[comp.sources.bugs] C News patch of 1-Sep-1990

henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) (09/06/90)

After a quiet summer, here we have a collection of pending odds and ends.

Fixed an oversight in dbz that could cause a core dump if dbz was fed
severely-mangled files.  Make mkhistory lock against expire (there are
filename conflicts), and cope properly with the possibility that there is
no old history file.  Use exec in remote newsrun for more speed and less
process-table clutter.  Substantial speedups in newsgroup matching, with
an eye to higher speed with complex sys lines.  Minor fixes to manpages
to work with awf (if you don't know what awf is, harass Rich Salz to get
it out into comp.sources.unix :-)).  Fix delgroup to update active.times.
Some new porting problems in notebook/problems.  Relaynews now uses the
dbz routines (or the fakes thereof), speeding things up and eliminating
some inconsistencies in how certain (technically illegal) message-IDs
are handled.  As a side effect, we now insist that store() return a value,
with ancient no-store-value dbm's now considered the customer's problem.
Unlawful white space in sys-file entries is now diagnosed.  Assorted
cleanup and improvement of messages and documentation.

start of patch 1-Sep-1990
(suggested archive name: `pch1Sep90.Z')
this should be run with   patch -p0 <thisfile

The following is a complete list of patches to date.

Prereq: 23-Jun-1989
Prereq: 7-Jul-1989
Prereq: 23-Jul-1989
Prereq: 22-Aug-1989
Prereq: 24-Aug-1989
Prereq: 14-Sep-1989
Prereq: 13-Nov-1989
Prereq: 10-Jan-1990
Prereq: 16-Jan-1990
Prereq: 17-Jan-1990
Prereq: 18-Jan-1990
Prereq: 12-Mar-1990
Prereq: 14-Apr-1990
Prereq: 15-Apr-1990
Prereq: 16-Apr-1990
Prereq: 25-May-1990
*** PATCHDATES.old	Sat Sep  1 22:28:16 1990
--- PATCHDATES	Sat Sep  1 22:28:16 1990
*** 1,16 ****
--- 1,17 ----
+ 1-Sep-1990

Changed files, if any:

*** cnpatch/old/README	Fri May 25 15:34:24 1990
--- README	Tue Aug 21 14:16:33 1990
*** 141,144 ****
--- 141,153 ----
  too many variables affecting how it should be done.
+ For general background and information on running a news system, we highly
+ recommend the Nutshell Handbook:
+ 	"Managing UUCP and Usenet", by Tim O'Reilly and Grace Todino,
+ 	O'Reilly & Associates, 1989, ISBN 0-937175-48-X.  This latest
+ 	edition covers C News as well as B News.  It's not perfect but
+ 	it's lots better than nothing.  Inquiries to nuts@ora.com or
+ 	uunet!ora!nuts.
  C News has been tested pretty thoroughly.  We're also thoroughly sick of
  it and make no promises that there will ever be another release.  We may,

*** cnpatch/old/conf/Makefile	Sat Apr 14 21:13:15 1990
--- conf/Makefile	Sat Sep  1 20:57:27 1990
*** 126,129 ****
--- 126,130 ----
  	mkdir save
  	mv $(SHS) save
+ 	cp build.def save

