[news.groups] Calling for a vote for comp.binaries.apple

lwv@n8emr.UUCP (11/12/87)

Since we keep discussing this and discussing this and dont seem to make any
progress, I will call for a vote on this topic.  PLEASE read the following info
and follow instructions specifically.  Only those who follow these instructions
will be considered as legitmate votes.

As per the posting "How to create a New Newsgroup" message-ID: 2177@arthur.cs.purdue.edu
posted on 11/2/87 by Gene Spafford, I am calling for a vote for the binaries
group for the Apple II.

1. Is this group needed?  There have been quite a number of postings (size
unknown by me due to uucp -> bitnet type problems) to a bitnet server for
similar code.  The current public domain software situation with Apple
II software is very promising; there are many programs available to the world
out there IF you happen to be in a part of the country which supports public
domain software.  There are enough users reading the comp.sys.apple group
(estimate reading audience of 6700 according to the latest arbitron stats)
that a binaries group could be supported.  The reason that a separate group
is being called for is that comp.sys.apple is being gatewayed into bitnet
and arpa net groups, as well as proline and possibly other systems.  The
size of the individual binary files are such that they should NOT automatically
be distributed to these groups, but allow a particular system administrator
to SPECIFICALLY set up handing of these groups.

Also, this group should be considered a complement to the Apple2-L group.
If the adminstrators of that group wish to set up links so that they get what
is posted here, to make access to the college world easier, that sounds like a
fine idea to me.  Likewise, if someone wants to set up a link to simtel20 or
someother arpa net group, so that folks with ftp access can get to these files,
that TOO would be a fine idea.

2. An appropriate name for this group is, in my mind, comp.binaries.apple, 
paralleling comp.sys.apple for general discussions.

3. This is the posting to the news.groups file describing the group.


Comments on this proposal should be posted for all to discuss.  VOTES WILL ONLY BE

If you are unable to reach this path by mail, then post a mail message stating
THAT (and NOT how you would vote) to the followup group.  Folks following this
discussion can then attempt to help you find a different path to me, though
my backbone is certainly easy enough to find :-).

4. I will consider all comments and objections.  I will attempt to answer all
in a timely fashion, allowing for possible system problems, delays, etc. 

5. I will collect all MAILED votes on the issue.  The cut off date for this
will be Saturday, Dec. 12.  I will be posting the talley of yes, no and
undetermined votes and the list of account names of all who voted.  PLEASE,
be sure to explicitly state a YES or a NO for the creation.  If your vote is
is YES, no other comments will be necessary, unless you have some interesting
info that you would like to contribute.  If you have a NO vote, please consider
letting me know why.  Perhaps I can then also summarize the major reasons against
the group and determine a way to make you happy as well!

6. At the end, if the group has 100 or more more yes votes than no votes I will
send mail back to the backbone requesting creation.  This does NOT guarentee
our group will be created, but I am sure that these folks will give us equal
shot at getting a new group.

Also, it is only fair to state that only one vote per user will be counted.
Oh, one other thing, I see no need for this to be a moderated group at this
time.  Also, I do NOT volunteer to server as an archiving site, since I am
a guest of this system.  Perhaps if these two items need to be addressed, I
can get some volunteers as a part of the voting.

Larry W. Virden	 75046,606 (CIS)
674 Falls Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 (614) 864-8817
cbosgd!n8emr!lwv HAM/SWL BBS (HBBS) 614-457-4227.. 300/1200 bps
We haven't inherited the world from our parents, but borrowed it from our children.

lwv@n8emr.UUCP (Larry W. Virden) (11/24/87)

P.P.P.P.S. to my moments ago posted update; discussions concerning the group
should continue to be cross posted to news.groups; I didnt cross post that
last message because a) I forgot, and b) it really has to do with the fact that
some of you may have wondered why you didnt get a msg from me.
Larry W. Virden	 75046,606 (CIS)
674 Falls Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 (614) 864-8817
cbosgd!n8emr!lwv (UUCP)
We haven't inherited the world from our parents, but borrowed it from our children.

dipto@umbc3.UMD.EDU (Dipto Chakravarty ) (11/25/87)

Here is my vote for comp.binaries.apple
