[news.groups] Correction

hans@lfcs.ed.ac.uk (Hans Huttel) (03/02/90)

I forgot the number of YES votes in the vote result. There were 109 NO
votes AND 115 YES votes for rec.humor.objectivism (still not enough,


Hans H\"{u}ttel, Office 1603        JANET: hans@uk.ac.ed.lfcs
Lab. for Foundations of Comp. Sci.  UUCP:  ..!mcvax!ukc!lfcs!hans
University of Edinburgh             ARPA: hans%lfcs.ed.ac.uk@nsfnet-relay.ac.uk
Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, SCOTLAND ...     Ain't gonna work on Maggie's farm no more!

phillip@soda.berkeley.edu (Phillip "Edward" Nunez) (01/18/91)

This is a correctional post.  In the article I sent a few minutes ago, my
Organization: field was garbled.  I deeply apologize for this error.

Phillip "Edward" Nunez
I'll be releasing the already complete owlspeak version 2.0 real soon
now.  (Owlspeak (c) 1991 Phillip Edward Nunez all rights reserved)
Based upon recent events, I am now writing Propaganda speak.  Watch for
it.  (Propagandaspeak (c) 1991 Phillip Edward Nunez all rights reserved)
Copyright Statement (c) 1991 Phillip Edward Nunez all rights reserved
I'll be releasing the already complete owlspeak version 2.0 real soon
now.  (Owlspeak (c) 1991 Phillip Edward Nunez all rights reserved)
Based upon recent events, I am now writing Propaganda speak.  Watch for
it.  (Propagandaspeak (c) 1991 Phillip Edward Nunez all rights reserved)
Copyright Statement (c) 1991 Phillip Edward Nunez all rights reserved

francis@uchicago.edu (Francis Stracke) (01/19/91)

In article </X234/B491/THE/OWLS/ARE/NOT/WHAT/THEY/SEEM/N005/C001@soda> phillip@soda.berkeley.edu (Phillip "Edward" Nunez) writes:

   Organization: TinyMUCH Development Team (Wanna join? Mail to phillip@soda!)
   Lines: 16

   This is a correctional post.  In the article I sent a few minutes ago, my
   Organization: field was garbled.  I deeply apologize for this error.

   Phillip "Edward" Nunez
   I'll be releasing the already complete owlspeak version 2.0 real soon
   now.  (Owlspeak (c) 1991 Phillip Edward Nunez all rights reserved)
   Based upon recent events, I am now writing Propaganda speak.  Watch for
   it.  (Propagandaspeak (c) 1991 Phillip Edward Nunez all rights reserved)
   Copyright Statement (c) 1991 Phillip Edward Nunez all rights reserved

  [double signature]

For all those who don't get the (rather lame) joke--TinyMUCH is a MUD
that a few people around the country keep insisting that they're
working on.  It's all a hoax (God, I hope it's a hoax), including
rather ridiculous features which I'm not going to explain to
non-MUDders, because you would stare at me as if I'm crazy, which I
am, and you can't see me anyway so I don't know why I'd care.

Wonder how many "What's a MUD?" replies I'll get?

| Francis Stracke		| My opinions are my own.  I don't steal them.|
| Department of Mathematics	|=============================================|
| University of Chicago		| Until you stalk and overrun,	     	      |
| francis@zaphod.uchicago.edu	|  you can't devour anyone. -- Hobbes 	      |

gwh@soda.Berkeley.EDU (George William Herbert) (01/19/91)

In article <FRANCIS.91Jan18110630@daisy.uchicago.edu> francis@uchicago.edu (Francis Stracke) writes:
>In article </X234/B491/THE/OWLS/ARE/NOT/WHAT/THEY/SEEM/N005/C001@soda> phillip@soda.berkeley.edu (Phillip "Edward" Nunez) writes:

We urge everyone in affected newsgroups to ignore phillip.  He is not quite
BIFF, but along the same lines.  

We ignore him if possible.  So ought you.

-george william herbert
gwh@soda  usenet@soda by act of god  i'm going to regret having posted this. 
					i usually do.

gwh@earthquake.Berkeley.EDU (George William Herbert) (05/06/91)

In article <40483@ucbvax.BERKELEY.EDU> gwh@soda.Berkeley.EDU (George William Herbert) writes:
>We urge everyone in affected newsgroups to ignore phillip.  He is not quite
>BIFF, but along the same lines.  
>We ignore him if possible.  So ought you.
>-george william herbert
>gwh@soda  usenet@soda by act of god  i'm going to regret having posted this. 
>					i usually do.

This is either a net.accident or a forgery.  Don't worry about it.


( *sigh* )

  == George William Herbert ==   *   JOAT = Jack Of All Trades = Generalist   *
 == JOAT for Hire: Anything, ==  #########  I do Naval Architecture, ##########
===+++ Anywhere, my price +++=== # Spacecraft Design, UNIX Systems Consulting #
 ==   gwh@ocf.berkeley.edu   ==  # RPG writing/development, and lots of other #
  ==   gwh@gnu.ai.mit.edu   ==   ## random stuff, of course.  I'm a JOAT 8-) ##