*** cnpatch/old/conf/build	Fri May 25 15:34:31 1990
--- conf/build	Sat Sep  1 20:56:20 1990
*** 176,179 ****
--- 176,183 ----
  echo 'a umask of 002 or 022 is appropriate.'
  newsumask=`ask 'What umask should C News use' ${newsumask-002}`
+ case "$newsumask" in
+ 0*)	;;
+ *)	newsumask="0$newsumask"	;;
+ esac
*** 329,332 ****
--- 333,341 ----
  	echo 'Does the store() function in your dbm/dbz return a'
  	storeval=`yesno 'value (some old dbms did not)' ${storeval-yes}`
+ 	case "$storeval" in
+ 	no)	echo 'You will need to modify libfake/dbz.c/dbzstore() not'
+ 		echo 'to return the nonexistent value of store().'
+ 		;;
+ 	esac
*** 354,360 ****
  case "$has" in
  yes)	echo
! 	echo 'A well-tuned strchr() function customized to your machine'
! 	echo 'is usually faster than portable C.  Is your strchr() function'
! 	faststrchr=`yesno 'indeed fast (okay to guess)' ${faststrchr-yes}`
--- 363,370 ----
  case "$has" in
  yes)	echo
! 	echo 'The strchr() function is usually slower than in-line C code'
! 	echo 'when small strings are involved, unless your compiler is very'
! 	echo 'clever and can generate in-line code for strchr().  Is your'
! 	faststrchr=`yesno 'compiler that good (okay to guess)' ${faststrchr-no}`
*** 366,373 ****
  echo 'various problems for C News.  C News provides a small program named'
  echo '"setnewsids" to run setuserid-root; all it does is change user and'
! echo 'group ids and then execute C News "relaynews".  It is needed only in'
! echo 'systems that are too old to do setuid(geteuid()).  Relaynews invokes'
! echo 'it automatically if needed (and it then invokes relaynews in return).'
! sete=`yesno 'Can this system do setuid(geteuid())' ${sete-yes}`
--- 376,383 ----
  echo 'various problems for C News.  C News provides a small program named'
  echo '"setnewsids" to run setuserid-root; all it does is change user and'
! echo 'group ids and then execute C News "relaynews".  It is needed only on'
! echo 'uncooperative systems.  Relaynews invokes it automatically if needed'
! echo '(and it then invokes relaynews in return).  Can this system do'
! sete=`yesno 'setuid(geteuid()) to change the real uid/gid' ${sete-yes}`
*** 550,565 ****
  echo 'share a common set of control files and articles; this is used in'
  echo 'article headers and related places.  For uucp sites, this usually'
! echo 'should be the uucp name.  What is the name of the overall system'
! whoami="`ask 'for news purposes' \"${whoami-nowhere}\"`"
  echo 'The "From:" lines of news postings, on the other hand, should carry'
  echo 'a mailing address, which in particular should be a domain address'
  echo 'for sites that have one.  What is the mailing-address name of this'
! mailname="`ask 'system, preferably a domain address' \"${mailname-$whoami.uucp}\"`"
  echo 'What is the name of the organization, for insertion into articles'
! organization="`ask 'posted from here' \"${organization-Godcorp}\"`"
--- 560,583 ----
  echo 'share a common set of control files and articles; this is used in'
  echo 'article headers and related places.  For uucp sites, this usually'
! echo 'should be the uucp name.  It is VITAL that you and your neighboring'
! echo 'sites agree on this name -- if their news systems know you by a'
! echo 'different name, or even a slightly-different variation of the same'
! echo 'overall name, there will be trouble.  What is the name of the'
! whoami="`ask 'overall system for news purposes' \"${whoami-nowhere}\"`"
+ case "$whoami" in
+ *.*)	tmp="$whoami"		;;
+ *)	tmp="$whoami.uucp"	;;
+ esac
  echo 'The "From:" lines of news postings, on the other hand, should carry'
  echo 'a mailing address, which in particular should be a domain address'
  echo 'for sites that have one.  What is the mailing-address name of this'
! mailname="`ask 'system, preferably a domain address' \"${mailname-$tmp}\"`"
  echo 'What is the name of the organization, for insertion into articles'
! tmp="${organization-Godcorp}"
! organization="`ask 'posted from here' \"${tmp}\"`"
*** 701,707 ****
  	no)	echo 'echo "/FASTSTRCHR.*qqq/s;^;/* ;" >>nnewshsed'	;;
- 	case "$storeval" in
- 	yes)	echo 'echo "/NOSTOREVAL.*qqq/s;^;/* ;" >>nnewshsed'	;;
- 	esac
  	case "$addrsize" in
  	big)	echo 'echo "/SMALLMEM.*qqq/s;^;/* ;" >>nnewshsed'	;;
--- 719,722 ----
*** 977,981 ****
  			echo "$warn"
! 			eval "echo $v=\\\"\"\$$v\"\\\""
  	) >>$memory
--- 992,1002 ----
  			echo "$warn"
! 			if test " $v" = " organization"
! 			then
! 				echo "organization=\"$organization\""
! 			else
! 				# even this horror botches metachars in var
! 				eval "echo $v=\\\"\"\$$v\"\\\""
! 			fi
  	) >>$memory

*** cnpatch/old/conf/yesno	Fri May 25 15:34:37 1990
--- conf/yesno	Wed May 30 12:34:58 1990
*** 20,24 ****
  	yes|no)	break		;;	# NOTE BREAK OUT
! 	*)	echo '???' >/dev/tty	;;
--- 20,24 ----
  	yes|no)	break		;;	# NOTE BREAK OUT
! 	*)	echo "please answer \`yes' or \`no'" >/dev/tty	;;

*** cnpatch/old/dbz/byteflip.c	Sat Apr 14 21:13:10 1990
--- dbz/byteflip.c	Fri May 25 17:03:49 1990
*** 31,33 ****
--- 31,34 ----
  		fwrite(out, 1, len, stdout);
+ 	exit(0);

*** cnpatch/old/dbz/dbz.c	Sat Apr 14 21:13:11 1990
--- dbz/dbz.c	Mon Jul 30 17:25:30 1990
*** 1062,1065 ****
--- 1062,1066 ----
  		DEBUG(("getconf: wrong of_t size (%d)\n", cp->valuesize));
  		err = -1;
+ 		cp->valuesize = SOF;	/* to protect the loops below */
  	for (i = 0; i < cp->valuesize; i++)

*** cnpatch/old/dbz/fake.c	Sat Apr 14 21:13:12 1990
--- dbz/fake.c	Fri May 25 17:32:00 1990
*** 27,31 ****
  long lineno;				/* line number for messages etc. */
- void fail();
  void doline();
  void addchars();
--- 27,30 ----
*** 45,49 ****
  	extern int optind;
  	extern char *optarg;
- 	extern FILE *efopen();
  	void process();
  	register long no;
--- 44,47 ----

*** cnpatch/old/expire/expire.c	Fri May 25 15:34:40 1990
--- expire/expire.c	Mon Jul 30 17:56:04 1990
*** 375,379 ****
  		nf = split(line, field, NFACT, " \t");
  		if (nf != NFACT)
! 			fail("bad active-file line for `%s'", field[0]);
  		ct = (struct ctl *)malloc(sizeof(struct ctl));
  		if (ct == NULL)
--- 375,379 ----
  		nf = split(line, field, NFACT, " \t");
  		if (nf != NFACT)
! 			fail("wrong number of fields in active for `%s'", field[0]);
  		ct = (struct ctl *)malloc(sizeof(struct ctl));
  		if (ct == NULL)

*** cnpatch/old/expire/mkhistory	Wed Jan 10 19:10:26 1990
--- expire/mkhistory	Tue Aug 21 12:33:54 1990
*** 21,24 ****
--- 21,31 ----
  	sleep 30
+ if newslock $ltemp $NEWSCTL/LOCKexpire
+ then
+ 	trap "rm -f $ltemp $lock $NEWSCTL/LOCKexpire ; exit 0" 0 1 2 15
+ else
+ 	echo "$0: expire is running, $0 aborted" >&2
+ 	exit 1
+ fi
*** 33,39 ****
  mkdbm history.n
! mv history history.o &&		# install new ASCII history file
! mv history.n history &&
! rm -f history.pag &&		# and related dbm files
! rm -f history.dir &&
  mv history.n.pag history.pag && mv history.n.dir history.dir
--- 40,50 ----
  mkdbm history.n
! if test -f history
! then
! 	mv history history.o
! else
! 	true
! fi && mv history.n history &&
! rm -f history.pag history.dir &&
  mv history.n.pag history.pag && mv history.n.dir history.dir

