[comp.sources.bugs] C News patch dating

chip@tct.uucp (Chip Salzenberg) (09/21/90)

It is apparent that some people who dislike the C News patch scheme
have become abusive to Geoff and Henry.  Such abuse is stupid and
unwarranted, and I will have no truck with it.

Unfortunately, however, the abusers have apparently gotten Henry's
goat.  To wit:

According to henry@zoo.toronto.edu (Henry Spencer):
>People who moan that they can't tell which old patches they
>need don't seem to ever have *looked* at one of our patches.

This statement is, to be blunt, hogwash.  I have seen every single
patch to C News, and I've applied them all.  I remain unconvinced that
the C News patch system is viable as a long-term solution.  (And I do
not consider my complaints to be mere "moaning.")

As the list of previous patches gets longer and longer, I grow more
and more uncomfortable.  How easy it might be to miss a patch.  How
difficult it might be to clean up afterwards, if I make that mistake.

>The balance is perhaps slightly against dating, but hardly strong
>enough to justify the vehement outpourings on the subject and the
>tendency to blame it for all C News's ills.

I don't think anyone can reasonably blame patch dating for C News'
other problems -- which, I might add, have been few.  Nevertheless,
many reasonable people believe that patch dating is itself one of the
problems of C News.

Usenet maintenance is a job that many people do part-time, and often
the time they use is their own.  Keeping track of an ever-growing list
of patch dates is just one more complication.  In my opinion, anything
that further complicates a Usenet administrator's job is a Bad Thing.
Chip Salzenberg at Teltronics/TCT     <chip@tct.uucp>, <uunet!pdn!tct!chip>