[news.groups] it always amazes me...

chuq@Apple.COM (Chuq Von Rospach) (12/22/89)

It always amazes me how USENET (including myself) can get itself hyped up
about things that Do Not Matter.

We spend hours and megabytes nitpicking about comma placement in newsgroup
guidelines, when the fact is the guidelines are unenforceable and

People build the hype with emotionally charged words like 'rape' or
'fascist' so that the discussion immediately drops into one of
emotional, subjective flamage rather than trying define problems and
find answers.

We spend endless hours arguing trivia, and no time discussing the real
problems: high volume, high noise, abusive posters, incorrect 'facts' and
incompetent 'experts'.

The 'rape' of USENET? It's something that's been going on for years. We had
this argument over GEnie before. What happened? Nothing. We had this
argument over Portal before. What happened? Nothing. We had this argument
over commercial public access systems before. What happened? Nothing. We had
this argument over CompuServe before. What happened? Nothing.

Now we're having this discussion again. The same people will roll out the
same emotionally-laden and factually empty rhetoric. The same people will
disagree with their normal opponents. The same names will be used to call
the same people the same nasty things. Lines and lines and megabytes will
flow, emotions will run high and nasty stuff will be said that anyone with
any reason will later regret. What will happen? Nothing.

So why bother? There are lots of *real* problems on USENET that go wanting
because they aren't 'easy', there's no 'quick fix' and because they'd take
work. They also don't lend themselves well to rhetoric, argument or
emotional flamage. So they get ignored. So nothing happens.

So why bother? On the other hand, we'll go from argument to argument, with
the same people yelling the same things at each other regardless of topic,
creating topics out of thin air if one peters out without a convenient
crisis at hand.

So why bother? Because USENET is not an information network, it's an
argument network. We're not here to help each other, we're here to yell at
each other. Arguing is fun, it's time-consuming, it generates egoboo and
responses. it's easy. Fixing problems takes work. It's easier to yell at
someone else for not having fixed it.

So why bother? Let's have an argument instead. We won't fix anything, but we
can prove how politically correct we are, and then we can go on to some
argument knowing we fought the good fight, and if it didn't solve anything,
well, we did our best.


Chuq Von Rospach   <+>   chuq@apple.com   <+>   [This is myself speaking]

For herein may be seen noble chivalry, courtesy, humanity, friendliness,
cowardice, murder, hate, virtue and sin. Do after the good and leave the
evil, and it shall bring you to good fame and renown. -- Malory