[net.unix-wizards] incremental file remove?

usenet@usceast.UUCP (Network admin alias) (06/16/84)

<bailing out near line 1>
Often (well sometimes), I will have a big file in a tight filesystem that
I want to transform in some way ( say a tar file I want to extract or a 
batched news file I want to unbatch) , and have the results go in the same
filesystem. When space is really tight I find myself having to go through
all sorts of contortions to do this, even though the results would easily
fit , IF the original file weren't still there.

I wonder if any of y'all out there have a way of making a file erase itself
as it is read. Speed or efficiency isn't too important.  I can always nohup it
and go home.

		Ted Nolan			...usceast!ted
Ted Nolan                               ...decvac!mcnc!ncsu!ncrcae!usceast!ted
6536 Brookside Circle
Columbia, SC 29206                      ("Sixty-sixty?" he suggested)