[news.groups] ParaNet Digest

mcorbin@scicom.AlphaCDC.COM (Michael Corbin) (02/15/90)

                           ON THE MOVE

While  we  all realize that the world of BBSing is a  fun  hobby,
ParaNet takes a fun hobby and makes it more exciting!

ParaNet Information Service is the world's largest  investigative
news  organizations to ever come to your home.  Now you  can  get
up-to-the-minute  news  and  information  on  one  of  the   most
mysterious  phenomena and paranormal events in human  history  --
UFOs.   For  over forty years Unidentified  Flying  Objects  have
intrigued some of the finest minds in the world.

Michael  Corbin,  ParaNet's Owner and Director,  states,  "People
have  always wondered about the implications that UFOs  pose  not
only to mankind, but to science and technology.  This  phenomenon
is one of the most misunderstood that faces us."

Over the years the governments of the world have collected  data,
artifacts,  and  have  conducted  scientific  research,  but  the
information   disappears  into  a  shroud  of  secrecy  held   by
government officials.

Officially,  the  U.S. Air Force got out of the UFO  business  in
1969  with the death of Project Blue Book, a military-headed  UFO
investigation  group  spanning  many  years  of  the  present-day
mystery.  Although the government continues to contend that  UFOs
do  not  exist, recent efforts by Citizens Against  UFO  Secrecy,
a  group  of  concerned  citizens  headed  by  Larry  Fawcett  of
Conneticut,   have  uncovered  previously  classified   documents
through  the Freedom of Information Act dating after 1969's  Blue
Book death that clearly displays that the government continues to
study UFOs.  All the while, the nation is kept in the dark  about
the  true  aspects of this mystery by virtue of a  silent  policy
held by the nation's media.

"Many  people  would be surprised to know how  much  is  actually
going  on  today.  But, the media fails to report  on  it,"  says

Enter ParaNet.  Since its inception over three years ago, it  has
developed  relationships  with the scientific  and  investigative
community  and  funnels this information to the  public  via  its
international  electronic computer network.  ParaNet also has  an
investigative  branch headed by Robert B. Klinn, an  investigator
with  over  25 years experience and was an associate  of  Dr.  J.
Allen  Hynek, considered to be a world leader in UFOlogy.   Klinn
also  has been credited with locating and tracking down  hard  to
investigate  cases  and  has  received  acknowledgment  in    Len
Stringfield's  book Situation Red.  For over three  years,  Klinn
co-authored a syndicated newspaper column -- The Continuing  UFO.
This background greatly enhances ParaNet's ability to investigate
incoming cases through its international reporting center,  which
is manned 24-hours per day.

Recently, ParaNet expanded its network operations into the world-
wide Unix environment and currently publishes an electronic  news
digest  containing its daily echomail traffic.  This  digest  and
other  information  is  available to over  61,000  users  not  to
mention  Compuserve Information Service which has a user base  of
over 400,000 world-wide.

"It's  an  electronic revolution," Corbin stated.   "Through  our
international  reporting  center  we can take  a  report,  assign
investigators  and place a report on the network.   Thousands  of
our  subscribers  can  be  in touch and know  what  is  going  on
virtually instantly."

ParaNet  has also expanded beyond the electronic environment  and
has established relationships with UFO organizations such as  the
Australian UFO Research Society, the Mutual UFO Network  (MUFON),
and the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS).

ParaNet  has  so  much to offer.  Beside having  the  ability  to
interact  with luminaries such as Phil Imbrogno, author of  Night
Siege  (Hudson Valley UFOs), Dr. Bruce Maccabee,  Navy  physicist
and photographic expert, and thousands of interested subscribers,
ParaNet has a vast electronic library containing news  clippings,
articles   submitted  by  subscribers,  and  one  of   the   most
comprehensive  research  libraries found anywhere on  matters  of
science, religion and other topics.  Recently, ParaNet introduced
a bi-monthly publication called Oddysey.

