[comp.sources.bugs] perl 3.0 patch #17

lwall@jpl-devvax.JPL.NASA.GOV (Larry Wall) (03/29/90)

System: perl version 3.0
Patch #: 17
Priority: MED-HIGH
Subject: patch #16, continued

	See patch #16.

Fix:	From rn, say "| patch -p -N -d DIR", where DIR is your perl source
	directory.  Outside of rn, say "cd DIR; patch -p -N <thisarticle".
	If you don't have the patch program, apply the following by hand,
	or get patch (version 2.0, latest patchlevel).

	After patching:

	If patch indicates that patchlevel is the wrong version, you may need
	to apply one or more previous patches, or the patch may already
	have been applied.  See the patchlevel.h file to find out what has or
	has not been applied.  In any event, don't continue with the patch.

	If you are missing previous patches they can be obtained from me:

	Larry Wall

	If you send a mail message of the following form it will greatly speed

	Subject: Command
	@SH mailpatch PATH perl 3.0 LIST
		   ^ note the c

	where PATH is a return path FROM ME TO YOU either in Internet notation,
	or in bang notation from some well-known host, and LIST is the number
	of one or more patches you need, separated by spaces, commas, and/or
	hyphens.  Saying 35- says everything from 35 to the end.

	You can also get the patches via anonymous FTP from
	jpl-devvax.jpl.nasa.gov (

Index: patchlevel.h
Prereq: 16
< #define PATCHLEVEL 16
> #define PATCHLEVEL 17

Index: config_h.SH
*** config.h.SH	Tue Mar 27 16:37:27 1990
--- config_h.SH	Tue Mar 27 16:37:32 1990
*** 83,88 ****
--- 83,94 ----
  #$d_bzero	BZERO		/**/
+  *	This symbol, if defined, indicates that this C compiler knows how to
+  *	cast negative numbers to unsigned longs, ints and shorts.
+  */
+ #$d_castneg	CASTNEGFLOAT	/**/
   *	This symbol is defined if this system declares "char *sprintf()" in
   *	stdio.h.  The trend seems to be to declare it as "int sprintf()".  It

Index: consarg.c
*** consarg.c.old	Tue Mar 27 16:37:59 1990
--- consarg.c	Tue Mar 27 16:38:03 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $Header: consarg.c,v 90/03/12 16:24:40 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $Header: consarg.c,v 90/03/27 15:36:45 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,14 ----
   *    as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
   * $Log:	consarg.c,v $
+  * Revision  90/03/27  15:36:45  lwall
+  * patch16: support for machines that can't cast negative floats to unsigned ints
+  * 
   * Revision  90/03/12  16:24:40  lwall
   * patch13: return (@array) did counter-intuitive things
*** 338,344 ****
  		str_numset(str,str_gnum(s1) / value);
  	case O_MODULO:
! 	    tmplong = (long)str_gnum(s2);
  	    if (tmplong == 0L) {
  		yyerror("Illegal modulus of constant zero");
--- 341,347 ----
  		str_numset(str,str_gnum(s1) / value);
  	case O_MODULO:
! 	    tmplong = (unsigned long)str_gnum(s2);
  	    if (tmplong == 0L) {
  		yyerror("Illegal modulus of constant zero");
*** 407,425 ****
  	case O_BIT_AND:
  	    value = str_gnum(s1);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    str_numset(str,(double)(((long)value) & ((long)str_gnum(s2))));
  	case O_XOR:
  	    value = str_gnum(s1);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    str_numset(str,(double)(((long)value) ^ ((long)str_gnum(s2))));
  	case O_BIT_OR:
  	    value = str_gnum(s1);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    str_numset(str,(double)(((long)value) | ((long)str_gnum(s2))));
  	case O_AND:
--- 410,428 ----
  	case O_BIT_AND:
  	    value = str_gnum(s1);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    str_numset(str,(double)(U_L(value) & U_L(str_gnum(s2))));
  	case O_XOR:
  	    value = str_gnum(s1);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    str_numset(str,(double)(U_L(value) ^ U_L(str_gnum(s2))));
  	case O_BIT_OR:
  	    value = str_gnum(s1);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    str_numset(str,(double)(U_L(value) | U_L(str_gnum(s2))));
  	case O_AND:
*** 455,461 ****
  #ifndef lint
! 	    str_numset(str,(double)(~(long)str_gnum(s1)));
  	case O_SIN:
--- 458,464 ----
  #ifndef lint
! 	    str_numset(str,(double)(~U_L(str_gnum(s1))));
  	case O_SIN:

Index: lib/ctime.pl
*** lib/ctime.pl.old	Tue Mar 27 16:40:00 1990
--- lib/ctime.pl	Tue Mar 27 16:40:02 1990
*** 0 ****
--- 1,36 ----
+ ;# ctime.pl is a simple Perl emulation for the well known ctime(3C) function.
+ ;#
+ ;# Waldemar Kebsch, Federal Republic of Germany, November 1988
+ ;# kebsch.pad@nixpbe.UUCP
+ ;# Modified March 1990 to better handle timezones
+ ;#  $Id: ctime.pl,v 1.3 90/03/22 10:49:10 hakanson Exp $
+ ;#   Marion Hakanson (hakanson@cse.ogi.edu)
+ ;#   Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and Technology
+ ;#
+ ;# usage:
+ ;#
+ ;#     #include <ctime.pl>          # see the -P and -I option in perl.man
+ ;#     $Date = do ctime(time);
+ @DoW = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat');
+ @MoY = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun',
+         'Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
+ sub ctime {
+     local($time) = @_;
+     local($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst);
+     # Use GMT if can't find local TZ
+     $TZ = defined($ENV{'TZ'}) ? $ENV{'TZ'} : 'GMT';
+     ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday, $isdst) =
+         ($TZ eq 'GMT') ? gmtime($time) : localtime($time);
+     # Hack to deal with 'PST8PDT' format of TZ
+     if ( $TZ =~ /-?\d+/ ) {
+         $TZ = $isdst ? $' : $`;
+     }
+     $TZ .= " " unless $TZ eq "";
+     $year += ($year < 70) ? 2000 : 1900;
+     sprintf("%s %s %2d %2d:%02d:%02d %s%4d\n",
+       $DoW[$wday], $MoY[$mon], $mday, $hour, $min, $sec, $TZ, $year);
+ }
+ 1;

Index: msdos/dir.h
*** msdos/dir.h.old	Tue Mar 27 16:40:32 1990
--- msdos/dir.h	Tue Mar 27 16:40:33 1990
*** 0 ****
--- 1,55 ----
+ /* $Header: dir.h,v 90/03/27 16:07:08 lwall Locked $
+  *
+  *    (C) Copyright 1987, 1990 Diomidis Spinellis.
+  *
+  *    You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+  *    as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
+  *
+  * $Log:	dir.h,v $
+  * Revision  90/03/27  16:07:08  lwall
+  * patch16: MSDOS support
+  * 
+  * Revision 1.1  90/03/18  20:32:29  dds
+  * Initial revision
+  *
+  *
+  */
+ /*
+  * defines the type returned by the directory(3) functions
+  */
+ #ifndef __DIR_INCLUDED
+ #define __DIR_INCLUDED
+ /*Directory entry size */
+ #ifdef DIRSIZ
+ #undef DIRSIZ
+ #endif
+ #define DIRSIZ(rp)	(sizeof(struct direct))
+ /*
+  * Structure of a directory entry
+  */
+ struct direct	{
+ 	ino_t	d_ino;			/* inode number (not used by MS-DOS) */
+ 	int	d_namlen;		/* Name length */
+ 	char	d_name[13];		/* file name */
+ };
+ struct _dir_struc {			/* Structure used by dir operations */
+ 	char *start;			/* Starting position */
+ 	char *curr;			/* Current position */
+ 	struct direct dirstr;		/* Directory structure to return */
+ };
+ typedef struct _dir_struc DIR;		/* Type returned by dir operations */
+ DIR *cdecl opendir(char *filename);
+ struct direct *readdir(DIR *dirp);
+ long telldir(DIR *dirp);
+ void seekdir(DIR *dirp,long loc);
+ void rewinddir(DIR *dirp);
+ void closedir(DIR *dirp);
+ #endif /* __DIR_INCLUDED */

