s[0] == days[i]) && (s[1] == days[i+1]) && (s[2] == days[i+2]))
+       return(1);
+   return(0);
+ }
  char *s ;
*** 251,256 ****
--- 332,341 ----
        endpage() ;
        startpage() ;
+       PRINTF("/titleobj (") ;
+       expand(titleobj) ;
+       PRINTF(") def\n") ;
+       PRINTF("/newsarticle %s def\n", (newsarticle ? "true" : "false"));
        PRINTF("/subject (") ;
        expand(subject) ;
        PRINTF(") def\n") ;
*** mp.pro.ps.orig	Tue Dec 13 16:06:32 1988
--- mp.pro.ps	Tue Dec 13 14:56:52 1988
*** 8,13 ****
--- 8,15 ----
+ /newsarticle false def
+ /titleobj (printing) def
  /subject () def
  save /nuksunmailsave exch def
  /font1d /Times-Bold findfont 10 scalefont def
*** 48,55 ****
      0 setgray stroke
      100 740 moveto
!     (Mail for ) show
!     loginname (\(null\)) eq {(printing)} {loginname} ifelse show
      timenow stringwidth pop neg 536 add 740 moveto timenow show
--- 50,57 ----
      0 setgray stroke
      100 740 moveto
!     newsarticle { fontD (Article from ) show } { (Mail for ) show } ifelse
!     titleobj show
      timenow stringwidth pop neg 536 add 740 moveto timenow show
Dave Glowacki           ...!pyramid!pwcs!daveg           daveg@pwcs.StPaul.GOV