For  further  information  on ParaNet, or to join the ParaNet Digest, contact
Michael Corbin by phone at [303]232-8303 or by net mail at
mcorbin@scicom.alphacdc.com or infopara-request@scicom.alphacdc.com

You  may  also wish to visit one of our  many  affiliates  listed
below.  These are PC nodes.


  ParaNet Information Service
  Michael Corbin, Administrator
  P.O. Box 928
  Wheatridge, CO  80034-0928
  Telephone: (303)232-8303 Office
  Telephone: (303)232-6115 Data
  International Voice Hotline: (303)431-3703
  FidoNet Address:  1:104/422
  ParaNet Private Address:  30163/0
  Internet Address:  mcorbin@scicom.alphacdc.com
  UUCP Address:  scicom!mcorbin
  Don Ecker, Public Relations 30163/0
  Bryon Smith, Public Relations 30163/14
  Michael Corbin, Network Development 30163/1
  Bob Fletcher, Bureau Chief/Australian Bureau 30163/401
  Archie Clark, Bureau Chief/United Kingdom Bureau 30163/301
  Doug Rogers, Echo Moderator 30163/3
  Robert B. Klinn, Director of Investigations/Research 30163/0
  Please direct all inquiries to Alpha at 104/422 or 30163/0

  Board      Location             Sysop              Data Phone    Baud
  FIDO Add   ParaNet Address      CIS ID             Remarks
  OMEGA-ALPHA   Kingsbury Vic , Australia       011-61-3-467-7984  9600
  30163/401                     Bob Fletcher  Bureau Chief
  OMEGA-BETA  Mentone, Victoria, Australia      011-61-3-583-4778  2400
  30163/402                      John Marsden
  OMEGA-GAMMA Launceston, Tasmania, Australia   011-61-3-44-9762   2400
  30163/403                      Roy Austen
  OMEGA-DELTA Chippendale, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  30163/404                      Lance Lyon     011-61-2-319-1793  2400
  OMEGA-EPSILON   Milton, Victoria             **Temporarily Out of Service**
  30163/405                      Darren Moore
  OMEGA-ZETA     Melba, A.C.T., Australia       011-61-62-587-160  2400
  30163/406                      Scott Furry
  OMEGA-THETA    Dalkeith, Western Australia    011-61-9-386-2405   2400
  30163/408                      Andrew Milner
  OMEGA-ETA      Lane Cove, New South Wales     011-002-428-2446    2400
  30163/407                      Grame Thompson
  OMEGA-IOTA     Kendall, New South Wales       011-065-59-4537     9600
  30163/409                      John Caine
  OMEGA-KAPPA    Blacktown, New South Wales     011-61-2-622-9591   2400
  30163/410                      Robert Jones
  OMEGA-LAMBDA   Redfern, New South Wales       011-61-2-319-0925   2400
  30163/411                      Jodi Jackson
  OMEGA-MU       Footscray, Victoria             **Private System**
  30163/412                      Ken Hayes
  OMEGA-NU       Ferntree, Gully, Australia     011-61-3-758-9573   2400
  30163/413                     Lincoln Broomhall

  Board      Location             Sysop              Data Phone    Baud
  FIDO Add   ParaNet Address      CIS ID             Remarks
  ALPHA      Denver, Colorado   Michael Corbin       303-232-6115  9600
  30163/1                       Headquarters Node
  ALPHA-BETA   Marion      , IA Peter Elliff         319-377-0134  9600
  ALPHA-CENTAURI San Francisco, CA Rick Moen         415-648-8944  2400
  30163/25                The Skeptic's Board
  ALPHA-GAMMA    Cullman   , AL  Jerry Woody         205-739-1469  2400
  30163/24                Frontier BBS
  ALPHA-DELTA   Los Angeles, CA  Don Ecker            **Private System**
  ALPHA-EPSILON  Alexandria, VA  Steve Rose          703-823-6591  2400
  30163/26                   ABySS BBS
  ALPHA-ZETA   Arlington   , TX  Edward Nicol        817-261-6641  2400
  ALPHA-THETA     Cutten   , CA  Randy Alexander     707-442-9376  2400
  30163/10          ALT-NET  Note: Limited Hours 2:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. PST
  ALPHA-ETA      Rochester , NY  Jerry Seward        716-436-2759  9600
  30163/28         Rochester UFO Study Group
  BETA                     ,

