[net.unix-wizards] dbx'ing csh

steve@tellab3.UUCP (Steve Harpster) (06/08/84)

Help! For various reasons, I want (need) to dbx the csh (obviously 4.2bsd).
I recomplied everything with the -g option but when I dbx csh, I get the

	"dbx: fatal error: not linked for debugging, use "cc -g ...""

while trying to read in the symbolic information. What's wrong with this
picture? No, the file is not stripped.

Thanks for any help.....


moss@BRL-VLD.ARPA (06/11/84)

From:      "Gary S. Moss (DRXBR-VLD-V)" <moss@BRL-VLD.ARPA>

~ Help! For various reasons, I want (need) to dbx the csh (obviously 4.2bsd).
~ I recomplied everything with the -g option but when I dbx csh, I get the
~ error
~	"dbx: fatal error: not linked for debugging, use "cc -g ...""
~ ihnp4!tellab1!steve

Steve --
	Working from memory, I believe you must put the -g in the loading
phase of your compilation, rather than in the compilation phase.  That is,
adding it to CFLAGS in your Makefile will not work.

-- Moss.