Index: msdos/directory.c
*** msdos/directory.c.old	Tue Mar 27 16:40:36 1990
--- msdos/directory.c	Tue Mar 27 16:40:37 1990
*** 0 ****
--- 1,178 ----
+ /* $Header: directory.c,v 90/03/27 16:07:37 lwall Locked $
+  *
+  *    (C) Copyright 1987, 1988, 1990 Diomidis Spinellis.
+  *
+  *    You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+  *    as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
+  *
+  * $Log:	directory.c,v $
+  * Revision  90/03/27  16:07:37  lwall
+  * patch16: MSDOS support
+  * 
+  * Revision 1.3  90/03/16  22:39:40  dds
+  * Fixed malloc problem.
+  *
+  * Revision 1.2  88/07/23  00:08:39  dds
+  * Added inode non-zero filling.
+  *
+  * Revision 1.1  88/07/23  00:03:50  dds
+  * Initial revision
+  *
+  */
+ /*
+  * UNIX compatible directory access functions
+  */
+ #include <sys/types.h>
+ #include <sys/dir.h>
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ #include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ #include <dos.h>
+ #include <ctype.h>
+ /*
+  * File names are converted to lowercase if the
+  * CONVERT_TO_LOWER_CASE variable is defined.
+  */
+ #define PATHLEN 65
+ #ifndef lint
+ static char     rcsid[] = "$Header: director.c;v 1.3 90/03/16 22:39:40 dds Exp
+  $";
+ #endif
+ DIR *
+ opendir(char *filename)
+ {
+ 	DIR            *p;
+ 	char           *oldresult, *result;
+ 	union REGS      srv;
+ 	struct SREGS    segregs;
+ 	register        reslen = 0;
+ 	char            scannamespc[PATHLEN];
+ 	char		*scanname = scannamespc;	/* To take address we need a pointer */
+ 	/*
+ 	 * Structure used by the MS-DOS directory system calls.
+ 	 */
+ 	struct dir_buff {
+ 		char            reserved[21];	/* Reserved for MS-DOS */
+ 		unsigned char   attribute;	/* Attribute */
+ 		unsigned int    time;		/* Time */
+ 		unsigned int    date;		/* Date */
+ 		long            size;		/* Size of file */
+ 		char            fn[13];		/* Filename */
+ 	} buffspc, *buff = &buffspc;
+ 	if (!(p = (DIR *) malloc(sizeof(DIR))))
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	/* Initialize result to use realloc on it */
+ 	if (!(result = malloc(1))) {
+ 		free(p);
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	}
+ 	/* Create the search pattern */
+ 	strcpy(scanname, filename);
+ 	if (strchr("/\\", *(scanname + strlen(scanname) - 1)) == NULL)
+ 		strcat(scanname, "/*.*");
+ 	else
+ 		strcat(scanname, "*.*");
+ 	segread(&segregs);
+ #if ( defined(M_I86LM) || defined(M_I86CM) || defined(M_I86HM) )
+ 	segregs.ds = FP_SEG(buff);
+ 	srv.x.dx = FP_OFF(buff);
+ #else
+ 	srv.x.dx = (unsigned int) buff;
+ #endif
+ 	srv.h.ah = 0x1a;	/* Set DTA to DS:DX */
+ 	intdosx(&srv, &srv, &segregs);
+ #if ( defined(M_I86LM) || defined(M_I86CM) || defined(M_I86HM) )
+ 	segregs.ds = FP_SEG(scanname);
+ 	srv.x.dx = FP_OFF(scanname);
+ #else
+ 	srv.x.dx = (unsigned int) scanname;
+ #endif
+ 	srv.x.cx = 0xff;	/* Search mode */
+ 	for (srv.h.ah = 0x4e; !intdosx(&srv, &srv, &segregs); srv.h.ah = 0x4f) {
+ 		if ((result = (char *) realloc(result, reslen + strlen(buff->fn) + 1)) ==
+  NULL) {
+ 			free(p);
+ 			free(oldresult);
+ 			return NULL;
+ 		}
+ 		oldresult = result;
+ 		strcpy(result + reslen, strlwr(buff->fn));
+ #else
+ 		strcpy(result + reslen, buff->fn);
+ #endif
+ 		reslen += strlen(buff->fn) + 1;
+ 	}
+ 	if (!(result = realloc(result, reslen + 1))) {
+ 		free(p);
+ 		free(oldresult);
+ 		return NULL;
+ 	} else {
+ 		p->start = result;
+ 		p->curr = result;
+ 		*(result + reslen) = '\0';
+ 		return p;
+ 	}
+ }
+ struct direct  *
+ readdir(DIR *dirp)
+ {
+ 	char           *p;
+ 	register        len;
+ 	static          dummy;
+ 	p = dirp->curr;
+ 	len = strlen(p);
+ 	if (*p) {
+ 		dirp->curr += len + 1;
+ 		strcpy(dirp->dirstr.d_name, p);
+ 		dirp->dirstr.d_namlen = len;
+ 		/* To fool programs */
+ 		dirp->dirstr.d_ino = ++dummy;
+ 		return &(dirp->dirstr);
+ 	} else
+ 		return NULL;
+ }
+ long
+ telldir(DIR *dirp)
+ {
+ 	return (long) dirp->curr;	/* ouch! pointer to long cast */
+ }
+ void
+ seekdir(DIR *dirp, long loc)
+ {
+ 	dirp->curr = (char *) loc;	/* ouch! long to pointer cast */
+ }
+ void
+ rewinddir(DIR *dirp)
+ {
+ 	dirp->curr = dirp->start;
+ }
+ void
+ closedir(DIR *dirp)
+ {
+ 	free(dirp->start);
+ 	free(dirp);
+ }

