[news.groups] ** CALL FOR DISCUSSION: talk.problems

fargo@pawl.rpi.edu (Irwin M. Fargo) (11/19/89)

Just a reminder that there are 6 more days left in the discussion period for

And, if there are no objections, I'd like the name to be talk.problems in-
stead of talk.troubles.
   Ethan Young

Thank you and happy hunting!             Actually: Ethan M. Young
  ____ [> SB <]    "Travel IS life"      Internet: fargo@pawl.rpi.edu
 /__   -=>??<=-       - Irwin M. Fargo   Bitnet (??): usergac0@rpitsmts.bitnet
/   ARGO : 3000 years of regression from the year 4990
--russ (nelson@clutx [.bitnet | .clarkson.edu])
Live up to the light thou hast, and more will be granted thee.
A recession now appears more than 2 years away -- John D. Mathon, 4 Oct 1989.
I think killing is value-neutral in and of itself. -- Gary Strand, 8 Nov 1989.

jzitt@zitt.austin.ibm.com (11/22/89)

> And, if there are no objections, I'd like the name to be talk.problems in-
> stead of talk.troubles.

Good move. I like it.

Joe Zitt  JOEZ@AUSVM6 (512)823-5111 Office 8A-45, Building 998, IBM,
Austin, TX 
INTERNET: ...cs.utexas.edu!ibmaus!auschs!zitt.austin.ibm.com!jzitt
ALSO    : ...attctc!elephant!joe                [ Eep... Opp ... Ork... Ah-Ah ]