[news.groups] 2nd CALL FOR DISCUSSION: comp.sw-testing

etxtsg@solsta8.solsta.ericsson.se (Thomas Grennefors TX/DKI) (08/13/90)

The purpose of this group will be to discuss software testing. This will include
for example (but not only):

1. Discussion about different software testing methods.

2. Discussion about problems with software testing.

3. Discussion about different tools for software testing.
4. And other software testing related topics.

We have groups for software development but there isn't any group
for software testing, which i feel is one of the most important 
stages in software development.

I propose that this group will be unmoderated. 

The Discussion period will last for 30 days end thus end September 1

If there is sufficient interest the voting period will begin and last
for 30 days ending October 1 . A call for votes will be posted.

!Thomas Grennefors               ! proud member off    Armaments 2:9-21
!Ericsson Telecom,Karlstad       ! THHS krfc (tlps) 
!Email:etxtsg@solsta.ericsson.se !Three shalt be the number thou shalt count..
What do you mean?  An African or European swallow?

cox@stpstn.UUCP (Brad Cox) (08/14/90)

In article <ETXTSG.90Aug13101842@solsta8.solsta.ericsson.se> etxtsg@solsta8.solsta.ericsson.se (Thomas Grennefors  TX/DKI) writes:
>The purpose of this group will be to discuss software testing.

Please, do not name this group *testing*, as if testing can be 
considered in isolation, without regard to *specification*.

Testing can be dissected away and considered separately from
implementation, but not even in principle from specification.

Considering specification and testing together would encourage
the group to think about the prospect of specification 'compilers'.
These accept some high-level notation, the specification, and
'compile' it into tests, executable code that determines whether
some putative implementation complies within tolerance to its 

Brad Cox; cox@stepstone.com; CI$ 71230,647; 203 426 1875
The Stepstone Corporation; 75 Glen Road; Sandy Hook CT 06482

ashbya@motcid.UUCP (Adam J. Ashby) (08/15/90)

In <5459@stpstn.UUCP> cox@stpstn.UUCP (Brad Cox) writes:

>In article <ETXTSG.90Aug13101842@solsta8.solsta.ericsson.se> etxtsg@solsta8.solsta.ericsson.se (Thomas Grennefors  TX/DKI) writes:
>>The purpose of this group will be to discuss software testing.

>Please, do not name this group *testing*, as if testing can be 
>considered in isolation, without regard to *specification*.

Why not *testing*, I have been software testing for about nine years now
and always managed to include the specifications in my testing.  Your
high level specification test compiler is still testing.  The only
other name that I have come across that covers software testing is
Software Verification. 
Comp.sw-testing sounds good to me, you could have a comp.sw-testing.spec-compiler
group of course.

Please use this as  a "YES" vote whenever voting takes place.

Adam Ashby			| Most, if not all of the above
(+1)(708) 632 3876 - work time	|  came from my mind...and not
(+1)(708) 934 1431 - play time	|   even I have control over 
...!uunet!motcid!ashbya		|      that. - madA 1990

lear@turbo.bio.net (Eliot) (08/16/90)

I sense that this group is being steamrolled through news.groups when
there is really no need for the group at all.  I certainly have not
noticed tons of messages in other groups discussing software testing.
I believe you have your causalities wrong here.  The effect of having
wide spread interest in a topic should be a newsgroup.  We should not
create newsgroups to generate that interest.  Software testing is an
integral part of software engineering.  If and when the software
engineering newsgroup gets overwhelmed with messages regarding testing
procedures, then I would consider making a new newsgroup UNDER the
software engineering newsgroup.

In the meantime, I suggest that it is not necessary to go on with a
call for votes at this time.
Eliot Lear