[news.groups] CALL FOR DISCUSSION: rec.tattoo

cwayne@hydra.unm.edu (Chris Wayne) (11/19/90)

     The purpose for this unmoderated newsgroup is to share or express one's
views on tattoos.  There are widely varying attitudes on the subject.  Some
people seem almost violently against tattoos, others are obsessed about getting
their next one, and then there are the people who just fall in between
somewhere.  As with other hobbies there are myths and misconceptions about
getting tattoos.  This group can help to disprove many of those.  

     Most people who don't care, don't understand or who are against the art
form are usually those who have never been exposed to good quality work.  Most
people know only about the prison inmate and the gang member do-it-yourself
type tattoos.  These tattoos really have nothing to do with tattoo art.
But, again, this group is for expressing yourself :-)  This group could be
useful to those who just admire the work or who are wondering if collecting
tattoos is for them.

     Those who get tattoos come from every walk of life: college students,
professionals, housewives, etc. (including inmates and gang members).

     Obviously, tattooing is a highly visible art form, something not
necessarily suitable for a limited graphic and/or all text medium.  There is
more to tattoos than what is seen: the reasons people get tattoos, the reasons
why they don't, artists to avoid or see, convention news, discussion on history,
style and technique, etc.

     The magazines, "Tattoo" & "Tattoo Revue" are highly recommended if you are
a fan and/or collector.  Ideas for discussions could come from these magazines.

     I took the list of active newsgroups and tried to determine which groups
*might* have a remote interest in tattoos and tattooing, hence the long list.
If you frequent a particular group and think this should not be there, please
no flames, just ignore.  If you think this should be included in a group I
missed, then post it there.  

     Please make sure that whatever group you frequent, that any follow-ups do
indeed go to news.groups - it'll save bandwidth.  If the discussion peaks out
before the 30-day discussion period is over and the feedback is positive, I will
make the call for a vote and if no objections, I will tally them.

Chris Wayne

P.S.  Yes, I have a tattoo, a cheetah on my right ankle.  It is done with the
      black & gray technique by Cap from Fine Line here in Albuquerque, New
      Mexico.  It is very well done and I like to show it off at the swimming
      pools or the outdoor volleyball courts.  My wife has a black panther on
      her right ankle.  (We got them together -- I know, "oh how cute!")  We
      enjoy them very much.  I have been a fan for as long as I can remember,
      but never had the time, money or desire to go get one.  When I met my
      wife, she thought they were ugly.  As time went by though, she began to
      see what I saw - a really beautiful form of art and expression.  For a
      whole year, we discussed getting one and what we could get together and
      finally the time came.  We went and met Cap and he explained what would
      take place.  We told him what we wanted and when we were all satisfied,
      Cap began creating our cats.