[comp.mail.misc] BSMPT envelope

costigan@cscma.dec.com (Paul ,CSC-Westboro MA ,YWO/C9 ,DTN:292-2284) (02/22/88)

Could somebody please send me an example of a BSMTP envelope ? ,

Thanks ,


dboyes@uoregon.UUCP (David Boyes) (02/23/88)

In article <8802211819.AA21848@decwrl.dec.com> costigan@cscma.dec.com (Paul ,CSC-Westboro MA ,YWO/C9 ,DTN:292-2284) writes:
>Could somebody please send me an example of a BSMTP envelope ? ,

OK, here's one.

MAIL FROM: <556@oregon1.uoregon.edu>
RCPT TO: <costigan@cscma.dec.com>
RCPT TO: <user@node.domain>
      <mail body goes here>
.<crlf>			; note: period followed by CR/LF pair

Fields are defined exactly like the Internet SMTP protocol. There are
two optional field (TICK <nnn> and VERB <ON | OFF> that can be
included BEFORE the MAIL FROM line, but are used only when the sender
requires a transcript of the session returned from the processing

Drop me a note if you need more info.

David Boyes         | ARPA: 556%OREGON1.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU
Systems Division    | BITNET: 556@OREGON1
UO Computing Center | UUCP: dboyes@uoregon.UUCP
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