terese@sherlock.cs.concordia.ca (PONNIAH) (12/19/89)
Black Belt Systems from here in Montreal have apparently enginneered a device will cost around 300$ and do the following ( and I quote): * 256 thousand simultaneous colors on screen, Ham-E mode * Up to 236 directly usable color registers in 8-bit HAM mode. * Complete "color cycling" capability for 59 or 236 color regs. * All color regs. are 24 bit accurate ( 8 bits/color-gun) * Both modes can be animated using standard anim type tools. * Both modes are completely IFF compatible. * Both modes may be overscanned by existing show and slideshow tools * Both modes are supported by existing slideshow tools. * Both modes may be interlaced or non-interlaced. * No cpu-overhead involved in maintaining the image * All normal Amiga modes pass thru unaffected. * Amiga modes are still genlockable. * Both new modes are genlockable. * Image memory is BLITTER and CPU accessable. * Screens are fully "vertical slide", "overlay", & "front/back" * Works on all amigas. * Quality RGB output - not composite. * Externally powered. * FCC approved (!!!) The aboce was copied without permission from the handouts which I acquired from a Commodore official. This is VERY new. IE, No one in the states or anyshere else have heard of this product. If it is for real, ... PS: Does anyone else know about this? Stefy LePew Wefster <--- the guy with the juggling girlfriend.