[news.groups] comp.sources.misc is moving to uunet

allbery@ncoast.UUCP (Brandon S. Allbery) (09/25/88)

As a result of the recent problems on ncoast and the uncertainty of ncoast's
future, I am moving comp.sources.misc to uunet.  I will remain moderator,
but ncoast will no longer be the originating site for articles.

In order to facilitate this move, I would like to ask that all submissions
be mailed to "sources-misc" at a backbone site, and all administrivia be
mailed to "sources-misc-request" at a backbone site.  Please do *not* send
it directly to ncoast, and most especially not to ncoast!allbery; depending
on what happens to ncoast, your submission may end up trapped on one of
ncoast's mail feeds for eternity (or at least until they give up and bounce
it back).

News administrators:  please check your "mailpaths" files, and make sure that
comp.sources.misc is being sent to a backbone and not to ncoast directly.

This will help make the transition easy and reduce its impact on the flow of
articles in the newsgroup.

Thank you in advance,
Brandon S. Allbery, uunet!marque!ncoast!allbery			DELPHI: ALLBERY
	    For comp.sources.misc send mail to ncoast!sources-misc
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