[news.groups] comp.sys.amiga.tech votes

page@swan.ulowell.edu (Bob Page) (03/05/88)

Although the original vote overwhemingly passed for the creation of
comp.sys.amiga.tech, Bryce's machine crashed and he lost all the
votes.  Since some administrators want to see the names of the voters
before they'll pass the group, and because the group might as well
enjoy wide propagation, I'm conducting another vote.  Bryce has
already agreed to stay away frlom my machine. :-)

If you want comp.sys.amiga.tech to be created, send me a MAIL message
that says YES and COMP.SYS.AMIGA.TECH someplace where I can clearly
see it.  If you don't want the group, say NO and COMP.SYS.AMIGA.TECH
somewhere where I can clearly see it.

You must specify comp.sys.amiga.tech, since I'm currently running
another vote (for comp.mail.sendmail).  You must mark YES or NO so
I'll know what folder to file your vote in.

This is the only thing I'm soliciting votes on.  Not on multiple
splits, not on .tech vs .programmer, and not on keywords.

Voting starts now.  Around April 4 (after the fun ends) I'll post the
results.  By quasi-agreed on standards, if 100 more people vote YES
than NO, more people will agree to carry the group.  In the meantime,
it's available, but sort of illegitimate.

Bob Page, U of Lowell CS Dept.  page@swan.ulowell.edu  ulowell!page
"I don't know such stuff.  I just do eyes."  -- from 'Blade Runner'