[comp.mail.misc] How do I get email/news to a PC?

lin@sixmile.inel.gov (Linn Hower) (12/30/90)

  I am in the process of buying a PC clone for home/business use.  I have
never used a PC before and most of my experience over the last 5 years
has been with internet connected unix workstations.

  I would like to be able to receive email and possibly some news on
my home computer.  I would greatly appreciate anyone's opinions/experiences/
suggestions as to how to do this.  Is there uucp available for PC's?  Will
it run unattended?  Are there other transport agents available?  And what
about email agents and user interfaces?

  As you might be able to see, I am quite uneducated about all this PC
stuff.  I will appreciate any input.

  PS  The system I will purchase will be a 386DX system with >= 40 MB
of hard disk... if that makes any difference.

  Linn Hower	lin@INEL.GOV		Phone: 208-526-9231
		at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Idaho Falls, ID

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