Index: doarg.c
*** doarg.c.old	Tue Mar 27 16:38:13 1990
--- doarg.c	Tue Mar 27 16:38:17 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $Header: doarg.c,v 90/03/12 16:28:42 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $Header: doarg.c,v 90/03/27 15:39:03 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,16 ----
   *    as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
   * $Log:	doarg.c,v $
+  * Revision  90/03/27  15:39:03  lwall
+  * patch16: MSDOS support
+  * patch16: support for machines that can't cast negative floats to unsigned ints
+  * patch16: sprintf($s,...,$s,...) didn't work
+  * 
   * Revision  90/03/12  16:28:42  lwall
   * patch13: pack of ascii strings could call str_ncat() with negative length
   * patch13: printf("%s", *foo) was busted
*** 41,46 ****
--- 46,55 ----
  int wantarray;
+ #ifdef BUGGY_MSC
+  #pragma function(memcmp)
+ #endif /* BUGGY_MSC */
  STR *str;
*** 289,294 ****
--- 298,306 ----
      stack->ary_array[++sp] = arg->arg_ptr.arg_str;
      return sp;
+ #ifdef BUGGY_MSC
+  #pragma intrinsic(memcmp)
+ #endif /* BUGGY_MSC */
*** 448,454 ****
  	case 'I':
  	    while (len-- > 0) {
  		fromstr = NEXTFROM;
! 		auint = (unsigned int)str_gnum(fromstr);
  		str_ncat(str,(char*)&auint,sizeof(unsigned int));
--- 460,466 ----
  	case 'I':
  	    while (len-- > 0) {
  		fromstr = NEXTFROM;
! 		auint = U_I(str_gnum(fromstr));
  		str_ncat(str,(char*)&auint,sizeof(unsigned int));
*** 472,478 ****
  	case 'L':
  	    while (len-- > 0) {
  		fromstr = NEXTFROM;
! 		aulong = (unsigned long)str_gnum(fromstr);
  		str_ncat(str,(char*)&aulong,sizeof(unsigned long));
--- 484,490 ----
  	case 'L':
  	    while (len-- > 0) {
  		fromstr = NEXTFROM;
! 		aulong = U_L(str_gnum(fromstr));
  		str_ncat(str,(char*)&aulong,sizeof(unsigned long));
*** 511,520 ****
      char *xs;
      int xlen;
      double value;
      len--;			/* don't count pattern string */
!     s = str_get(*sarg);
      send = s + (*sarg)->str_cur;
      for ( ; s < send; len--) {
--- 523,533 ----
      char *xs;
      int xlen;
      double value;
+     char *origs;
      len--;			/* don't count pattern string */
!     origs = s = str_get(*sarg);
      send = s + (*sarg)->str_cur;
      for ( ; s < send; len--) {
*** 578,596 ****
  		ch = *(++t);
  		*t = '\0';
  		value = str_gnum(*(sarg++));
- #if defined(sun) && !defined(sparc)
- 		if (value < 0.0) {		/* sigh */
- 		    if (dolong)
- 			(void)sprintf(buf,s,(long)value);
- 		    else
- 			(void)sprintf(buf,s,(int)value);
- 		}
- 		else
- #endif
  		if (dolong)
! 		    (void)sprintf(buf,s,(unsigned long)value);
! 		    (void)sprintf(buf,s,(unsigned int)value);
  		s = t;
  		*(t--) = ch;
--- 591,600 ----
  		ch = *(++t);
  		*t = '\0';
  		value = str_gnum(*(sarg++));
  		if (dolong)
! 		    (void)sprintf(buf,s,U_L(value));
! 		    (void)sprintf(buf,s,U_I(value));
  		s = t;
  		*(t--) = ch;
*** 616,625 ****
  		if (strEQ(t-2,"%s")) {	/* some printfs fail on >128 chars */
  		    *buf = '\0';
  		    str_ncat(str,s,t - s - 2);
  		    str_ncat(str,xs,xlen);  /* so handle simple case */
! 		else
  		s = t;
  		*(t--) = ch;
--- 620,636 ----
  		if (strEQ(t-2,"%s")) {	/* some printfs fail on >128 chars */
  		    *buf = '\0';
  		    str_ncat(str,s,t - s - 2);
+ 		    *t = ch;
  		    str_ncat(str,xs,xlen);  /* so handle simple case */
! 		else {
! 		    if (origs == xs) {		/* sprintf($s,...$s...) */
! 			strcpy(tokenbuf+64,s);
! 			s = tokenbuf+64;
! 			*t = ch;
! 		    }
+ 		}
  		s = t;
  		*(t--) = ch;
*** 1165,1171 ****
      register int offset;
      register int size;
      register unsigned char *s = (unsigned char*)mstr->str_ptr;
!     register unsigned long lval = (unsigned long)str_gnum(str);
      int mask;
      mstr->str_rare = 0;
--- 1176,1182 ----
      register int offset;
      register int size;
      register unsigned char *s = (unsigned char*)mstr->str_ptr;
!     register unsigned long lval = U_L(str_gnum(str));
      int mask;
      mstr->str_rare = 0;

Index: doio.c
*** doio.c.old	Tue Mar 27 16:38:35 1990
--- doio.c	Tue Mar 27 16:38:40 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $Header: doio.c,v 90/03/14 12:26:24 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $Header: doio.c,v 90/03/27 15:44:02 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,16 ----
   *    as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
   * $Log:	doio.c,v $
+  * Revision  90/03/27  15:44:02  lwall
+  * patch16: MSDOS support
+  * patch16: support for machines that can't cast negative floats to unsigned ints
+  * patch16: system() can lose arguments passed to shell scripts on SysV machines
+  * 
   * Revision  90/03/14  12:26:24  lwall
   * patch15: commands involving execs could cause malloc arena corruption
*** 283,290 ****
--- 288,297 ----
  #ifdef FCHOWN
+ #ifdef CHOWN
+ #endif
  	    return stab_io(stab)->ifp;
*** 300,305 ****
--- 307,313 ----
      return Nullfp;
+ #ifdef PIPE
  do_pipe(str, rstab, wstab)
  STR *str;
*** 342,347 ****
--- 350,356 ----
+ #endif
*** 361,367 ****
  	if (stio->type == '|') {
  	    status = mypclose(stio->ifp);
  	    retval = (status >= 0);
! 	    statusvalue = (unsigned)status & 0xffff;
  	else if (stio->type == '-')
  	    retval = TRUE;
--- 370,376 ----
  	if (stio->type == '|') {
  	    status = mypclose(stio->ifp);
  	    retval = (status >= 0);
! 	    statusvalue = (unsigned short)status & 0xffff;
  	else if (stio->type == '-')
  	    retval = TRUE;
*** 897,902 ****
--- 906,912 ----
      register char *s;
      char **argv;
      char flags[10];
+     char *cmd2;
  #ifdef TAINT
*** 949,957 ****
      New(402,argv, (s - cmd) / 2 + 2, char*);
      a = argv;
!     for (s = cmd; *s;) {
  	while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++;
  	if (*s)
  	    *(a++) = s;
--- 959,967 ----
      New(402,argv, (s - cmd) / 2 + 2, char*);
!     cmd2 = nsavestr(cmd, s-cmd);
      a = argv;
!     for (s = cmd2; *s;) {
  	while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++;
  	if (*s)
  	    *(a++) = s;
*** 962,970 ****
      *a = Nullch;
      if (argv[0]) {
! 	if (errno == ENOEXEC)		/* for system V NIH syndrome */
  	    goto doshell;
      return FALSE;
--- 972,984 ----
      *a = Nullch;
      if (argv[0]) {
! 	if (errno == ENOEXEC) {		/* for system V NIH syndrome */
! 	    Safefree(argv);
! 	    Safefree(cmd2);
  	    goto doshell;
+ 	}
+     Safefree(cmd2);
      return FALSE;
*** 1944,1949 ****
--- 1958,1964 ----
+ #ifdef CHOWN
      case O_CHOWN:
  #ifdef TAINT
  	taintproper("Insecure dependency in chown");
*** 1959,1964 ****
--- 1974,1981 ----
+ #endif
+ #ifdef KILL
      case O_KILL:
  #ifdef TAINT
  	taintproper("Insecure dependency in kill");
*** 1994,1999 ****
--- 2011,2017 ----
+ #endif
      case O_UNLINK:
  #ifdef TAINT
  	taintproper("Insecure dependency in unlink");