*** cnpatch/old/expire/updatemin.c	Wed Jan 10 19:10:28 1990
--- expire/updatemin.c	Tue Jul 24 13:16:29 1990
*** 20,23 ****
--- 20,24 ----
  void fail();
+ void nfail();
  void catch();
  void slash();
*** 63,67 ****
  		fail("cannot open `%s'", ctlfile("active"));
  	if (fopen(newname, "r") != NULL)
! 		fail("`%s' already exists", newname);
  	new = fopen(newname, "w");
  	if (new == NULL)
--- 64,68 ----
  		fail("cannot open `%s'", ctlfile("active"));
  	if (fopen(newname, "r") != NULL)
! 		nfail("`%s' already exists", newname);
  	new = fopen(newname, "w");
  	if (new == NULL)
*** 72,76 ****
  		nf = split(line, field, NF, " \t\n");
  		if (nf != NF)
! 			fail("bad number of fields in `%s ...'", field[0]);
  		name = strsave(field[0]);
--- 73,77 ----
  		nf = split(line, field, NF, " \t\n");
  		if (nf != NF)
! 			nfail("bad number of fields in `%s ...'", field[0]);
  		name = strsave(field[0]);
*** 181,185 ****
! 	fail("interrupted", "");
--- 182,186 ----
! 	nfail("interrupted", "");
*** 205,208 ****
--- 206,223 ----
  	/* possibly should rm newname, but it may be important evidence */
  	errunlock(s1, s2);
+ }
+ /*
+  - nfail - fail but with errno meaningless
+  */
+ void
+ nfail(s1, s2)
+ char *s1;
+ char *s2;
+ {
+ 	extern int errno;
+ 	errno = 0;
+ 	fail(s1, s2);

*** cnpatch/old/h/news.h	Fri May 25 15:34:41 1990
--- h/news.h	Sat Sep  1 20:19:54 1990
*** 28,34 ****
  /* #define MAXLONG 017777777777L	/* if your compiler lacks "unsigned long" type */
- /* adapt to library limitations */
- #define NOSTOREVAL	/* qqq if your dbm store() returns no value (as in orig. v7) */
  /* fundamental constants of the implementation */
  #define SMALLMEM	/* qqq for PDP-11s, PDP-8s, IBM PCs, etc. */
--- 28,31 ----

*** cnpatch/old/input/newsrun	Tue Mar 13 13:41:20 1990
--- input/newsrun	Mon Jul 30 18:31:13 1990
*** 115,120 ****
  			relaynews -r -n <$text
! 			# N.B.: rsh always returns exit status 0!
! 			rsh $server /bin/sh -c "PATH=$PATH relaynews -r -n" <$text
--- 115,120 ----
  			relaynews -r -n <$text
! 			# N.B.: rsh exit status is not useful
! 			rsh $server exec /bin/sh -c "PATH=$PATH exec relaynews -r -n" <$text

*** cnpatch/old/libcnews/gethdr.c	Tue Jun 20 18:58:58 1989
--- libcnews/gethdr.c	Sat Jul 14 19:37:20 1990
*** 29,33 ****
  	*ishdrp = NO;
! 	hdr = fgetmfs(in, (int)*limitp, CONT_NO);
  	if (hdr == NULL)
  		return hdr;
--- 29,33 ----
  	*ishdrp = NO;
! 	hdr = fgetmfs(in, intlimit(*limitp), CONT_NO);
  	if (hdr == NULL)
  		return hdr;
*** 42,46 ****
  		if (!iswhite(c))
! 		contin = fgetmfs(in, (int)*limitp, CONT_NO);
  		if (contin == NULL)
--- 42,46 ----
  		if (!iswhite(c))
! 		contin = fgetmfs(in, intlimit(*limitp), CONT_NO);
  		if (contin == NULL)
*** 48,52 ****
  		contlen = strlen(contin);
  		*limitp -= contlen;
! 		hdr = realloc(hdr, (unsigned)(hdrlen + contlen + 1)); /* 1 for NUL */
  		if (hdr != NULL) {
  			(void) strcpy(hdr + hdrlen, contin);
--- 48,52 ----
  		contlen = strlen(contin);
  		*limitp -= contlen;
! 		hdr = realloc(hdr, (unsigned)(hdrlen + contlen + SIZENUL));
  		if (hdr != NULL) {
  			(void) strcpy(hdr + hdrlen, contin);
*** 74,76 ****
--- 74,90 ----
  	return c == ':' && cp > s;
+ }
+ /*
+  * make longlimit fit in an int.  for now, restrict it to 30000 if it won't fit.
+  */
+ STATIC int
+ intlimit(longlimit)
+ register long longlimit;
+ {
+ 	register int limit = (int)longlimit;	/* hmm, could overflow */
+ 	if (limit != longlimit)			/* longlimit won't fit in an int? */
+ 		limit = 30000;			/* HACK */
+ 	return limit;

