[news.groups] Newsgroups moderation, a thought

slamont@network.ucsd.edu (Steve Lamont) (12/02/90)

Now here's a thought.  Why not make USENET moderator's terms a fixed length,
maybe a year?  That way, if a moderator tired of the job or was unable to
perform for one reason or another, there would be a simple and non-ego
threatening way to back out gracefully and in a more or less timely manner.

If no one wished to replace the moderator the group could either be a free for
all (unmoderated) or could be allowed to die a silent and well deserved death.

The only real downside would be the laborious task of collecting nominations
and votes (if an elective method of choosing moderators were implemented).

There may be holes in this the size of an IBM 3090 600E as it sits at the
moment but it seems worth considering.

Note that this is crossposted to news.groups and the followup is set there, as

							spl (the p stands for
							personally, it makes
							sense to me, but then
							again, so does IBM MVS
Steve Lamont, SciViGuy -- 1882p@cc.nps.navy.mil -- a guest on network.ucsd.edu
NPS Confuser Center / Code 51 / Naval Postgraduate School / Monterey, CA 93943
What is truth and what is fable, where is Ruth and where is Mabel?
                       - Director/producer John Amiel, heard on NPR