[comp.mail.misc] Newgroup Proposal: comp.protocols.iso

csg@pyramid.UUCP (06/10/87)

The group comp.protocols.iso seems to be trickling around the net. There have
been running discussions on ISO in at least three groups (comp.protocols.misc,
comp.mail.misc, comp.dcom.lans). Generally the contributions have been of very
high quality. Seems like about time to make comp.protocols.iso a formal group.

The charter would be:

	comp.protocols.iso  Discussion of ISO, MAP, TOP, and CCITT protocols

This would include the whole stack: X.25, X.213, X.214, X.215, X.400, and all
the appropriate ISO and MAP permutations. Discussions on DARPA/ISO gateways
could be cross-posted to comp.protocols.tcp-ip. I suspect that the group would
be especially interesting to European sites. I see no reason to make the group

Send comments to me, both pro and con. I am not interested in "votes" per se,
since they are not very meaningful. I want to know what people are thinking:
why or why not this should become a regular "comp" group, and whether or not
it would be helpful to you in your work. I'll summarize on the net and to the
backbone site admins.
