[news.groups] Jumping to Racial Conclusions

austin@bucsf.bu.edu (Austin H. Ziegler, III) (02/25/90)

>>>>> On 21 Feb 90 19:07:44 GMT, bahman@nixtor.uucp (Bahman Koohestani) said:

Bahman> dragon@eleazar.dartmouth.edu (Sam Conway) writes:
>I have received e-mail which has indicated that the initial posting about
>the new "soc.culture.iranian" was intended as a joke.  An inside joke,
>it would seem, which makes it uniquely inappropriate to be posted to
>a worldwide network.
>If this is the case, I am disappointed that the originator hasn't
>made mention of this fact, but rather allows the Net to be clogged up
>with followups from those who believe it to be sincere.
>Let us assume it is a joke, as indeed it must be, and allow it to pass
>quietly into memory.

Bahman> Hmm.....
Bahman> I sense a racial hostility here. I wonder, is it only Iranians that
Bahman> you are against or it is also (Indians, Blacks, Russians, etc.).

	I sense a lack of looking back at article parents or seeing the
article that Sam is talking about.  Let me show you the relevant portions
of the original header to the article that Sam is talking about:

|    Original Article as Recieved by my machine [edited for readability]    |
| Path: bu.edu!snorkelwacker!bionet!hayes!wisner                            |
| From: wisner@hayes.fai.alaska.edu (Bill Wisner)                           | 
| Newsgroups: news.groups, news.admin, rec.arts.comics, rec.arts.startrek,  | 
|             rec.arts.tv.soaps, soc.men, alt.rock-n-roll.metal, alt.flame, | 
|             talk.abortion, talk.bizarre, misc.taxes, talk.politics,       | 
|             misc.legal                                                    | 
| Subject: soc.culture.iranian                                              | 
| Date: 19 Feb 90 22:09:48 GMT                                              | 
| Sender: wisner@hayes.uucp (Bill Wisner)                                   |  
| Reply-To: wisner@hayes.fai.alaska.edu (Bill Wisner)                       | 
| Organization: The Wisner Salvage and Really Wild Stuff Corporation        | 
| Lines: 8                                                                  |  
|                                                                           |
| I wish to say here that I completely and wholeheartedly support the       | 
| timely creation of soc.culture.iranian. It should prove to be an          |
| extremely valuable forum for Iranians and those who are merely interested |
| in that great country. Please record my YES vote. Thank you.              |
|                                                                           |
| Yours very sincerely,                                                     |
|                                                                           |
| Bill Wisner <wisner@hayes.fai.alaska.edu> Gryphon Gang Fairbanks AK 99775 |

	Pay special attention to the Newsgroups: line, duplicated here so
that you can see it again:

Newsgroups: news.groups, news.admin, rec.arts.comics, rec.arts.startrek,
            rec.arts.tv.soaps, soc.men, alt.rock-n-roll.metal, alt.flame,
            talk.abortion, talk.bizarre, misc.taxes, talk.politics, misc.legal

	Of the groups that I see in the Newsgroups line, the only ones that
really apply to this posting, Bahman, are probably news.groups, alt.flame,
and talk.bizarre, although the latter is debatable.

Bahman> Or are you one of those people who thinks that Americans are the
Bahman> best thing happened to the world since the invension of sliced

	Offense taken because you (*NOT* Iranians in general) are too
ignorant of previous articles to understand the reference that Sam was
talking about.

Bahman> Or perhaphs you think that American men are the best race in the world?

	He never even hinted at that.

Bahman> The curiosity is killing me. You and I should get together and do
Bahman> lunch. I can see that I really can learn so much from you.

	He might be able to teach you, but I'm not really sure that you
could learn.

Bahman> Oooooh, I get it. You don't like the actions of the Iranian
Bahman> government. Oh, well, I am sure that a lot of people don't like the
Bahman> action of the U.S.  government or the ... government. But, hell, I
Bahman> say let's judge races and people by the action of their governments
Bahman> (or "so called" reps). Then the whole world will hate each other
Bahman> and YOU'll have so much fun. Jeee...

	1.  The whole world does hate each other.
	2.  It's because of closed-minded fools like you.  I will be one of
the first people to admit that I am prejudiced, although I would prefer not
being so.  If I meet an Iranian or a Russian on the streets, I will not be
unfriendly to them, but I will not necessarily go out of my way to be kind
to them because of ingrained social attitudes.
	3.  Of course, this could be avoided if we could judge people by
what they really were, what they *completely* said (including what they
were reacting to).  But based on what you posted about Sam, I see that is
not possible yet.

Bahman> Let me give you some fantesies: 
Bahman> Nuc Iran (how is that, you like that, I thought you would)
Bahman> Kill all Iranian children (wipe out the race, how was that?)
Bahman> Rape all the Iranian women and kill the men ?

	You, my friend, have a sick mind.  Like I said, it comes from being
closed-minded.  I suppose you have fantasized these yourself?  That must be
the only way you could come up with these absolutely idiotic suggestions.

Bahman> Well, I tried to use small words so you can understand what I am trying
Bahman> to get across. If you have missed my point, I am sorry, but you are
Bahman> hopeless. You will leave a life of hate for you fellow mankind (today
Bahman> is Iranians and tomorrow is somebody else).

	Well, Bahman, it seems you are the hopeless one, because you have
absolutely no sense of humor.  Bill Wisner's original posting when one
thinks about it is very funny.  Mr. Wisner may actually agree with the
possible creation, but he may have been commenting on the ever expanding
soc.culture.* groups.  In fact, I believe that there was a discussion in
news.groups on that very fact.  I think Mr. Wisner just  happened to note
that the last group people expected to see (soc.culture.iranian) announced
(I know I didn't think it would get this bad with the number of
soc.culture.* groups...) and decided to tell many, many people.
	Sam was just reacting to the number of groups it was posted to, in
particular, one where such discussions do not belong normally.

	People like you keep idiocy alive.  (Pay attention to the .sig,
Bahman, I think it fits you perfectly!)

disclaimer: none.
anti-flame: none.
anger:      high.
just my two bursts,
| The surgeon general of the United States of America has determined that  |
| reading USENET turns your brain to jelly, leaving nothing to claim or to |
| disclaim. +--------------------------------------------------------------+
+-----------+ Austin Ziegler   austin@bucsf.bu.edu or austin@buengf.bu.edu |
| 700 Commonwealth Box 2094, Boston, Massachusetts  02215    BUENG '93     |