Index: dolist.c
*** dolist.c.old	Tue Mar 27 16:38:57 1990
--- dolist.c	Tue Mar 27 16:39:02 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $Header: dolist.c,v 90/03/12 16:33:02 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $Header: dolist.c,v 90/03/27 15:48:42 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,18 ----
   *    as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
   * $Log:	dolist.c,v $
+  * Revision  90/03/27  15:48:42  lwall
+  * patch16: MSDOS support
+  * patch16: use of $`, $& or $' sometimes causes memory leakage
+  * patch16: splice(@array,0,$n) case cause duplicate free
+  * patch16: grep blows up on undefined array values
+  * patch16: .. now works using magical string increment
+  * 
   * Revision  90/03/12  16:33:02  lwall
   * patch13: added list slice operator (LIST)[LIST]
   * patch13: added splice operator: @oldelems = splice(@array,$offset,$len,LIST)
*** 43,48 ****
--- 50,59 ----
  #include "perl.h"
+ #ifdef BUGGY_MSC
+  #pragma function(memcmp)
+ #endif /* BUGGY_MSC */
  STR *str;
*** 242,247 ****
--- 253,260 ----
      if (sawampersand) {
  	char *tmps;
+ 	if (spat->spat_regexp->subbase)
+ 	    Safefree(spat->spat_regexp->subbase);
  	tmps = spat->spat_regexp->subbase = nsavestr(t,strend-t);
  	tmps = spat->spat_regexp->startp[0] = tmps + (s - t);
  	spat->spat_regexp->endp[0] = tmps + spat->spat_short->str_cur;
*** 262,267 ****
--- 275,284 ----
      return sp;
+ #ifdef BUGGY_MSC
+  #pragma intrinsic(memcmp)
+ #endif /* BUGGY_MSC */
  STR *str;
*** 846,851 ****
--- 863,869 ----
  		for (i = offset; i > 0; i--)	/* can't trust Copy */
  		    *dst-- = *src--;
+ 	    Zero(ary->ary_array, -diff, STR*);
  	    ary->ary_array -= diff;		/* diff is negative */
  	    ary->ary_max += diff;
*** 956,962 ****
      arg = arg[1].arg_ptr.arg_arg;
      while (i-- > 0) {
! 	stab_val(defstab) = st[src];
  	st = stack->ary_array;
  	if (str_true(st[sp+1]))
--- 974,983 ----
      arg = arg[1].arg_ptr.arg_arg;
      while (i-- > 0) {
! 	if (st[src])
! 	    stab_val(defstab) = st[src];
! 	else
! 	    stab_val(defstab) = str_static(&str_undef);
  	st = stack->ary_array;
  	if (str_true(st[sp+1]))
*** 1124,1140 ****
      STR **st = stack->ary_array;
      register int sp = arglast[0];
!     register int i = (int)str_gnum(st[sp+1]);
      register ARRAY *ary = stack;
      register STR *str;
!     int max = (int)str_gnum(st[sp+2]);
      if (gimme != G_ARRAY)
  	fatal("panic: do_range");
!     while (i <= max) {
! 	(void)astore(ary, ++sp, str = str_static(&str_no));
! 	str_numset(str,(double)i++);
      return sp;
--- 1145,1180 ----
      STR **st = stack->ary_array;
      register int sp = arglast[0];
!     register int i;
      register ARRAY *ary = stack;
      register STR *str;
!     int max;
      if (gimme != G_ARRAY)
  	fatal("panic: do_range");
!     if (st[sp+1]->str_nok ||
!       (looks_like_number(st[sp+1]) && *st[sp+1]->str_ptr != '0') ) {
! 	i = (int)str_gnum(st[sp+1]);
! 	max = (int)str_gnum(st[sp+2]);
! 	while (i <= max) {
! 	    (void)astore(ary, ++sp, str = str_static(&str_no));
! 	    str_numset(str,(double)i++);
! 	}
!     }
!     else {
! 	STR *final = str_static(st[sp+2]);
! 	char *tmps = str_get(final);
! 	str = str_static(st[sp+1]);
! 	while (!str->str_nok && str->str_cur <= final->str_cur &&
! 	    strNE(str->str_ptr,tmps) ) {
! 	    (void)astore(ary, ++sp, str);
! 	    str = str_static(str);
! 	    str_inc(str);
! 	}
! 	if (strEQ(str->str_ptr,tmps))
! 	    (void)astore(ary, ++sp, str);
      return sp;

Index: dump.c
Prereq: 3.0
*** dump.c.old	Tue Mar 27 16:39:13 1990
--- dump.c	Tue Mar 27 16:39:14 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $Header: dump.c,v 3.0 89/10/18 15:11:16 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $Header: dump.c,v 90/03/27 15:49:58 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,14 ----
   *    as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
   * $Log:	dump.c,v $
+  * Revision  90/03/27  15:49:58  lwall
+  * patch16: changed unsigned to unsigned int
+  * 
   * Revision 3.0  89/10/18  15:11:16  lwall
   * 3.0 baseline
*** 217,223 ****
  char *b;
! unsigned flags;
      *b = '\0';
      if (flags & AF_ARYOK)
--- 220,226 ----
  char *b;
! unsigned int flags;
      *b = '\0';
      if (flags & AF_ARYOK)