*** cnpatch/old/libcnews/ngmatch.c	Tue Mar 13 13:41:20 1990
--- libcnews/ngmatch.c	Sat Jul 14 19:38:32 1990
*** 90,93 ****
--- 90,94 ----
  	register int faildeepest = 0, hitdeepest = 0;	/* in case no match */
  	register boolean negation;
+ 	register char *rgrp = grp;		/* optimisation */
  	if (debug)
*** 102,106 ****
  			negation = YES;
! 		depth = onepatmatch(patp, grp);	/* try 1 pattern, 1 group */
  		if (patcomma != NULL)
  			*patcomma++ = NGSEP;	/* point after the comma */
--- 103,107 ----
  			negation = YES;
! 		depth = onepatmatch(patp, rgrp);	/* try 1 pattern, 1 group */
  		if (patcomma != NULL)
  			*patcomma++ = NGSEP;	/* point after the comma */
*** 143,146 ****
--- 144,156 ----
  		register boolean match = NO;
  		register int incr = 20;
+ 		/*
+ 		 * optimisation: first bytes *must* match, unless first
+ 		 * pattern byte is start of ALL.
+ 		 */
+ 		if (*patwd != *grwd && *patwd != ALL[0]) {
+ 			depth = 0;		/* words differed - mismatch */
+ 			break;
+ 		}
  	    	/* null-terminate words */

*** cnpatch/old/libcnews/string.c	Thu Aug 24 16:39:55 1989
--- libcnews/string.c	Thu Jul 19 11:10:08 1990
*** 10,14 ****
  /* forwards */
! char *findhost();
--- 10,15 ----
  /* forwards */
! FORWARD char *findhost();
! FORWARD _initishostchar();
*** 62,66 ****
  	register char *endp, *copy;
! 	endp = strchr(s, c);		/* find interesting part's end of s */
  	if (endp != NULL)
  		*endp = '\0';		/* restored below */
--- 63,67 ----
  	register char *endp, *copy;
! 	STRCHR(s, c, endp);		/* find interesting part's end of s */
  	if (endp != NULL)
  		*endp = '\0';		/* restored below */
*** 99,113 ****
!  * If c is NUL, hostchar will be false, so don't test (optimisation: ==).
! #define nothostchar(c, ch) (!hostchar(c, ch) /* || (c) == '\0' */ )
! /*
!  * True if c can be part of a hostname. RFC 850 allows letters, digits, periods,
!  * and hyphens and specifically disallows blanks. False may mean c is NUL.
!  */
! #define hostchar(c, ch) ((ch) = (c), \
! 	(isascii(ch) && isalnum(ch) || (ch) == '.' || (ch) == '-'))
   * Return true iff any host in hosts appears in s, as per hostin().
--- 100,138 ----
+ /* hostname and path routines follow */
+ #define CHARSETWIDTH 8			/* bits per character */
+ #define initishostchar() (setishostchar? 0: _initishostchar())
+ /* These macros are both (currently) safe. */
+ /* If c is NUL, hostchar will be false, so don't test (optimisation: ==). */
+ #define nothostchar(c) (!hostchar(c) /* || (c) == '\0' */ )
+ /* True if c can be part of a hostname.  False may mean c is NUL. */
+ #define hostchar(c) ishostchar[(c) & (CHARSETSIZE-1)]
+ static char ishostchar[CHARSETSIZE];	/* char. sets > Latin-1 are out of luck */
+ static int setishostchar = NO;
!  * RFC 850 allows letters, digits, periods, and hyphens and specifically
!  * disallows blanks in hostnames.
! _initishostchar()
! {
! 	if (!setishostchar) {
! 		register char *p;
! 		register int c;
+ 		setishostchar = YES;
+ 		for (c = 0, p = ishostchar; c < sizeof ishostchar; c++)
+ 			*p++ = isascii(c) && isalnum(c);
+ 		ishostchar['.'] = ishostchar['-'] = YES;
+ 	}
+ }
   * Return true iff any host in hosts appears in s, as per hostin().
*** 122,134 ****
  	while (*host != '\0') {
  		register char *delimp;
- 		register int ch;
  		register int delim;
  		register boolean hostisin;
! 		while (nothostchar(*host, ch) && *host != '\0')
  			++host;			/* skip leading delims */
  		if (*host == '\0')		/* no more hosts */
! 		for (delimp = host; hostchar(*delimp, ch); delimp++)
  			;			/* skip to next delim */
  		delim = *delimp;		/* may be NUL */
--- 147,159 ----
  	while (*host != '\0') {
  		register char *delimp;
  		register int delim;
  		register boolean hostisin;
! 		initishostchar();
! 		while (nothostchar(*host) && *host != '\0')
  			++host;			/* skip leading delims */
  		if (*host == '\0')		/* no more hosts */
! 		for (delimp = host; hostchar(*delimp); delimp++)
  			;			/* skip to next delim */
  		delim = *delimp;		/* may be NUL */
*** 157,161 ****
   * Return the number of machines appearing in path,
   * by counting transitions from delimiters.
!  * See hostin() for the rules, and the macros.
--- 182,186 ----
   * Return the number of machines appearing in path,
   * by counting transitions from delimiters.
!  * See anyhostin() for the rules, and the macros.
*** 164,172 ****
  	register int count = 0;
- 	register int ch;
  	for (; *path != '\0'; path++)
! 		if (nothostchar(path[0], ch) &&
! 		    (hostchar(path[1], ch) || path[1] == '\0'))
  			++count;	/* trailing edge of delimiters */
  	return count;
--- 189,197 ----
  	register int count = 0;
+ 	initishostchar();
  	for (; *path != '\0'; path++)
! 		if (nothostchar(path[0]) &&
! 		    (hostchar(path[1]) || path[1] == '\0'))
  			++count;	/* trailing edge of delimiters */
  	return count;
*** 178,186 ****
  	register char *p;
- 	register int ch;
  	static char *sender = NULL;
  	nnfree(&sender);		/* free the last answer */
! 	for (p = path; hostchar(*p, ch); p++)
  	if (*p == '\0')			/* only a user name */
--- 203,211 ----
  	register char *p;
  	static char *sender = NULL;
+ 	initishostchar();
  	nnfree(&sender);		/* free the last answer */
! 	for (p = path; hostchar(*p); p++)
  	if (*p == '\0')			/* only a user name */
*** 201,204 ****
--- 226,230 ----
   * and its trailing delimiter, from Approved: (or Sender:) (user@host).
   * Result is malloced memory.
+  * This is also a profiling hot spot.
  char *
*** 206,223 ****
  char *rawpath, *approved, *sender;
! 	register char *newpath = strsave(nullify(rawpath));
  	register char *p, *lastdelim = newpath, *site = NULL;
- 	register int ch;
  	for (p = newpath; *p != '\0'; ++p)
! 		if (nothostchar(*p, ch))
  			lastdelim = p + 1;	/* just past delim */
! 	if (lastdelim != NULL)
! 		*lastdelim = '\0';		/* omit user's name */
  	if (approved != NULL) {			/* moderated article */
! 		site = strchr(approved, '@');
  		if (site == NULL)
! 			site = strchr(nullify(sender), '@');
  	if (site != NULL) {
--- 232,248 ----
  char *rawpath, *approved, *sender;
! 	register char *newpath = strsave(nullify(rawpath));	/* costly */
  	register char *p, *lastdelim = newpath, *site = NULL;
+ 	initishostchar();
  	for (p = newpath; *p != '\0'; ++p)
! 		if (nothostchar(*p))
  			lastdelim = p + 1;	/* just past delim */
! 	*lastdelim = '\0';			/* omit user's name */
  	if (approved != NULL) {			/* moderated article */
! 		STRCHR(approved, '@', site);
  		if (site == NULL)
! 			STRCHR(nullify(sender), '@', site);
  	if (site != NULL) {
*** 235,255 ****
   * This function is a profiling hot spot, so it has been optimised.
! char *
  findhost(host, path)
  register char *host, *path;
! 	register int hostlen = strlen(host), ch;
! 	/* Special case: match host!path or host. */
! 	if (STREQN(path, host, hostlen) && nothostchar(path[hostlen], ch))
! 		return &path[hostlen];
! 	/* Match path2!host!path or path2!host. */
! 	while (*path != '\0')
! 		if (hostchar(path[0], ch))	/* can't start after here */
! 			++path;
! 		else if ((++path, STREQN(path, host, hostlen)) &&
! 	   	    nothostchar(path[hostlen], ch))
! 			return &path[hostlen];
! 	return NULL;
--- 260,279 ----
   * This function is a profiling hot spot, so it has been optimised.
! STATIC char *
  findhost(host, path)
  register char *host, *path;
! 	register char *pathp, *nxpathp;
! 	register int hostlen = strlen(host);
! 	initishostchar();
! 	for (pathp = path; ; pathp = nxpathp + 1) {
! 		STRCHR(pathp, host[0], nxpathp);	/* find plausible start */
! 		if (nxpathp == NULL)
! 			return NULL;		/* path exhausted */
! 		if (STREQN(pathp, host, hostlen) == 0 &&
! 		    (pathp == path || nothostchar(pathp[-1])) &&
! 		    nothostchar(pathp[hostlen]))
! 			return &pathp[hostlen];
! 	}

