[news.groups] DISCUSSION: What about: news.readers.nn

storm@texas.dk (Kim F. Storm) (12/09/89)

jtc@van-bc.UUCP (J.T. Conklin) writes:

>The question of a newsgroup for newsreaders remains.  The responses
>I received indicates that one is desired.

And so does my poll for interest in a news.software.nn group.

My main interest is of course to get a news group dedicated to the nn
news reader.  At the time of the CFD, the only logical name for it was
(in my humble opinion) news.software.nn.

From the responses to my poll and J.T's poll it seems that
news.software.* is mainly intended for news transport systems, 
and not readers.

I would therefore like to hit two birds with one stone, and suggest
that we create a new


hierarchy, and that 


becomes the first subgroup in that hierarchy.

The `news.readers' group could then be open for discussions on the
news readers without a dedicated group.

The benefits we get are:

- Short, logical group names.
- No interference with the hierarcy for news transports.
- news.readers is a natural place to discuss "homeless" news readers.
- A later (unrelated) renaming of news.software.* to news.transports.*
  will be possible if so desired (I don't care!)

What more do you want ?-)

Kim F. Storm        storm@texas.dk        Tel +45 429 174 00
Texas Instruments, Marielundvej 46E, DK-2730 Herlev, Denmark
	  No news is good news, but nn is better!

steve@groucho.ucar.edu (Steve Emmerson) (12/09/89)

storm@texas.dk (Kim F. Storm) writes:

>The benefits we get are:

>- Short, logical group names.
>- No interference with the hierarcy for news transports.
>- news.readers is a natural place to discuss "homeless" news readers.
>- A later (unrelated) renaming of news.software.* to news.transports.*
>  will be possible if so desired (I don't care!)

Sounds good to me.  An even shorter name would be "news.ui.nn".

Would people be confused about the "ui"?

--Steve Emmerson	steve@unidata.ucar.edu

peter@ficc.uu.net (Peter da Silva) (12/09/89)

What about news.software.nn? I don't see anything in news.software.* that
implies that it's only for transports, and I didn't get that impression from
the poll. It's just that news transport is something that tends to get
discussed more, simply because if your news transport has something wrong
with it everyone knows right away. Whereas most of the time newsreader
problems are fixed locally or stoicly endured.

Go ahead on news.software.nn. I'll vote for it.
`-_-' Peter da Silva. +1 713 274 5180. <peter@ficc.uu.net>.
 'U`  Also <peter@ficc.lonestar.org> or <peter@sugar.lonestar.org>.

      "If you want PL/I, you know where to find it." -- Dennis

bill@twwells.com (T. William Wells) (12/09/89)

In article <429@texas.dk> storm@texas.dk (Kim F. Storm) writes:
: I would therefore like to hit two birds with one stone, and suggest
: that we create a new
:       news.readers
: hierarchy, and that
:       news.readers.nn

Hey, I'm a news reader! Is this group for me? :-)

Seriously, the idea has merit, but the name news.readers could
stand a rethink.

Bill                    { uunet | novavax | ankh | sunvice } !twwells!bill

david@indetech.com (David Kuder) (12/14/89)

In article <5628@ncar.ucar.edu> steve@groucho.ucar.edu (Steve Emmerson) writes:
>storm@texas.dk (Kim F. Storm) writes:
>>  ... news.readers ... news.readers.nn ...

>Sounds good to me.  An even shorter name would be "news.ui.nn".
>Would people be confused about the "ui"?

Probably no more than by news.readers.  I can just see it now:
	news.readers.  Hey, I'm a news reader, I guess that's where
	I'll post my observations about the Berlin wall.
Of course, news.ui would attract the people confused about NeWS from SMI.
David A. Kuder                                               Now what coach?
415 438-2003  david@indetech.com  {uunet,sun,sharkey,pacbell}!indetech!david

mehl@cs.iastate.edu (Mark M Mehl) (12/17/89)

bill@twwells.com (T. William Wells) writes:
>In article <429@texas.dk> storm@texas.dk (Kim F. Storm) writes:
>: I would therefore like to hit two birds with one stone, and suggest
>: that we create a new
>:       news.readers
>: hierarchy, and that
>:       news.readers.nn

>Hey, I'm a news reader! Is this group for me? :-)

>Seriously, the idea has merit, but the name news.readers could
>stand a rethink.

Yes, the name could be confusing to a new Usenetter.  That's why a name
like news.software.readers.nn would be better.  Of course, if Usenet
plans to rename news.software.* to news.transport.*, then the earlier
proposed name (news.readers.nn) may have to do.

Incidently, I like nn very much and would support a news group for it.
I only wonder what's going to happen to the group
news.newusers.questions since it's already devoted to answering news
reader questions.  In fact, I've thought about posting some of my own
nn questions there.  Would it be better to simply replace
news.newusers.questions with news.readers.questions.[rn,nn]?  Afterall,
this would be the place for "news readers" (the human type) to post
their questions, and I think even the newuser could figure this out
from this title.
 /\ Mark M Mehl, alias Superticker (Supertickler to some)
<><> Internet: mehl@atanasoff.cs.IAstate.edu
 \/ UUCP: {{mailrus,umix}!sharkey,hplabs!hp-lsd,uunet}!atanasoff!mehl
Disclaimer: You got to be kidding; who would want to claim anything I said?

bill@twwells.com (T. William Wells) (12/20/89)

In article <236@dino.cs.iastate.edu> mehl@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu writes:
: Incidently, I like nn very much and would support a news group for it.
: I only wonder what's going to happen to the group
: news.newusers.questions since it's already devoted to answering news
: reader questions.

That is not what it is for. N.n.q. exists for asking whatever
question that a neophyte (or even a not so neophyte) might have.
Here's the charter for news.newusers.questions:

	"A forum for relatively inexperienced users of Usenet to ask
	questions relating to Usenet and electronic mail. This is the
	place where you should feel free to ask that silly question
	you'd be embarrassed to ask in any other newsgroup."

Certainly there are a lot of "how do I get my newsreader to do X"
questions, but those are not the only ones.

One thing that does not happen often enough is redirecting
discussions of questions raised in n.n.q. to an appropriate
newsgroup, one reason being that such a newsgroup often does not

With the creation of groups like news.software.nn (or whatever)
there will now be a place to direct new users to that they can
get good answers from.

Which is to say, I'm for such a group.

Bill                    { uunet | novavax | ankh | sunvice } !twwells!bill

karen@everexn.uucp (Karen Valentino) (12/22/89)

mehl@cs.iastate.edu (Mark M Mehl) writes:

>Would it be better to simply replace
>news.newusers.questions with news.readers.questions.[rn,nn]?  Afterall,
>this would be the place for "news readers" (the human type) to post
>their questions, and I think even the newuser could figure this out
>from this title.

NO!  N.n.q. is not only for questions about nn and other newsreaders--
it is for questions having to do with newsreading *and* email, as well
as questions about Usenet protocol.  Keep n.n.q., and add news.software.nn.

  Karen Valentino  <>  Everex North (Everex Systems)  <>  Sebastopol, CA
      ..uunet!everexn!karen      ..pacbell!mslbrb!everexn!karen
  "the relativity and polar relationship of all opposites are merely two
 sides of the same reality..." Fritjof Capra, quoted by Salvador Minuchen