[comp.mail.misc] Assumptions & Rules for Transiting UUCP/SMTP Messages.

geoff@Fernwood.MPK.CA.US (Geoff Goodfellow) (07/13/89)

[The following blurb is the result of an ~11pm-1am fueling at The Oasis (a local
burger/pizza/beer garden) between Geoff Goodfellow & Paul Vixie.  Comments?]



1.  UUCP(!) style addresses are not guaranteed to always be unique and/or
      registered in the uucp maps.
2.  SMTP(@) rfqdm style address are unique and registered in the DNS.
3.  The envelope of a UUCP message is always touched as a message transits
      a system, by prepending the transited systems name to the front.

Header Treatment Rules:

1.   Headers are treated the same regardless of transport.
2.   Headers should not be touched as messages transit systems UNLESS 
       the message is transiting from the UUCP(!) to the SMTP(@) environment.
3.   While transiting a message from the UUCP(!) to the SMTP(@) environment,
3a.    IF the header contains an (@) style address with a rfqdm address on the
         right of it THEN do not touch it;
3b.    IF the header contains an (@) style address with a non-rfqdm address on
         the right of it THEN do some type of %ification to the non-rfqdm
         address and append the rfqdm (@) address of the transited system;
3c.    IF the header does not contain an (@) style address THEN replace 
         the header "From:" address with envelope "From " address and 
         append the rfqdm (@) address of the transited system. 


DNS = Internet Domain Name System.

rfqdm = Registered Fully Qualified Domain address in the DNS.

An (@) style address is an address with an @-sign in it.

You cannot assume an (@) style address is a rfqdm name without checking its
   validity with the DNS when transiting messages from UUCP -> SMTP, as there
   are hosts which will assign themselves a DNS style name without registering
   it in a DNS server connected to the Internet.  (Use of the PSEUDODOMAIN 
   function in IDA Sendmail permits bypassing DNS lookups on bogus top-level
   domains such as .uucp, .bitnet, .janet, et al and then proceed
   directly to rule 3b).

Some systems prepend their name to headers as a message transits them
   (in violation of rule 2).  This inconsistiency is fixed by copying
   the envelope "From ", which is always augmented as a message transits
   a system (assumption 3) into the "From:" header field (rule 3c).

There is no attempt to fix or clean-up bad/invalid headers or short-circuit
   routing.  garbage in ==> garbage out (with the exception for rule 3c's
   handeling of "From:" when transiting a message from !-land into @-land).

Some Rule Examples (fernwood.mpk.ca.us is the UUCP -> SMTP gateway host)

2.  z!foo		-->	 	z!foo
    x!y!z!foo		-->	 	x!y!z!foo
    x!y!z.com!foo	-->	 	x!y!z.com!foo

3a. foo@z.com		-->	 	foo@z.com

3b. foo@z.uucp		-->	  	foo%z.uucp@fernwood.mpk.ca.us
    bar@z.bitnet	-->	 	bar%z.bitnet@fernwood.mpk.ca.us
    foo@z		-->	 	foo%z@fernwood.mpk.ca.us
    foo@bogus.com	-->	 	foo%bogus.com@fernwood.mpk.ca.us

3c. Envelope:	x!y!z!foo
    Header:     x!z!foo		-->	x!y!z!foo@fernwood.mpk.ca.us
    Envelope:	x.com!y!z!foo
    Header:     x.com!y!z!foo	-->	x.com!y!z!foo@fernwood.mpk.ca.us