*** cnpatch/old/man/news.5	Fri May 25 15:34:42 1990
--- man/news.5	Sat Sep  1 19:40:47 1990
*** 7,17 ****
  .\" =()<.ds m @<NEWSMASTER>@>()=
  .ds m usenet
! .de Is\" indentation start
  .in +0.5i
! .de Ie\" indentation end
  .in -0.5i
! .de Es\" example start
--- 7,20 ----
  .\" =()<.ds m @<NEWSMASTER>@>()=
  .ds m usenet
! .\" indentation start
! .de Is
  .in +0.5i
! .\" indentation end
! .de Ie
  .in -0.5i
! .\" example start
! .de Es
*** 19,23 ****
! .de Ee\" example end
  .ft R
--- 22,27 ----
! .\" example end
! .de Ee
  .ft R
*** 25,29 ****
! .TH NEWS 5 "9 March 1990"
  .BY "C News"
--- 29,33 ----
! .TH NEWS 5 "31 Aug 1990"
  .BY "C News"
*** 329,332 ****
--- 333,352 ----
  header is ignored when receiving news;
  it is only significant when sending.)
+ .PP
+ Note that some older news software
+ reportedly
+ attached magical significance to the
+ distributions ``world'' and ``local''; C News treats them as ordinary
+ distribution names with no special properties (except that ``world'' is
+ the default distribution of an article if none appears explicitly).
+ For example, a
+ .I distributions
+ list like
+ .B all,!local
+ will
+ .I not
+ prevent local articles from being sent unless they contain explicit
+ .B "Distribution: local"
+ lines.

*** cnpatch/old/misc/act.to.times	Fri May 25 15:34:23 1990
--- misc/act.to.times	Fri Jun 29 13:02:05 1990
*** 1,2 ****
--- 1,3 ----
+ #! /bin/sh
  # act.to.times [file...] - turn an active file into a active.times file inaccurately
  # =()<. ${NEWSCONFIG-@<NEWSCONFIG>@}>()=

*** cnpatch/old/misc/delgroup	Mon Nov 13 17:39:48 1989
--- misc/delgroup	Wed Aug  8 13:23:34 1990
*** 45,48 ****
--- 45,50 ----
  awk "\$1 != \"$1\"" active >active.tmp
  mv active active.old && mv active.tmp active
+ awk "\$1 != \"$1\"" active.times >active.times.t
+ mv active.times active.times.o && mv active.times.t active.times
  echo "You may wish to rmdir $NEWSARTS/`echo "$1" | sed 's;\.;/;g'` at some point."

