[comp.mail.misc] Summary of World Networks Reference

ymrl@aipna.ed.ac.uk (Yiu Ming Ray Lai) (07/05/89)


Here is a summary of recommendations on World Networks
that respond to my request some time ago.
Many thanks to many people (Sorry not to quote their names).

(They of course are distinguished from book on networking,
like Tanebaum's Computer Networks or McNamara's
Technical Aspects of Data Communication, which are about
the network technology).

Anderson, Bart, Bryan Costales and Harry Henderson.
	``Unix Communications.''  Howard & Sams.
	ISBN 0-672-22511-5.

Clark, Tim.  ``Hints for Getting Mail Through Various
	Gateways to and from JANET'' Issue 6.
	(available from the author T.Clark@uk.ac.warwick).

Comer, Douglas.  ``Internetworking with TCP/IP''
	Prentice Hall.  (The introductory chapters on
	csnet, arpa net, MILnet etc).

Frey, Donnalyn and Rick Adams.  ``!:/@\ A Guide to
	Electronic Mail Networks and Addressing''
	O'Reilly & Associates, 1989.

Karrenberg, Daniel and Anke Goos.  ``European R&D
	E-mail Directory.'' European UNIX User Group, 1988.

LaQuey, Tracy Lynn.  ``Users' Directory of Computer
	Networks.'' Digital Press, 1989.

O'Reily, Tom.  ``Installing and managing UUCP''
	O'Reily Associates.  ISBN 0-037175-04-8.

Partridge, Craig.  ``Mail Routing and the domain system.''
	CSNET CIC BBN Laboratories Inc, 1986.
	(a note sent to USENET comp.mailuucp on 4 Jun 89
	with Message-ID 1748@ucsd.EDU, References: 

Quartermann, John S and Hoskins,Josiah C. ``Notable Computer
	Networks'' Communications of the ACM, 29:10
	(October 1986):932-947.

Quartermann, John S.  ``Somewhere Over the Network''
	Unix Review.  San Francisco: Miller Freeman Publ.
	(March 1987).

Quartermann, John S.  ``The Matrix: Computer Networks and
	Conferencing Systems Worldwide.''  Digital Press,

There are of course more references at the end of these

The following diagram explains JANET:

 For those overseas: The UK.AC is set up as follows:
                                                                The world of
     ------.                             UUCP       UUCP       |
           |               .---ukc.ac.uk------mcvax------uunet.uu.net------.
     ------|               |                                     ^         |
Lots of    | JANET         |                  BITNET             | UUCP    |
Sites      |-----------------earn-relay.ac.uk------------PSUVAX1-'         |
*.ac.uk    | An X.25 net   |    |               |    |                     |
     ------|               |    v               |    `--CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU----|
           |               |   CS.NET.RELAY     |                          |
           |               |    ^    v          `->The rest of EARN/BITNET |
     ------'               |    |  to csnet                                |
                           |    |                 ARPA                     |
                                                             v The Rest of the
                                                               Arpa Internet.

 As you can see there is a physical link between all these UK gateways and
all uk.ac sites (lets leaves uk.co and uk.mod out of this!). The only block
to free flow of mail/messages are financial/administrative/authorisations.

ymrl@aipna.ed.ac.uk (arpa)