[comp.mail.misc] Domain Problems with Smail 2.5

curt@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca (Curt J. Sampson) (04/04/91)

I'm having some domain routing problems with smail 2.5.  I have a
small local map with van-bc as my smarthost.  My site is
cynic.wimsey.bc.ca and van-bc is also known as wimsey.bc.ca.  However,
when I send mail to user@wimsey.bc.ca it tries to deliver it locally

    smail -d user@wimsey.bc.ca


    res_fname: looking for 'user'
    can't access /usr/local/lib/fullnames.
    resolve: parse address 'user' = 'user' @ '' (LOCAL)
    resolve 'user' = 'user' @ '' (LOCAL)
    COMMAND: /usr/local/bin/deliver 'user'
    From curt Wed Apr  3 15:13:33 1991
    Received: by cynic.wimsey.bc.ca (smail2.5)
	    id AA02371; 3 Apr 91 15:13:33 PST (Wed)
    Message-Id: <9104031513.AA02371@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca>
    Date: 3 Apr 91 15:13:33 PST (Wed)
    From: curt@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca (Curt J. Sampson)
    To: user@wimsey.bc.ca

It doesn't seem to be looking in my smail paths file for wimsey.  Can
anybody help me out here?

                        | "It is actually a feature of UUCP that the map of
curt@cynic.uucp         | all systems in the network is not known anywhere."
curt@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca |    --Berkeley Mail Reference Manual (Kurt Schoens)

venta@i2ack.sublink.org (Paolo Ventafridda) (04/06/91)

From article <1991Apr3.231452.2394@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca>, by curt@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca (Curt J. Sampson):
> I'm having some domain routing problems with smail 2.5.  I have a
> small local map with van-bc as my smarthost.  My site is
> cynic.wimsey.bc.ca and van-bc is also known as wimsey.bc.ca.  However,
> when I send mail to user@wimsey.bc.ca it tries to deliver it locally
> instead.
> It doesn't seem to be looking in my smail paths file for wimsey.

I had the same problem at the time i was running the good old 2.5,
and came to the conclusion that -simply- smail was not considering
the LAST record of paths (i.e. the last line!).
In fact, adding a dummy line to paths, like :
zzzzzz	%s	0
makes the damn thing work all the way!
So, it might really be such a problem; let us know....;-)


Paolo Ventafridda - Milano, ITALY  |  INTERNET: venta@i2ack.SUBLINK.ORG 

peter@ficc.ferranti.com (Peter da Silva) (04/09/91)

This sounds like the usual smail binary search problem. There is a patch for
it out somewhere, it gets reposted here periodically. If it's not already in
comp.sources.misc it should be.
Peter da Silva.  `-_-'  peter@ferranti.com
+1 713 274 5180.  'U`  "Have you hugged your wolf today?"

barrett@Daisy.EE.UND.AC.ZA (Alan P. Barrett) (04/09/91)

In article <1991Apr3.231452.2394@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca>,
curt@cynic.wimsey.bc.ca (Curt J. Sampson) writes:
> I have a small local map with van-bc as my smarthost.  My site is
> cynic.wimsey.bc.ca and van-bc is also known as wimsey.bc.ca.  However,
> when I send mail to user@wimsey.bc.ca it tries to deliver it locally
> instead.
>     smail -d user@wimsey.bc.ca
> produces
>     res_fname: looking for 'user'

It looks as though you have HIDDENHOSTS set in your defs.h.  Try
turning it off.

Alan Barrett, Dept. of Electronic Eng., Univ. of Natal, Durban, South Africa
Internet: barrett@ee.und.ac.za           UUCP: m2xenix!quagga!undeed!barrett