[news.groups] Racist humor chatter

rjung@castor.usc.edu (Robert allen Jung) (11/24/88)

Yessh. All this volume over the im/moralty of racst jokes?

  How about this: Every time someone posts a racist joke, they must also
post a counter-racist joke of equal or greater length? (Eg, a joke that
promotes Jews at the expense of Christans will be followed by a joke that
promotes Christians at the expense of Jews)

  In the event that the racist joke in question does not have a group to
promote, the poster shall follow up with a joke that promotes the group
in question at his/her own expense.

  (This sounds ridiculous, but then, so's all this traffic. Stupidity for
the stupids, I always say)


P.S. I personally don't see where the "anti-racist-jokes" people are coming
from. What's next, no anti-Republican jokes?

"Life is a fern bar, and I'm outta here."      --Joe Bob Briggs

Disclaimer: Hey, if I had to spend all my time worrying about who I might
   offend, I'd never get anything done.

                                  Net-mails go to rjung@nunki.usc.edu, I think.