Index: eval.c
*** eval.c.old	Tue Mar 27 16:39:28 1990
--- eval.c	Tue Mar 27 16:39:34 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $Header: eval.c,v 90/03/12 16:37:40 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $Header: eval.c,v 90/03/27 15:53:51 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,16 ----
   *    as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
   * $Log:	eval.c,v $
+  * Revision  90/03/27  15:53:51  lwall
+  * patch16: MSDOS support
+  * patch16: support for machines that can't cast negative floats to unsigned ints
+  * patch16: ioctl didn't return values correctly
+  * 
   * Revision  90/03/12  16:37:40  lwall
   * patch13: undef $/ didn't work as advertised
   * patch13: added list slice operator (LIST)[LIST]
*** 47,52 ****
--- 52,60 ----
  #include <signal.h>
+ #ifdef I_FCNTL
+ #include <fcntl.h>
+ #endif
  #ifdef I_VFORK
  #   include <vfork.h>
*** 289,295 ****
  	value = str_gnum(st[1]);
  	anum = (int)str_gnum(st[2]);
  #ifndef lint
! 	value = (double)(((unsigned long)value) << anum);
  	goto donumset;
      case O_RIGHT_SHIFT:
--- 297,303 ----
  	value = str_gnum(st[1]);
  	anum = (int)str_gnum(st[2]);
  #ifndef lint
! 	value = (double)(U_L(value) << anum);
  	goto donumset;
      case O_RIGHT_SHIFT:
*** 296,302 ****
  	value = str_gnum(st[1]);
  	anum = (int)str_gnum(st[2]);
  #ifndef lint
! 	value = (double)(((unsigned long)value) >> anum);
  	goto donumset;
      case O_LT:
--- 304,310 ----
  	value = str_gnum(st[1]);
  	anum = (int)str_gnum(st[2]);
  #ifndef lint
! 	value = (double)(U_L(value) >> anum);
  	goto donumset;
      case O_LT:
*** 332,339 ****
  	if (!sawvec || st[1]->str_nok || st[2]->str_nok) {
  	    value = str_gnum(st[1]);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    value = (double)(((unsigned long)value) &
! 			(unsigned long)str_gnum(st[2]));
  	    goto donumset;
--- 340,346 ----
  	if (!sawvec || st[1]->str_nok || st[2]->str_nok) {
  	    value = str_gnum(st[1]);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    value = (double)(U_L(value) & U_L(str_gnum(st[2])));
  	    goto donumset;
*** 344,351 ****
  	if (!sawvec || st[1]->str_nok || st[2]->str_nok) {
  	    value = str_gnum(st[1]);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    value = (double)(((unsigned long)value) ^
! 			(unsigned long)str_gnum(st[2]));
  	    goto donumset;
--- 351,357 ----
  	if (!sawvec || st[1]->str_nok || st[2]->str_nok) {
  	    value = str_gnum(st[1]);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    value = (double)(U_L(value) ^ U_L(str_gnum(st[2])));
  	    goto donumset;
*** 356,363 ****
  	if (!sawvec || st[1]->str_nok || st[2]->str_nok) {
  	    value = str_gnum(st[1]);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    value = (double)(((unsigned long)value) |
! 			(unsigned long)str_gnum(st[2]));
  	    goto donumset;
--- 362,368 ----
  	if (!sawvec || st[1]->str_nok || st[2]->str_nok) {
  	    value = str_gnum(st[1]);
  #ifndef lint
! 	    value = (double)(U_L(value) | U_L(str_gnum(st[2])));
  	    goto donumset;
*** 436,442 ****
  	goto donumset;
      case O_COMPLEMENT:
  #ifndef lint
! 	value = (double) ~(unsigned long)str_gnum(st[1]);
  	goto donumset;
      case O_SELECT:
--- 441,447 ----
  	goto donumset;
      case O_COMPLEMENT:
  #ifndef lint
! 	value = (double) ~U_L(str_gnum(st[1]));
  	goto donumset;
      case O_SELECT:
*** 1330,1356 ****
      case O_FORK:
  	anum = fork();
  	if (!anum && (tmpstab = stabent("$",allstabs)))
  	value = (double)anum;
  	goto donumset;
      case O_WAIT:
  #ifndef lint
- 	/* ihand = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); */
- 	/* qhand = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); */
  	anum = wait(&argflags);
  	if (anum > 0)
  	value = (double)anum;
- #else
- 	/* ihand = qhand = 0; */
- 	/* (void)signal(SIGINT, ihand); */
- 	/* (void)signal(SIGQUIT, qhand); */
  	statusvalue = (unsigned short)argflags;
  	goto donumset;
      case O_SYSTEM:
  #ifdef TAINT
  	if (arglast[2] - arglast[1] == 1) {
--- 1335,1366 ----
      case O_FORK:
+ #ifdef FORK
  	anum = fork();
  	if (!anum && (tmpstab = stabent("$",allstabs)))
  	value = (double)anum;
  	goto donumset;
+ #else
+ 	fatal("Unsupported function fork");
+ 	break;
+ #endif
      case O_WAIT:
+ #ifdef WAIT
  #ifndef lint
  	anum = wait(&argflags);
  	if (anum > 0)
  	value = (double)anum;
  	statusvalue = (unsigned short)argflags;
  	goto donumset;
+ #else
+ 	fatal("Unsupported function wait");
+ 	break;
+ #endif
      case O_SYSTEM:
+ #ifdef FORK
  #ifdef TAINT
  	if (arglast[2] - arglast[1] == 1) {
*** 1392,1397 ****
--- 1402,1417 ----
  	    value = (double)do_exec(str_get(str_static(st[2])));
+ #else /* ! FORK */
+ 	if ((arg[1].arg_type & A_MASK) == A_STAB)
+ 	    value = (double)do_aspawn(st[1],arglast);
+ 	else if (arglast[2] - arglast[1] != 1)
+ 	    value = (double)do_aspawn(Nullstr,arglast);
+ 	else {
+ 	    value = (double)do_spawn(str_get(str_static(st[2])));
+ 	}
+ 	goto donumset;
+ #endif /* FORK */
      case O_EXEC:
  	if ((arg[1].arg_type & A_MASK) == A_STAB)
  	    value = (double)do_aexec(st[1],arglast);
*** 1443,1456 ****
  	value = (double)anum;
  	goto donumset;
-     case O_CHMOD:
      case O_CHOWN:
      case O_KILL:
      case O_UNLINK:
      case O_UTIME:
  	value = (double)apply(optype,arglast);
  	goto donumset;
      case O_UMASK:
  	if (maxarg < 1) {
  	    anum = umask(0);
--- 1463,1491 ----
  	value = (double)anum;
  	goto donumset;
      case O_CHOWN:
+ #ifdef CHOWN
+ 	value = (double)apply(optype,arglast);
+ 	goto donumset;
+ #else
+ 	fatal("Unsupported function chown");
+ 	break;
+ #endif
      case O_KILL:
+ #ifdef KILL
+ 	value = (double)apply(optype,arglast);
+ 	goto donumset;
+ #else
+ 	fatal("Unsupported function kill");
+ 	break;
+ #endif
      case O_UNLINK:
+     case O_CHMOD:
      case O_UTIME:
  	value = (double)apply(optype,arglast);
  	goto donumset;
      case O_UMASK:
+ #ifdef UMASK
  	if (maxarg < 1) {
  	    anum = umask(0);
*** 1462,1467 ****
--- 1497,1506 ----
  	taintproper("Insecure dependency in umask");
  	goto donumset;
+ #else
+ 	fatal("Unsupported function umask");
+ 	break;
+ #endif
      case O_RENAME:
  	tmps = str_get(st[1]);
  	tmps2 = str_get(st[2]);
*** 1480,1485 ****
--- 1519,1525 ----
  	goto donumset;
      case O_LINK:
+ #ifdef LINK
  	tmps = str_get(st[1]);
  	tmps2 = str_get(st[2]);
  #ifdef TAINT
*** 1487,1492 ****
--- 1527,1536 ----
  	value = (double)(link(tmps,tmps2) >= 0);
  	goto donumset;
+ #else
+ 	fatal("Unsupported function link");
+ 	break;
+ #endif
      case O_MKDIR:
  	tmps = str_get(st[1]);
  	anum = (int)str_gnum(st[2]);
*** 1566,1573 ****
--- 1610,1622 ----
  	goto one_liner;		/* see above in MKDIR */
      case O_GETPPID:
+ #ifdef GETPPID
  	value = (double)getppid();
  	goto donumset;
+ #else
+ 	fatal("Unsupported function getppid");
+ 	break;
+ #endif
      case O_GETPGRP:
  #ifdef GETPGRP
  	if (maxarg < 1)
*** 1618,1623 ****
--- 1667,1673 ----
      case O_CHROOT:
+ #ifdef CHROOT
  	if (maxarg < 1)
  	    tmps = str_get(stab_val(defstab));
*** 1627,1632 ****
--- 1677,1686 ----
  	value = (double)(chroot(tmps) >= 0);
  	goto donumset;
+ #else
+ 	fatal("Unsupported function chroot");
+ 	break;
+ #endif
      case O_FCNTL:
      case O_IOCTL:
  	if (maxarg <= 0)
*** 1635,1641 ****
  	    stab = arg[1].arg_ptr.arg_stab;
  	    stab = stabent(str_get(st[1]),TRUE);
! 	argtype = (unsigned int)str_gnum(st[2]);
  #ifdef TAINT
  	taintproper("Insecure dependency in ioctl");
--- 1689,1695 ----
  	    stab = arg[1].arg_ptr.arg_stab;
  	    stab = stabent(str_get(st[1]),TRUE);
! 	argtype = U_I(str_gnum(st[2]));
  #ifdef TAINT
  	taintproper("Insecure dependency in ioctl");
*** 1642,1649 ****
  	anum = do_ctl(optype,stab,argtype,st[3]);
  	if (anum == -1)
  	    goto say_undef;
! 	if (anum != 0)
  	    goto donumset;
  	str_set(str,"0 but true");
--- 1696,1705 ----
  	anum = do_ctl(optype,stab,argtype,st[3]);
  	if (anum == -1)
  	    goto say_undef;
! 	if (anum != 0) {
! 	    value = (double)anum;
  	    goto donumset;
+ 	}
  	str_set(str,"0 but true");
*** 1762,1769 ****
--- 1818,1829 ----
  	anum = S_IFCHR;
  	goto check_file_type;
      case O_FTBLK:
+ #ifdef S_IFBLK
  	anum = S_IFBLK;
  	goto check_file_type;
+ #else
+ 	goto say_no;
+ #endif
      case O_FTFILE:
  	anum = S_IFREG;
  	goto check_file_type;
*** 1802,1808 ****
  	value = (double)(symlink(tmps,tmps2) >= 0);
  	goto donumset;
! 	fatal("Unsupported function symlink()");
      case O_READLINK:
  #ifdef SYMLINK
--- 1862,1868 ----
  	value = (double)(symlink(tmps,tmps2) >= 0);
  	goto donumset;
! 	fatal("Unsupported function symlink");
      case O_READLINK:
  #ifdef SYMLINK
*** 1816,1831 ****
! 	fatal("Unsupported function readlink()");
      case O_FTSUID:
  	anum = S_ISUID;
  	goto check_xid;
      case O_FTSGID:
  	anum = S_ISGID;
  	goto check_xid;
      case O_FTSVTX:
  	anum = S_ISVTX;
  	if (mystat(arg,st[1]) < 0)
  	    goto say_undef;
--- 1876,1903 ----
! 	fatal("Unsupported function readlink");
      case O_FTSUID:
+ #ifdef S_ISUID
  	anum = S_ISUID;
  	goto check_xid;
+ #else
+ 	goto say_no;
+ #endif
      case O_FTSGID:
+ #ifdef S_ISGID
  	anum = S_ISGID;
  	goto check_xid;
+ #else
+ 	goto say_no;
+ #endif
      case O_FTSVTX:
+ #ifdef S_ISVTX
  	anum = S_ISVTX;
+ #else
+ 	goto say_no;
+ #endif
  	if (mystat(arg,st[1]) < 0)
  	    goto say_undef;
*** 2058,2063 ****
--- 2130,2151 ----
  	    goto say_undef;
  	value = fileno(fp);
  	goto donumset;
+     case O_BINMODE:
+ 	if (maxarg < 1)
+ 	    goto say_undef;
+ 	if ((arg[1].arg_type & A_MASK) == A_WORD)
+ 	    stab = arg[1].arg_ptr.arg_stab;
+ 	else
+ 	    stab = stabent(str_get(st[1]),TRUE);
+ 	if (!stab || !(stio = stab_io(stab)) || !(fp = stio->ifp))
+ 	    goto say_undef;
+ #ifdef MSDOS
+ 	str_set(str, (setmode(fileno(fp), O_BINARY) != -1) ? Yes : No);
+ #else
+ 	str_set(str, Yes);
+ #endif
+ 	STABSET(str);
+ 	break;
      case O_VEC:
  	sp = do_vec(str == st[1], arg->arg_ptr.arg_str, arglast);
  	goto array_return;
*** 2064,2069 ****
--- 2152,2158 ----
      case O_GPWNAM:
      case O_GPWUID:
      case O_GPWENT:
+ #ifdef PASSWD
  	sp = do_gpwent(optype,
  	goto array_return;
*** 2073,2081 ****
--- 2162,2177 ----
      case O_EPWENT:
  	value = (double) endpwent();
  	goto donumset;
+ #else
+     case O_EPWENT:
+     case O_SPWENT:
+ 	fatal("Unsupported password function");
+ 	break;
+ #endif
      case O_GGRNAM:
      case O_GGRGID:
      case O_GGRENT:
+ #ifdef GROUP
  	sp = do_ggrent(optype,
  	goto array_return;
*** 2085,2094 ****
--- 2181,2200 ----
      case O_EGRENT:
  	value = (double) endgrent();
  	goto donumset;
+ #else
+     case O_EGRENT:
+     case O_SGRENT:
+ 	fatal("Unsupported group function");
+ 	break;
+ #endif
      case O_GETLOGIN:
+ #ifdef GETLOGIN
  	if (!(tmps = getlogin()))
  	    goto say_undef;
+ #else
+ 	fatal("Unsupported function getlogin");
+ #endif
      case O_OPENDIR:
      case O_READDIR:
*** 2108,2113 ****
--- 2214,2220 ----
  	value = (double)do_syscall(arglast);
  	goto donumset;
      case O_PIPE:
+ #ifdef PIPE
  	if ((arg[1].arg_type & A_MASK) == A_WORD)
  	    stab = arg[1].arg_ptr.arg_stab;
*** 2118,2123 ****
--- 2225,2233 ----
  	    stab2 = stabent(str_get(st[2]),TRUE);
+ #else
+ 	fatal("Unsupported function pipe");
+ #endif