*** cnpatch/old/notebook/problems	Fri May 25 15:34:44 1990
--- notebook/problems	Mon Jul 30 18:25:21 1990
*** 1,3 ****
! .DA "12 May 1990"
  Known Porting Problems With C News
--- 1,3 ----
! .DA "21 July 1990"
  Known Porting Problems With C News
*** 78,81 ****
--- 78,86 ----
  are known to hit these bugs.
  We are \fItold\fR that current \fIksh\fRs have fixed them.
+ .PP
+ It is reliably reported that SunOS 4.0.\fIx\fR shells will dump core
+ in some ill-defined circumstances, when the user environment (sum of all
+ environment variables) is exactly the wrong size.
+ Perhaps this has been fixed in 4.1.
  Make vs. Test
*** 150,153 ****
--- 155,160 ----
  Most current System V implementations from serious suppliers have enough
  BSD compatibility that this is not an issue.
+ It is reported that AT&T 3B2 systems don't, to the point where
+ \fIreadnews\fR simply doesn't work.
  Readnews Simplicity
*** 439,440 ****
--- 446,521 ----
  We do
  sympathize with people victimized by it, but can be of no practical help.
+ .SH
+ Compress Options
+ .PP
+ Some imbecilic vendors have altered \fIcompress\fR so that it must be
+ given a \fB\-u\fR option (instead of the standard \fB\-d\fR) to uncompress
+ a file.
+ The symptoms of this are strange:
+ local postings and occasional outside articles come through all right
+ (because they weren't compressed), but most outside traffic gets rejected
+ by \fIrelaynews\fR, which complains that it lacks `Path:' lines.
+ In general, a complaint about a lack of `Path:' tends to mean that
+ \fIrelaynews\fR got fed total gibberish.
+ .SH
+ ulimit
+ .PP
+ Most versions of System V have the concept of \fIulimit\fR,
+ a per-process limit on how big an individual file can be.
+ This limit can be lowered by anyone but raised only by the super-user;
+ normally \fIinit\fR or \fIlogin\fR initializes it to some suitable value.
+ Unfortunately, many System Vs set it far too low, at 1 megabyte.
+ This causes trouble with many things, but in particular,
+ \fIrelaynews\fR, \fIexpire\fR, etc.
+ need to be able to work with the \fIhistory\fR file,
+ which can easily be several megabytes.
+ It's necessary to deal with this on all paths by which
+ any of these programs might be invoked:
+ from \fIuucp\fR or other transport software bringing in news,
+ from \fIcron\fR,
+ and by users via \fIinews\fR for local postings.
+ It is difficult to do this in a portable way when super-user privileges
+ are needed.
+ .SH
+ Restricted Shells
+ .PP
+ There is an unfortunate interaction between the `#!' feature in shell files
+ and the ``restricted shell'' feature found in some Unixes (notably System V):
+ the restricted shell typically is just a different way of invoking
+ \fI/bin/sh\fR, and in some versions, careless code just checks the first
+ letter of the name the shell was invoked under to see if it was `r'.
+ Unfortunately, if the system has the `#!' feature and there is a shell
+ file named, say, \fIrnews\fR whose first line is `#!\ /bin/sh',
+ this shell file will end up invoking the restricted shell!
+ .PP
+ Simply deleting the `#!' line might fix this; on systems which have the
+ Korn shell, changing `#!\ /bin/sh' to `#!\ /bin/ksh' might work.
+ Otherwise you will have
+ to arrange to have your neighbors invoke \fIcunbatch\fR instead of
+ \fIrnews\fR, or else write a simple \fIrnews\fR that invokes the real
+ one under another name.
+ It would be wise to check for other shell files whose names begin with `r',
+ also, as \fIrnews\fR definitely isn't the only one.
+ .SH
+ Remote Invocation vs. Nonstandard Shells
+ .\" thanks to Paul Eggert for most of this
+ .PP
+ When \fInewsrun\fR is invoked on a host that is not the news server,
+ it uses \fIrsh\fP to propagate news batches to the server.
+ It runs \fI/bin/sh\fR explicitly to avoid major difficulties with
+ non-standard shells,
+ but it has to rely on the invoker's login shell to run that one command.
+ This means \fInewsrun\fR will emit spurious output
+ if its invoker's login shell is the C shell
+ and its invoker's \fI.cshrc\fR contains commands that generate output.
+ A similar problem occurs with \fIbash\fP and \fI.bashrc\fP.
+ .PP
+ The simplest solution is to use \fI/bin/sh\fP
+ as the login shell for \fInewsrun\fP's invoker.
+ Otherwise, if you have a networked news server,
+ check that the login shell is standard enough to invoke \fI/bin/sh\fP
+ by executing the following command as \fInewsrun\fP's invoker.
+ .DS
+ rsh \fInewsserver\fP exec /bin/sh \-c true
+ .DE
+ This command should output nothing.

*** cnpatch/old/relay/article.c	Tue Jun 20 19:00:58 1989
--- relay/article.c	Wed Jul 18 13:58:52 1990
*** 13,16 ****
--- 13,18 ----
  register struct article *art;
+ 	static long uniqno = 0;
  	art->a_status = ST_OKAY;
*** 30,33 ****
--- 32,36 ----
  	art->a_charswritten = 0;
  	art->a_unread = 0;
+ 	art->a_id = uniqno++;

*** cnpatch/old/relay/article.h	Tue Jun 20 19:00:59 1989
--- relay/article.h	Wed Jul 18 13:58:46 1990
*** 23,26 ****
--- 23,27 ----
  	long a_charswritten;	/* into spool directory, for batcher */
  	long a_unread;		/* bytes of article input yet unread */
+ 	long a_id;		/* article id #, unique within this batch */

