[news.groups] comp.sys.apple2.tech discussion

farrier@Apple.COM (Cary Farrier) (11/14/89)

So far, I have observed the following:

	1. List subscribers fear that they may not have access to the
	   new newsgroup.

	2. A clarification of the name of the new newsgroup is in order.

	3. More information on the charter of both newsgroups has
	   been requested.

	4. A standard monthly article which would describe the
	   purpose and contents of the newsgroups is needed.

Let's address these items:

1. List subscribers fear that they may not have access to the new newsgroup.

	This may/may not pose a problem, depending on whether or not the
	INFO-APPLE list is picked up by somebody.  Assuming that the list
	is picked up, perhaps this solution may be solved thus:

		Add a capability to the list processor which would allow
		the subscription to *both* comp.sys.apple and the new
		newsgroup.  This would not require an additional burden
		on the part of the system administrators already on
		the list, and would relieve some anxiety on the part
		of the users who may have trouble convincing their
		hosts.  Summary: list subscribers will be able
		to access both newsgroups.

2. A clarification of the name of the new newsgroup is in order.

	So far I have heard two names suggested, they are listed
	below along with my thoughts on them:


			I suppose I don't need to elaborate. :-)

			While this is probably a more adept description,
			I feel that it excludes those who may be developing
			hardware either now or in the future, and I am
			not sure if the name is too long for the
			newsgroup naming conventions.

3. More information on the charter of both newsgroups has been requested.
	Here, again, are my views:


		A general discussion forum of interest to the Apple II
		user base.  In this newsgroup, the typical article would
		probably contain information about :

			- computer systems for sale
			- help with applications software
			- surveys aimed at users
			- etc.


		A technical discussion forum of interest to the Apple II
		programmer base.  In this newsgroup, the typical article
		would probably contain information about :

			- Toolbox Information
			- GS/OS, ProDOS 8, ProDOS 16 information
			- Hardware Information
			- etc.

4. A standard monthly article describing the content and purpose of
   each newsgroup is needed.

	I am willing to take on this responsibility.  I would like to
	ask that all persons with ideas for these articles to send
	them to me (farrier@apple.com), and *also* to post them to the
	comp.sys.apple newsgroup for general discussion.  I will 
	post a draft of the articles within one or two weeks.  

  	If all goes well, I will create a script to add to my .login 
	file which will automatically send the articles out once a month,
 	or at an interval deemed appropriate.

Cary Farrier
| Cary Farrier | farrier@apple.com       |