Index: evalargs.xc
*** evalargs.xc.old	Tue Mar 27 16:39:47 1990
--- evalargs.xc	Tue Mar 27 16:39:49 1990
*** 2,10 ****
   * kit sizes from getting too big.
! /* $Header: evalargs.xc,v 90/02/28 17:38:37 lwall Locked $
   * $Log:	evalargs.xc,v $
   * Revision  90/02/28  17:38:37  lwall
   * patch9: $#foo -= 2 didn't work
--- 2,13 ----
   * kit sizes from getting too big.
! /* $Header: evalargs.xc,v 90/03/27 15:54:42 lwall Locked $
   * $Log:	evalargs.xc,v $
+  * Revision  90/03/27  15:54:42  lwall
+  * patch16: MSDOS support
+  * 
   * Revision  90/02/28  17:38:37  lwall
   * patch9: $#foo -= 2 didn't work
*** 249,259 ****
  	    argflags |= AF_POST;	/* enable newline chopping */
  	    last_in_stab = argptr.arg_stab;
  	    old_record_separator = record_separator;
  #ifdef CSH
  	    record_separator = 0;
  	    record_separator = '\n';
! #endif
  	    goto do_read;
  	case A_READ:
  	    last_in_stab = argptr.arg_stab;
--- 252,266 ----
  	    argflags |= AF_POST;	/* enable newline chopping */
  	    last_in_stab = argptr.arg_stab;
  	    old_record_separator = record_separator;
+ #ifdef MSDOS
+ 	    record_separator = 0;
+ #else
  #ifdef CSH
  	    record_separator = 0;
  	    record_separator = '\n';
! #endif	/* !CSH */
! #endif	/* !MSDOS */
  	    goto do_read;
  	case A_READ:
  	    last_in_stab = argptr.arg_stab;
*** 285,290 ****
--- 292,302 ----
  			(void) interp(str,stab_val(last_in_stab),sp);
  			st = stack->ary_array;
  			tmpstr = Str_new(55,0);
+ #ifdef MSDOS
+ 			str_set(tmpstr, "glob ");
+ 			str_scat(tmpstr,str);
+ 			str_cat(tmpstr," |");
+ #else
  #ifdef CSH
  			str_cat(tmpstr," -cf 'set nonomatch; glob ");
*** 295,301 ****
  			  "|tr -s ' \t\f\r' '\\012\\012\\012\\012'|");
! #endif
  			fp = stab_io(last_in_stab)->ifp;
--- 307,314 ----
  			  "|tr -s ' \t\f\r' '\\012\\012\\012\\012'|");
! #endif /* !CSH */
! #endif /* !MSDOS */
  			fp = stab_io(last_in_stab)->ifp;