*** cnpatch/old/relay/history.c	Fri May 25 15:34:44 1990
--- relay/history.c	Wed Jun 27 14:05:15 1990
*** 2,16 ****
   * history file bashing
-  * B 2.10+ news pulls a dirty (and undocumented) trick and converts
-  * message-id's to lower case before using them as keys in the dbm file.
-  * C news instead invokes rfc822ize on the key, which does the rational
-  * part of what RFC 822 requires: it converts the `domain' part on the
-  * right of the `@' to lower case.  We have not attempted to fully meet
-  * 822's bizarre requirements, since they pretty much require a lex
-  * scanner or a slightly-simplified version of the scanner found in the
-  * shell, neither of which will be simple, which means either would
-  * likely contain subtle bugs.  You'll want to fix your news readers
-  * accordingly.
-  *
   * B 2.10.3+ rnews puts out a leading space before received
   * time if the article contains an Expires: header; tough.
--- 2,5 ----
*** 30,35 ****
  #include "libc.h"
  #include "news.h"
- #include "case.h"
  #include "config.h"
  #include "fgetmfs.h"
  #include "headers.h"
--- 19,24 ----
  #include "libc.h"
  #include "news.h"
  #include "config.h"
+ #include "dbz.h"
  #include "fgetmfs.h"
  #include "headers.h"
*** 48,56 ****
- typedef struct {
- 	char *dptr;
- 	int dsize;
- } datum;
  /* private data */
  static FILE *fp = NULL;
--- 37,40 ----
*** 63,66 ****
--- 47,51 ----
  /* other imports */
+ extern void prefuse();
  extern boolean okrefusal;	/* flag from command line */
*** 120,128 ****
  	if (!openhist())
  		return msgidkey;
! 	clnmsgid = rfc822ize(strsave(msgid));
  	msgidkey.dptr = clnmsgid;
  	msgidkey.dsize = strlen(clnmsgid) + SIZENUL;
! 	keypos = fetch(msgidkey);		/* offset into ascii file */
  	return keypos;
--- 105,113 ----
  	if (!openhist())
  		return msgidkey;
! 	clnmsgid = strsave(msgid);
  	msgidkey.dptr = clnmsgid;
  	msgidkey.dsize = strlen(clnmsgid) + SIZENUL;
! 	keypos = dbzfetch(msgidkey);		/* offset into ascii file */
  	return keypos;
*** 270,274 ****
  	long pos;
  	datum msgidkey, posdatum;
  	pos = ftell(fp);  /* get seek ptr for dbm; could keep track instead */
  	if (fprintf(fp, "%s%c%ld%c%s", msgid, FIELDSEP, now, SUBFIELDSEP, expiry)
--- 255,259 ----
  	long pos;
  	datum msgidkey, posdatum;
  	pos = ftell(fp);  /* get seek ptr for dbm; could keep track instead */
  	if (fprintf(fp, "%s%c%ld%c%s", msgid, FIELDSEP, now, SUBFIELDSEP, expiry)
*** 283,297 ****
  		fulldisk(art, filename);
! 	msgidkey.dptr = rfc822ize(strsave(msgid));
  	msgidkey.dsize = strlen(msgid) + SIZENUL;
  	posdatum.dptr = (char *)&pos;
  	posdatum.dsize = sizeof pos;
! #ifdef NOSTOREVAL		/* original v7 dbm store() returned no value */
! 	store(msgidkey, posdatum);
! #else
! 	if (store(msgidkey, posdatum) < 0)
  		fulldisk(art, filename);
- #endif
- 	free(msgidkey.dptr);
--- 268,277 ----
  		fulldisk(art, filename);
! 	msgidkey.dptr = msgid;
  	msgidkey.dsize = strlen(msgid) + SIZENUL;
  	posdatum.dptr = (char *)&pos;
  	posdatum.dsize = sizeof pos;
! 	if (dbzstore(msgidkey, posdatum) < 0)
  		fulldisk(art, filename);

*** cnpatch/old/relay/sh/inews	Fri May 25 15:34:46 1990
--- relay/sh/inews	Fri May 25 17:02:22 1990
*** 254,259 ****
  				moderator="`cat $modroute `"
! 				# TODO: next line confuses nn; change to stdout?
! 				echo "$0: mailing your article to $moderator" >&2
  				mail "$moderator" <$censart
  				trap 0	# this is a child process - no cleanup here
--- 254,258 ----
  				moderator="`cat $modroute `"
! 				echo "mailing your article to $moderator"
  				mail "$moderator" <$censart
  				trap 0	# this is a child process - no cleanup here

*** cnpatch/old/relay/sys.c	Fri May 25 15:34:48 1990
--- relay/sys.c	Sun Jun  3 03:02:03 1990
*** 26,29 ****
--- 26,30 ----
  FORWARD char *parsecolon(), *reparse();
  FORWARD void readsys(), parsesysln(), parse(), parseflags(), newartfile();
+ FORWARD int spacein();
  /* exports */
*** 132,135 ****
--- 133,148 ----
+ 	errno = 0;
+ 	if (spacein(sysp->sy_name))
+ 		errunlock(
+ 		"whitespace in system name (or exclusions) of sys entry for `%s'",
+ 			sysp->sy_name);
+ 	if (spacein(sysp->sy_ngs))
+ 		errunlock(
+ 		"whitespace in newsgroups (or distributions) of sys entry for `%s'",
+ 			sysp->sy_name);
+ 	if (spacein(flagstring))
+ 		errunlock("whitespace in flags of sys entry for `%s'",
+ 			sysp->sy_name);
  	/* could check for extra fields here */
*** 151,154 ****
--- 164,174 ----
+ STATIC int
+ spacein(s)
+ register char *s;
+ {
+ 	return strchr(s, ' ') != NULL || strchr(s, '\t') != NULL;
+ }
   * fill in defaults in sysp.
*** 262,265 ****
--- 282,286 ----
  	sysp->sy_flags = 0;
  	sysp->sy_lochops = 0;		/* default L value */
+ 	errno = 0;
  	for (; *flags != '\0'; flags++)
  		switch (*flags) {

