[comp.mail.misc] *long post* UUPC/extended 1.09c now available

help@kendra.kew.com (Drew Derbyshire - UUPC/extended Help Desk) (11/15/90)

UUPC/extended 1.09c is now available via FTP, direct download from
kendra, or via mail archive server.  Both the summary of recent changes
and the instructions on downloading follow.  

Note: Among other recent changes is basic support for the DOS and OS/2
ports of MUSH and other external Mail User Agents; if someone actually
tries this (I don't use MUSH) please send me mail on your results.

Drew Derbyshire

Internet:  help@kendra.kew.com           Snail mail:  108 Decatur St, Apt 9
Voice:     617-641-3739                               Arlington, MA 02174

November 11, 1990                  UUPC/extended 1.09c changes summary


This document applies to UUPC/extended version 1.09c, and was
formatted on November 11, 1990 at 17:28:12.


This file lists changes made to UUPC/extended since release 1.07g.
See UUPC107.DOC for changes made between UUPC 1.05 and UUPC/extended

Bugs Fixed in Version 1.09c:

  1. Further modified Deliver() from changes in 1.08b to strip off
     both local system and directly connected systems from UUCP format
     addressees.  If striping thse names no address is left, attempts
     to convert the last of any percent sign (%) delimited addresses
     to RFC-822 format.

  2. Corrected copytemp() in rmail.c to properly detect the end of the
     mail header via an empty line.  Otherwise, an empty line was
     appended at the end of the file to insure the file was

  3. Corrected user_at_node to initialize the returned the local user
     id when an address has no node name.

  4. Fixed inability of UUIO to compile/execute under MS-DOS only.

  5. Split user name table (PASSWD) and host table into seperate files
     to allow diffferent sort orders, thus allowing duplicate formal
     names in the PASSWD file.

     This change means that all systems, even those that only login,
     must be listed in the SYSTEMS file.

  6. 1.09b did not handle explicit paths of the form @path:user@node
     in RFC-822 mail.  Altered user_at_node() to save the next token
     returned by strtok() before calling HostPath().

  7. If expectstr() reported a full 512 byte error string, then
     printmsg() crashed because an internal buffer only accepting 256
     characters.  The offending buffer is now bypassed.

Enhancements made in Version 1.09c:

  1. Added two new source files and associated headers, usertable.c
     and ssleep.c.

  2. UUIO is now MS-Windows aware, and surrenders its time slice if it
     is waiting to read data from the serial port.  Thanks to Dave
     Watt for the underlying Windows calls.

  3. Modified getarg() in lib.c to support quoted subjects on mail
     sent send the mail internal prompt.  This also affects strings in
     the SYSTEMS file, allowing quoted strings with whitespace in

  4. Added "multiqueue" system option to control whether UUPC/extended
     queues mail for other multiple users via the same path in one
     message or multiple messages.  Note that the default is now
     "nomultiqueue"; to make UUPC/extended behave the same as 1.09b
     and below, add the following option to the UUPC.RC file:


Bugs Fixed in Version 1.09b:

  1. If a host sent less than eight characters of its host name, the
     spooling directories were not properly searched. Modified
     startup() in dcpsys.c to internally always use the full hostname
     as known to UUPC/extended.

  2. The "pager" option was permanently enabled. Corrected pager() to
     correctly handle the pager flag.

  3. Sub_pager() was a tad agressive about closing the input file ...
     like when it was never opened. Changed Sub_pager() to not close
     input file unless opened.

  4. Because UUPC/extended doesn't strip the local host name from mail
     passing through the system, other systems sometimes route mail
     back to the local system by mistake.  Modified deliver() in
     deliver.c to handle basic cases of this problem by normalizing
     the address for directly connected systems.  Note that format of
     the re-written address is in RFC-822 (user@node) format by
     default; this may be changed to UUCP (node!user) format by adding
     the options line:


     to the UUPC.RC configuration file.

  5. UUPOLL, as originally written, looped if not enough memory is
     available to execute UUIO.  Modified UUPOLL to report the error
     and abort as need be.

  6. UUPOLL is no longer confused by odd polling times.

Enhancements made in Version 1.09b:

  1. Added "forwardsave" option to control whether or not mail
     forwarded via the resend command is saved in the outgoing mail
     box.  The new default is noforwardsave, that is the forwarded
     mail is not saved.

  2. UUPOLL now surrenders its time slice while sleeping if running
     under MS-Windows version 3 or Windows/386.
  3. UUPOLL now accepts an interval without a starting time; it
     automatically computes a starting time to be one interval away
     from now.

  4. Added SU.BAT, a sample file to demonstration how to support
     multiple UUPC/extended users on one PC.

  5. Made the aliases file optional.

  6. If the aliases file cannot be opened, the exact error is reported
     via perror() and execution continues.  Formerly, the program
     aborted via an assert() statement.

  7. If the aliases table fills, execution continues with a warning
     message.  Formerly, the program aborted an assert() statement.

----------------------cut here--------------------------------------

November 11, 1990             UUPC/extended 1.09c Download Information


This document applies to UUPC/extended version 1.09c, and was
formatted on November 11, 1990 at 17:45:06.


UUPC/extended 1.09c is available via:

  *  Anonymous FTP from clutx.clarkson.edu, directory pub/uupc.

  *  Anonymous FTP from wsmr-simtel20.army.mil, directory

  *  Automated mail server running on Clarkson University's

  *  Clarkson University CUHUG BBS

  *  The Kermit server running on kendra, my home system.