Index: msdos/glob.c
*** msdos/glob.c.old	Tue Mar 27 16:40:47 1990
--- msdos/glob.c	Tue Mar 27 16:40:48 1990
*** 0 ****
--- 1,17 ----
+ /*
+  * Globbing for MS-DOS.  Relies on the expansion done by the library
+  * startup code. (dds)
+  */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ {
+ 	register i;
+ 	for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
+ 		fputs(strlwr(argv[i]), stdout);
+ 		putchar(0);
+ 	}
+ }

Index: hash.c
*** hash.c.old	Tue Mar 27 16:39:55 1990
--- hash.c	Tue Mar 27 16:39:57 1990
*** 1,4 ****
! /* $Header: hash.c,v 89/12/21 20:03:39 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
--- 1,4 ----
! /* $Header: hash.c,v 90/03/27 15:59:09 lwall Locked $
   *    Copyright (c) 1989, Larry Wall
*** 6,11 ****
--- 6,14 ----
   *    as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
   * $Log:	hash.c,v $
+  * Revision  90/03/27  15:59:09  lwall
+  * patch16: @dbmvalues{'foo','bar'} could use the same cache entry for both values
+  * 
   * Revision  89/12/21  20:03:39  lwall
   * patch7: errno may now be a macro with an lvalue
*** 161,172 ****
  #ifdef SOME_DBM
      else if (tb->tbl_dbm) {		/* is this just a cache for dbm file? */
  	entry = tb->tbl_array[hash & tb->tbl_max];
  	oentry = &entry->hent_next;
  	entry = *oentry;
  	while (entry) {	/* trim chain down to 1 entry */
  	    *oentry = entry->hent_next;
! 	    hentfree(entry);		/* no doubt they'll want this next. */
  	    entry = *oentry;
--- 164,177 ----
  #ifdef SOME_DBM
      else if (tb->tbl_dbm) {		/* is this just a cache for dbm file? */
+ 	void hentdelayfree();
  	entry = tb->tbl_array[hash & tb->tbl_max];
  	oentry = &entry->hent_next;
  	entry = *oentry;
  	while (entry) {	/* trim chain down to 1 entry */
  	    *oentry = entry->hent_next;
! 	    hentdelayfree(entry);	/* no doubt they'll want this next. */
  	    entry = *oentry;
*** 312,317 ****
--- 317,333 ----
      if (!hent)
+     Safefree(hent->hent_key);
+     Safefree(hent);
+ }
+ void
+ hentdelayfree(hent)
+ register HENT *hent;
+ {
+     if (!hent)
+ 	return;
+     str_2static(hent->hent_val);	/* free between statements */

Index: msdos/eg/crlf.bat
*** msdos/eg/crlf.bat.old	Tue Mar 27 17:26:13 1990
--- msdos/eg/crlf.bat	Tue Mar 27 17:26:14 1990
*** 0 ****
--- 1,32 ----
+ @REM=("
+ @perl %0.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+ @end ") if 0 ;
+ # Convert all the files in the current directory from unix to MS-DOS
+ # line ending conventions.
+ #
+ # By Diomidis Spinellis
+ #
+ open(FILES, 'find . -print |');
+ while ($file = <FILES>) {
+ 	$file =^ s/[\n\r]//;
+ 	if (-f $file) {
+ 		if (-B $file) {
+ 			print STDERR "Skipping binary file $file\n";
+ 			next;
+ 		}
+ 		($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime,
+  $blksize, $blocks) = stat($file);
+ 		open(IFILE, "$file");
+ 		open(OFILE, ">xl$$");
+ 		while (<IFILE>) {
+ 			print OFILE;
+ 		}
+ 		close(OFILE) || die "close xl$$: $!\n";
+ 		close(IFILE) || die "close $file: $!\n";
+ 		unlink($file) || die "unlink $file: $!\n";
+ 		rename("xl$$", $file) || die "rename(xl$$, $file): $!\n";
+ 		chmod($mode, $file) || die "chmod($mode, $file: $!\n";
+ 		utime($atime, $mtime, $file) || die "utime($atime, $mtime, $file): $!\n";
+ 	}
+ }

Index: msdos/eg/lf.bat
*** msdos/eg/lf.bat.old	Tue Mar 27 16:40:42 1990
--- msdos/eg/lf.bat	Tue Mar 27 16:40:45 1990
*** 0 ****
--- 1,33 ----
+ @REM=("
+ @perl %0.bat %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9
+ @end ") if 0 ;
+ # Convert all the files in the current directory from MS-DOS to unix
+ # line ending conventions.
+ #
+ # By Diomidis Spinellis
+ #
+ open(FILES, 'find . -print |');
+ while ($file = <FILES>) {
+ 	$file =^ s/[\n\r]//;
+ 	if (-f $file) {
+ 		if (-B $file) {
+ 			print STDERR "Skipping binary file $file\n";
+ 			next;
+ 		}
+ 		($dev, $ino, $mode, $nlink, $uid, $gid, $rdev, $size, $atime, $mtime, $ctime,
+  $blksize, $blocks) = stat($file);
+ 		open(IFILE, "$file");
+ 		open(OFILE, ">xl$$");
+ 		binmode OFILE || die "binmode xl$$: $!\n";
+ 		while (<IFILE>) {
+ 			print OFILE;
+ 		}
+ 		close(OFILE) || die "close xl$$: $!\n";
+ 		close(IFILE) || die "close $file: $!\n";
+ 		unlink($file) || die "unlink $file: $!\n";
+ 		rename("xl$$", $file) || die "rename(xl$$, $file): $!\n";
+ 		chmod($mode, $file) || die "chmod($mode, $file: $!\n";
+ 		utime($atime, $mtime, $file) || die "utime($atime, $mtime, $file): $!\n";
+ 	}
+ }