*** cnpatch/old/relay/transmit.c	Wed Jan 10 19:10:59 1990
--- relay/transmit.c	Wed Jul 18 13:58:53 1990
*** 81,90 ****
  char *exclude;				/* no copy to him */
  	register int flags = sys->sy_flags;
  	register char *site = sys->sy_name;
! 	register char *path =
! 		canonpath(art->h.h_path, art->h.h_approved, art->h.h_sender);
! 	register int result;
  	if (flags&FLG_LOCAL && hopcount(path) > sys->sy_lochops ||
  	    STREQ(hostname(), site) ||
--- 81,97 ----
  char *exclude;				/* no copy to him */
+ 	static char *canpath;
+ 	static long lastid = -1;
  	register int flags = sys->sy_flags;
  	register char *site = sys->sy_name;
! 	register char *path;
! 	register int result = YES;
+ 	if (art->a_id != lastid) {	/* new article? */
+ 		lastid = art->a_id;
+ 		nnfree(&canpath);
+ 		canpath = canonpath(art->h.h_path, art->h.h_approved, art->h.h_sender);
+ 	}
+ 	path = canpath;
  	if (flags&FLG_LOCAL && hopcount(path) > sys->sy_lochops ||
  	    STREQ(hostname(), site) ||
*** 95,106 ****
  		result = NO;
  	else if (flags&(FLG_MOD|FLG_UNMOD)) {	/* u, m flag selection */
! 		if ((flags&(FLG_MOD|FLG_UNMOD)) == (FLG_MOD|FLG_UNMOD))
! 			result = YES;		/* too silly */
! 		else
  			result = (flags&FLG_MOD? moderated(art->h.h_ngs):
! 	} else
! 		result = YES;
! 	free(path);
  	return result;
--- 102,109 ----
  		result = NO;
  	else if (flags&(FLG_MOD|FLG_UNMOD)) {	/* u, m flag selection */
! 		if ((flags&(FLG_MOD|FLG_UNMOD)) != (FLG_MOD|FLG_UNMOD))
  			result = (flags&FLG_MOD? moderated(art->h.h_ngs):
! 	}
  	return result;

*** cnpatch/old/rna/readnews.1	Tue Jun 20 19:02:04 1989
--- rna/readnews.1	Wed Jul  4 14:50:52 1990
*** 1,5 ****
! news, readnews \- read news articles
  .B readnews
--- 1,6 ----
! .TH READNEWS 1 "4 July 1990"
! .BY "C News"
! readnews \- read news articles
  .B readnews

end of patch 1-Sep-1990
TCP/IP: handling tomorrow's loads today| Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
OSI: handling yesterday's loads someday|  henry@zoo.toronto.edu   utzoo!henry

henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) (09/07/90)

If you've got the 1-Sep patch and are thinking of installing it... please
hold off.  If you've already done it, you might want to think about undoing
it.  There seems to be something *extremely* subtle wrong with the feed
logic in relaynews:  some articles that should not be fed to site X get
fed, and a good many that should be fed aren't.  So far, we have found
no single pattern that accounts for all of it, and are still somewhat
in the dark.  Stay tuned for further developments.
TCP/IP: handling tomorrow's loads today| Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
OSI: handling yesterday's loads someday|  henry@zoo.toronto.edu   utzoo!henry

henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) (09/07/90)

I wrote:
>If you've got the 1-Sep patch and are thinking of installing it... please
>hold off.  If you've already done it, you might want to think about undoing

I should add:  "undoing it" can mean just going back to an earlier relaynews
binary, as a temporary measure.  Everything else appears to be working fine.
We need to beef up the relaynews regression test, sigh...
TCP/IP: handling tomorrow's loads today| Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
OSI: handling yesterday's loads someday|  henry@zoo.toronto.edu   utzoo!henry

henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer) (09/07/90)

The problem has been found:  an interlocking pair of bugs in the is-this-
site-already-in-the-Path logic.  It ends up saying "no" in cases
where it should say "yes", thus causing articles to be looped back
to the site you get them from (where they generally get rejected as
duplicates immediately, so this is fairly benign).  And certain arcane
combinations of circumstances cause it to answer "yes" when it should
say "no", thus preventing articles from being fed onward.  The
arcane circumstances are sufficiently obscure that the regression test
missed them:  it happens only with certain combinations of name lengths
and is sensitive to the occurrence of the site's first character in
the Path!

For the benefit of those who are already running with this code and can't
easily fall back, here is the tentative fix.  This is not an official
patch; one will be forthcoming in a day or two when this is more thoroughly
tested.  If you haven't installed the 1-Sep patch yet, we suggest you wait
for the official correction.

*** string.c.orig	Thu Jul 19 11:10:08 1990
--- string.c	Thu Sep  6 19:00:29 1990
*** 271,277 ****
  		STRCHR(pathp, host[0], nxpathp);	/* find plausible start */
  		if (nxpathp == NULL)
  			return NULL;		/* path exhausted */
! 		if (STREQN(pathp, host, hostlen) == 0 &&
  		    (pathp == path || nothostchar(pathp[-1])) &&
  			return &pathp[hostlen];
--- 271,278 ----
  		STRCHR(pathp, host[0], nxpathp);	/* find plausible start */
  		if (nxpathp == NULL)
  			return NULL;		/* path exhausted */
! 		pathp = nxpathp;
! 		if (STREQN(pathp, host, hostlen) &&
  		    (pathp == path || nothostchar(pathp[-1])) &&
  			return &pathp[hostlen];
TCP/IP: handling tomorrow's loads today| Henry Spencer at U of Toronto Zoology
OSI: handling yesterday's loads someday|  henry@zoo.toronto.edu   utzoo!henry