[comp.mail.misc] Sending Email from Internet to Soviet Union?

rprohask@orion.oac.uci.edu (Robert Prohaska) (10/28/90)

Can anybody tell me how to exhange email with the soviet union?

I've been told it's possible to use Bitnet to reach Hungary, and
there's at least one anonymous ftp site in Finland, so it dosen't
seem completely out of the question. 

The people I want to reach are in Moscow at the Lebedev Institute and 
at the Institute for General Physics.


bob prohaska

dlv@CUNYVMS1.GC.CUNY.EDU (Dimitri Vulis) (10/28/90)

Bob Prohaska said:
}Can anybody tell me how to exhange email with the soviet union?
}I've been told it's possible to use Bitnet to reach Hungary, and
}there's at least one anonymous ftp site in Finland, so it dosen't
}seem completely out of the question.
}The people I want to reach are in Moscow at the Lebedev Institute and
}at the Institute for General Physics.
There is a UUCP connection between Helsinki and Moscow. The .SU domain
registered at SRI-NIC is this small Soviet UUCP network called RELCOM. Among
the institutions on it are the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Joint
Inst. for Nuclear Research in Dubna, high-energy physics sites in Serpukhov
and Protvino, et al. I asked them to help me get e-mail to the Steklov
Institute of Mathematics, and they got it online right away and gave it a
domain name. Now we happily exchange e-mail. RELCOM people are perfectly
willing to connect new sites.
}KIAE (Institut Atomnoj Energii im. I.V.Kurchatova --- Insitute for Atomic
}Energy), Ul. Kurchatova 26, Moscow 123182.
}OIYaI --- Ob"edinennyj Institut Yadernykh Issledovanij, Joint Institute for
}Nuclear Research, P.O.Box 79, Dubna, Moscow Oblast', Head Post Office 101000.
}FIAN (Fizicheskij Institut AN im. V.N.Lebedeva --- Institute of Physics)
}Leninskij Prospekt 53, Moscow 117924.
}IOFAN (Institut Obshchej Fiziki AN --- Inst. of General Physics),
}Ul. Vavilova 38, Moscow 117942.
}IFP (Institut Fizicheskikh Problem im. S.I.Vavilova --- Institute for Physical
}Problems) Ul. A.N.Kosygina 2, Moscow 117973.
}Institut Teoriticheskoj Fiziki im. Landau --- Institute for Theoretical
}Physics, Ul. Kosygina 2; also Chernogolovka.
}IVTAN (Institut Vysokikh Temperatur --- High Temperatures), Kolomenskoe Shosse,
}Moscow 127412.
}IFTT (Institut Fiziki Tverdogo Tela --- Inst. for Solid State Physics)
}Chernogolovka, Moscow Oblast', 142432.
A while ago I had the pleasure of talking to some folks from IOFAN and
promised to let them know when it becomes possible to bring e-mail to their
institute. I tried to pass to them the message that they should call Dmitri
Volodin or Vadim Antonov at 231-2129 in Moscow to arrange a connection; once
they do, there will be an e-mail route there. If you're in touch with
someone at these 2 sites, or any other Soviet site, you might want to
encourage your contacts to do the same.
There is a LISTSERV mailing list (moderated and digested) used for posting
information about Soviet e-mail connections. It's called SUEARN-L and is on
LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU. For more information on using LISTSERV e-mail
'HELP' to any LISTSERV. The digests are automatically posted to the
newsgroup talk.politics.soviet.
Dimitri Vulis

rprohask@ORION.OAC.UCI.EDU (Robert Prohaska) (10/28/90)

Hi Dimitri,

Thanks for replying so fast, your letter gives me hope of establishing
a connection before I go there.  If it can be made to work it'll be 
a huge help.

I've included a copy of your letter below, for I am a little bit
puzzled by the included institute names.  Are these the sites which
are on RELCOM at the present time?

Do I have to give my contacts in Moscow any information besides the 
phone number 231-2129 and the names Dmitri Volodin and Vadim Antonov?

Thank you very much

bob prohaska

 > Bob Prohaska said:
 > }Can anybody tell me how to exhange email with the soviet union?
 > }
 > }I've been told it's possible to use Bitnet to reach Hungary, and
 > }there's at least one anonymous ftp site in Finland, so it dosen't
 > }seem completely out of the question.
 > }
 > }The people I want to reach are in Moscow at the Lebedev Institute and
 > }at the Institute for General Physics.
 > There is a UUCP connection between Helsinki and Moscow. The .SU domain
 > registered at SRI-NIC is this small Soviet UUCP network called RELCOM. Among
 > the institutions on it are the Kurchatov Institute of Atomic Energy, Joint
 > Inst. for Nuclear Research in Dubna, high-energy physics sites in Serpukhov
 > and Protvino, et al. I asked them to help me get e-mail to the Steklov
 > Institute of Mathematics, and they got it online right away and gave it a
 > domain name. Now we happily exchange e-mail. RELCOM people are perfectly
 > willing to connect new sites.
 > }KIAE (Institut Atomnoj Energii im. I.V.Kurchatova --- Insitute for Atomic
 > }Energy), Ul. Kurchatova 26, Moscow 123182.
 > }
 > }OIYaI --- Ob"edinennyj Institut Yadernykh Issledovanij, Joint Institute for
 > }Nuclear Research, P.O.Box 79, Dubna, Moscow Oblast', Head Post Office 101000.
 > }
 > }FIAN (Fizicheskij Institut AN im. V.N.Lebedeva --- Institute of Physics)
 > }Leninskij Prospekt 53, Moscow 117924.
 > }
 > }IOFAN (Institut Obshchej Fiziki AN --- Inst. of General Physics),
 > }Ul. Vavilova 38, Moscow 117942.
 > }
 > }IFP (Institut Fizicheskikh Problem im. S.I.Vavilova --- Institute for Physical
 > }Problems) Ul. A.N.Kosygina 2, Moscow 117973.
 > }
 > }Institut Teoriticheskoj Fiziki im. Landau --- Institute for Theoretical
 > }Physics, Ul. Kosygina 2; also Chernogolovka.
 > }
 > }IVTAN (Institut Vysokikh Temperatur --- High Temperatures), Kolomenskoe Shosse,
 > }Moscow 127412.
 > }
 > }IFTT (Institut Fiziki Tverdogo Tela --- Inst. for Solid State Physics)
 > }Chernogolovka, Moscow Oblast', 142432.
 > A while ago I had the pleasure of talking to some folks from IOFAN and
 > promised to let them know when it becomes possible to bring e-mail to their
 > institute. I tried to pass to them the message that they should call Dmitri
 > Volodin or Vadim Antonov at 231-2129 in Moscow to arrange a connection; once
 > they do, there will be an e-mail route there. If you're in touch with
 > someone at these 2 sites, or any other Soviet site, you might want to
 > encourage your contacts to do the same.
 > There is a LISTSERV mailing list (moderated and digested) used for posting
 > information about Soviet e-mail connections. It's called SUEARN-L and is on
 > LISTSERV@UBVM.CC.BUFFALO.EDU. For more information on using LISTSERV e-mail
 > 'HELP' to any LISTSERV. The digests are automatically posted to the
 > newsgroup talk.politics.soviet.
 > Dimitri Vulis
 > CUNY GC Math