Index: msdos/msdos.c
*** msdos/msdos.c.old	Tue Mar 27 16:40:51 1990
--- msdos/msdos.c	Tue Mar 27 16:40:52 1990
*** 0 ****
--- 1,246 ----
+ /* $Header: msdos.c,v 90/03/27 16:10:41 lwall Locked $
+  *
+  *    (C) Copyright 1989, 1990 Diomidis Spinellis.
+  *
+  *    You may distribute under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+  *    as specified in the README file that comes with the perl 3.0 kit.
+  *
+  * $Log:	msdos.c,v $
+  * Revision  90/03/27  16:10:41  lwall
+  * patch16: MSDOS support
+  * 
+  * Revision 1.1  90/03/18  20:32:01  dds
+  * Initial revision
+  *
+  */
+ /*
+  * Various Unix compatibility functions for MS-DOS.
+  */
+ #include <stdio.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <dos.h>
+ #include <time.h>
+ #include <process.h>
+ #include "EXTERN.h"
+ #include "perl.h"
+ /*
+  * Interface to the MS-DOS ioctl system call.
+  * The function is encoded as follows:
+  * The lowest nibble of the function code goes to AL
+  * The two middle nibbles go to CL
+  * The high nibble goes to CH
+  *
+  * The return code is -1 in the case of an error and if successful
+  * for functions AL = 00, 09, 0a the value of the register DX
+  * for functions AL = 02 - 08, 0e the value of the register AX
+  * for functions AL = 01, 0b - 0f the number 0
+  *
+  * Notice that this restricts the ioctl subcodes stored in AL to 00-0f
+  * In the Ralf Borwn interrupt list 90.1 there are no subcodes above AL=0f
+  * so we are ok.
+  * Furthermore CH is also restriced in the same area.  Where CH is used as a
+  * code it always is between 00-0f.  In the case where it forms a count
+  * together with CL we arbitrarily set the highest count limit to 4095.  It
+  * sounds reasonable for an ioctl.
+  * The other alternative would have been to use the pointer argument to
+  * point the the values of CX.  The problem with this approach is that
+  * of accessing wild regions when DX is used as a number and not as a
+  * pointer.
+  */
+ int
+ ioctl(int handle, unsigned int function, char *data)
+ {
+ 	union REGS      srv;
+ 	struct SREGS    segregs;
+ 	srv.h.ah = 0x44;
+ 	srv.h.al = function & 0xf;
+ 	srv.x.bx = handle;
+ 	srv.x.cx = function >> 4;
+ 	segread(&segregs);
+ #if ( defined(M_I86LM) || defined(M_I86CM) || defined(M_I86HM) )
+ 	segregs.ds = FP_SEG(data);
+ 	srv.x.dx = FP_OFF(data);
+ #else
+ 	srv.x.dx = (unsigned int) data;
+ #endif
+ 	intdosx(&srv, &srv, &segregs);
+ 	if (srv.x.cflag & 1) {
+ 		switch(srv.x.ax ){
+ 		case 1:
+ 			errno = EINVAL;
+ 			break;
+ 		case 2:
+ 		case 3:
+ 			errno = ENOENT;
+ 			break;
+ 		case 4:
+ 			errno = EMFILE;
+ 			break;
+ 		case 5:
+ 			errno = EPERM;
+ 			break;
+ 		case 6:
+ 			errno = EBADF;
+ 			break;
+ 		case 8:
+ 			errno = ENOMEM;
+ 			break;
+ 		case 0xc:
+ 		case 0xd:
+ 		case 0xf:
+ 			errno = EINVAL;
+ 			break;
+ 		case 0x11:
+ 			errno = EXDEV;
+ 			break;
+ 		case 0x12:
+ 			errno = ENFILE;
+ 			break;
+ 		default:
+ 			errno = EZERO;
+ 			break;
+ 		}
+ 		return -1;
+ 	} else {
+ 		switch (function & 0xf) {
+ 		case 0: case 9: case 0xa:
+ 			return srv.x.dx;
+ 		case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5:
+ 		case 6: case 7: case 8: case 0xe:
+ 			return srv.x.ax;
+ 		case 1: case 0xb: case 0xc: case 0xd:
+ 		case 0xf:
+ 		default:
+ 			return 0;
+ 		}
+ 	}
+ }
+ /*
+  * Sleep function.
+  */
+ void
+ sleep(unsigned len)
+ {
+ 	time_t end;
+ 	end = time((time_t *)0) + len;
+ 	while (time((time_t *)0) < end)
+ 		;
+ }
+ /*
+  * Just pretend that everyone is a superuser
+  */
+ int
+ getuid(void)
+ {
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ geteuid(void)
+ {
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ getgid(void)
+ {
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+ int
+ getegid(void)
+ {
+ 	return 0;
+ }
+ /*
+  * The following code is based on the do_exec and do_aexec functions
+  * in file doio.c
+  */
+ int
+ do_aspawn(really,arglast)
+ STR *really;
+ int *arglast;
+ {
+     register STR **st = stack->ary_array;
+     register int sp = arglast[1];
+     register int items = arglast[2] - sp;
+     register char **a;
+     char **argv;
+     char *tmps;
+     int status;
+     if (items) {
+ 	New(1101,argv, items+1, char*);
+ 	a = argv;
+ 	for (st += ++sp; items > 0; items--,st++) {
+ 	    if (*st)
+ 		*a++ = str_get(*st);
+ 	    else
+ 		*a++ = "";
+ 	}
+ 	*a = Nullch;
+ 	if (really && *(tmps = str_get(really)))
+ 	    status = spawnvp(P_WAIT,tmps,argv);
+ 	else
+ 	    status = spawnvp(P_WAIT,argv[0],argv);
+ 	Safefree(argv);
+     }
+     return status;
+ }
+ char *getenv(char *name);
+ int
+ do_spawn(cmd)
+ char *cmd;
+ {
+     register char **a;
+     register char *s;
+     char **argv;
+     char flags[10];
+     int status;
+     char *shell, *cmd2;
+     /* save an extra exec if possible */
+     if ((shell = getenv("COMSPEC")) == 0)
+ 	shell = "\\command.com";
+     /* see if there are shell metacharacters in it */
+     if (strchr(cmd, '>') || strchr(cmd, '<') || strchr(cmd, '|'))
+ 	  doshell:
+ 	    return spawnl(P_WAIT,shell,shell,"/c",cmd,(char*)0);
+     New(1102,argv, strlen(cmd) / 2 + 2, char*);
+     New(1103,cmd2, strlen(cmd) + 1, char);
+     strcpy(cmd2, cmd);
+     a = argv;
+     for (s = cmd2; *s;) {
+ 	while (*s && isspace(*s)) s++;
+ 	if (*s)
+ 	    *(a++) = s;
+ 	while (*s && !isspace(*s)) s++;
+ 	if (*s)
+ 	    *s++ = '\0';
+     }
+     *a = Nullch;
+     if (argv[0])
+ 	if ((status = spawnvp(P_WAIT,argv[0],argv)) == -1) {
+ 	    Safefree(argv);
+ 	    Safefree(cmd2);
+ 	    goto doshell;
+ 	}
+     Safefree(cmd2);
+     Safefree(argv);
+     return status;
+ }

*** End of Patch 17 ***