Go for it! (I think there's a place for TALK.PAGAN, TALK.WICCAN or whatever you choose to ultimately call it. ------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Kevin Cole <Flatline> | Bitnet: KJCOLE@AUVM.BITNET Center for Assessment and | or Demographic Studies (CADS) | KJCOLE@GALLUA.BITNET Gallaudet Research Institute (GRI) | Internet: KJCOLE@GALLUX.GALLAUDET.EDU 800 Florida Avenue, N.E. | UUCP: ...!psuvax!gallua.bitnet!kjcole Washington, D.C. 20002-3625 | CompuServe: 76167,1406 (202) 651-5575 | The WELL: kjcole ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "The problem with opinions is that everyone's entitled to their own" - KJC