[news.groups] The "*" in "*.herpetology"

xanthian@saturn.ADS.COM (Metafont Consultant Account) (02/13/90)

In article <7482@yunexus.UUCP> gall@yunexus.UUCP (Norm Gall) writes:
>ka@cs.washington.edu (Kenneth Almquist) writes:

>| Subjects like anthropology are usually referred to as social sciences
>| rather than as humanities.  So how about "hss", short for "humanities
>| and social sciences"?

>This is a good idea.....

>now let's stop talking about it and _do_ it......

OK, so now where do I put the up-and-coming herpetology mid-level news
group?  Do I place it by the sound of the top-level name, or by its
intended meaning of the top-level meaning?

Anyway, hss.herpetology.snakes sure sounds good to me!  ;-)
Again, my opinions, not the account furnishers'.

xanthian@well.sf.ca.us (Kent Paul Dolan)
xanthian@ads.com - expiring soon; please use Well address for replies.
Kent, the (bionic) man from xanth, now available as a build-a-xanthian
kit at better toy stores near you.  Warning - some parts proven fragile.
-> METAFONT, TeX, graphics programming done on spec -- (415) 964-4486 <-

gall@yunexus.UUCP (Norm Gall) (02/14/90)

xanthian@saturn.ADS.COM (Metafont Consultant Account) writes:

| OK, so now where do I put the up-and-coming herpetology mid-level news
| group?  Do I place it by the sound of the top-level name, or by its
| intended meaning of the top-level meaning?

| Anyway, hss.herpetology.snakes sure sounds good to me!  ;-)

Hee hee hee... now seriously folks...

seems like sci.zoo(ology).herpetology to me...

hmmm...... sci.zoo.*


"The  mythology  of the  language   machine  is  the   mythology  of a
technologically advanced society which has not yet  come to terms with
its own linguistic self-awareness."  			  -- R. Harris

jeffd@ficc.uu.net (jeff daiell) (02/14/90)

In article <10834@saturn.ADS.COM>, xanthian@saturn.ADS.COM (Metafont Consultant Account) writes:
> In article <7482@yunexus.UUCP> gall@yunexus.UUCP (Norm Gall) writes:
> >ka@cs.washington.edu (Kenneth Almquist) writes:
> >| Subjects like anthropology are usually referred to as social sciences
> >| rather than as humanities.  So how about "hss", short for "humanities
> >| and social sciences"?
> OK, so now where do I put the up-and-coming herpetology mid-level news
> group?  Do I place it by the sound of the top-level name, or by its
> intended meaning of the top-level meaning?
> Anyway, hss.herpetology.snakes sure sounds good to me!  ;-)

There's not a sibilance of truth in that.


Pun for the day:

             "I'm a sucker for vampire stories."
                             -- Chuq von Rospach

jeffd@ficc.uu.net (jeff daiell) (02/14/90)

In article <7534@yunexus.UUCP>, gall@yunexus.UUCP (Norm Gall) writes:
> xanthian@saturn.ADS.COM (Metafont Consultant Account) writes:
> | OK, so now where do I put the up-and-coming herpetology mid-level news
> | group?  Do I place it by the sound of the top-level name, or by its
> | intended meaning of the top-level meaning?
> seems like sci.zoo(ology).herpetology to me...
> hmmm...... sci.zoo.*
>            sci.botany.*

Let me object to the latter on Peter's behalf.  Being from Australia,
he'd probably prefer to keep botany at bay.

Pun for the day:

             "I'm a sucker for vampire stories."
                             -- Chuq von Rospach