Because kendra is the system I develop UUPC/extended on, the files
available from kendra's kermit server will always be the definitive
versions.  However, I have no intention of releasing an excessive
number of releases, so normally the FTPable version will be current.


Because of time and disk space restrictions, I do not mail copies of
the source or executables, provide custom .ARC or .ZIP files with only
a limited set of the files, or provide other distribution services--
please don't ask.  I do answer my mail, especially from other people
who have modifed on UUPC/extended or UUPC, and I also at least
acknowledge bug reports (remember, I run this software too).

FTP instructions:

FTP programs vary from system to system; contact your local system
support staff for instructions on anonymous FTP.  Note that because of
simtel20's popular archives, clutx.clarkson.edu is generally easier to
connect to via anonymous FTP.

sun.soe archive server instructions:

Send mail to archive-server@sun.soe.clarkson.edu and ask for help.
Once you read the read help message, you can request files using
commands such as "send uupc uupc09cu.zip".

CUHUG instructions:

The Clarkson University HUG Bulletin Board is an OPUS BBS; it is
260/360 in the Nodelist, and be can reached 24 hours a day at
(315)268-6667, 8N1, 1200/2400 Baud.  New users should download
00readme from the root directory.

Kermit Instructions:

To retrieve UUPC/extended via Kermit, you will have to have a Kermit
which can issue the GET and FINISH commands to a Kermit server.

  1. Set your Kermit to:

       *  Its maximum packet size         (optional)

       *  3 byte checksum                 (optional)

       *  2 Windows                       (optional)

       *  1200 or 2400 baud

       *  No parity

       *  ^S/^Q flow control

  2. Call 617-641-4817 between 10 am and 5 pm weekdays, and any night
     between midnight and 5 AM (All times are Eastern).  At all other
     times, the system will reject your call.

  3. After connect, press ENTER and kendra's "login:" prompt will
     appear.  Enter the user id "anonymous"and press ENTER.

  4. The "password:"  prompt will appear.  Enter the password,
     "ribbit", and press ENTER.

     Note: Both the user id and password are case sensitive, and you
     cannot backspace when typing them in.  If you make an error then
     press ENTER until you get the "login:"  prompt again and start
     over.  The user id will not echo until you press ENTER, and the
     password will not echo at all.

  5. A short hello message will appear, and then Kermit-MS will await
     your command.  Escape to your local command mode, and then issue
     a GET for one or more of the files listed below.

  6. When done, issue the FINISH command to shutdown the Kermit
     server.  DO NOT just hang up your telephone, because then you
     will lock up kendra, which is not critical but is unkind since
     now you know better.

About the files:

The files available include:

          Name                   Description
    uupc09cs.zip    Source files for UUPC/extended, PKZIP format
    uupc09cu.zip    Run time (.EXE and .DOC files) only,
                    PKPAK format.

    howtoget.doc    This file.  (Only available on kendra and
    announce.doc    A summary of the new release. (Only available
                    on kendra and clutx)

The file uupc09cs.zip includes the source, makefiles for Turbo C++ and
MS C 6.0, and the raw documents.  The uupc09cu.zip file includes the
executables and formatted documents.  Both uupc09cs.zip and
uupc09cu.zip include the same sample files.

The uupc09cs.zip file should be PKUNZIPed with the unpack directory
(-d) option.

The files names change with each release, to include the release
number in the file name.  The source file will always have an "S"
suffix, and the user file (executables) will always have a "U"

Thanks to:

Russ Nelson of Clarkson University's Educational Computing Systems and
Keith Peterson of simtel20 aid me in getting each release out to the
public.  Many thanks to both of them, and also to Clarkson
University's Educational Resources Center for providing upload

A final thanks to Alan Steele of the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology and eddie.mit.edu for handling kendra's Internet mail
forwarding (including all those questions to help@kendra.kew.com).

Other trivia:

I use UUPC/extended to answer the telephone on kendra, and MS-Kermit
is the program I run to provide the Kermit server; the current source
and executable for MS-Kermit is available via anonymous FTP from

Please direct all questions to help@kendra.kew.com.

lodin@plains.NoDak.edu (Joe Schmo) (11/16/90)

In article <1990Nov15.033022.4277@grape.ecs.clarkson.edu> help@kendra.kew.com (Drew Derbyshire - UUPC/extended Help Desk) writes:
>UUPC/extended 1.09c is now available via FTP, direct download from
>kendra, or via mail archive server.  Both the summary of recent changes
>and the instructions on downloading follow.  
>Note: Among other recent changes is basic support for the DOS and OS/2
>ports of MUSH and other external Mail User Agents; if someone actually
>tries this (I don't use MUSH) please send me mail on your results.

OK, now that I've got uupc from the archiver server, I need a MUA.  Drew, 
you say you aren't using Mush (although I have heard elsewhere that 
Mush works well with uupc), so what are you using?  What are the rest
of you using as MUA for packages such as uupc or smail/pc?

And of course, where are they ftp'able...

Thanks for the info...

Steven W. Lodin  
Advanced Instrumentation Engineering
Delco Electronics Corp

AT&T:    (317) 451-8722    GM: 8-322-8722
Domain:  lodin%koiasvr01.uucp@[iuvax.cs.indiana.edu or dynamo.ecn.purdue.edu]
  or     lodin@plains.nodak.edu
  or     swlodin@koess.gm.hac.com
UUCP:    [iuvax or pur-ee]!koiasvr01!lodin