[news.groups] new group proposal: soc.journalism

erict@flatline.UUCP (j eric townsend) (06/17/88)

I'd like to propose a new group, one that *isn't* already covered
somewhere else:  soc.journalism.

The group would cover all aspects of journalism: ethics, legalities,
styles, business, major and minor figures in journalism, reviews
of various groups/individuals, etc.
Also, the relation of technology to journalism: the effects of high-speed
communications on quality of the media, the effects of newer and
faster communications on our forign policy decisions, etc.

I don't feel that it should be a soapbox for so-called "moral"
issues (obscenity in particular) unless there is something going
on in The Real World that merits discussion.

Moderated?  I'd like it to be.  I'll even volunteer to do it myself if
others feel that it should be moderated.  If not moderated, I may still
put out a digest...

Before we start voting or anything, let's give it a good discussion.
Anybody that is interested in this, please email me.  If the group
fails, I'd like to maybe run a mailing list or an alt.group.

My quals, just for fun:  Sr. in Journalism (30hrs short of grad :-(;
working on a minor (fingers crossed for a BS) in Computer Science,
experience in most forms and stages of media production, avid intrest
in journalism as a whole and its relation to other aspects of society.

Oh.  I skateboard.  But that's irrelevant, isn't it?
Skate UNIX or go home, boogie boy...
Spelling errors are directly related to how little time I have...
J. Eric Townsend ->uunet!nuchat!flatline!erict smail:511Parker#2,Hstn,Tx,77007