[news.groups] Recall vote on rec.humor.funny moderatorship?

spaf@cs.purdue.edu (Gene Spafford) (11/26/88)

Obviously, some people aren't getting the joke.  Brad's posting
about the joke book was really a subtle pun.  No, not a pun --
what's that thing that sounds the same backwards?  Notlob.

But seriously, if we carry postings about people shipping tapes
and diskettes for cost, I don't see where Brad's posting about
a collected works volume for only $9.95 is out of line.  If those
kind of things are suddenly off-limits, we better get on the case
of the X Consortium since they often offer their tapes with a
price attached.

Why is it suddenly open season on Brad?  Do you realize he is one
of a handful of people who willingly takes the abuse of people to
produce a highly-enjoyed newsgroup?  Wait a minute -- that makes
him a member of a minority, and anyone who picks on him is
persecuting a member of a minority.  Yeah, that's the ticket!
You're discrimintaing against him!  Cut it out, you narrow-minded

(The above is about 1/4 :-) -- if you can't figure out which part
is the sarcastic part, you shouldn't even be trying to read

Gene Spafford
NSF/Purdue/U of Florida  Software Engineering Research Center,
Dept. of Computer Sciences, Purdue University, W. Lafayette IN 47907-2004
Internet:  spaf@cs.purdue.edu	uucp:	...!{decwrl,gatech,ucbvax}!purdue!spaf