[comp.mail.misc] Help!! Need to reach Poland!

chip@osh3.OSHA.GOV (Chip Yamasaki) (05/02/91)

I need to get information fast on E-Mail to groups in Poland.  We will
be having guests in from Poland on Tuesday, May 7, and would like to
discuss our E-Mail connectivity with them including possibilities of
exchanging E-Mail with Networks in Poland.

If anybody out there has any information on this could you PLEASE E-Mail
me as quickly as possible with any information you have?

Just to make sure it gets her, the address again is:




Thanks for the help.
Charles "Chip" Yamasaki

sp@questor.wimsey.bc.ca (Steve Pershing) (05/02/91)

chip@osh3.OSHA.GOV (Chip Yamasaki) writes:

> I need to get information fast on E-Mail to groups in Poland.  We will
> be having guests in from Poland on Tuesday, May 7, and would like to
> discuss our E-Mail connectivity with them including possibilities of
> exchanging E-Mail with Networks in Poland.
> If anybody out there has any information on this could you PLEASE E-Mail
> me as quickly as possible with any information you have?


The following was taken off the net a while ago... hope it is of help.  If
you find any further sites in the future, I would appreciate it if you
would appraise me of them.  Thanks.

Date:	Sun, 3 Mar 1991 21:00:00 -0500
Subject:      Polish Nodes
To:	"Steve Pershing" <sp@QUESTOR.WIMSEY.BC.CA>

Here are the host sites in Poland including one just sent to me Saturday
by Jan Radomski

Node ID               Site
PLEARN                Informatics Center of Warsaw University
PLKTUS11              Computing Center of the Silesian University
PLWAAN51              Polish Academy of Sciences
PLWAEU21              Computer Center of the Central School of Planning
PLWATU21              Warsaw Technical University
PLWAUW12              University of Warsaw
PLWRTU11              Technical University of Wroclaw
PLWRTU51              Technical University of Wroclaw
PLTUMK11              Kopernikus University of Torun (in process)

Warsaw and Wroclaw sent replies to my questions four days after my
posting in TELECOM.  PLEARN is the central node.  The other universities
access EARN through Warsaw.  Andrzej Smereczynski, the systems admini-
strator says PLEARN should work, however many of the nodes subordinate
to PLEARN only operate between 8:00AM and 9:00PM MEZ (2:00AM - 3:00PM)
Monday through Friday.  I'm sending Jan Radomski the address to Telecom
Digest.  He has many questions that maybe our telecompeople can answer.

BTW, Andrezej can be reached at OEK05@PLEARN.BITNET, Jan's ID is
CKJ25@PLEARN.BITNET.  I'm still compiling the answers from Poland.  They
will be posted in TELECOM DIGEST.

Richard Budd              | E-Mail: IBMers    - rcbudd@rhqvm19.ibm
VM Systems Programmer     |         All Others- klub@maristb.bitnet
IBM - Sterling Forest, NY | Phone:              (914) 578-3746

And that's it from sunny and warm Vancouver, B.C.

    Steve Pershing, System Administrator

 : The QUESTOR Project: FREE Usenet News/Internet Mail; Sci, Med, AIDS, more :
 : Internet: sp@questor.wimsey.bc.ca     : POST: 1027 Davie Street,  Box 486 :
 : Phones:   Voice/FAX:  +1 604 682 6659 :       Vancouver, British Columbia :
 :           Data/BBS:   +1 604 681 0670 :       Canada  V6E 4L2             :

chip@osh3.OSHA.GOV (Chip Yamasaki) (05/03/91)

In <PgRB21w164w@questor.wimsey.bc.ca> sp@questor.wimsey.bc.ca (Steve Pershing) writes:

>chip@osh3.OSHA.GOV (Chip Yamasaki) writes:

>> I need to get information fast on E-Mail to groups in Poland.  We will
>> be having guests in from Poland on Tuesday, May 7, and would like to
>> discuss our E-Mail connectivity with them including possibilities of
>> exchanging E-Mail with Networks in Poland.
>> If anybody out there has any information on this could you PLEASE E-Mail
>> me as quickly as possible with any information you have?


>The following was taken off the net a while ago... hope it is of help.  If
>you find any further sites in the future, I would appreciate it if you
>would appraise me of them.  Thanks.

Yes, I have gotten some fast and positive responses, and when they all
come in we'll have to sync them.  This inquiry is really only for a one
time diplomatic visit of sorts, but I figure with the trouble some
people such as yourself have gone to, the least I can do is document
what I learn and pass it on.

I would like to thank all of the people (like Steve here) who have been
so quick to respond in my "hour of need".  The only thing here that
impresses me more than the technology is the Good Samaritans :-).

Thanks Again!

Charles "Chip" Yamasaki