  GAMMA      Lexington     , KY Doug Rogers          606-271-0558  2400
  DELTA      Saskatoon     , Saskatchewan            306-934-2919  9600
  30163/4                    Canada  John Bowden
  EPSILON    Warren        , MI Jacques Leclerc      313-751-4057  2400
  ZETA       Bethany Park  , IN   Terry Fields       317-831-1827  2400
  KAPPA      Manassas      , VA  Jim MacDiarmid
  30163/202                  The Time Portal         703-368-4642  2400
  LAMBDA     Fairport      , NY   Brad Langton        716-377-3985 2400
  30163/7                                                   Near CSICOP!
  MU         Sandy Hook    , CT  Brett Siedman        203-270-1913 2400
  30163/8                        Heartbreak Hotel
  NU-ALPHA   Winter Park   , FL  Ken Macht            407-273-9104 2400
  30163/9                        Gallifrey
  NU-BETA    Orlando       , FL  Mac an Druaidh       407-859-2243 2400
  30163/18                       The System
  NU-GAMMA   Cape Coral    , FL  Bob Sabo             813-549-5158 2400
  30163/17                       Genesis II
  NU-DELTA   Orlando       , FL  John Hicks           407-649-4135 9600
  30163/29                   Gourmet Delight

  XI-BETA    Oklahoma City , OK  Paul Ellison          405-681-6323 2400
  XI-GAMMA        Luther   , OK  Rod Wilson            405-277-3603 2400
  30163/204                      Paraclypse III
  OMICRON     Bushkill     , PA    Paul Faeder         717-588-7549 9600
  PI                       ,

  RHO         Chicago      , IL   Jerry Ablan          312-876-3652 1200
  RHO-BETA    Ingleside    , IL   Jerry Callahan       312-740-2072 9600
  TAU        Fort Smith    , AR   Bryon Smith           501-646-5812 2400
  TAU-BETA   Muldrow       , OK   Donnie Burton         **Private System*
  TAU-GAMMA  Atlanta       , GA   Kevin Pierce          404-355-5625 9600
  30163/12                        Visions-3D
  TAU-DELTA   Memphis      , TN   John Komar            901-785-4943 2400
  30163/21                        GUFOS/MUFON
  TAU-EPSILON Memphis      , TN   Edward Melville       901-372-6511 9600
  30163/30                        Hefty's Village

  PHI        Tacoma        , WA   Lee Fellenberg     206-756-9689    2400
  30163/16                        North End Skyscraper
  CHI        Nashua        , NH   Ralph Schwarz      603-888-3840    9600
  30163/2                         The Outpost BBS
  PSI        Flagstaff     , AZ   Linda Murphy          **Private System**
  ZETA-RETICULI  Phoenix   , AZ   Jim Speiser        602-951-3458    9600
  30163/20                        USOP BBS


  Board      Location             Sysop              Data Phone    Baud
  FIDO Add   ParaNet Address      CIS ID             Remarks
  THETA      Fareham       , UK   Archie Clark   011-44-329-45824  9600
  30163/301                  The Spider's Web      Bureau Chief/United Kingdom
  IOTA       Gosport       , UK   Simon Rowe     011-44-705-511501 2400
  30163/302                  The Shadow BBS           International!


  Board      Location              Sysop              Data Phone    Baud
  FIDO Add   ParaNet Address       CIS ID             Remarks
  SIGMA-ALPHA  Berlin      , Germany Andre' Eichner  011-49-30-791-9269
  30163/303                                                        9600
  SIGMA-BETA   Darmstadt   , Germany Hendrik Bohm    011-49-6257-7966
  30163/304                                                         2400
  SIGMA-GAMMA  Berlin      , Germany Detlef Deutzer  011-30-624-98-32
  30163/305                                                         2400