[comp.mail.misc] sending mail from Internet to Usenet

ramey@jello.csc.ti.com (Joe Ramey) (02/27/90)

We are currently on both Usenet and the Internet.  I am receiving some
pressure to remove our UUCP links.  We currently use pathalias to
route the UUCP mail.  Any mail to addresses ending in .com, .edu, etc.
we hand off to our Internet gateway machine for delivery.

If we remove ourselves from Usenet, how should we route mail to get to
UUCP-only sites?  I know I could just pick a well-known UUCP-Internet
gateway, but this seems abusive.  Is there some accepted method, or
are we not supposed to send mail to UUCP nodes via the Internet at
Joe Ramey				ramey@csc.ti.com
TI Computer Science Center		ti-csl!ramey

bdb@becker.UUCP (Bruce Becker) (02/28/90)

In article <RAMEY.90Feb26174307@jello.csc.ti.com> ramey@jello.csc.ti.com (Joe Ramey) writes:
|We are currently on both Usenet and the Internet.  I am receiving some
|pressure to remove our UUCP links.

	It might be useful for you to elaborate
	on the nature of said pressure. It's not
	exactly a friendly move to cut off uucp

|                                    We currently use pathalias to
|route the UUCP mail.  Any mail to addresses ending in .com, .edu, etc.
|we hand off to our Internet gateway machine for delivery.
|If we remove ourselves from Usenet, how should we route mail to get to
|UUCP-only sites?  I know I could just pick a well-known UUCP-Internet
|gateway, but this seems abusive.  Is there some accepted method, or
|are we not supposed to send mail to UUCP nodes via the Internet at

	You need the permission of the
	host you intend to hand off to.

  (__)	 Bruce Becker	Toronto, Ontario
w \@@/	 Internet: bdb@becker.UUCP, bruce@gpu.utcs.toronto.edu
 `/v/-e	 UUCP: ...!uunet!mnetor!becker!bdb
_/  \_	 "They never tell you shit like this in high school!" - J. R. Dobbs