[comp.mail.misc] Long Email Delivery Times?

essachs@ihlpb.ATT.COM (Ed Sachs) (01/07/89)

I am trying to figure out how to communicate via Email from
here (AT&T Bell Labs, Naperville, IL, on uucp) and my wife
at University of Illinois at Chicago (on internet).  We have
electronic addresses which allow us to exchange mail, and I
can send mail to my wife with delivery in 10 minutes or less,
but mail the other way (UIC -> ATT-BL) takes overnight.

Anyone out there know what is going on?

Mail from here to UIC is addressed :
and gets through quickly.

Mail from UIC to here is addressed:
and takes overnight.

(This is a copy of a posting to internal att newsgroups.  For those
of you at att, sorry if you see it twice, but the netnews software
won't allow cross posting between att and external newsgroups.)
				Ed Sachs
				AT&T Bell Laboratories
				Naperville, IL

msmith@topaz.rutgers.edu (Mark Robert Smith) (01/07/89)

The reason that mail into ATT from Internet sites takes so long is
that research.att.com - the Internet mail gateway into ATT, is often
clogged and overloaded.  Mail to ATT can take 24-48 hours on the
average to actually get into ATT.

Mark Smith (alias Smitty) "Be careful when looking into the distance,
61 Tenafly Road           that you do not miss what is right under your nose."
Tenafly, NJ 07670-2643       {backbone}!rutgers!topaz.rutgers.edu!msmith 
msmith@topaz.rutgers.edu          R.I.P. Individual Freedoms - 11/8/88