[news.groups] Database of all net sites

usenet@soma.UUCP (02/14/87)

In article <882@epimass.UUCP> jbuck@epimass.UUCP (Joe Buck) writes:
>If the map is too large to handle on a national basis, perhaps
>portions of it can be dealt with on a regional basis (ba.map, ne.map,

I think this is a GREAT idea, but am unsure about the best way to subset
things. It seems to support the idea of regional "domains" which many
argue about. I hope that we can keep the Administrator information
available somehow since it is a nice idea to be able to call the administrator
when mail/news problems exist. 

Stan	     uucp:{shell,rice,cuae2}!soma!sob       Opinions expressed here
Olan         domain:sob@rice.edu or sob@soma.bcm.tmc.edu   are ONLY mine &
Barber       CIS:71565,623   BBS:(713)790-9004               noone else's.