[comp.sources.bugs] PERL Users' Mailing List

mer6g@uvaarpa.virginia.edu (Marc Rouleau) (09/09/89)

wyle@ethz.UUCP (Mitchell Wyle) writes:
>Enough already!!  We don't need a discussion about the title of a book.
>We need chapter topics; we need more examples.  We need useful "sub"s.
>Would someone with more free time than I have *PLEASE* start a perl
>users' mailing list?  Please?

Ok.  The list address is

  Internet:  Perl-Users@Virginia.EDU
  USENET:    ...!uunet!virginia!perl-users

and the service address is

  Internet:  Perl-Users-Request@Virginia.EDU
  USENET:    ...!uunet!virginia!perl-users-request

Send requests to be added or deleted to the service address ONLY.

I don't have much time to put into this.  I'm willing to handle updating
of the list and that's about it.  If someone would like to compose a
welcome message, I'd be happy to send that out with each subscription;
otherwise, I'll just respond with a brief acknowledgment.

If you have trouble reaching the service address, send mail to


-- Marc Rouleau

jgreely@triceratops.cis.ohio-state.edu (J Greely) (09/09/89)

In article <681@uvaarpa.virginia.edu> mer6g@uvaarpa.virginia.edu
 (Marc Rouleau) writes:
[now there's a mailing list...]

How about an archive site?  Anything perlish mailed to me will get put
into pub/perl on tut.cis.ohio-state.edu, which at this moment contains
source for 2.18 and 3.0b.

J Greely (jgreely@cis.ohio-state.edu; osu-cis!jgreely)