[news.groups] New topology? What's the problem?

rs@mirror.UUCP (02/20/87)

Seems to me that the "you can't sell this without breaking my Copyright"
version of news, B2.11, has done all the anarchists a real favor, by
separating the newsgroup name from the distribution.

You don't like the current backbone structure?  Fine, someone shoudl
step up, make themselves the point man, and start building a new
distribution topology.  I'd offer to set up the initial mailing list,
but I already send too much mail through seismo, cbsogd, ihnp4, and
others (thanks Rick, Mark, and Kathy).

So, who's gonna start it?

Looking forward to the announcement of something,
	/rich $alz
Rich $alz					"Drug tests p**s me off"
Mirror Systems, Cambridge Massachusetts		rs@mirror.TMC.COM
{adelie, mit-eddie, ihnp4, harvard!wjh12, cca, cbosgd, seismo}!mirror!rs